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Author Topic: Bounty Board  (Read 899 times)


Bounty Board
« on: May 31, 2011, 01:28:40 am »

It's a big world.  And even the Rofirienites can't be everywhere at once.  (Jennara can be in, at most, five places at once.)  So occasionally, local authorities will place bounties on the heads of those who have evaded the normal agents of the law.

In the theme of Mixafix's Last Stranger Standing, this thread will be the bounties posted by various regional authorities on those that they could not hunt down themselves, and now simply want dead.  When a bounty is placed, an NPC will be placed somewhere in the world (possibly alluded to in the bounty post).  To collect the bounty, a player (or group of players) must find the target, kill them, and return their ear to the authority in question as proof of the deed.  (When you have secured the ear, contact me on IRC or PM me so that the handover can be arranged.)

Be warned, however, that not all authorities are equal, and not all the bounties posted may be palatable to all characters.

Edit: After the first bounty, I had a brainstorm - a format for capture PMs!

Please format your PMs as follows:


Title: Bounty to Claim

[Name of Target] killed by [Name of Character] on [Date].

[Elaboration, at your discretion.]

Happy hunting!


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2011, 01:34:49 am »
A bounty is posted in the public square in Vehl...


Tonil Soren
500 Tr

Wanted for the crimes of robbery, assault, murder, jailbreak, and assaulting a guard with intent to kill.

Soren was scheduled for execution when he made his escape from the Vehl jail.  Be warned, he is armed and considered dangerous.  He was last seen fleeing east, into the mountains.


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2011, 02:42:14 am »
"Ahhh, Tonil, Tonil, Tonil..." *Long pause* "You've been a very, very bad boy. My sort of person actually. Under different circumstances, we probably could have been something resembling friends. Unfortunately for you though I was on my way to this area to collect some very rare herbs when I saw your little wanted poster. 500 true weight coins is a nice little chunk of change." *Pauses again* "I'm not going to lie to you... this is going to hurt a lot." Adder relishes the fear in the man's eyes as he lays helpless under a hold enchantment while his ear is removed, unable to scream, but feeling every stroke of the small blade. The man suffers greatly for many more hours before he is put out of his misery.  Soon foul and forbidden necromantic chants are carried away by the wind, as the body of the late Tonil is raised. Adder smiles at his handiwork, perfection as always. " Go serve Corath Tonil..."

Script Wrecked

Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2011, 02:54:26 am »
// See, Rofireinite justice isn't so bad after all! ;) //


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2011, 04:01:25 am »
A bounty is posted in the Pirates' Cove Tavern in Hurm...


Pollnia Al'lonis
650 Tr

Al'lonis has been convicted in absentia of arson of a merchant vessel resulting in the deaths of five crewmen and thousands of true of lost cargo and the vessel itself.

She has fled Hurm, but is believed to remain in the relative vicinity.  Be warned - her accuracy with a bow is remarkable.


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2011, 06:15:00 am »
Staring down at the dying woman with his hissing blade still lodged into her chest, Nym'roos relished the experiance of fighting the competant pirate in single combat; feeling his blood sing in triumph as he saw the light fading from her eyes bit by bit and the shock in them when she noticed his own beginning to glow crimson red behind the warhelm.

Twisting his blade inside her with a sickening wrench of meat by metal.. he pulled the weapon from from the now dead woman and listened to the song of the admantium edge as it was slowly pulled free.

Wiping it clean and sheathing it in the typical, ceremonial fashion before drawing a skinning knife to claim the proof of his kill.

It felt good to bring down worthy prey; and better yet that the prey this time was a paleskin Betrayer.. coin for a kill and homage to Baraeon all in one.


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2011, 09:05:07 am »
//This is a very cool idea you've got running here Darkstorne, thankyou and look forward to seeing more of these bounties :)


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2011, 01:44:48 pm »
Mmmmm.............not so sure Nym.  what happens when the face is yours?......or mine!  

(stands in the corner trying to appear shorter)

Rhakt U Bhaak


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2011, 11:58:39 pm »
A halfling, face lined by sun and sand, tacks a poster up in Argas...


