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Author Topic: A letter is placed outside the bank in Hlint. To: Scholar Rollie and company  (Read 221 times)


To the august company of bear hunters,

My thanks for the fine times and perilous journeys in thine fine company. Alas, a calamity bestruck myself that I knoweth not but what the hand that guides me bade my return to  the world and the company was undone round me.  Ere alone I spied tigers and foul group of dwarves. Overwrought and sore afraid I flew from the tigers unto the dwarves.  Four they were in number and shields were splintered and mine sword weilded, but for naught, for such a foe mastered mine alone unto sore wounding and I fell in that place I knoweth not.  Such was my end that day.  I make trust with the Gods of light that all else went well with the company and all to a man made safe passage back to Hlint.  Let it be known that no ill will is held and that such is the dire risk that all who live by the sword must take.  For such risk gives rise to valor and honor without life is but a hollow mask.  Fare thee well until swords and shields meet again.

Yours unto death,

Daniel Poetr
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

