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Author Topic: The Wicked End  (Read 146 times)


The Wicked End
« on: May 27, 2006, 11:04:52 pm »
[SIZE=24]It's whispered from drunk, to tainted, to hero, to scholar, to villain, to friend... The Norseman is dead. And he's not coming back.   They tell of trolls and evil magic and the fearsome blade still gripped in the dead mercenary’s hand.  Mention of offspring, orphans, and the death of a Demon Card Prince.  His bellowing laugh will be heard no more. The Son of Leilon is dead. [/SIZE]

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: The Wicked End
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2006, 12:38:37 am »
Anodder warrior claimed by 'er. *Kobal sighs* She's gotten moighty hungry after taken' tha' beatin'.

*in a low voice* Oi'll pray fer ye, Cole. Rofirein guide ye teh deh end of deh path.


Re: The Wicked End
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2006, 05:09:55 am »
*Rhynn Rubs her eyes, walking out of the Wild Surge after a long night of expedition and mystery, she checks for new posts after checking the post for the Arcane Alliance expedition. Then she hears it, the whispers between the drunks and the small halfling bard."

Running up the bard, she asks her if it is true...It takes many moments for her to realise what has been said , for  it to  sink in and after it finally does, without a word, she goes to the Barkeep, buys all the bottles of Ale she can afford, and retreats back into her room*


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Re: The Wicked End
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2006, 05:30:46 am »
*Syn reads the poster and shakes his head, sighing*

 Only the good pass away too early... May Toran watch over your soul Cole, wherever it may wander.



RE: The Wicked End
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2006, 05:40:24 am »
*ireth walks into the Surge and hears the whispers, thinking to herself that she needs to confirm the rumors and worry about Addison, then maybe she'll find time to grieve*


RE: The Wicked End
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2006, 05:51:12 am »
Treana sits at a table in one of the corners, talking business with her associate Nehetsrev as they sometimes do.  Hearing the name of Cole spoken with a mournful and slightly excited whisper at a table nearby she stands to walk over and ask what word of him.  Listening to the rumors of his final fight, she steels herself to console Addison and share the news that will confirm her worst fears.

Having not known the hero Cole, Nehetsrev slips off quietly to go about his business, knowing the look of woe in Treana's eyes well enough to guess someone she knew was in trouble and reasoning it wasn't any of his own business.


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Re: The Wicked End
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2006, 06:03:21 am »
*Ash walks in the Surge and without tripping over anything, she makes her way to the kitchen. Then, as she makes flour she hears the whispers between Erag and the drunks* "It can't be..." she thinks to herself. "The Norseman, dead?" *she shakes her head, but knows that it's true*


Re: The Wicked End
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2006, 10:12:40 am »
*slipping into the tavern on her way to make juice she nods to Doria and walks through to the kitchen. Lee hears the whispers, and notes the strange tension in the air. She inquires at the nearest table of the recient goings on, and listens to the news. Her first thoughts are of Lady Ireth and Lady Addison. She thinks then of all the others Master Cole's life touched. Her heart drops to her feet, and she wipes a single tear from her cheek*

"Sad news indeed, friends. Thanks for sharin'. I've some friends ta seek out and be with in their time of need."

*She walks back out of the tavern, bottles and berries forgotten. She knows her two friends well enough that there will be alcohol and killing will be invovled.*

"Right then. Th' bars first then th' country side." *She nods to herself once and sets out determined to find them.*


Re: The Wicked End
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2006, 04:32:34 pm »
*Hearing the news as it ripples through the tavern, Elladan abandons his plans for cooking
Thrusting a basket of fresh fruit at a passerby*

"His passing is Fell news. He will be missed by those he leaves behind him. Still, the cycle continues on. I shall sit Vigil for him tonight, and pray for his swift and peacefull passing onwards"

*stopping only once, and finding his sister is not at home, he continues to the temple, and begins the long night of prayer*


Re: The Wicked End
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2006, 08:57:53 pm »
So the healers were unsuccessful.....a pity.  The few times I travelled with Cole he was a skilled leader and fearless in the face of overpowering odds.  I will remember the day it happened as I watched him run after the foul troll shaman, thinking not of himself but the others in the party.  Before I had a chance to even try to help him his spirit was gone to be with the soul mother.......

You will be remembered Cole......



Re: The Wicked End
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2006, 02:29:56 am »
*Lam'lothane sits in a coner of the Inn hoisting ale after ale in toasts to his friend and ally Cole*
Have fun in the afterlife mate!


Re: The Wicked End
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2006, 03:10:24 am »
*Jet hears the news and is at first speechless at the loss of his friend. He later would reflect on Cole's passing*

" He died with his blade in his hand, and I would guess swinging the whole way down. Some how I think he would rather go like that than any other way."

*Jet then gives himself a solemn nod and continues on*


Re: The Wicked End
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2006, 04:11:56 am »
Cole is dead.

Long live Cole.


Death of the Norseman
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2006, 07:37:35 pm »
*Michaelis gets word of this while making a rare pass through Hlint*
  Michaelis: *he sighs and frowns* You are sure?
  Anonymous Hero: *he nods* Yes sir, it seems many mourn of his passing. I'm inclined to ask though...where do you think he'll end up?  
  Michaelis: *he shakes his head* I don't know. Cole was a good man. He always said otherwise. Called himself a free-blade mercenary whilst he carried that giant sword of his.
  Anonymous Hero: You mean Wicked. *he smiles*
  Michaelis: *he returns the smile* Yes, and I've no shame in admitting that Wicked often stood between me and the claws of a demon.
  Anonymous Hero: *he laughs* I think that sword was bigger than I am! *but then his eyes fill with sadness* Never thought I'd miss a mercenary.
  Michaelis: Well, wherever his spirit lies, Toran rest his soul.
  Anonymous Hero: Would Toran ever claim such a man?
  Michaelis: *he sighs* I don't know, but I've seen many things in my days that I would never have believed previously. He will not end up in Baator, that's for sure. He is more deserving than that.
  Anonymous Hero: Perhaps he'll rise again. What about the soul mother?
  Michaelis: I know little of her. Though with every battle I feel like we're getting more acquainted. Cole will be alright. He was a noble man. *he laughs* I even remember trying to convince him to join the order. He didn't of course but still....he was a noble man.
  Anonymous Hero: Aye, he was. Are you off Michaelis?
  Michaelis: If there is ever a funeral for Cole let me know. I unfortunately can not stay here. I have matters to attend to elsewhere. For too long have I postponed dealing with some issues that have arisen and I need to tend to them.  
  Anonymous Hero: Safe Travels then. I'll keep you informed about Cole if I hear anything at the Inn here.