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Author Topic: Hardhammer Clan  (Read 1446 times)


Hardhammer Clan
« on: May 01, 2008, 08:40:10 am »
Name: Dan Hardhammer
Age : 43
Class: Fighter
Race: Dwarfe
Alignment : LN
Diety: Dorand

Dan is a well built dwarfe , proud of his large belly and his well groomed beard . His hair is a muddy brown colour , and he has brown eyes to match . Allthough his large build hes quiet muscular aswell .

Dan grew up with his clan , under hammerbound montains . His parent we nothing more than your usual dwarfes . they loved to work hard in the mines , and enjoy a feast of meat and a few large tankards of ale after a hard days work .

As soon as Dan was old enough and strong enough he helped his farther and his clan mine and do what they do best . He fitted in well , starting off with just carrying at first for a few months , till he earned the right to help mine itself . But dan didnt mind he wanted to learn off his elders and his clan members that he looked up to .

After a hard days work his farther would take a tankard of ale and dan to a quiet spot , and thed spar . His farther taught his how to hold his favourite weapon once he was strong enough to hold it , a battle axe . Showing Dan how to grasp it and the basic stances where to place your feet to be abel to get better momentom whilst weilding it . Dan learbnt a lot from his farther in these session of an everning . And they both enjoy them and spending time together .

Allthough Dan's farther was just a miner he did use to work at the forges smelting the ore . And other Clan members used what was smelted to make arms for the clan in Dorands honour . Dan was taught from an early age the believes of Dorand , And a lot of the clan believed that if you didnt craft you wasnt serving Dorands purpose .

Dan is bound by his honour he believes honour is gained by working hard and doing what youl say youl do . Once hes made a friend hed never betray him or her and is rather loyal .

At the age of 43 Dan was a bit reluctant to leave his clan but he wanted to see the world above , he needed some freedom so he set out for the hempstead . Saying goodbye to nearly all his clan , he went looking for adventure and he promised to make his Clan name known to all that he met .


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2008, 08:43:32 am »
It was a long road to Port hempstead but finally I made it , As i wandered the streets for a few days taaking my time to aquanite myself with this large city i meet a few travellers passing through . Of course i introudced myself and was polite even though there a luittle tall for my liking but i must admit ive kept my distance for a bit . Till i get to know the seroundings a little better .
Whilst looking around , i came acroos where the local merchant sell basic weapons *chuckling to himself*
Obviously not made by a dwarfe the quality just isnt there but it will do for now , If the battle axe and shield i payed my last few coins i had dont break .


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2008, 08:56:53 am »
A few days have past and i actually have made it out of hempstead main gates ....

Whilst sitting in a nearby fort looking across the water , fort wayfare i beleive . A Female kin comes by *with quiet a smile on my face* i say hello .
Since leaving my clan this is first Dwarven lass ive come across , We intoduced ourselfs and got aquanted . Argali was here name we even talked for quiet some time .
She looked quiet the warrior in her armour , she even gave me a few pointers *laughs*
A lass showing me where im going wrong  whatever next , but no i listen and was gratefull , anyway i can improve i will . You need to stay alive in these place .

Argali said if theres one thing i should , that is that i should always walk in to battle , never loose my cool and charge like most . walk steady and be aware .
Probably worth a shot ,who knows maybe it will stop me getting all  the blows im taking . Or maybe i just need to toughen up and learn to take them .
Only time will tell i guess ......


