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Author Topic: A Note of Warning  (Read 605 times)


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    A Note of Warning
    « on: June 13, 2005, 07:42:00 am »
    A Dirty torn piece of parchment, hastily stuck to various doors around Mistone:

    "It has come to our attention that there is a secret movement gathering to oppose the increasing use of Necromantic magic. This cobbled-together group of ruffians is gathering popularity and support amongst the "regular" patrons of many rural communities.

    Let us make one thing abundantly clear. Those those skills lie in the fields of Necromancy, Divination and Negative planar manipulation will not tolerate any forces that may attempt to hinder or interfere with our research. We will consider all unauthorised interference to be a hostile attack - and we will retaliate in the strongest possible fashion.

    Those that value the safety of not only their own lives, but the lives and souls of friends, relatives, ancestors, and future descendants, would pay heed to our warning: that any member of the so-called "grey circle" is in direct opposition to our beliefs and will be dealt with accordingly."

          *signed in an elaborate script*  members, allies, and students of the Necromantic arts


    RE: A Note of Warning
    « Reply #1 on: June 13, 2005, 07:47:00 am »
    To whomever has written this I ask that you please contact me at once.


    RE: A Note of Warning
    « Reply #2 on: June 13, 2005, 07:56:00 am »
    Contact me as well

    Lia Di'makiir


    RE: A Note of Warning
    « Reply #3 on: June 13, 2005, 11:02:00 am »
    *Rufus frowns as he sees the note*

    ...not the smartest thing to do...


    RE: A Note of Warning
    « Reply #4 on: June 13, 2005, 11:32:00 am »
    *Athus frowns* May Aeridin help his soul...


    RE: A Note of Warning
    « Reply #5 on: June 13, 2005, 11:48:00 am »
    * Connor reads one of the notes, shakes his head and mutters as he walks off *

    ....This is getting out of hand....


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    RE: A Note of Warning
    « Reply #6 on: June 13, 2005, 12:29:00 pm »
    It is because we value our souls we oppose the necromancy. And ye be knowing the only good necromancer is one rotting in the hells.



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    RE: A Note of Warning
    « Reply #7 on: June 13, 2005, 12:57:00 pm »
    *Maddison chuckles as she reads this*
        Because you can do something about it...
        The fact that you need to make a note like this proves you can't do anything about it. Why are you so worried about a group of people on a nearly hopeless mission to end necromancy and dark magics?  These magics are constantly being cast and are embedded in our world, they exist in other planes. Simply put, things on such a large scale like a school of magic won't change. There would be an imbalance in the weave. Stop worrying.
        - Maddison


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      RE: A Note of Warning
      « Reply #8 on: June 13, 2005, 02:58:00 pm »
      *reads the note and starts to write on his own paper*

      "Brothers and sisters of Toran....."

      *takes down the note and throws it away"

      -Slate Cranton


      RE: A Note of Warning
      « Reply #9 on: June 13, 2005, 09:58:00 pm »
      **Briefly pauses to read the note as he passes by**

      "Grey Circle?" He thinks to himself.  "As if thats anything to worry about"

      **He walks off and disappears in the shadows of night, the only sound a slight chuckle portraying his amusement.**


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      RE: A Note of Warning
      « Reply #10 on: June 18, 2005, 11:20:00 am »
      Contact me as well.

      *walks off saying*
      "Much blood will be lost because of this"


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        RE: A Note of Warning
        « Reply #11 on: June 18, 2005, 05:52:00 pm »
        *grizzled dwarf squints at script....*

        *...and a slow and endlessly wide grin slowly spreads across his ugly face.  Hurriedly. he begins to tighten gauntlets, shield straps, and his belt.*

        "A challenge is it?" he asks rhetorically to no one.  "Fine by me.  I see I have been officially invited to the hunt by the prey...."


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        RE: A Note of Warning
        « Reply #12 on: June 19, 2005, 01:32:00 am »
        *Eldárwen glances at the note before taking out parchment and adding her own addition*

        Such talk is fooolishness, it is not a time for division but a time for Unity, to stand together even if we do not like one another. Both the authour of this note and the circle are as much villians as each other, both attempting to divide and condemn. It is time both parties woke up.