Haldrek Duneblade
700 Tr

Poisoned a well, killing eighteen - including six children.  Wanted dead.


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2011, 03:35:52 am »
Nym wiped off the blood from his blade while Fleur poked through and around the ectoplasmic remains.

The fight had been a little messy, having run across Haldrek and startling him in the Duneswept Canyons and in a panic, attacked by him; wraiths had converged upon their location as the sounds of battle were joined.
It did not take long for the pair of them to pull back somewhat and re-assess the situation in the few seconds they had to spare.
In the blink of an eye Fleur unleashed an elemental storm that decimated the weaker wraiths that had been prey to Nym's blade and badly damaged those that remained unharmed (though not for long).
Haldrek, found himself stunned and in a daze, wobbling about before the last thing he saw was a whispering, dark blade cleave his head in two from crown to jaw.

It was only later when Fleur stopped to take a look at the two halves of the face that she recalled having seen a bounty for that man; though she had no intention of being known as a bounty hunter, she promptly informed her dark elven companion who even if not a bounty hunter, did enjoy what they did.


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2011, 03:21:43 am »
A bounty is tacked up in Port Hempstead...


Jyllia Greenriver
500 Tr

Do not be fooled by this little monster's youthful demeanour and delicate features.  She has been found to be responsible for the disappearance of five children, and it is suspected that Hempstead is just the latest locale in which she has operated.

She employs her size to disguise herself as a child and gain the trust of another, then lures them away and murders them.  Her motivation is unknown - it is possible that she simply does this because she wishes to.  Be warned, she is skilled in the use of poisons.  She was living in Hempstead under the alias Penelope Flowerbush, but upon the discovery of the bodies of her victims, she has fled the city.

Extremely dangerous.


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2011, 01:05:30 pm »
Tyra, looking to sharpen her claws again after three years in jail, approaches the Port Hempstead authorities regarding the recent bounty.  

//PM Sent

Lance Stargazer

Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2011, 05:00:59 pm »
*After several days, Aesthir is seen riding his black stallion back thru the Fort Hempstead field carrying the body of the little woman, and delivered the notice to the authorities, he carries the body on the horse, not showing it but its clear its the body of a small woman covered with a blanket, alongside the body the notice of warrant posted by the authorities. As he arrives to Hempstead he delivers the body to the guards and claim the reward for the criminal.

Once this is done , he smiiles as the body is taken, and departs to the north, changing the chair of the horse in the process *


Askaa Vorundi
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2011, 03:46:21 am »
A bounty is placed on a message board in South Fort:


Askaa Vorundi
1250 Tr

Wanted for the slaughter of an entire logging camp.  Two loggers escaped the massacre and were able to identify the perpetrator as Askaa Vorundi, a druid who has threatened hunters, loggers and their families in the past.

She has been tried in absentia for the premeditated murder of twenty-six men and boys, and has been found guilty.  It is advised that none approach the former site of the logging camp - vicious animals patrol the boundaries, and the vegetation therein now strangles anything within its grasp.

It should go without saying that this murderess is extremely dangerous.


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2011, 01:06:57 pm »
*Jennara makes a report*

After hearing of the deaths at the logging camp, I tried to track the suspect into the forest. After several days, I came to an area where many treants live. Several dangerous traps had been laid, many of which I tripped to disable. Beyond the traps, near a cherry tree, were Askaa Vorundi and a large bear. I approached to ask questions, but was immediately attacked. During the struggle, despite my efforts for a safe capture, both Askaa Vorundi and the bear were killed. Items were taken for verification as full body return would have been impossible.

Please have the bounty disbursed among the families of those who were murdered. I will match the amount myself, doubling the disbursement to the families.


WANTED - Reggio Brokenbranch
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2011, 01:49:58 am »
A new bounty is posted in Hempstead...


Reggio Brokenbranch
250 Tr

This halfling is wanted for the murder of a family of four, and the subsequent assault of an officer of the law.

