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Author Topic: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest  (Read 587 times)


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    Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #20 on: May 07, 2006, 08:37:35 pm »
    I have heard your plight, Maev; when you are ready to call to arms or gather a group to discuss strategy options, please inform me of your agenda (I will contact Elgon, Cedric, Kesa, Treana, Brian, Aryx and others) ... we will support your decision with shields & swords, bows, and magic.  Toran always has an ally in Rofirein!

    "He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave."


    Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #21 on: May 07, 2006, 09:15:11 pm »
    Tarradon walks in deep in thought and after a while turns his attention to a notice gaining much interest in the inn. Striding over he reads the initial note and many scrawls thereafter.

    Turning to those gathered he states:

    "There is nothing that can be done at this time....the notes are correct. I imagine Selian has taken the body of her lover and left the place as a memory of her anger. She needs to be allowed to grieve. I am glad the undead are now at peace and at least Selian had the thought to leave a path open for travellers to still get through unhindered...whereas once before they were at the mercy of the dead. Still.." He grips the pommel of his sword, sheathed at his hip, adjusts the shield bearing the symbol of Rofirein, picks up his backpack from the floor and turns to go.

    "I had better ensure the creatures will stay confined to the place...if they leave it who knows what terror they will cause...."


    Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #22 on: May 08, 2006, 10:31:50 am »
    I agree wholeheartedly that the forest must be restored.  There were many healthy trees and good woodland spirits there aside from the undead.  The balance must be restored for the sake of all, however, I too must urge caution.  Until a wise course of action can be determined, trying to force the issue may make matters worse in Broken Forest and could very well spill into Sielwood, Krandor, or Fort Hope.  If this evil expands into populated areas, we could see disasterous results.  I have been to the Forest and my instincts tell me this is not something that will be settled by sword or spell, at least in this world.  It is best to choose your path wisely, and then walk it with caution and vigilance.
    Armolas Folian


    Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #23 on: May 11, 2006, 06:59:12 am »
    I think we should hold a meeting to discuss how we can move forward on the issue of the Broken Forest. Please give your thoughts.


    //if enough people are for this then I will try to set up a Cal event for it


    Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #24 on: May 11, 2006, 09:41:10 am »
    Count me in.


    RE: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #25 on: May 11, 2006, 10:14:59 am »
    *A note is placed with the other postings on a busy night by an unknown person under the cover of invisibility.  It's written in a rushed but clear hand and in a blue ink that seems to glow dimly on its own*
      Before deciding what to do, you should seek to understand what was done.
      *The note is not signed.*


    Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #26 on: May 11, 2006, 11:20:00 am »
    *Rhynn walks in to view the notes that have been added, her eyes falling onto the last one, she scribes under*

    I agree with this mystery person, but think that a meeting to discuss what we already know may be a good idea. Count me in for a meeting as well, if Not just to understand.

    Black Cat

    Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #27 on: May 11, 2006, 01:43:49 pm »
    Count me in. I'd like to know what happen and how we could sort that out.

    Xandrian Mor


    Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #28 on: May 11, 2006, 03:26:21 pm »
    *Glenn walks in and sees the notes he takes out a quill and jots down*
    Yes indeed this is what is needed. Information is stronger then the best armor. Perhaps we should try to meet in the Hlint court house within the next few days.

    //unless there is issue with using the court house :)

    Cal event


    Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #29 on: May 12, 2006, 06:45:58 am »
    //Completley OOC:

    I'm really new to this, but since I started the thread, and Remiel Freldo and I were the first to step up and say anything really, I'll see if I can get a meeting started and put it on the calandar if possible.

    Times I can do (IN EST)

    Weekdays - 5PM - 1AM (if needed)
    Weekends - 10AM -- Whatever.


    Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #30 on: May 12, 2006, 07:22:15 am »
    Ah, didn't see the link in that post. I feel like an idiot now! Yay!//

    *Rhynn steps into the room, looking over the note, she sees the time and place of a meeting to take place, and adds her name to the bottom of the list of those avaliable*



    Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #31 on: May 24, 2006, 03:14:04 pm »
    *Sallaron tacks a note on the wall*

    What news is there of Calen meeting with Rhizome? Was he successful? What did he learn?



    Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
    « Reply #32 on: May 25, 2006, 09:27:48 am »
    word was sent to Rhizome by Glenn ( a letter delivered to his house ). no word back as of yet