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Author Topic: Item in need of oxing?  (Read 408 times)


Item in need of oxing?
« on: July 08, 2009, 08:19:58 am »
I recently found a Lichbane

But noticed it is different from the version I already had in my inventory

which is the correct version and when did it get changed?
are there other items that been changed and need to be ox'ed?


Re: Item in need of oxing?
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2009, 01:22:23 pm »
Another that might need to be oxed is the Shelid of the Lost Run Clan.
Seen two versions of that.

But as I understand it, when oxed, the item will be reset to whatever it "should" be.


Re: Item in need of oxing?
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2009, 01:38:49 pm »
Not sure if this helps but I have a Lichbane and oxed it. It did change it to the new stats. But it also increased the level req.  Not sure what the level requirement was before other than it was 26 or under (Emie could equipped it).  The change took it up to level 30 requirment.


Re: Item in need of oxing?
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2009, 02:44:49 pm »
Quote from: LordCove
Another that might need to be oxed is the Shelid of the Lost Run Clan.
Seen two versions of that.

But as I understand it, when oxed, the item will be reset to whatever it "should" be.

There was a post on that a while back. All lost clan shields should have already been oxed. Old versions should be removed as of July 12 2008 (one year ago)

see this post:

*just see the above link, most items were covered then.


Re: Item in need of oxing?
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2009, 04:21:06 pm »
In general, whichever one comes out of the ox pack is the right one, so if yours differs from that, it should be oxed.


Re: Item in need of oxing?
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2009, 05:15:25 pm »
Apparently, things are being changed without letting the community or even the GM's know. May I ask why?
In general, whichever one comes out of the ox pack is the right one, so if yours differs from that, it should be oxed.
 Does this mean all drops have to be oxed or does it mean all gear in all chests and on all players need to be oxed to make sure we all have the right equipment?


Re: Item in need of oxing?
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2009, 05:28:42 pm »
The list was made a year ago and all items n the drop list were changed to meet that.


Re: Item in need of oxing?
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2009, 07:51:11 pm »
I'd suggest any old Addy Armors...  Seems they get a 'new' Damage Reduction...


Re: Item in need of oxing?
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2009, 07:59:19 pm »
Quote from: twidget658
Apparently, things are being changed without letting the community or even the GM's know. May I ask why?

It is not a common practice to change items.  When an item is changed, it is typically adjusted downward, because the power level was deemed too high when it was first created.  The mandatory oxing last year was due to some items being found to be far too powerful and not properly balanced in a bad way. This was in fact publicly announced.

Since then, I can only think of a few other downward adjustments in items.  They were not announced because by and large the items were charged, and they have a way of being used up eventually, making their out-of-balance impact rather short-lived in comparison.
Does this mean all drops have to be oxed or does it mean all gear in all chests and on all players need to be oxed to make sure we all have the right equipment?

No, it does not, unless the item in question was on a (past or future) mandatory oxing list.  Anything in the drop lists should always reflect the latest current version, so the chances of a new item dropping with old and unblalanced properties is pretty low.  Mistakes can happen, but as things stand right now, the drop lists are pretty solid.


Re: Item in need of oxing?
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2009, 08:32:05 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
It is not a common practice to change items.  When an item is changed, it is typically adjusted downward, because the power level was deemed too high when it was first created.  The mandatory oxing last year was due to some items being found to be far too powerful and not properly balanced in a bad way. This was in fact publicly announced.

Since then, I can only think of a few other downward adjustments in items.  They were not announced because by and large the items were charged, and they have a way of being used up eventually, making their out-of-balance impact rather short-lived in comparison.

And, while it's quite rare for items to get better... sometimes level requirements are artificially raised by using 'fluff' attributes to maintain its intended abilities, but assign it a new level bracket.

And Twidg - what Dorg said.  A long while back I stopped consulting the GM team on item magic level due, bluntly, to lack of knowledge on balance and mechanic.  This sentiment lies mostly on me in regard to blame - I simply am unwilling to juggle everyone's opinions in addition to the actual implementation.  We did the one major 'team' overhaul in September of 2007, and afterwards overall team involvement became limited to advisory PM's.  Everything since has been directed only to Dorg via PM's.  Likewise - item changes are sometimes requested by Dorg, to me.  Since most people PM either him or me directly, concerns are consolidated in that fashion.

For the record, the last item changes (by me) that went into effect were November of 2008 I believe.  Well - except scales and tomes which I downgraded for 3.2 by request.  I don't make big posts on items needing ox'ing because they wash out eventually anyhow, and it avoids absolutely unconstructive commentary and concern.


Re: Item in need of oxing?
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2009, 08:10:36 am »
I should maybe have been more clear, I of course meant any items after the

and yes I could simply have tried to ox it but asked in a effort to clear it up, in order to avoid people putting enchants etc etc on items that would later need oxing and thereby make unnessary work for the dm team.

therefore my question still stands :)
Is there any items (not chargeable) that needs to be ox'ed?

