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Author Topic: Roldem Exploration and Relief  (Read 396 times)


Roldem Exploration and Relief
« on: November 01, 2006, 07:36:05 pm »
[SIZE=24]Roldem Exploration and Relief Act[/SIZE]  
        [SIZE=16]In response to the general state of affairs In Roldem, and the joined concerns of many of my fellow Mistonians and adventurers I am proposing an expedition into the rarely traveled lands of Roldem, ending with a few days spent in the cities of Tibum, Rodez , etc. to lend a hand in the reconstruction and recreation of the cities into something better and more inhabitable then they are now. We may explore any part of Roldem the journeyers see fit. As such this may be increasingly dangerous. However, the purpose of this trip is to help our fellow mortal beings. As such, all profit from this journey, be it in items or True, will be delivered directly to Roldem (Seeing as we will be spending some time there). If you have anything against sharing profit with those of more need than yourself, then this is not the trip for you.    This trip, while still in the making , and consisting widely of travel and exploration/discovery throughout the lands of Roldem as we see fit at the time, will consist of a journey through Tibum and Rodez, for aid and constructional purposes, as well as aiding with some local affairs to keep ruffians out of the cities of Roldem (//We Will be completing the monk’s quest for any who have not yet done it//). The rest of this trip will remain up to the whims and decisions of the party as it is settled.     For this trip we will need a strong well adjusted party to cover the varying needs of the adventuring group as a whole. We will also need strong arms and quick minds to help with the care , and aid in the cities when the exploration comes to a close. Once again I warn you that this trip may be dangerous. Come on your own free will and come with the intention to help a kingdom get back on its feet.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Please Sign your name, and profession/expertise here if interested. I will be gathering the names and deciding on the most well rounded party based on what I recieve. The time of the expedition will be decided from there.      //Date and Time will be decided once the party is set.     Party Limit set to Ten     Levels Set from 15-20//      [/SIZE]


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2006, 05:25:30 am »
:a paw print is put squarely in the center  with a charcoal scrawl beneath: drogo will come help the land of bears
:the small elven boy simply looks at drogo and shakes his head:first we will work on signing your name


RE: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2006, 07:25:39 am »
*a small sheet of parchment is tacked to the very bottom of the notice*

Greetings to you and many thanks for your concern for the citizens of Old Roldem.

It is wonderful to see others still think of the people of these islands.  Many dangers still face the people, and outside help keeping those dangers in check is very much appreciated.  

It may be difficult to tell in some places, but the citizens have done much in their efforts to rebuild.  Most of the farms are doing as well as any other on Layonara, and some have had especially good harvests considering the conditions.  Though many public buildings have yet to be rebuilt, there are many new homes for the survivors of the occupation.  Public buildings simply require a bit more planning and a concensus among the people.  

New governments are arising and the people are well on their way to an orderly and prosperous future.  They will generally welcome and appreciate help, but it is common courtesy to coordinate with the new governments and citizens of each region before beginning any new projects.  If assisting with current construction projects, please be humble in your demeanor and remember that you are guests in their home.  

Also, it is very important to remember the local Druids and not disrupt the wilder areas by overharvesting resources.  There is a balance between the cities and the wilds that will help benefit every citizen of those islands, regardless of where that citizen may choose to live.

If you wish to carry supplies to the islands, the citizens are most in need of blankets and cloaks to help ward off the cold and boots for field work.  Also, donations to the Temples would be wonderful.  I am accepting donations for a new Temple in Rodez, with the blessings of the citizens and local government, and the Temples of Aragen and Shindaleria would surely appreciate any aid.

Thank you very much for your concern and assistance,

Knight of the Wyrm Flagbearer Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2006, 11:17:07 am »
*Rhynn tacks a post to the bottom of the notice*

Weather or not things have changed on a large scale is beyond me but when I personally have met families that are still in poverty there are things that therefore must be done. I thank you for your concern as always Jennara , but The expedition will continute. Thank you for the tips..

And We still need more people to show their concern and come forth


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2006, 12:26:14 pm »
*A small note written in a spidery untidy hand*

Bil be happy to come yes he be...Bil be master of mighty goblin magic, yous needs Bil to protects you yes yous do.  Bil alsos been to lands of Roldem many times yes he has but not for long time now no he hasn't.
Bil awaits yous reply, and prepares spells in secrets yes he will.


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2006, 12:39:07 pm »
*A note is added below*
I, Storold, will be able to aid you as a healer and a mage who specialises in short lasting combat spells. I can also ward a few, but since my wardings doesn't really last long I would like to only take care of the ones that fade quickly anyway, like displacement, mass haste and keen edge.

*Signed*Storold, protector of the weave


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2006, 01:45:12 pm »
*barion smiles reading the original note and the replies and adds a note*

My blade and shield will be at your side if you wish to protect the party .
My pick and shovel and axe will be there to aid in gathering things for the rebuild of official houses.

regards , Barion Firesteed.


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2006, 06:28:21 pm »
in blocky dwarven script

Aye Jennara, ye know ye can count on Berdin to do what need be done, an' ye know what skills I have to bring.

Berdin Stonebrow, battle priest of Vorax.


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2006, 10:05:27 pm »
Miss Rhynn,

I have recently been to Roldem with Miss Jennara and seen the suffering there.  I would appreciate the chance to accompany your expedition to aid the people there as I have been long collecting goods to help them.  I may not have the skills that your require, but I can fling out a fireball or two, heal, and enter combat in the front lines as well.  Miss Rhynn, I think you know my skills, if I am not qualified please let me know.

My Thanks,


To Include Hurm
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2006, 09:26:55 am »
*This Notice has been updated*

After the Expedition of Roldem any able and/or ready will aid in the rebuilding and caring of the people and buildings of Hurm if possible


Roldem Exploration OOC times
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2006, 10:39:40 am »
For anyone Still Interested, please post your times here:


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2006, 09:19:04 am »
//OOC Update: If you are over or under the level requirement but still see a valid reason/ or feel you are of sufficiant skill to join us please send me a pm or contact me via IRC or tells in game and I will gladly and fairly consider it//

Black Cat

Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2006, 10:16:11 am »
I Xandrian Mor, will be more than happy to help you in this endeavor.


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2006, 11:18:34 am »
*voons walks in and sees the note hanging*
Ive come across these monks before and if you need some assistance id be happy to come along

Voon Loom


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2006, 12:10:32 pm »
*A penned note*

Ill be there love.

Love you hon


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2006, 02:35:11 pm »
Alright, the party has been set to all of the above. I believe we are good at where we stand. you were the first to show interest therefore you are the party. //Please check the OOC THread if you haven't yet done so. I am leaning towards this Friday//


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2006, 02:59:15 pm »
This is the tenative date of occurance: If anyone needs changes tell me:


Re: Roldem Exploration and Relief
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2006, 09:22:23 am »
//event updated to include meeting place *Duh*

