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Author Topic: Rangers of Folian please read  (Read 127 times)


Rangers of Folian please read
« on: February 11, 2007, 09:14:58 pm »
*she tacks up a fine parchment with the edges dyed green*

I seek a devoute ranger of Folian.

I have been charged with the care of three beautiful children whose parents were rangers of Folian.  I feel in my heart that when they look down from the heavens they would rather see their children growing up in the Grove amoungst rangers and the forest, rather than in Leilon where I live.  I have been left their fathers possesions in his will, which I will donate to the temple, to provide for anything they might need while growing up.

I am not writing this note to be rid of the children, I love them as my own.  I just feel that it is what their parents would want.  If this cannot be arranged I shall raise them myself, but I hope that I shall be able to visit and watch them grow in a place that would warm the hearts of their parents.

If any ranger of Folian sees this note please bring it to the attention of someone who can decide if this is possible.

Please feel free to contact me anyway you see fit.

My Thanks,
Tyrian Dallorius
137 Leilon

*she slowly walks away from the board, a tear running down her cheek*


RE: Rangers of Folian please read
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2007, 10:37:57 pm »
*on a note attached to 136 Leilon*

Dear Tyrian,

Please bring the children over, when you have time.  There is a special treat for them within.  We would be happy to mind them for some time, until you can find a home you deem suitable.  As we are just next door it isn't a long walk.  I know Berilu would love to have some children around.

With the Grace of the Longstrider,

Jin Lun Lee
137 Leilon

On Behalf of the Farstriders.



RE: Rangers of Folian please read
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2007, 12:43:20 am »
*Rain comes in the Inn and sees the notes. Knowing who the children are and who was their mother and father, and the memories, he sighs deeply*
  I will talk to Sonya.
  Rain Darsus.


Re: Rangers of Folian please read
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2007, 07:06:27 am »
*on a clean piece of parchment tacked beside the original note, in neat, elegant script*


As Mylindra may have mentioned, I come from a large family with many younglings constantly running about.  I've not only had much experience herding young ones, I actually enjoy it!  Please don't hesitate to call upon me if you need help entertaining or looking after them.

With great sadness,


Re: Rangers of Folian please read
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2007, 08:15:08 am »
*with a hasty postscript at the bottom*
  Galan, stop borrowing my parchment and green ink! People are going to think you're me. - MC


RE: Rangers of Folian please read
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2007, 08:41:23 am »
*tacks this up beneath the notices*
[INDENT]  Tyrain,
  I do not know how much help I can be, or if you have already found someone to help the children, but I am willing to care for the children. I have followed the Trails of the Longstrider for many years, and I would be honored to help raise the next generation of his faithful. I can be found most often in Hlint and Sielwood, and am reachable by messenger bird. Should you wish to speak to me, I would be honored.
  Latherian Leefwalker, Hunter


RE: Rangers of Folian please read
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2007, 09:42:26 am »
*Jacchri walks into the inn and sees the notice and post an immediate response*
  I am sure Dorena and I can take the kids under our wings if you have not found a suitable place yet. We both followLongstrider and strive to protect the woods and its inhabitants.We live inForest of Mist bordering the town of Vale. The twins are aged 14 now and would make good friends and companions to them.
  If you need to find me please seek me out at my house just outside Vale, or leave word for me at Raven in Hlint or at the temple.
  Regards Jacchri


RE: Rangers of Folian please read
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2007, 10:28:19 am »
*sonya post a note after talking to her husband Rain*  My husband and I have decided that we are willing to take up care for the children. We both knew there parents and we would be honoured to raised there children as they would have wanted to see them being raised.
  Let us know if you want to meet us to talk about it some more.
  Signed Sonya Darsus.  


Re: Rangers of Folian please read
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2007, 11:22:57 am »
*this is throw up next to all the other replies*

It's nice to see so many willing to care for the Children.  May the Longstrider guide them safely through any troubles ahead and aid them in the care of the children.



Re: Rangers of Folian please read
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2007, 05:19:37 pm »
*Supin looks at the board carefully, noting the letter and smiles.  She then writes a note of her own*

I do not live in a house, I live under the trees that Farstrider has graced us with in this time of darkness.  If time is needed to be away, I can help.

I had previously offered to care for some children, wee babes.  I was turned down, they decided to keep them.  Perhaps these are the same children?


Re: Rangers of Folian please read
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2007, 06:41:10 pm »
*Wren reads the notes and smiles and nods his head. He then takes out a parchment and writes*
I know that I am not a good choice to bring up children. I do swear that they shall want for nothing, Ty when you figure this out please let me know. Both Ash and Nepp were good friends and I wish to help in anyway I can.



Re: Rangers of Folian please read
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2007, 09:19:10 pm »
*a note tacked up under the first*

I happened upon Enzo today.  After conversing with him I have made the decision to raise the children in my home.

The notes above touch my heart, knowing that so many care for Ash, Nepp, and their children.  I am sure that wherever they are they have seen this outpouring of kindness.  I thank you all.  And to those who volunteered to help even though you did not know Ash and Nepp, my thanks to you as well. Tis comforting, in these dark times, to know there are still good souls about.

Enzo had a suggestion that I take them on trips to the grove and I shall. If any of you that were friends of Ash and Nepp wish to take them about and show them the world please do.  My door shall always be open to anyone who wants to come by to play with them or share stories with the children of their parents, or take them for an outing.

My Humblest Thanks,

