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Author Topic: Frakk: Donations for Make Benefit Glorious Tribes of Red Light  (Read 434 times)


Frakk: Donations for Make Benefit Glorious Tribes of Red Light
« on: September 16, 2009, 12:04:48 am »
// A thread for GMs to record Frakk's donations of gold, items and services back to the tribes of the Red Light Caverns. //
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin, Ravemore, Lance Stargazer, Link092


Re: Frakk: Donations for Make Benefit Glorious Tribes of Red Lig
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2009, 12:18:32 am »
3,000 gold received. Sept. 15, 2009.


Re: Frakk: Donations for Make Benefit Glorious Tribes of Red Lig
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2009, 08:17:18 am »
3,500 True Aquired for the Red Fang tribe.


Re: Frakk: Donations for Make Benefit Glorious Tribes of Red Lig
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2009, 07:39:00 am »
5,500 true donated to the Red Light Goblins


Re: Frakk: Donations for Make Benefit Glorious Tribes of Red Lig
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2009, 02:37:17 am »
10,000 removed from Frakk for the glory of the Red Light Caverns.


Re: Frakk: Donations for Make Benefit Glorious Tribes of Red Lig
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2009, 04:48:09 am »
Strewth, who'd have believed it, what a turn up for the books my son...Frakk has gone and donated 2,000 true to the gobbos, what a likely lad he is


Re: Frakk: Donations for Make Benefit Glorious Tribes of Red Lig
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2010, 06:59:02 am »
Another 2500 true donated to the Red Light Goblins by Frakk


Re: Frakk: Donations for Make Benefit Glorious Tribes of Red Lig
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2010, 08:36:40 pm »
// Frakk starts making enquiries. //

Searching for a Wizard



Frakk Ng'Ahll: *mutters* Frrrakkerrr Frrrakkerrr Frrrakkerrr
 Xaltotun: Hello Frakk
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Hello mighty masssterrr!
 Xaltotun: What are you up to, my fine fellow
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Frrrakk isss not worrrthy to walk the sssame rrroadsss asss mighty masssterrr
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: *pulls at the few scraggly hairs on his head*
 Xaltotun: Nonsense, you are a fine companion
 Xaltotun: You should not belittle yourself so much, yu know
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Frrrakk dessserrrvesss it *nods*
 Xaltotun: Well I would not agree with you in any way, so there
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: What isss mighty masssterrr doing today? Though it isss not Frrrakk'ssss place to asssk
 Xaltotun: I was just out to stretch my limbs, really
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: *mumbles to himself* Long limbsss, fine limbsss
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Frrrakk hasss little limbsss, ssstunted limbsss
 Xaltotun: But they fit your body so well. What would you look like with long limbs, eh? *smiles*
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Frrrakk not dessserrrve long limbsss *wails*
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: *fidgets*
 Xaltotun: well, Do not let me keep you please - I should not delay you
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Frrrakk hasss quessstion forrr mighty masssterrr
 Xaltotun: Sure, my small friend - ask away
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: *shuffles from foot to foot*
 Xaltotun: Do not be embarrassed
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: How much it cossst forrr Frrrakk to hirrre mighty masssterrr?
 Xaltotun: Hire? Whatever for?
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: *makes a vague sorcery hand gesture*
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: *fingers wiggle*
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Can mighty masssterrr do illusssionsss?
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Or .. ummmmm *thinks* ... ssssummon drrragonsss?
 Xaltotun: *smiles widely* Not really, Frakk - but I am good at setting things on fire
 Xaltotun: I can summon a monster though - why do you ask
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Frrrakk wantsss to ssscarrre peoplesss away frrrom a town, yesss he doesss
 Xaltotun: Hmm, you would need to tell me more about who and why, small friend. I do not belove in scaring people of good repute
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: No ssscarrring ... ummmm, sssso no puttting themsss on firrre too Frrrakk guesss?
 Xaltotun: Tell me about this town and it's peoples then
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: *snaps his fingers as if 'there goes a fine idea then'*
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Peoplesss in Hlint kill lotsss of gobbiesss for metalsss in cave *nods* Frrrakk thinksss maybe make peoplesss of town go sssomewherrre elssse
 Xaltotun: hmm, well yes...but generally goblins aren't nice Frakk
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: [Tell] should be talking to Eleaphabet .. she'd have given me a price to kill everybody in Hlint by now
 Xaltotun: And it's not really the people of Hlint who are killing the gobbies, you know
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Why mighty masssterrr sssay that? Cosss they defend theirrr homesss?
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: What mighty masssterrr think about ssstopping nasssty minerrrsss?
 Xaltotun: Well, it's more complex than that really. I have no animosity to either the goblins or the people of Hlint, a little of live and let live, I say
 Xaltotun: But it's really the adventurers you want to scare away, I would say
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: How Frrrakk ssscarrre away themsss?
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Frrrakk no ssscarrre anyone, look at Frrrakk! He isss weak *wails*
 Xaltotun: Not sure, my small friend - but perhaps you need to be careful on who you ask. Anyone else may have been insulted by your proposition
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: *looks nervous all of a sudden ... then thoroughly miserable (even moreso than normal)*
 Xaltotun: I have heard of a cave nearby that I need to go visit - you be safe young man
 Frakk Ng'Ahll: Frrrakk sssorrry for disssturrrbing mighty masssterrr
 Xaltotun: It is all right


Re: Frakk: Donations for Make Benefit Glorious Tribes of Red Lig
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2010, 05:48:33 am »
Another 4500 true donated by Frakk as well as 4 iron shortswords