        Eldárwen of Lucinda


        RE: A Note of Warning
        « Reply #13 on: June 20, 2005, 04:17:00 am »
        *Athus sighs*
          As we combat the evil that is Blood, we also need to set a standard for ourselves.  How will we be different from the very evil we are trying to fight if we resort to such foul magic as these? We are not trying to divide the community, and it is never our intention to do so.  It is our duty to safeguard the society from such soul-corrupting magics at all costs.
          Athus Dephillie, Healer of Aeridin


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        RE: A Note of Warning
        « Reply #14 on: June 20, 2005, 06:42:00 pm »
        *tacked to the bottom of the note from Althus*

        You of all people know the advantages of the aforementioned school Healer.  Your effots to divide the weave into parts to condemn and embrace do the same to a community that should now stand united against threat.  You safeguard nothing but your own paranoid self interest and fear of that which you cannot accept or understand.  To weaken one part of the weave is to weaken all. Devotees of Lucinda cannot and will not tolerate this.  Rememeber however...the next time you heal a friend or restore life what part of the weave you call upon to do so.  It is not time to weaken the weave and those gifted in it, but a time to embrace diversity and all strengths to combat the coming threat.

        Eldárwen of Lucinda.

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        RE: A Note of Warning
        « Reply #15 on: June 20, 2005, 08:52:00 pm »
        *A dark and shadowy figure hovers causiously around the notice of warning...they take out a piece of charcoal and begin writing the truths which they believe in.*
             The Grey Circle is not centered around paranoia or misunderstanding.  We are not against magic, we only want to outlaw a school of magic that is strongly used by the dark master himself, Blood, and by the drow that want to take over the world as well.  I believe that we should be united, but those that use necromancy to fight evil are using evil against evil.  Evil and evil has never and will never make good.  It is not natural to bring those at rest back to fight a battle they were not meant to fight.  Would you want your fathers, your mothers, your children, your friends brought back like that and used like pawns in a game they were not meant to play?  Only the good magics of Lucinda can truly cause a change in the tide of our storm against Blood.  Only once necromancy is outlawed will we be able to stop evil from using it.  We understand Lucinda's teachings, we respect her ways but in times like these we must take drastic measures to cause changes in our land of Layonara that will, in the end, save us all.

        *They do not sign the message but their words seem to lift off the page and into the ears of its readers. The letter was written from the heart of one who truly cares about and loves Layonara.  The shadowy figure disappears into the night.*

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        RE: A Note of Warning
        « Reply #16 on: June 20, 2005, 09:23:00 pm »
        * a note appears from thin air and is tacked below the previous.  It is written in an ink that seems to glow and shimmer of its own light...if it is even ink at all*

        You claim to understand Lucinda, but you do not.  She is the Mother of ALL Magic, not just those you deem worthy, safe or "good".  What you fail to realize is that magic is merely a tool, and it is neither Good nor Evil. Even without Necromany, magic can and will be used to do Evil deeds. Where will this misguided crusade end?  

        And how much Evil has been done in the name of the gods?  Shall we next crusade against the priests and paladins?  Where does it end?

        Bloodstone's forces also use weapons.  Perhaps those too should be outlawed, as weapons serve but one kill.  WHERE DOES IT END?

        And do you not even realize that Necromancy can help...has helped...protect each and every one of you from Death?  How easily you fear what you do not understand.

        If you are successful in this crusade of yours, you WILL harm the Weave, and when that happens, Blood will have won.  Rest assured, there are those present who will not allow this to happen.

        The True Enemy is Bloodstone.  His greatest weapons are fear and discord. Ask yourself: on whose side do you fight?

        *The note is not signed.  It flutters briefly as the one who posted it turns to walk off into the misty night air*


        RE: A Note of Warning
        « Reply #17 on: June 20, 2005, 09:26:00 pm »
        *Ramanon walks past the board again and glances at the array of comments, scribbles and written notes.  He thinks to himself - "how can these feeble minded fools comprehend the slightest portion of what they condemn.    Fools chasing a pathetic ideal.  I see more intellect in a gelatinous cube. *chuckles* at least they amuse me, thats got to be worth something. They're turning their own friends against themselves and creating chaos and anarchy.  *smiles* They're doing me proud, perhaps i should congratulate them *musing*.  Anyway I hope they keep up the good work...***
        **Disappears with a satisfied and amused look on his face*


        RE: A Note of Warning
        « Reply #18 on: June 20, 2005, 10:34:00 pm »
        ***Darthon looks at the note with a slight squint in his eyes***

        Starts laughing... Mages and power *ckuckles*..i like the power ..*takes another gulp of ale* Me rekon ya shoot down that blasted sun instead..


        RE: A Note of Warning
        « Reply #19 on: June 21, 2005, 11:52:00 pm »
        You said it yourself.  If the creatures of other planes are using the foul necromancy spells, why would the Weave be harmed if we stopped using it here in our world?
          We Aeridinites condemns any use of the spells that disrupts the Great Cycle.  The foul spells of necromancy is unnatural and should not be used at all. Raising the dead, distrubing the resting souls, would you want to be the target of these terrible magics once you have passed from this physical world to another form of existance?  That is why we work hard to make sure the Great Cycle is not bended by those who meddles in those kind of evil affairs.
          -Athus Dephillie, Healer of Aeridin