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Author Topic: Tour Of Mistone and Rilara for Newcomers  (Read 60 times)


Tour Of Mistone and Rilara for Newcomers
« on: January 12, 2007, 04:31:20 pm »
To start on the platform of Hlint.
This tour is to get newcomers to Hlint aquainted with their surroundings and with other new comers. This should be seen as a way to better your understanding of the world around you and most importantly to make lasting friends. Many different landmarks will be visited, some calling for the cloak of invisibility. If all goes well there will not be many battles, but alas these things are sometimes inevidable.
Afterwards we can gather to talk of recent events and share questions of the world around us and the current goings on. This is a bring your own snack event, although I will try for pie and beverages. No promises.
In addition to newcomers I am asking for a few of those who are more experianced with the world around them to accompany me on this little tour. Amongst these, a cleric would be highly appreciated in case of injuries or more serious accidents.
If you are interested please sign your name below so I can get a rough idea of the size of this outing.
Rhynnala Asantiani Wizard and Illusionist  
If Acceptable this event will be followed by a party chat, OOC question and answer session lasting no more than thirty minutes. This will be done in an obscure place such as Hlint's courthouse as to not disturb the rp of other players. This session is completley optional, and will be dismissed if the GMs deem it unacceptable. This event is more or less for new players into the game, though older players with new characters, or a few more experianced characters are welcome.  


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    RE: Tour Of Mistone and Rilara for Newcomers
    « Reply #1 on: January 13, 2007, 04:24:09 pm »

    // ie. Alden Pickett


    Re: Tour Of Mistone and Rilara for Newcomers
    « Reply #2 on: January 13, 2007, 10:28:23 pm »
    *glances over rhynn's note and smiles a little then slowly takes out a quill and jotes a piece fo writing underneath*

    Id Be happy to come along and help out anyway that i can , Please get in contact with me if you require assistance Rhynn

                                                        Voon Loom
                                               Fire Opal Of Her Perfection

