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Author Topic: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara  (Read 698 times)

Script Wrecked

Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
« on: May 23, 2007, 08:49:05 am »
Is there a "Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara"?

I just cast "Summon Creature I", expecting my trusty side kick to accompany me as I explored this new world of Layonara, when, ten seconds later, it evaporated. Fortunately, in that amount of time, I hadn't actually been able to engage the hostile lurking further up the road, nor had it seen me.

Are spellcasters meant to do without their summons?

Is there some other strategy to be employed?

Sorry, I am new here, and obviously the established spellcasters have successfully negotiated this little hump when they first started. However, a few pointers on what's different to standard NWN/D&D, perhaps why it was changed, and how to work with it would be helpful.


Script Wrecked.

Pen N Popper

Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2007, 08:51:19 am »
A good source of info is LORE.

LORE: Summon Creature I


Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2007, 10:30:10 am »
(This is an opinion post)

Spellcasters will find themselves hard pressed until around level 12. My suggestion to you would be to find yourself a group of friends and travel with them (And Dont forget to take the Eschew Materials feats so you can cast spells without the components)

However, at higher levels (14+?) Groups will be hard pressed without you almost As much as they would need a cleric. They won't want to go anywhere without a trusty spell caster.

That's how things are in Layonara.


Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2007, 12:52:10 pm »
As a spellcaster your best summons would be a good meatshield like a fighter or a fat barbarian :)


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    Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
    « Reply #4 on: May 24, 2007, 05:39:17 pm »
    Quote from: Script Wrecked
    Is there a "Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara"?

    I just cast "Summon Creature I", expecting my trusty side kick to accompany me as I explored this new world of Layonara, when, ten seconds later, it evaporated. Fortunately, in that amount of time, I hadn't actually been able to engage the hostile lurking further up the road, nor had it seen me.

    Are spellcasters meant to do without their summons?

    Is there some other strategy to be employed?

    Sorry, I am new here, and obviously the established spellcasters have successfully negotiated this little hump when they first started. However, a few pointers on what's different to standard NWN/D&D, perhaps why it was changed, and how to work with it would be helpful.


    Script Wrecked.

    Regards to summons it's 5 rounds/level.
    5 rounds is 30 seconds.
    So basically if you divide your level by two, then that's how many minutes your summon will last for.
    For example a level 5 will beable to use summon creature and it will last for 2.5 minutes, therefore 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
    Hope this helps with regards to summons!


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      Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
      « Reply #5 on: May 27, 2007, 11:00:58 pm »
      If you want your summons to last a little longer..  As well as other things like boost spells..  "Extend spell" is a great feat to take early

      I wish I'd know that with my first character..!

      Beyond that learn a few spells like flame weapon, bull strength, endure elements and protection from evil to help fighters, that's more important when you're at a low level than any attack spells you can cast...  and a good way to make friends fast, since low level fighters desperately need all the help they can get.. It's actually designed really well here to make everybody need each other's help..


      Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
      « Reply #6 on: May 28, 2007, 12:57:49 am »
      Travelling with a group is great idea, as is carrying mainly spells to aid the others of your group.  However if you have to travel alone, scouting ahead can be invaluable, and help you prepare the best spell selection.  Also, one piece of advice I was given early on, always have your way out / back and the means to do it, planned well in advance, just in case...;)


      Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
      « Reply #7 on: May 29, 2007, 02:21:10 pm »
      Color spray,Shield,Invisibility and Ghost Visage are Musts.


      Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
      « Reply #8 on: May 29, 2007, 03:50:35 pm »
      People have been saying "it's a good idea" to travel in groups. It's more than a good idea here. This PW is based around interaction and group play. IT's not just a good idea to travel in a group, it's paramount.

      Sure, you can solo, and as a mage, you'll likely be able to solo better than most when you get to higher levels. But soloing increases the danger of dying by tenfold, and every death is a chance that you'll lose a soul strand and after ten losses, poof, that's it for your character. Not only that, but soloing is slower, often much slower than traveling with some companions, and really, I don't think it's nearly as fun.

      Monsters are mean, the world is a harsh place. Even with powerful magic at your fingertips, you better have some good friends to watch your back or you won't be around very long.


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      Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
      « Reply #9 on: May 30, 2007, 03:11:28 pm »
      Depending on when you are on, I know several travelers that would love another companion in there group.  I am usually on around 10pm PST for 2-3 hours.  Maybe much later than you are on.  If that doesn't work, you are sure to find a group of trusted companions that you could adventure with on a more regular basis.  As a young mage, like it was said before, you will be best off "buffing" your frontline fighters and using a ranged attack on already engaged monsters and keep your distance.  A good fighter will do all he can to protect the wizards as they are potentially the lifeblood of a group, along with a good cleric.  

      It may be hard to do, but also remember to not be too selfish as a wizard (meaning don't waste all your spell slots on yourself)  I had to learn this with my wizard early on and it paid off well.  You will want to make sure you have the AC buffs for yourself as well as perhaps a CON buff to give you survivability.  But otherwise, keep your frontline strong and alive and all will be grand in the world.

      If you are interested, seek Elewin Trubidor out for traveling.


      Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
      « Reply #10 on: May 31, 2007, 06:24:19 pm »
      And - although you may or may not have come to this realization yourself - the quickslots are paramount.  No pausing (and really, how could you in a continuous world?) means that snapping off spells does include the realtime effort of getting them.  I usually keep my main offensives and maybe a defensive or two on my main quickslot row, and reserve my buffs for the +CTRL and +SHIFT rows.

      Because, let's face it.  Going through radial menu after radial menu is all well and good if there's no time pressure, but your limited HP won't keep you alive very long if those monsters catch up..

      Script Wrecked

      Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
      « Reply #11 on: June 03, 2007, 07:40:40 am »
      Thanks everyone. Useful information. The only thing is, where to find a group? I've been on all weekend, and want to know where everyone is hiding. :rolleyes:


      Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
      « Reply #12 on: June 03, 2007, 03:07:51 pm »
      Accross the server. :p

      Some can be found in Vehl and some can be found in Hampstead.
      Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


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        Re: Spellcaster's Guide to Layonara
        « Reply #13 on: June 15, 2007, 11:55:30 pm »
        *Is a newbie and had the same fears*  Good thread.

        Anyone just starting out a new character that would like a new Sorc with them for traveling and adventure? :)

        I always felt dying was a bad thing, ya know.  *Chuckles*

        (Will be able to start playing on the 18th and on)