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Author Topic: Dear miners and smithys of Hlint, a need for copper. And other crafters of Hlint.  (Read 167 times)


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    A simply written notice left on the boards that reads as follows.

    "My most skilled and hard working mining friends. I am in desperate need of copper ignots. And have been having a hard time aquiring them, at a reasonable price. ( The average being qouted to me is between fifty and a hundred true. ) I can not afford this, but desperetaly need the material. I have tried bartering for goods, but to no avail.

    I do not wish to say you miners and smithys do not do very hard work, with much physical toil. You have every right to be proud, you are in many ways the root of all industry and commerce here in Hlint. However, many of us unable to mine ourselves are at a bit of a loss. We can not afford these prices. And when someone thinks a Gnomish Lense per ignot of copper is a fair trade, well there is obviously something wrong.

    So please, I ask you miners, to relieve this scarity of these much needed materials, and help drop the demand that causes these prices in Hlint. So I propose this, I can make poison, silk thread, cloth bolts, empty flask, and a host of other tinkering, poisoner, and tailor goods. So, I shall offer any miner who agrees to sell copper ignots at a fair market price of ten True, a rate of only twenty five percent of the Lense of Pricing cost on any item I sell. I hope this will make it easier for you to get materials you need, and encourage you to mine surplus copper that us Tinkers and others could use, and at a fair price.

    Thank you.

    - Uilliam SeeksPeace.

    P.S. I hope others will offer the Smithys and Miners these same terms, so we can bring more Copper and other metals onto the market. Thanks."


    Re: Dear miners and smithys of Hlint, a need for copper. And oth
    « Reply #1 on: November 01, 2006, 03:10:21 am »
    *Sallaron smiles, remembering his own struggles to mine safely. He pulls out a quill and scribbles a note below*

    I can help with this. See me around Hlint

    Sallaron Tempest


    RE: Dear miners and smithys of Hlint, a need for copper. And oth
    « Reply #2 on: November 01, 2006, 06:57:26 am »
    *Melanna notices the note pinned up in the inn and begins wondering aloud to herself*

    "Hmm...shouldn't an add like this be in the Trade & Market Halls?  No matter.  I wonder who offered such an outrageous trade of 1 ingot of copper for 1 Gnomish Lens?  I'd have offered more in the lines of 100 or more copper ingots for one Gnomish Lens myself..." *shrugs*  "50 trues per ingot of copper seems very reasonable though when I think of the time and effort involved in mining it.  Hmm..especially if there's a shortage of it on the market.  If the common people are in need though, perhaps a lower price would help them.  I'll have to think about that." *shrugs again and walks out*

    Praylor Falcus

    RE: Dear miners and smithys of Hlint, a need for copper. And oth
    « Reply #3 on: November 01, 2006, 08:53:39 am »
    *walks in and looks over the board.......Uilliiam's note catches his eye*

       **says in a quite voice**  Wonder why he never asked i not assist all whom ask for help, and some whom don't even


    Re: Dear miners and smithys of Hlint, a need for copper. And oth
    « Reply #4 on: November 01, 2006, 11:13:19 am »
    Find me in hlint I will get them for you. 100 or even 50 trues for a copper ingot is far to much. You supply the picks and do the looting, I will mine the copper and smelt it for you. I keep all the loot and we will work out a price per ingot that will work for you.


