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Author Topic: You should be ashame  (Read 234 times)


You should be ashame
« on: January 29, 2007, 02:44:50 pm »
TO the man running away from a bunch of phase spider..
  Running away is not the bad part, but running away passing by the ranger vale path to unleash the spiders on unsuspecting already dead passers by and having them killed.. shame on you. I hope no one else got killed and if so, may them never find out who it is.

Talan Va'lash

Re: You should be ashame
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2007, 03:26:34 am »
Well, if they were already dead, no harm done.

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: You should be ashame
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2007, 04:42:06 am »
I think he means suffering death affects. You can't kill the dead.


Re: You should be ashame
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2007, 03:13:23 pm »
Corathites can *Mwahahahaha*

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: You should be ashame
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2007, 06:05:41 pm »
If the spiders killed someone tha twas already deaad (Walking Ghostly) The ycould possibly lose another soul strand or xp ... I do not see anything funny in that ...


Re: You should be ashame
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2007, 06:48:37 pm »
//Im sorry but arent things in the Wild Surge considered IC rather than OOC?

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: You should be ashame
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2007, 07:04:31 pm »
//My apologies.  Seeing how some people just do not care like that, just rubbed the wrong way and wasn't thinking.


Re: You should be ashame
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2007, 07:17:54 pm »
//Oh I wasn't blaming you, just from the beginning it seemed a bit weird and I was wondering what was going on and why this was posted here if it wasnt meant to be in character.


RE: You should be ashame
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2007, 07:32:12 pm »
//Nope My post was IC, as Lex did get rekilled as soon as he made two steps out of the transition, you'll notice no ooc technical word as transition, but path to ranger vale, etc. I do beleive that both lalaith and talan has made their post IC too.


Re: You should be ashame
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2007, 08:35:58 pm »
// So its my fault then?  :)

// Folks, it seems there has been a misconception here about whats IC and OOC. I think in reading it its fairly clear the initial comment was IC and the following comments most likely OOC. In my defense I have assumed (perhaps wrongly) that both Talan and Lalaith's comments were OOC relating to the original post and my flippant remark about Corathites is most obviously OOC referring to Lalaiths comments about 'You can't kill the dead.' My apologies for not putting the // here to emphasise that point. I suggest people just take a step back and view whats been stated in their intended form rather than as a conspiracy to create an element of uncaring.

So..let me clear the air for the record in an OOC fashion.

// Yes its a shame that some people panic and flee the scene of a combat fearing that their character is about to die. Yes its s shame that sometimes they lead monsters where they are not supposed to and yes, sometimes people can get hurt from that. Some people also do not even realise they are being followed until its too late. Sometimes bad things happen and we and our characters have to live with that. SS and XP loss are all part of the 'game'. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.

Now for a proper 'Wild Surge Inn' IC account from Tarradon Duvall upon seeing the note.

*Tarradon frowns momentarily taken away from his well worn book as his eyes pick out one of the many notes on the wall. Sadly he sighs at the dangers that many face when leaving the gates of Hlint. For a moment though he remembers the times when any who stepped foot outside the gates of the city at night would be set upon by fearsome ghouls and undead creatures as well as the feared undead knights. How soon people forget things like that, they become past history so quickly. Taking a moment of time Tarradon leans forward out of his chair to grab a quill and add an additional addendum to the notice.*

Dear Sir,

I recognise the horror with which you have viewed this unfortunate set of circumstances and I pray that you recover fully from your ills. But I am also concerned too and pray that the one fleeing from the danger was able to do so safely or whether he too lies dead and abandoned in some corner of the forest alone having finally succumbed to the spiders attacks completely oblivious tot he fact that others who also suffered his fate now cursed him.

If however this persons did so intentionally then I suggest you bring the matter to the attention of the authorities so that they canfully investigate the matter.

Tarradon Duvall


RE: You should be ashame
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2007, 01:40:35 am »
My dear Sir,
  I did not curse the fellow who ran infront of the path to ranger vale, just expressed that I hope no one else died and that they would find out who it was that brought them their death. I for one do not know who it is, else be sure this would have not come up as I would have talked to the adit person, in person.


Re: You should be ashame
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2007, 04:17:05 am »
//I'm not saying anything is anyone's =fault= I was just overally very confused because I had a reply to this for one of my characters and didn't know if It was an IC thing for me to do I refrained and started following and just got more confused. I hate the words 'fault' and 'blame' So I really try not to use them ^^; Though if you're going to 'blame' someone, blame it on my intitial confusion. Thanks though Dezza (Though a conspiracy to whatty-what now?| Feel free to reply in PM as further OOC would damper this if its important) , that said...

*Rhynn walks into the Surge noticing the post and furrowing her brow slightly, she instead penns annonymusly*

"I have taken the liberty to follow those who are treating and mistreating battle and life as such. Just because you do not see me doesn't mean I am watching. Be warned and be on your best behavior"

*Rhynn laughs melodiously* "Maybe that will put some fear into otherwise careless people"

