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Author Topic: A lone half-orc waits...  (Read 110 times)


A lone half-orc waits...
« on: November 12, 2006, 09:05:24 am »
A short distance from the Wild Surge Inn, a half-orc sits by a wooden platform, a copper greataxe resting over his right shoulder. To his left is a truly tremendous, bloodstained sack, from which wafts the smell of cooked meat. The half-orc has his left arm slung over the sack rather unsuccessfully, as the sack is larger than he is, but he remains where he is, patiently waiting...

A small boy timidly approaches the half-orc, who grins at him. The boy shrinks back for a moment, but then comes close enough to speak with him again.

"Uh... Mister? Why're you sitting here all alone, and what's in that bag?"

The half-orc's grin widens, and he pats the sack. "Grok get eats for sicks, give Jharl-hoomin. Jharl-hoomin give sicks. Jharl-hoomin talk wait, Grok wait."

The boy looks confused, but backs away without any further questions. Grok simply leans his head back against the platform, waiting.


Re: A lone half-orc waits...
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2006, 10:26:09 am »
An entire day passes, and still Grok waits...

Until finally, Freldo, walking along, spots Grok and his bloodstained sack. The bard stares at Grok.

"That's gross..."

Grok looks blearily up at him, wearily muttering. "Jharl-hoomin come take eats for sicks?"

Freldo, catching on, smiles suddenly, pulling on a few strength rings. "Oh, you're that half-orc! I'll take that food up to the Leilon Arms for you... Jharl disappears sometimes."

Grok, too hungry and weary to disagree, hands over the food, and shambles off to the Surge for something to eat.


Re: A lone half-orc waits...
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2006, 11:27:29 am »
Freldo takes the food and is happy to see that it's the sack that's bloodstained, not the food.

He balances the boxes of food from Hlint to Leilon and adds them to Jharl's and Katrien's collection bin.

"Now," he ponders, "I need to thank that guy in the name of the Arms Inn as he certainly did contribute with quite a lot of food.  Oh!  I know, I have just the thing!"

Freldo heads back to Hlint to find Grok to hand him a nice "thank you" prize.