Multiple witnesses confirm that Brokenbranch was seen leaving the home of the Bluestone family shortly before the house caught fire.  Rescuers found the family dead, throats cut, and the valuables missing before the fire consumed the house.  The Silverguard was notified, and notice was made to apprehend Brokenbranch.

Corporal Jessen, upon spotting the fugitive, chased down and attempted to restrain him.  For her efforts, she was stabbed twice in the chest and once in the face.  She has responded well to healer care and is resting comfortably in the Temple of Deliar, but Brokenbranch fled the scene and remains at large.

Citizens are encouraged to travel in groups and be particularly cautious outside the city walls, where Silverguard patrols are less frequent.


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2011, 10:00:43 pm »
Creeping through the muck and grime of the Port's  sewers, Tyra found them: the small but shallow footprints of her prey.  She did not understand why the scum thought it wise to hide beneath the city, but she had a good guess.  The Silverguard sure wasn't going to come down here.

Wrapped in her blacks, a wet clothe over her mouth to stiffle the stench, she descended in to the deepest reaches of the sewer.  In the past, she ventured down here to end the nuisance of a Sahuagin clogging the pipes that snake beneath the city.  But there was no sign of any down here today.  Just the rats. . .

And the biggest rat she found sitting in an pipe, a small fire burning at his feet.  Reggio must have been waiting for some one to come for him because he was sharpening a knife and staring right where Tyra was hiding.  But if he saw her, she could not tell.  But with her training, and the cloak she bore, she doubted even the spiders that lurked about knew she was there.

Stepping in to the chamber, she crept along the wall, using the shadows of fallen debris and left over Sahuagin-huts to stay out of sight.  It was not long before she was half way to the pipe, when she noticed he was gone, and his fire out.  Rubbing her cloak, the room suddenly became 'bright' as magic augmented her sight, but it was her ears that  found him.  The sound of steel rubbing against leather, the squish of the filth, the angry snarl, it all gave him away.

In a flash, her dual blades where in her hands as she spun to parry the first of his thrusts.  With a twist of her wrist she cut the man's
palmaris longus, what some scholars called one of the tendon's in the fore arm, sending his knife to the floor as his fingers went limp.  He thrust with the second, a crudely barbed blade, only to receive the same wound.  His second knife fell to the floor.  Standing to her full height to tower over the halfling, she kicked him to the ground.  With a single stride she was over him, a foot on his chest.  'Yield,' she said, her blades ready to finish him.  But instead he started thrashing at her with his useless hands.  With a unhappy sigh she swung her mithril blade, and then stillness.  The halfling's head barely showed signs of having been cut off, until a thin red line began to ring his neck, before the blood ran red down to the floor.

A while later, Tyra emerged from the sewers, rank with filth.  Wrapped in his own cloak, Reggio lay slung over Tyra's shoulder, his head nestled under his arm.  Ignoring looks of disgust from those who witnessed her exit, she headed to the Deliar Temple, to give some peace of mind to Corporal Jessen, and give any bounty money to him.



Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2011, 04:05:16 am »
A bounty is nailed up on a board near the Fort Vehl jail...


Gallo Wendrill
800 Tr

Wanted for murder, kidnapping, defilement of corpses, traffic with a dark god, and acts too foul and unnatural for public consumption.

Experienced bounty hunters only - this creature is dangerous and apparently entirely without mercy.

// For details, PM Darkstorme (or contact me on IRC) with the character doing the asking, and where they're asking.  Their GI skill will be rolled.


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2011, 02:13:04 am »
Bron staggers into Fort Vehl and makes a beeline to the poster at the jail.
"Yup, that's the one that smacked me down. A pox on him! He got lucky he did...slappin me with some death spell! hmph. I need a few helpers, methinks, or i'm liable to end up on his altar, with his zombies! It's either helpers, or sell the location to someone! Think i'll just sit down over yonder and rest up abit."


Re: Bounty Board
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2011, 12:41:45 am »
Bron and Alton Tealeaf are seen loitering around the Fort Vehl jail holding a bloody ear, and grinning ear to ear.

"Bloody corpse-eating maniac won't be botherin us again!"