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Author Topic: Question about Wizards Tomes  (Read 607 times)


Question about Wizards Tomes
« on: April 05, 2010, 02:13:46 am »
Question about Wizard Tomes, now I have a wizard and there seems to be a little confusion of when or where its -not- possible to use it?

For example if I take my wizard deep into the Rift, or into the Deep or high in Thunderpeaks and I had to log, is it fine for me to Tome my character out?


Re: Question about Wizards Tomes
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2010, 07:58:08 am »
I've seen it used numerous times for exactly that reason, I don't know if its appropriate or not, but the player usually asks if he/she is needed first or their spells then *poofs* Wizards, meh.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Question about Wizards Tomes
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2010, 08:04:21 am »
I think that as long as you're not in a No Magic area you can use it pretty much anywhere.  The restrictions on not using it to avoid combat, or to have the party load the mage up like a pack ox and then have them 'port back to a craft hall are still there and should be observed.

//I think the tomes still work in no magic areas, but still shouldn't be used even if they do.


Re: Question about Wizards Tomes
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2010, 08:13:58 am »
Actually I think I closed the dead magic zone hole a while back, but they definitely should not work in a no-magic zone since...well...they're magic!

There are also a few other places that they can't be used. I'm not going to say where.  You'll find out if you try. *evil GM grin*

Also, there's a way for GMs to block teleportation on-the-fly (for quest situations, for example) and in general, it's a good plan to coordinate with a GM if you're planning on using a Wizard's Tome for escape or similar purposes on a quest situation.

Other than that, as long as you're not using them to escape combat or play Schmendric the Ox, it's generally OK to use.

Oh, and the same statements apply to Druids and their branches.


Re: Question about Wizards Tomes
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2010, 10:49:53 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
Actually I think I closed the dead magic zone hole a while back, but they definitely should not work in a no-magic zone since...well...they're magic!

There are also a few other places that they can't be used. I'm not going to say where.  You'll find out if you try. *evil GM grin*

Also, there's a way for GMs to block teleportation on-the-fly (for quest situations, for example) and in general, it's a good plan to coordinate with a GM if you're planning on using a Wizard's Tome for escape or similar purposes on a quest situation.

Other than that, as long as you're not using them to escape combat or play Schmendric the Ox, it's generally OK to use.

Oh, and the same statements apply to Druids and their branches.

Does that mean the text in LORE is incorrect? LORE: Druid Tree Walking
■A druid must be standing in an outdoor, natural area for the teleportation to work. Druids cannot teleport from a cave or city, either.


Re: Question about Wizards Tomes
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2010, 10:54:31 am »
No, it means that the same sorts of restrictions on use (dead/wild magic, combat, etc.) apply to Druid tree walking branches.  Druid branches then have additional use restrictions as given in the LORE pages.


Re: Question about Wizards Tomes
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2010, 11:35:09 am »
Also, it wont work if you are encumbered.


Re: Question about Wizards Tomes
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2010, 07:56:49 pm »
Old thread I know but it brought up a question I now have.

Why exactly can druids not use there tree walking to travel to and from caves? Catacomb and dungeons I can understand but what about naturally formed caves? The druid could perhaps find a root that is from a tree above the cave and use it to travel out... or is it just a mechanical reason?


Re: Question about Wizards Tomes
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2010, 08:12:44 pm »
It's mostly mechanical, in that areas are already tagged as above/below ground, natural/artificial and indoor/outdoor.  Not all natural caves would see the invasion of tree roots into them. I'd even say most would not, as they would have to have very specific conditions, such as being relatively shallow, the stone would have to be softer and/ore fissured, etc.

So we'd have to go through and tag each cave area with additional properties depending on what the conditions of it might be.  In the same vein, the top level of the cave might be able to touch roots, but the lower levels might not.  

All that aside, pretty much all of our caves and caverns are CNR areas, and using the druid/wizard teleport ability in and out of those locations is not permitted.  In some cases, it's even mechanically prevented.