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2008, 04:25:50 am »
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Dan Hardhammer: 'annur k'aha nazthth
Argali Trueaxe: 'Annurr, kin.
Argali Trueaxe: You arre fishing?
Dan Hardhammer: *sits stroking his beard* Nay jost sitting tinking lass
Argali Trueaxe: Oh. Argali can leave you to yourr thought, if you like.
Dan Hardhammer: Nay nay company be noice loike avnt met any kin since oive been in dese parts
Dan Hardhammer: oll toll folks *laughs*
Argali Trueaxe: Oh? Therre arre quite the few kin about. *thinks a bit*
Dan Hardhammer: Oime Dan Hardhammer lass noice te meet ye boi dere way
Argali Trueaxe: Iz Argali *nods politely* You have recently arrived frrom zomewherre?
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* Aye moi Clan home lass under Hammerbound peaks
Argali Trueaxe: Oh... *looks with concern* Zis iz th harrsh place, no?
Dan Hardhammer: *looks around the fort* strange place loike not many forges rounds
Argali Trueaxe: *thinks*
Argali Trueaxe: Iz forrge in the Porrt of Hempstead, and the Forrt of Vehl.
Dan Hardhammer: Ale dats nots even fiits for an ox *laughs* who dey tink we are servering dat water te me loike
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz zo. *grins*
Argali Trueaxe: **can't help but cast a sentry eye around**
Dan Hardhammer: Ye be from round ere lass?
Argali Trueaxe: Argali comes frrom Taurr'en. *nods*
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly again* Oi came te dese parts te make moi clan name known , Prove moiself loike ... ow bout Ye lass?
Argali Trueaxe: Argali comes to find the defenderr.
Dan Hardhammer: Defenderr?
Argali Trueaxe: Therre werre no morre in Taurr'en. *makes a small sigh*
Dan Hardhammer: Ye foinde one lass?
Argali Trueaxe: *The* tzhazhgar tawaartah.
Argali Trueaxe: Indeed. SHe finds Masterr Fenrrir.
Argali Trueaxe: He iz one of the grrestest defenders of the lands. *proudly*
Argali Trueaxe: //*grreatest
Dan Hardhammer: *nods once* maybe ones days oi can protect moi Caln loike dat
Dan Hardhammer: Would be a grand honour loike
Argali Trueaxe: Argali iz almost ready to go back and defend herr clan. *nods*
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz taking the many hours of the prractise, no? *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: Oi Practise most days loike since ive been in dese parts , working moi foot work ... buyt withouts someones showing mes loike dits hards lass
Argali Trueaxe: Oh. What weapon do you use?
Dan Hardhammer: *unstraps his axe and shield from his back , slowly grasping the hlint of the axe*
Argali Trueaxe: Ah. *grins* You use the axe and shield.
Dan Hardhammer: *smiles* Wats oive always used lass feels roight
Argali Trueaxe: Herre iz the tip Masterr Fenrrir sharres with all who will listen.
Argali Trueaxe: "Zhazng arkur ziurlpoazk."
Dan Hardhammer: *smiles at her* oid welcom any advoice ye av te offer lass
Argali Trueaxe: If you run, they frreely swipe at you, no?
Dan Hardhammer: *mutters softly after her what she said in dwarven as if hes reminding himself of it*
Argali Trueaxe: If you ztep into combat, walk, they cannot attack you zo. *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: Oile try ond remember dat in dere heat of tiings *laughs*
Argali Trueaxe: Zis goes against the boiling of the blood mst of the kin feel, no? *grins*
Argali Trueaxe: They arre always charrging into the frrey as fast as they can.
Dan Hardhammer: ye Can learn te tame dat lass? wiff practise?
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* Argali trries to remeber zis one all the time. Iz not easy, especially when the otherr arre needing yourr help quickly.
Argali Trueaxe: //*otherrs
Dan Hardhammer: Oile make sure oi remember dit lass *smiles*
Argali Trueaxe: Iz lesson good to learrn. One of the things that makes Masterr Fenrrir the warrior he iz.
Dan Hardhammer: Ye tink if ye had some toime each week ye could teach more ?
Dan Hardhammer: Oid be willing te learn loike lass
Argali Trueaxe: Zurre. Argali iz happy to help. *smiles*
Argali Trueaxe: Argali has to dig the zand now.
Dan Hardhammer: Dat be gud lass *smiles at her* Maybe oi can follow dat marster fenrirs footsetesp loike
Argali Trueaxe: Zurre. ZIs iz what Argali iz hoping to do as well. *smiles8
Dan Hardhammer: wiff dere roight training ond practose loike
Sallaron Tempest: *nods* Evening
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Dan Hardhammer: Ell lass tere we go from ere loike?
Dan Hardhammer: Ye tink we could meet loike once a week ?
Dan Hardhammer: Or once a month lass oif dat works for ye loike
Argali Trueaxe: Zurre. Argali gives the pointerrs, no? *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: Grand *a big smile ion his face* Ye jost send me an letter lass wen yer free loike ond oile meet ye were eter
Argali Trueaxe: Look out forr the birrd. They brring the messages. *smiles*
Dan Hardhammer: *nods once still rather happy* Aye aye lass oil keep moi eyes open
Dan Hardhammer: Elll oi best lets ye get on wiff dat sand ye be digging loike
Argali Trueaxe: Until next time, Dan of the Harrdhammerrs, keep zafe.
Dan Hardhammer: ye te lass ond tanks again
Argali Trueaxe: **nods and smiles**


