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Author Topic: Rule Revision on Level Separation  (Read 163 times)


Rule Revision on Level Separation
« on: November 03, 2007, 03:55:08 pm »
Has there been a rule change on the level separation in a party?


Re: Rule Revision on Level Separation
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2007, 04:49:43 pm »
What rule?


Re: Rule Revision on Level Separation
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2007, 05:17:53 pm »
Shoot me if wrong.

But you need at least 5 levels in any class you pick.

No nabbing 1 level in Shadowdancer for HIPS or stuff like that.

And... again... I could be wrong.
But if you've been approved for a class swap.... you have to take 5 levels in that approved class before you can take any levels in your frist class.

Heh.... should I even be posting here?
* slinks off *


Re: Rule Revision on Level Separation
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2007, 05:19:10 pm »
Er,,,, wasn't the question aimed at something different? *vanishes as fast as he has appaered*


Re: Rule Revision on Level Separation
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2007, 05:22:07 pm »
Er... yes.... hehe  

** does a total dissapearing act in shame*


Re: Rule Revision on Level Separation
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2007, 05:33:35 pm »
If you mean the number of levels between each party member, there was never a hard "rule" persay on that, other than that it better not turn into a leeching session where the lower levels sit back not risking anything while the upper levels do all the work.  There also must be a good bit of RP for these people to be grouping together for it to work.  Like if there's a Toranite paladin running around helping out a NE Corathite cleric... well there are problems with that.  A toranite helping out younger toranites though, or helping protect some lower level people do some intro quests isn't bad.  Bear in mind that the function of the World Leaders are to help guide newer players get their bearings in the world, so it's not totally unheard of to see a lvl 30 helping out a group of sub lvl 8s as they see fit.  All that we ask is that you don't run around *powerlevelling* lower players, or bring them to server areas restricted by levels (8+ on Dregar, 17+ on Belinara).  With proper RP interaction and making sure that the lower level characters are pulling their weight in a party, the level spread becomes less important.

One of my favorite ways to help new players is to take them on a tour around the Mistone Continent, and telling them the History of each of those historical sites witht he explorer flags there.  It's more of an informative quest than a kill-crunching-for-xp type, and helps show them the various paths and how to get to the cities, what kinds of monsters there are, etc.  That way they have a general idea of where things are and which monsters to avoid, so they'll be better prepared for their own hunting later.  I'll also help intro players learn how to craft with Bjorn, mainly because as a Dorandite Defender, that's pretty much his obligation tot he masses, and pleases his god.  You won't however see Bjorn taking a hoarde of wee lvl 8s to Firesteep, where they would level at every 2nd spawn! ;)


Re: Rule Revision on Level Separation
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2007, 05:39:46 pm »
Lonnarin is pretty much spot on I believe. There's an obvious difference between the high level character pulling people through CR spawns that are generally out of their league and the high level character who accompanies the lower levels in area's that were meant for the low levels. (did that make sense? heh)

Common sense is the rule.


Re: Rule Revision on Level Separation
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2007, 06:11:08 pm »
Common sense and good RP are keys.  The other key is that a high level character should not be taking a low-level party to places they couldn't otherwise go.  So say there was this group of level 8-12 characters and one 25th level character, and the high-level character helps them through the Red Light Caverns for the first time.  That's fine, so long as the high level character doesn't do all the work.  The same character probably shouldn't be taking the same party to the Tomb of the Emerald Skull, however.


Re: Rule Revision on Level Separation
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2007, 06:19:51 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
If you mean the number of levels between each party member, there was never a hard "rule" persay on that, other than that it better not turn into a leeching session where the lower levels sit back not risking anything while the upper levels do all the work. There also must be a good bit of RP for these people to be grouping together for it to work. Like if there's a Toranite paladin running around helping out a NE Corathite cleric... well there are problems with that. A toranite helping out younger toranites though, or helping protect some lower level people do some intro quests isn't bad. Bear in mind that the function of the World Leaders are to help guide newer players get their bearings in the world, so it's not totally unheard of to see a lvl 30 helping out a group of sub lvl 8s as they see fit. All that we ask is that you don't run around *powerlevelling* lower players, or bring them to server areas restricted by levels (8+ on Dregar, 17+ on Belinara). With proper RP interaction and making sure that the lower level characters are pulling their weight in a party, the level spread becomes less important.
 One of my favorite ways to help new players is to take them on a tour around the Mistone Continent, and telling them the History of each of those historical sites witht he explorer flags there. It's more of an informative quest than a kill-crunching-for-xp type, and helps show them the various paths and how to get to the cities, what kinds of monsters there are, etc. That way they have a general idea of where things are and which monsters to avoid, so they'll be better prepared for their own hunting later. I'll also help intro players learn how to craft with Bjorn, mainly because as a Dorandite Defender, that's pretty much his obligation tot he masses, and pleases his god. You won't however see Bjorn taking a hoarde of wee lvl 8s to Firesteep, where they would level at every 2nd spawn! ;)
 Okay, thanks. All of this is my understanding, too. I was just making sure.

