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Author Topic: A call to all Heros  (Read 199 times)


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A call to all Heros
« on: February 14, 2006, 11:19:57 pm »
A letter posted on the door of the inn- - it is in spider writing with Ale Stains and small blood splaterings-

Hero's needed. I Gloin be lookin' fer  some stout hearts and sharp blades. I be leadin the Clan Stonebrow againt the invadin Drow. Finally tha tiome has come ta teach those drow that if'n thay be watin a fight thay be headin to tha nine hells minus their bloody heads.

We be gatherin' aboot Fort Llast, than we be marchin ta
War!!Anyone wantin' ta send those cursed Drow to thar graves come wit a sharp blade and a stout heart.
- the letter is signed with a large G-

// a little back ground for those wanting to come. This is the latest installment on Gl0in's EDCQ. The Ulgrid Dwarves are sick and dying from an illness we beleave was caused from a undead thing that was lurcking in the wels. We killed a few and took a stange ooze that the creatures were losing.

After traveling Milstone seeking the finest minds looking for a cure, we were directed to the Dwarvin Clan Stonebrow.The first meeting with the Dwarves Went badly as they were very distrustfull of us, and even fired large bolts hurting fellow party members. Gloin proceded in pissing off the king  when one of his advisors, made a remark about Vorax that Gloin took the wrong way and, having threatened the adviser with a good thrashing, was promptly tossed out of the Kings audience.

It's seemed hopeless,needing the King's permission for the healer to work on a cure, and slowly succoming to the illness (having carried the vile of ooze for so long). Gloin doned his armor and with a few mates, left the entrenched dwarf positions and went in search of the Drow. Battle was joined and over twenty Drow fell along with many a spel caster, overwelmed by shear numbers Gloin fell. The leader approched and cut off Gloin's right ear.

Hearing the battle a few Stonebrows came looking the the cause of the sound finding Gloin about to meet the Soul Mother they were able to revive him and the others and made it back to safety. This seemed to have aroused their fighting spirit.After that some of the Stonebrow guards decided that if they were going to die that it would be better to die on their feet fighting, and took their axes and went looking forDrow heads. Reinforced  by the group the dwarves were able to fight their way to one of the four tunnels that the Drow were using to attack the Dwarves.

upon hearing this Gloin was again called in front of the king, where Gloin spoke for an attack on the Drow to take and hold all the tunnels from the Drow. To fail means to die.

// this is opened to everyone that wants to come that are not Drow chars, and this will give evryone the background. any younger folks need to know that these are nasty Drow so don't go toe to toe with them. i got most every one with invites incase i missed anyone (i'm sure i did) this is it. hope to see you all have fun

// G


RE: A call to all Heros
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2006, 11:28:21 pm »
*some very poor hand writing is scribled underneath gloins message, it looks like the the person used a sharp objekt or a weapon to write with*
  Death to the drow, ye have me axe!
  *the note have no person signed it, but upon asking the innkeeper who wrote it, you hear him telling that a large dwarf used the paper astargeting practice. He was dressed in full plate in the colours of Voraxand drank large quantities of beer*


RE: A call to all Heros
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2006, 02:52:17 am »
*Jacchri sees the notice and writes below*
  You have my bow to aid you, Gloin.
  Regards Jacchri


Scribbled below
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2006, 04:05:34 am »
In neat handwriting...

War, if waged for an unjust cause, is evil.
War, if just, is worthy of the highest of lore.
Gloin, may your endevours make you worthy of sitting amoung the epic heroes of old.

- Freldo the bard

PS. I do not intend to go, but such an epic battle deserves to be recognized as such.


RE: A call to all Heros
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2006, 05:57:59 am »
//I would love to aid you old friend but I will be out of town this weekend =(


Re: A call to all Heros
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2006, 07:02:21 am »
*Zandor walks in and sees the note*

Argh ye got me axe Gloin ill smash some more drow with ye.

-Zandor Glowingaxe

*walks out *
well off te get ready for a war oi this going te be right fun i be thanking.

"a hero is no braver then an ordinary man he is just brave 5 minutes longer"
"courage is fear holding on a minute longer"
"he who fears being conqured is sure of defeat"


Re: A call to all Heros
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2006, 07:26:29 am »
*Luna reads the note and offers a short reply*

I will offer my assitance in whatever way is most useful, whether it be healing, support or another body on the frontline.

I look forward to hearing from you Gloin.


Re: A call to all Heros
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2006, 10:02:15 am »
*reads the letter and smiles, speaking to herself*

I find it rare at most times unfortunately, but it does please me to find that some people hate drow as much as I do... I will support you Gloin.  You will find me in Llast


Re: A call to all Heros
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2006, 10:08:08 am »
Glenn will be there unless dire events stop him.

//is that 8AM PST? if so I may not make it :)


Re: A call to all Heros
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2006, 10:37:38 am »
Thrain will be back with you. Glad to see thar be more of us this time.


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Re: A call to all Heros
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2006, 12:23:36 pm »
The time has come to send them back into the holes they came from, i will do my best to be there and help you.



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RE: A call to all Heros
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2006, 12:47:01 pm »

*Trying to chase away some kids throwing mud at his armour, Tatchien The Righteous notice the note as he barely escapes getting the door in in face*

Now this is a battle worth the praise of the Mistone Bards!
Gloin, my sword is at your service. I will not fail you!



RE: A call to all Heros
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2006, 04:52:55 pm »
*Kurgin is drinkin a tankard of ale and nearly chokes as he reads the note*

Me home oonder attack by durn cursed drow. *As ale runs through his beard*

Durk magics takin me oin famly.  *Ale now covers his boots*

Oi not be sittin fer dis. *Turns and almost steps on the black and white kitten licking his boots*

Clan Stormbrow be joinen dis foight. *As he stomps off looking for his brothers*


RE: A call to all Heros
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2006, 05:11:51 pm »
*reads to note and ponders*

Hmmm... I wonder if they could use a few fireballs?

*tacks up a note in reply*

I have a few fireballs and some arrows the drow might enjoy.  Let me know if you would like my assistance.


RE: A call to all Heros
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2006, 09:42:25 pm »
Twixel happy to fight dark tell Twixel where to meet and I be there with blade ready..


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    RE: A call to all Heros
    « Reply #15 on: February 16, 2006, 12:35:01 am »
    Oi Gloin, If'n eht beh de blud o' eh drow on meh axeblade tha' kin beh 'elp'n ye, din Oi beh breeng'n too axez wid meh. Oi beh see'n ye en Llast. May Vorax goide er axez tru teh eh drow skul. If'n weh doie, may weh nort weep fer de fallen but celurbrate de retern te de Fathur o' battle with drow blud upon er bladez.

    Axodeth o' de Stoncutter clan, Foight'r fer Vorax, de Fathur o' Battle


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    Re: A call to all Heros
    « Reply #16 on: February 16, 2006, 07:20:12 am »
    *Kilkenny reads the note and write below it*

    As I said to you before Gloin I will do everything I can to be there.

    -Signed Kilkenny

    *Runs away in a hurry to charpen his sword and oil and polish his armor*