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2008, 04:26:49 am »
Argali Trueaxe: She has learrnt alot frrom yourr instrruction, but iz she ready to teach?
Fenrir Thornaxe: *he nods slightly* Well.. ye know enough te get eht started, bu' he must have promise... Nay everyone gots wha' eht takes
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly* ello dere
Argali Trueaxe: *looks up when she hears Dan*
Argali Trueaxe: *smiles* Masterr Fenrrir, zis iz the one Argali mentions, Dan of the Harrdhammerrs.
Argali Trueaxe: *motions Dan closer*
Dan Hardhammer: *moves alittle closer* Noice te meet ye , Real noice te meet ye
Fenrir Thornaxe: *he nods slightly* Ye may approach lad.
Dan Hardhammer: And ow ye keeping lass ell oi ope?
Fenrir Thornaxe: So, lad, ye reckon ye got wha' eht takes?
Argali Trueaxe: *looks as Fenrrir seems to appraise Dan*
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly* Oi aint one te shy away from der hard work ...
Fenrir Thornaxe: Tha's good, since eht's nay walk ehn te park.
Argali Trueaxe: *makes a deliberate nod*
Fenrir Thornaxe: Becomin' eh master o the defensive styles o combat nay be loike em pansy weapons masters who just swing
Fenrir Thornaxe: Ye will need te learn stances, poses, attacks methods ehnd shield bashing. Ye'll need te study fer traditions, get yer mind straight ehnd find yer callin.
Fenrir Thornaxe: Then.. ye got eh shot eht eht
Dan Hardhammer: Ell dere aint anyting easy in dis world , Bot oime a willing listerner loike
Dan Hardhammer: Ond eager te learn if oi av wat it takes
Argali Trueaxe: *watches Dan's responses closely*
Fenrir Thornaxe: *he cracks a smile* Listenin' be necessary, bu' ehn the end eht will boil down te implementin eht.
Fenrir Thornaxe: Bu' le's nay scare ye off straight away, eh. *he grins slightly* One step eht eh time
Argali Trueaxe: *makes a discrete grin*
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly* Oll oie ask is a chance loike Te try oi aint one te give up easly loike
Fenrir Thornaxe: Good. Then since Argali be acquainted with ye, she can get yer started.
Argali Trueaxe: *nosd once*
Fenrir Thornaxe: When the times comes, ehnd eh have the time fer eht, eh'll step ehn te get ye goin' fer the tougher parts
Dan Hardhammer: Grand *Smile a little but still you can see hes deadly seriouse*
Fenrir Thornaxe: Eht'll take months, years, decades te get where ye hope te climb
Fenrir Thornaxe: Eh mean, Argali's done well, bu' she be far from complete
Dan Hardhammer: *nods Once again* Toime oi av , plenty of toime
Argali Trueaxe: *makes a small smile at her master's praise*
Alleina Shiante: *She waves a few fingers to those present before turning back to where she came from.*
Fenrir Thornaxe: Bu' before ye come te talk with meh again, ye have eh assignment. Figure out yer motive. Why do ye want this? Wha' makes ye be'ah eht eht. Ehnd what will make ye go when everythin' else goes dim
Fenrir Thornaxe: Since tha's the thing tha' matters the most. *he taps his head a few times with his finger* The drive.
Fenrir Thornaxe: Ehts yer best weapon ehnd yer biggest shield.
Fenrir Thornaxe: Eventually makin' ye forget about pain ehnd blood. Only focusin' on the task eht hand
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly making notes in his head*
Fenrir Thornaxe: Once ye think ye know. Argali will arrange eh meetin'
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Dan Hardhammer: Ell moi clan be what drivers me loike , I want te make dem Proud , be able te proect dem when times be tough , Ell protect all the kin for dat matter loike
Argali Trueaxe: The Dan comes frrom the Hammerrbound mountains, Masterr Fenrrir.
Fenrir Thornaxe: Pride be but eh emotion. Give eht several moons, eht'll come te ye
Fenrir Thornaxe: YE lookin' fer urges, nay emotions
Fenrir Thornaxe: Emotions be fer axe idiots
Dan Hardhammer: *nods slightly*
Fenrir Thornaxe: The way o the shield be the most stern ehnd complicated one.
Fenrir Thornaxe: *he nods to Alleina* 'ello lass
Alleina Shiante: *She fills her canteens and drinks from the cold fountain water.* Morning!
Dan Hardhammer: *slowly stroking his beard for a momet* Ell i wont keep ye any longer was noice meeting ye
Argali Trueaxe: *makes a small smile to Dan*
Fenrir Thornaxe: *he nods* Eh wish ye luck ehnd endurance on this long journey te come.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly at all three of them as he turns*


