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Author Topic: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!  (Read 219 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« on: November 07, 2006, 12:44:32 am »
* This note is tacked on the door of the Court House in Hlint, the temple of Rofirein in Fort Velensk. It is delivered to a guard outside Blackford Castle and brought by messenger to the court house in Prantz and the guard house in Hurm. *
  I hereby ask for justice!
  Stupidity does not ward against consequence! Therefore those who entered the home of the Black Dragon must be tried for their crimes against the people of Hurm and the surrounding areas. Scores of people willhave succumbed to the plaque before a cure is delivered to everyone. In a sense they commited mass murder with their foolish actions.
  Even though there are rumours of a cure it is coming too late for many. Even now, as I write this letter, the plaque threatens to spread further and kill even more innocents. As if the war was not bad enough - as if it did not cost us enough already.
  I demand swift action against those who brought this death to our shores. Let those that preach justice stay true to their words and act accordingly.
  If no action is shown to bring these people to justice, then I ask what are the laws of the land for? If no one will charge these people with their crimes,the wrath of the Tempest will deal its own judgement on them.
  * signed *
  Hjalmar, Priest of Mist


Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 02:48:26 am »
*In a hasty, perhaps angry-looking scrawl on the note outside the Hlint Courthouse.*

And name just one bloody crime they've broken in this, if you can! Rant about laws, rant about justice, but your own words call you a fool! There were none among them that could have known this would occur - ignorance is not stupidity! And the dragons have so little honor that those you would accuse of some "crime" did not even know of the dragons' wrath until they returned to Hurm!

So silence your tounge, though I let this paper stand so that others may come to their bloody senses.

*The note is unsigned, though the hand is easily recognized by those who have seen it before.*

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 03:07:20 am »
* The reply is written in the same hand that authored the original letter. *

Your reply is atempt to free those involved in this doom. Personally I admire you for standing with those you call your friends and companions, even in a matter such as this. You show loyalty without question to cause or morale value.

Your loyalty, however, is blind. Blind to the voices of the families who suffered, to those who lost loved ones, fathers who lost sons and daughters, and children who lost parents and therefore are alone. They did not know you say. I say it is one's own responsibility to know where one goes. To know what borders one does not cross. Do you mean to tell me that they believed the beast to permit their breach to happen?

Even if your answer is "yes, they did not know what they went into" I say: "Tell this to those killed by the plaque! Tell this to those left behind!"

I ask those responsible to step forward and face the consequences of their actions. Their names are known, but instead of being hauled forward they still have the chance to show that they possess honour by coming out to meet their trial.


Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2006, 03:22:43 am »
*In writing just as hasty, yet not so deep-cut into the parchment...*

My home is in Krandor, and I have many, many friends who are now afflicted with the plague. I cannot come within miles of nearly everything I own, I count the days when I do not awaken with green boils as blessed ones, and still I do not hold any more blame for those "plaguebringers" who entered the Moss Crypts than I do the defenders of Pranzis for that city's fall.

No crime was committed here. Tack the page of a law-book to this parchment if any say otherwise.

And even in terms of foolishness, there is nothing beyond what any spelunker portrays each time they enter the Red Light Caverns - who can know what secrets lie hidden? Who can know that the entire Red Light tribe will not rise up and besiege Hlint for the death of another chief?

The consequences we all face are enough; of those involved with starting this whole mess, many have the plague, and all are helping combat it.

Does this land forget the good done by heroes so quickly?

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2006, 03:56:56 am »

Ask those who were left behind. The families bereft of fathers, mothers and children. If they do not raise their voices to call for justice there may be no need for a trial. However, I do believe the need for one is all to apparent.

But, I dare say that had you personally lost someone you would have answered differently.


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Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2006, 04:22:51 am »
*despite the clear signs of an outraged author, the following is written with an exceptionally clear and precise hand, recognizeable even if it weren't signed*

I was not present for these events, though had circumstances dictated otherwise, I would have been there in the crypt with the other "criminals" as you would have them.  Let me first state that as a "priest" of Mist, you have no say whatsoever in what Law is, as your goddess disregards them as she sees fit, so you may not speak of Justice without Rofirein finding your words highly amusing at best and a grave insult at worst.
Justice here is for those who committed this error *unintentionally* to do their well best at putting it right, which they are doing so.  As word has passed from the Temple of Toran to his friends, Quantum Windword himself has been driven to the very extent of his health as it deteriorates while he ignores it to do all he can to repair as much suffering as has been wrought by accident on his and his friends' parts, and he is not alone of those who were there who is doing precisely that!
You seek to use the law to stir up further misery, which is typical of your ilk, to use and abuse when it suits you.  Law is not present as a weapon for you to use when it would amuse you to add further chaos.  Allow me to ask, what have *you* done for Hurm thus far?  

