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Author Topic: deposists of sand and clay  (Read 364 times)


deposists of sand and clay
« on: January 06, 2006, 07:48:00 am »
After the update digging has become very difficult, I have an avarage of 1 lump/bag per deposit meaning that i got 24 bags of sand by digging all deposists in the blood desert. I think this is VERY low compared to the above 100 bags of sand I could get on a similar trip before the update.


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2006, 07:53:00 am »
Thank you for your input, but I'd also ask that you not base judgements on one trip around the Blood Desert.
  Also...settings were adjusted precisely so that you do not pull 100+ bags/lumps out of a single mining trip.
  Yields will be lower than previous, no doubt. But overall they should not be significantly lower.  Long-term trends and not a single digging trip will tell us how well adjusted things are.
  Please continue and make note of your yields over a period of a week or two...or at least 10 trips.  Let us know what you find.


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2006, 09:03:00 am »
I seriously doubt that I will be making 10 trips if the next few are as unsuccesfull as the last one I has I am not going to continue to craft.


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2006, 09:09:00 am »
Hire people to dig for you? :)


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2006, 09:10:00 am »
Er...I'm asking you to try to see if they even out some.  If they are too unbalanced away from being productive over the long haul, then we'll adjust them.
  If you want to give up on crafting then that's your choice. What I'm asking you to do however is to contribute to the process to make it well-balanced and fair.
  *shrugs* Your choice.


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2006, 10:36:00 am »
Acacea - 1/6/2006  9:09 AM

Hire people to dig for you? :)

And give the pain of the testing to them:)...
Well I'll be recording the next couple of trips I take to gather sand. Because I'll most definatly get to ten trips rather quickly.


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2006, 10:48:00 am »
Pibemanden - 1/6/2006 12:36 PM  
Acacea - 1/6/2006 9:09 AM Hire people to dig for you? :)

  And give the pain of the testing to them:)... Well I'll be recording the next couple of trips I take to gather sand. Because I'll most definatly get to ten trips rather quickly.

  Thank you!


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2006, 01:22:00 pm »
Dorganath - 1/6/2006  6:10 PM    *shrugs* Your choice.
 I know... Like it is also my choise whether I play layo or not and whether i donate to layo or not.


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2006, 01:37:00 pm »
Harloff - 1/6/2006  4:22 PM  
Dorganath - 1/6/2006  6:10 PM    *shrugs* Your choice.
 I know... Like it is also my choise whether I play layo or not and whether i donate to layo or not.
 These kinds of statements make me question my choice to develop Layonara.


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2006, 06:46:00 pm »

There are those of us out here who are amazed and  are very appreciative of what you all do here. I do donate because it is the very least I can do to help Layo out. The content team and all others working on it is worth alot more than I can donate that is for sure. Please don't let some stupid comment ruin it for you.

Thank each and everyone of you for making this world run.

now back to LORE, I can't get enough of that!



RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2006, 07:07:00 pm »
Nobwocket was out harvesting sand two different days.  The first day he got quite a few 30 - 40 bags approx) from just the first two maps in the blood desert and today he got a lot less (20 bags approx) but it doesn't seem too different from when I played before.  Seems to be fine from the two trips I made.


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2006, 02:58:00 am »
orth - 1/6/2006  10:37 PM  
Harloff - 1/6/2006  4:22 PM  
Dorganath - 1/6/2006  6:10 PM    *shrugs* Your choice.
 I know... Like it is also my choise whether I play layo or not and whether i donate to layo or not.
 These kinds of statements make me question my choice to develop Layonara.
 Sorry for that this didn't come out right, I think you and the developer team is doing a great job in general. But this latest update has changed crafting from time consuming to VERY time consuming. Which makes me question why I craft at all, I spend far to much time on crafting already, and on top of that crafting has become a clicking nightmare. So when I ask myself why should I continue crafting there is only two reasons that pops up and that is I owe it to the rest of Raven trade company and the fact that I can't see how to play Skarp if he doesn't craft, so if I stop crafting I would stop playing Skarp. Thus this new update has made me question whether i should continue playing layo in general, and in turn why I donate. That was all I ment by it.   Up until this new update I could say "I play layo because I really like the crafting system (and the RP)" but I fear that I in the near future will be saying "I played layo because I liked the crafting system and the RP".


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2006, 03:58:00 am »
As I said before, Harloff, this is a process.  These changes aren't cast in stone, but they are intended for a very specific purpose, one that Leanthar and the GM Team feels is important for the longevity and stability of Layonara's economy.
  My comment to you is that on the harvesting front, you cannot judge yields by one outing alone.  We ask for the players' help in determining whether the parameters we have set are appropriate, fair and balanced for our long-term goals. 
  Crafting won't be how it used to be.  The changes we were going to make were even more drastic than what made it into the final version of the update.  We decided that was too much at the time and pulled back, because we know people like to craft, and we didn't want people to be completely fed up with crafting is very important to Layonara.  At the same time, the old ability to craft massive amounts of items was a problem not only for the economy but also because people abused the system to advance quickly.  We've imposed limits to prevent that practice. 
  Most items are limited to one at a time, though we have a list of items that can be crafted in batches, albeit small batches, and that list has been updated even since the update last weekend. We'll continue to update things as we identify items that should be batch-craftable. If you think that a certain item should be batch-crafted, then please post that under Bug Reports, and we'll consider it. However, the days of crafting huge amounts of something at one time are gone. We understand it may be inconvenient, but it's necessary.
  Having said all the next patch most of the CNR percentages will revert to their previous states, as we attempt to work through the issues and determine what is best for crafting and Layonara in general. Though it's still possible, even likely, that we'll adjust things in the future.  And the crafting limits will stay, though may be adjusted as well as appropriate.
  I encourage you, and everyone else, to contribute constructively to the process in order to help us figure out the right balance, and to not simply react to change in a negative way because it isn't like it was before.


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2006, 09:46:00 am »
Digged some sand today at Lake Ibnoune.
  First deposit I got 2 bags. Second deposit I got 12 bags and broke one shovel.
  This is similiar to what I got in the past if not more than usual.


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2006, 11:20:00 am »
My digging results after the update:

45 deposists of sand -> 64 bags of sand

25 deposits of clay -> 30 lumps of clay ( I stopped digging one of the deposits though because I had to go)

And this is way below the results before the update...


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2006, 11:25:00 am »
As of last night's update the numbers are back to what they were before the larger update on Jan 1.


RE: deposists of sand and clay
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2006, 11:29:00 am »
ahh... had missed that haven't spend much time on the forum these last few days...