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2008, 07:08:04 am »
Oi been working latly on keeping my cool , ond keeping me head in dere mist of battle .. Oi been working on walking like Argali told me te , even when oi can see dem coming tewards me dere oi am walking slwoly keeping moi witts bout me loike . Dit be going ell te dere aint be many toimes like ere oi avnt be able te keep control of my emotions loike .. Ell oi lots te tink bout like oi ave te still figure wat be driving me te learn how te deffend myself loike some of te best dere are


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2008, 03:36:22 am »
Argali Trueaxe: 'Annurr, Dan.
Dan Hardhammer: *smiles* Ello lass
Dan Hardhammer: Ow ye been keeping loike
Argali Trueaxe: Oh, zis iz looking like the new arrmor, no?
Dan Hardhammer: Aye*nods* noice new armour
Argali Trueaxe: It iz the irron, no?
Dan Hardhammer: Ad te moine der copper bot got a gud proice on it loike
Dan Hardhammer: just copper lass loike
Argali Trueaxe: Oh. *looks a bit closer at the armor*
Dan Hardhammer: But it elps for sure
Argali Trueaxe: *grin* Zo, have you been putting the arrmor to use?
Nechemiah: *Nods*
Argali Trueaxe: *nods in return*
Dan Hardhammer: Aye when oim moining copper ond tin loike ... ond oive been walking in te battle loike ye said keeping moi witts about me loike
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz good. *smiles*
Dan Hardhammer: Ard te remember oll der toime thou
Dan Hardhammer: *grins a little*
Argali Trueaxe: You notice you arre not having the zurprise attacks against you?
Argali Trueaxe: **drinks from canteen**
Dan Hardhammer: Ye can see dem better loike ond were dey be coming from *nods sternly*
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz zo. *nods firmly*
Argali Trueaxe: Zo, show Argali how you arre fighting with yourr axe and shield.
Dan Hardhammer: Oive ollso been tinking bout wat master fenrir said , why *as he unstraps his shield and axe from his pack ox*
Argali Trueaxe: Oh? Does zomething occurr to you?
Dan Hardhammer: *he moves the shield infront of him one foot ibn front of anouther embedding his feet firly into the ground*
Argali Trueaxe: **casts her eye down at his foot placement**
Dan Hardhammer: Ell .. oive been think real hord loike and oi tink it be moi Clan dat drioves me , oi want te one day be able te stop der raids , so me and moi kin can do Dorands work loike
Argali Trueaxe: *looks up* You want to defend yourr clan, no? ZIs iz the zame forr Argali.
Dan Hardhammer: Aye moi Clan be important te me and Dorand loike
Dan Hardhammer: Oil de watever oi can te elp stop der raids loike
Argali Trueaxe: To stand in frront of yourr clan, beforre the enemy, to yield no morre.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly with a slight smile*
Argali Trueaxe: To know that the enemy will crrash upon you, and you will stand against them, immovable... like the rock.. like the wall.
Dan Hardhammer: *smiles* maybe one day oil be able te do dat *nods*
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz what it means to be the defenderr, no? *smiles*
Argali Trueaxe: Zo, we have to make you learn to fight like the wall.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly* Aye lass , *proudly*
Dan Hardhammer: Ond ye can teach me dat loike?
Argali Trueaxe: We zhall see... *smiles a little*
Argali Trueaxe: When normally fighting, there is a lot of moving arround, no?
Argali Trueaxe: THe combatants change theirr pozitions.
Argali Trueaxe: The defenderr does not fight like zis.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly* Dey try te come from oll angles , te take ye boi supriose loike
Argali Trueaxe: *nods once to Dan's comment* The defenderr fights frrom one place, even though he might be zurrounded.
Dan Hardhammer: *listens nodding *
Argali Trueaxe: Normally, when fighting, you zwing yourr axe, and ztep afterr the enemy.
Argali Trueaxe: Or ztep backwarrds, way frrom him.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods slightly sternly*