Yardislan Echron

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2006, 04:30:56 am »
I have prayed. My home lies many leagues away from Hurm, still, perhaps not far enough.

To travel there would take me months and therefore I must remain where I am. What I can do here is to pray for those that have died to the plaque and offer a means for retribution to those that remain - wounded deeply by the sword of ignorance.

I am new to the land you call Mistone, so perhaps it is common here to show disrespect to men of faith and devotion. I do not claim to know all "your" laws, or the laws of Rofirein. BUT I do know injustice when I see or hear of it.

Guardian 452

Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2006, 05:52:17 am »
*Enzo walks by and reads the note and replies on it, he heads away shaking his head*

And who's to say these peoples actions cause this and it wasn't going to happen anyway?

If you want justice go hang all the people who blackened out the sun too....

*continues walking muttering to himself*

If only people spent less time pointing fingers and more time doing something usefull....

*As Enzo passes outside the Hlint gates he notice a family about to travel to Llast, he offers to assist and they head off to Llast*



Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2006, 06:11:30 am »
*She sees Enzo's last reply and penns herself*

"Oh, it was obviously going to happen anyway, and let me make clear the point I was trying to make in Hlint a few weeks ago...

No: It is not their fault, this was a circumstance and probably would have happened anyway. Dragons are tempermental and this one was simply looking for a reason , a perfect oppertunity to lash out.

And While I do not blame them for the plague and the destruction of Hurm, I blame them for putting themselves into a position where the Dragon could use them as an excuse and an oppertunity, and don't see how they could be suprised at the opinions some have about them.

No, it is not their fault that the plague exists and Hurm is the way it is, they were there at the wrong time, and allowed a Dragon to take atvantage of the situation by making it seem that way."

*The note is left unsigned*

Guardian 452

Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2006, 06:26:30 am »
// Notes that Enzo NEVER wrote any of his words anywhere and only mumbled them under his breath as he walked away. My wording of his emote was poor... and I guess It's past the stupid 30 minute edit timer....  :(


RE: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2006, 06:30:50 am »
*Connor shakes his head in disbelief, walking away, one might hear him muttering*
  Idiots...they announce they're headed into a dragon's lair to "cleanse" it and are surprised when the dragons take offense? *shakes his head*
  *then further down the road*
  ...Let the fools be judged by their own foolish gods...


RE: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2006, 07:07:20 am »
*Honora stops scraping the inside of the skin she holds when the notice catches her eye.  She cleans her hands on the grass as well as she can and brings out a charcoal stick*

Does anyone know if this disease can be caught by monks?  If not I can help and probably in Hurm itself.

*She packs up the fresh skins and lopes off to find Jennara or Jade*


Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2006, 07:51:23 am »
*Maev studies the proclamation intently*

A misty calling for justice? Do misty's understand justice?

*chuckles and begins penning a response*

Dear Misguided and Mislead Misty,

Please refrain from pointing fingers and stirring up further controversy. We have much to deal with besides the misguided accusations of a nattering tavern wench.  I understand the dictates of your Goddess require you to stir up trouble where ever you can and the current situation seems to be a perfect opportunity, but sometimes a little restraint should be employed -- especially when your facts are bit confused and distorted.  The real culprits in this case are not those who did as there church requires of them ( both Toranites and Aeridinites are pledged to destroy the undead) and created and unforseen consequence, the real cuptrits are the dragons. Instead of confronting the adventurers in the crypt, the Dragons snuck out the back door and laid waste to innocents. I suppose if we appease you by rounding up and executing the hard working undead slayers who triggered this event, you'll next be asking us to punish the dragon called for destroying blood and blotting out the sun. Please go back to the rock you live under, and continue to pray. We have much to do here and can't waist our time with divisive accusations.

In Toran's Honor, Maev, humble servant

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2006, 08:22:27 am »
* Written below the personal insults in broad letter. *

A public outcry has been turned into personal mocking of me and unjustified claims made against the Lady. If the narrow minded people of Hlint have no respect to pay to the dead that paid the ultimate price for the idiocy of a score of adventurers these so-called civilised lands have truly lost their guidance.

