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Author Topic: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon  (Read 135 times)


To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« on: January 14, 2007, 03:26:38 pm »
*written in an elegant hand*
  IF the information I have received is indeed true and you did as a group go and negotiate with the Dragon on behalf of Hurm having made no effort to get official permission from the leader of Hurm and in fact knowing you DID NOT have offical permission to negotiate for Hurm and have made any promise to said Dragon that it will expect Hurm to keep then I hope you are prepared to be reported to any authorities that you are beholden to for your actions.
  Ireth Telrunya


RE: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2007, 06:11:45 pm »
*written in an elegant hand and posted to the bottom of the last note*
  So the dragon attacked a ship off Hurm.....How many lives were lost I wonder? Is the blood on the hands of the negotiators worth what they received in return?
  I do hope one of the negotiators is going to share with us all what a wonderful and honorable deal they made and who it benefits.
  I mean...did they even get the cauldron that was worth the possibility of selling Hurm into the slavery of an evil dragon for?
  Ireth Telrunya


Re: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2007, 06:20:09 pm »
the dragon was still talking when the ship was attacked so its not responsible and no we were denied


Re: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2007, 06:24:47 pm »
*written in an elegant hand*
  We know that more than one black dragon attacked Hurm....Are you truly naive enough to think it's not linked?
  So what did you promise before it said no?
  Ireth Telrunya


Re: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 06:42:18 pm »

It is my belief that parties who were unknowing of the exact negotiations ushered the innocents of Hurm upon a pirate ship. If they had remained with the party who preformed the negotiations they would have learned of the dragon's already fueled wrath upon said pirates, and would have been aware of their intentions twoards those said pirates interfering with Hurm. Furthermore it is upon my understanding that the pirates themselves would have likely kept those onboard as gally slaves or sold them off to disreputable parties. Indeed it was upon the dragon's orders to have any pirate ships interfearing with Hurm destroyed and indeed this one was done first as a warning. However, it was only with the misinformation or lack of information all together of those adventurers who turned back to Hurm that those innocents were ushered upon the ship to loose their lives.


Re: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2007, 06:55:17 pm »
*written in an elegant hand*
  Which pirates? Red Bear has often battled against slavers....He is well known for it in fact. Something you would have know if you had bothered to find out.....Oh wait....I told Kobal that very fact before he went.
  Red Bear is allied with Savair, the leader of Hurm who gave NO authority for anyone to speak to a dragon on his behalf so if the dragon attacks Red Bear who provides trade into Hurm then it is attacking Hurm's interests.
  Congratulations on doing a deal with the dragon to benefit some traders not even based in the city who didn't wish to deal with Red Bear and Savair and in no way actually helping Hurm
  Ireth Telrunya


Re: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2007, 06:58:21 pm »
And since when have you yourself been given authority to speak on Hurm's behalf?
*this is all that is penned*


Re: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2007, 07:04:31 pm »
*written in an elegant hand*
  I have said nothing other than the group had no authority from Saviar to speak for him. The bounty on the Friends of Hurm was a clear sign he did not back this venture.
  I have done nothing else than voice commonly known facts about the situation in Hurm and Red Bear.
  I fail to see how this is speaking on Hurm's behalf.
  Obviously if people had put some research into the venture they too would have know these facts.
  I also note no one has seen fit to share what the dragon was promised.
  Do you have something to hide?
  Ireth Telrunya


Re: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2007, 07:26:58 pm »
the dragon was promised nothing from hurm itself only the traders wishing to use its port


RE: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2007, 11:33:56 pm »
*Walks in and look at this piece of paper with a sigh until he reads chauldron*
  What is this chauldron that is mention here?
  Rain Darsus


Re: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2007, 11:38:43 pm »
* Lin'da adds her statement to the already ongoing debate *
  Perhaps it would be wiser for you to talk to those that actually spoke with the dragon. Its clear that your keen on finding someone to blame in this matter. Remember that you and I were also quick to be jugded by others, and you should atleast hear others out before discussing this in a public forum. We all knew the consequence of dealing with the dragon. That a ship was lost, carriying pirates, I cant say that I dont care, but perhaps the term pirates will not be used so frequently around Hurm anymore. If you want to know aboutwho said what and when, then I would gladly talk to you Ireth. Actually I was abit sad to not see you there, and now your taking a punch out at people trying to make Hurm a safer place, be it for the authority of Hurm or the people caling themselves friends of Hurm. But I hope it alls misconceptions, that we can unravel.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2007, 11:42:25 pm »
Oi will comment furder later on, bu' fer nauw Oi will only say dat as miss Rhynn said deh deal is between deh Dragon an' deh merchants dat stroive fer free trade fer Hurm. Deh percentage of deir dealin's dat deh Dragon requoires teh keep Prantz troups an' such off deir caravans an' poirates away from deir merchanteer ships will be paid boi deh mercants - nay boi Hurm.


Re: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2007, 11:56:57 pm »
*written in an elegant hand*
  I will happily speak to you Lin'da.
  I was passed some information that the group was happy to bargain with the Dragon on behalf of Hurm, possibly making promises to it that Hurm would be expected to keep without involving the leader of Hurm.  I think we can all agree if that were the case it would be wrong.  In effect it would be selling Hurm into slavery to the Dragon to further their own goals.  For if Hurm broke any deal the group made with the Dragon on their behalf I am sure it would have no problem attacking Hurm for it.
  Adventures have no right to speak for towns/cities unless that town/citie has given them permission to so.  Permission was not looked for from Hurm and IF the group spoke for Hurm then it is things like this that give adventures a bad reputation.  We are not the law of the lands or gods to decided what should and should not happen to others.  
  I would like to point out that the Dragon had stated that Hurm was safe as long as it was not bothered again.
  Elements of the group felt the need to bother it to try and bargain for the cauldron which they did not get.  They in a sense put Hurm in possible danger to do this.  While I understand that they did so due to other far reaching consequences regarding the cauldron I had from the very mouth of at least one of these people before hand that they would willing sacrifice Hurm to gain the cauldron from the Dragon.
  I'm sure in light of that you can understand my concerns and why I have repeatedly ask to know the details of the deal that was made.  The fact it has taken this long for someone to step forward and offer to share them only heightened my concern.  
  May we meet soon
  Ireth Telrunya
  *an addition section is added upon reading Kobal's response when going to pin this note to the board*
  I am glad that the deal is between the merchants and the dragon, not Hurm and the dragon.
  Thank you for telling me Kobal.
  I do have a few further questions about who decides what classes as a pirate but I am sure either you or Lin'da will clear that up for me.


Re: To those who travelled to speak to the Dragon
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2007, 01:02:51 am »
I can say that noone will be sacrificing Hurm for any cauldron. Actually it might be better off with the dragon, and not in the hands of the sisters. There was plenty of chance to have done that last night, but what would we gain from that.
  As to what classifies as pirates, I wont go into a great and lengthy discussion. But a person that steals and plunders on the seas, is in my book a pirate. I know that the Red Bear is in support of Hurm, but perhaps if he so freely trades with the city, he should use a diffrent term about him. Is there a shame in being a merchant?
  But ultimately its not up to us to jugde pirates or not pirates. Its the dragon that will kill those he sees as pirates, so if you sail with skulls and bones on your ship, perhaps Hurm is not the place to go.