Argali Trueaxe: The firrst thing to learrn as the defenderr iz to not ztep afterr orr away from the enemy, but to ztep back to your place.
Dan Hardhammer: oi trio te lead off moi back foot loike not te sure dats roigh av dat as moi main stance
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz harrd, no? The naturral inclination iz to move towarrds orr away frrom him.
Argali Trueaxe: But zis iz the thing to prractise firrst.
Argali Trueaxe: And do not be zurrprised if it does not worrk forr you, initially.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternlY* So oi trio not te move after dem loike , let dem come te me
Argali Trueaxe: You have to think about what you arre doing, wherre you are going, and to ztep back to yourr starrting place. *nods to Dan's comment*
Dan Hardhammer: Ond look round were te make ur stand loike i guess te?
Argali Trueaxe: *grins* Aways the eye on the enemy, no?
Argali Trueaxe: No looking down, least they clonk you on the head. *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly* aye , ye must keep ye eyes wide open loike focused
Argali Trueaxe: Iz rhythym. Ztep forrward forr the blow, ztep back.
Dan Hardhammer: Bot ye body loike not ye feet? so ye swaying loike?
Argali Trueaxe: Like zis. *she steps forward, making an overhead swing with the axe...*
Argali Trueaxe: *her right leg now infront...*
Dan Hardhammer: *keeps a keen eye on Argali watching everything she does*
Argali Trueaxe: Frrom herre, it would be norrmal to ztep forrwarrd again with the left leg, no?
Argali Trueaxe: *she demonstrates*
Dan Hardhammer: *nods still taking a mental not of her stance*
Argali Trueaxe: Especially with the shield, to return to leading shield leg position, no?
Argali Trueaxe: But instead... *she steps backto right leg leading...*
Dan Hardhammer: Oi , bot ye dont **nods* ye return te ow ye wos Aye , oi tink oi get dit loike
Argali Trueaxe: You ztep back to the ztarting position. *shes returns the right leg behind her*
Argali Trueaxe: *she looks to Dan to she if he's understanding*
Argali Trueaxe: //*she=see
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly with a smile*
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz not easy. It almost unnatural. But zis iz what you must prractise.
Dan Hardhammer: *he tries to do what argali di moving his right foot a pace forward , thuding the heel deep into the ground with his axe above his head slowly*
Argali Trueaxe: And do not be zurrprrised if you can't make it worrk, or in the battle, you forrget.
Argali Trueaxe: *she watches his movements*
Dan Hardhammer: *as he move the axe and a steady motion down forwards he slowly recoils backwards , so that his legs is once again behind himself*
Argali Trueaxe: Now the ztep back to the starting position.
Argali Trueaxe: *smiles* Zis iz it.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods with a grin* Aye Aye oi tink oi cud use some practise doh in der heat of der battle loike
Argali Trueaxe: *grins* Zis iz wherre it counts, no?
Dan Hardhammer: Aye , oi be practosing loike all der toime till oi hammer it in moi thick skull loike *laughs*
Argali Trueaxe: *grins*
Argali Trueaxe: Zis will do forr now.
Filuviel: *nods politely*
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly* Ye tink we can meet in a week or te lass ond oi can tell ye ow oime getting o loike?
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Dan Hardhammer: Aye dat would ge grand oime looking forwqard te it ollready
Dan Hardhammer: *smiles at argali* Ell wiff dat in moind oi guess oil go moing den in seilwood
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Dan Hardhammer: Put it in te action loike ond get som practoise in
Argali Trueaxe: Keep zafe, Dan of the Harrdhammerrs.
Dan Hardhammer: Ye te lass , And let Dorand watch ye as ye work loike
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: And Vorax guide your axe.
Argali Trueaxe: Azrt Gurhazq k'ata our'h azqa.
Dan Hardhammer: *grabbing the rop that is tied to the tree he unwraps it and gives it a yank*


