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Author Topic: CNR some love to those who love crafting!  (Read 1053 times)

Guardian 452

CNR some love to those who love crafting!
« on: June 12, 2010, 10:15:55 pm »
If I were level 1 character and able to access materials to become level 20 in 11 tradeskills that any player can do.... Smelting, Weapon Crafting, Armor Crafting, Alchemy, Tinkering, Woodcraft, Enchanting, Gem Crafting, Tailoring, Cooking, and Infusing[/i]....  The Player Experience tied to crafting alone would make me ONLY character level 9 (maybe 10?). So lets see how many hours, days, weeks, Months of work at crafting tables would that be? No idea... but LOTS. How much money would I have spent in broken tools, and ingredients like oils, acids, etc etc?  again... no idea but LOTS !!

Yes I know I left out Scribing, Fishing, Music Instruments, and Poison Making... Fishing cause no one is 20 the others because they are a bit limited in who can do them.

I do know I can reach player level 9 in a week or two (and that is a generous guess) of killing things, doing NPC quests and discovering POI's.

OK G.... so what's your point huh!?

My point is why is it so bleepin' hard to get CNR? It cant be because people are leveling too fast in crafting and becoming EPIC players just off crafting XP. It's gotta be economy yeah? If any Joe Roleplayer could walk into an area and pick up some emeralds and walk out, emeralds would cost Nothing cause anyone could get them. Since crafted items last FOREVER its bye bye economy. (yes I am aware that we cant fix the issue of attuned items inside NWN either, so keep reading and dont hit reply just yet! :) )

How to fix that?

Raise amount of XP rewarded on success...

But how much is too much? Clearly we dont went people "Going Epic" from just crafting. Although I do think some kind of Props to the high level crafters would be awesome (another topic I guess.. LOL)


Make CNR easier to get to...

Making CNR easier to get to by everyone will be the final nail in the coffin of the worlds economy IMO. So not sure that side can be could be if we could attune items *laughs and ducks from whatever Dorg throws at him*

Maybe more of an idea for the direction CNR and Craftings takes in the next version of Layonara then.  :)


Re: CNR some love to those who love crafting!
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2010, 11:19:23 pm »
My point is why is it so bleepin' hard to get CNR?

How to fix that?

Raise amount of XP rewarded on success...

If the point is that it's too hard to get CNR, what does more experience on successful crafting attempts have to do with that?  Is it just supposed to make the player feel better because they got more payoff for their gathering time?

What CNR is too hard to get, and under what circumstances?  "It's too hard to get adamantium with a solo level 3 character."  "It's too hard to get cotton with a group of 4 level 15 characters."  Specifics would probably help make the point more clear.  Some CNR is harder to get in some places than others, too, so that could be a factor.

Maybe more of an idea for the direction CNR and Craftings takes in the next version of Layonara then.

Check out the MMO section.  There's crafting stuff in there.  It'll be different.  Better.

11 tradeskills that any player can do.... Smelting, Weapon Crafting, Armor Crafting, Alchemy, Tinkering, Woodcraft, Enchanting, Gem Crafting, Tailoring, Cooking, and Infusing

Not every character can do those, by the way.  Some require weapon feats that aren't automatic for every class, and some require spell casting.


Re: CNR some love to those who love crafting!
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2010, 11:44:53 pm »
As I try to read between the lines here, what you're really asking for is to increase the "speed" of crafting. Is this a fair and correct assessment?

Guardian 452

Re: CNR some love to those who love crafting!
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2010, 01:22:05 am »
Speed as in how fast one levels in crafting? No I think that is not bad right now. I think my ramble was more asking for an increase to the XP that goes to your character level. Perhaps that isnt possible. Giving a different amount of crafting XP vs. Player XP.

DOnt worry this wasnt my first un popular idea and it most likely wont be my last.... I figure if I toss enough things at the wall something is bound to stick!

LOL ;)


Re: CNR some love to those who love crafting!
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2010, 01:45:10 am »
Oh I'm not worried. I'm just trying to understand your suggestion.

Greater XP (which was somewhat ambiguous) coupled with the idea for greater availability of CNR seem to suggest a faster rate of crafting advancement.

So you're essentially looking for greater character advancement from crafting?

gilshem ironstone

Re: CNR some love to those who love crafting!
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2010, 02:00:58 am »
If I may offer my two trues it sounds like the opposite of fishing experience. Fishing doles out more crafting XP vs regular XP. I interpret a desire for more regular XP vs Crafting XP.



Re: CNR some love to those who love crafting!
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2010, 12:53:45 pm »
Ditto, that's what I read from G-452's second post too :)
And I must say I kinda like the idea. Would really help the low level characters (which I have a couple as well)?

Quote from: gilshem ironstone
If I may offer my two trues it sounds like the opposite of fishing experience. Fishing doles out more crafting XP vs regular XP. I interpret a desire for more regular XP vs Crafting XP.


Guardian 452

Re: CNR some love to those who love crafting!
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2010, 01:17:02 pm »
Yes a boost to character advancement via crafting. I dont think anyone should ever reach EPIC levels from crafting alone, that would really leave a bad taste with all who dont craft and risked their characters lives thru months and months of quests and trips etc.


Re: CNR some love to those who love crafting!
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2010, 02:51:43 pm »
There is no crafter class in NWN. You can level in all crafts and martial/caster abilities for so long as you desire with no limit save for schedule. Stat distribution does not even count as a limit, because you will gain a higher level in a craft you are less suited for than someone who is made for it ever will.

Why should being a great tailor make you cast level 9 spells, again? Or perform better decapitations? Along the same lines of RP xp and gossiping about ex boyfriend and latest fashions netting you epic feats over time, it really does not make a whole lot of sense.

A system for crafters would be exactly that - a crafter system, not a system for adventurers to also do all crafts on the side. Being able to spin queen silk does not grant you the ability to retrieve it.

If anything there should be less level advancement and more reliance on people actually devoted to crafting, creating the trade relationship between those with the abilities to retrieve and those with the abilities to create. Naturally you start thinking of MMO main skills when you go down that thought road.

Not the popular ra-ra answer but it seriously doesn't make any sense, and even if you don't agree with it I think it at least illustrates a divide. *shrugs*

Edit - to clarify before the next post is "I said not get to epic" the example I used was a reference to the old progression via chatting discussion divide. The point is that granting more adventuring xp rather than crafting only makes it more of a side-task for adventurers than a devoted system. I'd personally rather reward crafters with more things to do, recipes, reasons to do it, etc... while at least retaining the illusion of a choice between one and the other.


Re: CNR some love to those who love crafting!
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2010, 03:21:38 pm »
Kind of agree with the point Acacea makes. There's not necessarily a lot of synergy between a crafting skill and a PC's chosen profession.

A mage could become the best armour crafter, but not sure how that would benefit his progression as a mage/adventurer.

Anyway, you don't necessarily have to craft, there are always plenty of addicts around who've been willing to invest the hours so they can make your emerald jewelry. :)


Re: CNR some love to those who love crafting!
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2010, 03:23:59 pm »
For NWN, this is a bit grander of a balance exercise than just scaling up the adventuring XP returned by crafting. A 10% increase may not be a big deal, but something more meaningful, which I assume you mean, clearly has a greater impact on things. Was there a number you had in mind?

For the MMO, crafting is a means of character advancement, meaning one can gain levels only in crafting skills if one desires. Unlike in NWN, such advancement will not also make a character a better fighter or caster.