* He leaves the last post unsigned and walks away talking loudly... *

"I give up on crazed people of this village. Instead I pray that the rulers of Prantz and Hurm have more sense of morale judgement. A Toranite.. *He nods to himself* I wonder if his order is aware of his obvious hostile behavior against Mist. One day there may be a reckoning. *Hjalmar turns after having walked out of the east gate of Hlint* May the Tempest rage, the cyclone purge and the storm run wild. These lands are bound to be subjected to purification by the Storm, sooner rather than later. *He stops to look to the darkened skies* Never was there a more definate sign."


Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2006, 08:35:54 am »
*written below Honora's reply*

Even if those such as monks and paladins find themselves immune to the plague as they often do, I fear that you may still be able to carry it, and therefore bring it to other people not graced with such immunity. I am however nothing more than a mundane healer, so I am not completley certain of my words. It may be best to inquire a cleric.

Guardian 452

Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2006, 08:38:05 am »
*Enzo passes grining widely at Maev's post*

*he speaks in a clear voice that all nearby can hear*

Just who the hells made this sod the "voice of the people" anway?

Where was he when Junita was murdered by bandits a while back? I dont see a message calling for justice anywhere.... hmmm....

Why isn't he over clearing those gnolls out from around Haven? Or at least making letters here calling for justice... hmmm...

Why don't I see him worried about the Demons spotted all around Mistone? or asking for aid, or calling for justice.... hmmm...

I wonder who in the group he has such a grudge against anyway

Don't you think the people who set out on this mission to cleanse some undead from this bloody world feel bad enough already?

If you were so bloody against this... why didn't you say something before they left!?  Strange that I didnt see he wrote anything on the paper that was looking for folks to go in this mission.

*looks around at those within ear shot for their reaction then leaves*



Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2006, 08:39:56 am »
*still within the inn buying food , she hears Enzo's words.*

"Why...the nine hells -didn't- we say anything before they left? I think that's the smartest thing I've heard this month."


Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2006, 10:30:51 am »
*Maev strides into the Inn and stomps the snow from her boots. A cleric runs up to her and hands her a plain sack. She smiles and nods.*

You should talk to the bartender, your posting got the Misty in a huff.

*She chuckles and then looks sad*

Once again, I let my anger get the better of me. I took his bait didn't I?

*The cleric shakes his head*

*She throws the sack over her shoulder*

He has no authority, no justification. He was just running his mouth. Let him. With Shindaleria's avatar brought back, I'm sure Mist's plate is full. When you next see him, remind him that his precious Lady is the source of more injustice than a thousand of these plagues. And then let him go about persuading the law his church rejects and ignores to listen to his baseless accusations. I am off to Hurm with these potions.

*She strides out, leaps onto her horse and rides out of Hlint as fast as her overburdened horse can ride*

Car'l O'mek

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    Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
    « Reply #18 on: November 07, 2006, 11:46:13 am »
    *Gil O'mek wanders into the inn and stops to stare at the jumbled notes for a very long time*
    *after a while he shakes his head, furrows his brow and then glances over the notes once more rather quickly before getting out a quill and a small piece of parchment*

    Tell me sir,
    When will you call for the trial of the dragon who started the plague to begin with?
    These souls may have started this through foolishness, ignorance or stupidity, but I wonder when you will try the
    "mother" of this plague?
    The plague would not be, but for the dragon.
    Why do you not call for it's trial as well?
    *Signed boldly* Gil O'mek

    *after a moment he takes the note in hand again and adds to it*

    P.S. I find it hard to believe that even the smallest of minds could forget something as big as a dragon!


    Re: A charge against those who brought the plaque upon us!
    « Reply #19 on: November 07, 2006, 02:56:17 pm »
    *A cloaked figure moves up to the blackboard and adds a post while not seeing anyone interested in it– and UNSIGNED*

    I see the majority denies what one man states. And mostly the voices of the majority are heard of the writers.
    I would be careful though. My “friends” tell me that the majority posting here is incorrect. I am sorry to inform it but it is the truth.

    Ordinary people or those you call “not-dragoncalled”, which have relatives infected by the plague cries for mercy and do not understand why a group of adventures had to head for the dragon. Was the dragon a thread to society? Did the dragon plan to attack soon? Is there any evidence of a plan? Did the adventure group have evidence of that the Dragon would attack? What was the core motive of the group moving towards the dragon?

    Questions like these and the answers to them would easily throw light on this event. Answers and proof that the Dragon was planning an attack or similar answers would easily state that the man beginning this post is wrong… if not so…I fear of that – then the man is right which you are more or less accusing. Sorry for that harsh word in the end…

    I am looking forward to see answers from “the group” that moved down to the Dragon. About their motives? the questions of the “not-dragoncalled” or commoners which lost family are dealt with in a proper way.  

    *not signed*