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2008, 03:38:06 am »
Dan Hardhammer: oh ello lass
Argali Trueaxe: You arre looking well, no?
Dan Hardhammer: ow ye been keeping den
Argali Trueaxe: Argali iz fine.
Dan Hardhammer: oime gud loike
Argali Trueaxe: How goes the trraining?
Dan Hardhammer: busy trining loike , *grins* gud oi tink loike
Dan Hardhammer: yeself las ben op te moch
Argali Trueaxe: Argali iz busy gatherring the things to make the otherr things.
Dan Hardhammer: Guds oi hope dats goings ells loikes
Argali Trueaxe: Zo, you arre worrking on the ztepping back oafterr ztepping forrwarrds?
Dan Hardhammer: Aye * grins* oi tink oi av it oll worked out now loike
Dan Hardhammer: *gives a quick demostration of steping forward to strike then back to the stop he started at a little mpore deffensivly*
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz good. It takes zome restrraint not to advance afterr the enemy.
Dan Hardhammer: *spot
Argali Trueaxe: Zome of the kin have the difficultly with zis. *grins*
Argali Trueaxe: That iz the easy parrt.
Argali Trueaxe: The harrd parrt iz when the enemy advance towarrds you.
Dan Hardhammer: oh , so wats dere difficult parts dens?
Dan Hardhammer: *nods listening* Wens deys comes towards ye wgys dats difficuklts thens?
Argali Trueaxe: How does the wall keeps its foundations?
Argali Trueaxe: Therre arre the zeveral stages to learrning zis.
Dan Hardhammer: ye keep a sterdy base loike? *points down to his feet*
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* If you can rezist the enemies' advance, zis iz best.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly* Aye , so oi wos right ond dits te doi wiff ye feet den lass?
Argali Trueaxe: We will do zis parrt firrst.
Argali Trueaxe: It iz the easiest.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly* Aye aye , ye show me ow ye tink is best lass
Argali Trueaxe: Zo, the norrmal stance forr the shield and axe iz shield foot forrwarrd, axe foot behind.
Argali Trueaxe: The weight iz in the middle, you arre balanced.
Dan Hardhammer: ye wont me to demistrate dat lass *unstrapping his shield taking up the stance*
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Argali Trueaxe: **casts an appraising eye over Dan's stance**
Argali Trueaxe: *turns in his back heel a little*
Dan Hardhammer: *his left foot forward , right back knees a little bent * loike dis lass?
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz when you arre facing the enemy.
Argali Trueaxe: You arre balanced. The weight iz even between the two legs.
Dan Hardhammer: Aye , dis is ow oive been practising wat ye showed me last toime we meet loike
Argali Trueaxe: You can move back and forrwarrd frreely between the two legs.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly*
Argali Trueaxe: Then to resist the enemy... *she places both hands on Dan's shoulders*
Argali Trueaxe: You arre pushing up through the back leg, moving your weight forwarrd. *she pushes against Dan in a measured manner*
Dan Hardhammer: *looks at her slightly as he tries to move his forward leg behind* *dex check * *strengh check*


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2008, 07:07:13 am »
Oive been working hord of late in Dorands name loike , been working der forge making bronze . Nearly cant fail now either loike so it be going ell . Den out of der bronze ive been making daggers ond grand armour for kin ond moiself te wear at a later date .  Bot its been giving me a chance te work on wat Argali as been teaching me loike putting oll dere stances in te real life practise ond ye cant beat it oi tink der only way really get ur confidence , *chuckles as it reminds him of his training* Aye im growing in confidence of late cause oime improving lots ... Hopefully oi see Argali soon den der lass can show me more .

Ell oi fget on now oi tink stoff te de and dere world dont stop  ,


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2008, 02:24:31 am »
Dan Hardhammer: Oh ello lass
Argali Trueaxe: 'Annurr, Dan.
Dan Hardhammer: ow av ye been loike
Argali Trueaxe: Argali iz busy, gatherring the things.
Argali Trueaxe: How iz yourr trraining?
Dan Hardhammer: Aye aye oive been busy loike practosiing wat ye been showing me loike
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* The returning to the standing place, the resisting the push of the enemy?
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* Aye resisting der enimy loike
Dan Hardhammer: been going ell te loike oi tink *laughs*
Argali Trueaxe: *grins* Good to hearr. The next ztep iz what to do when the enemy iz strrongerr than you.
Argali Trueaxe: How does the defenderr hold the grround when they arre not as strrong as the enemy?
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz taught in the two parrts.
Lati The Pawn Broker: Hello, Sir, Welcome to Lati's Trinkets! Let me know if I can help you!
Dan Hardhammer: Aye ye said dat loike oi triod te hold dem ogers off bot dey be really big loike *laughs* hard dat be
Dan Hardhammer: *8stands facing argali listening*
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* Zis iz the cruz of being the defenderr, no? To ztand beforre all odds and hold the grround.
Argali Trueaxe: Zo, the firrst technique.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* Aye would be an honour loike
Argali Trueaxe: You will be the big strrong enemy, Arrgali iz the valiant defenderr. *grins*
Argali Trueaxe: You arrre strrongerr than herr.
Dan Hardhammer: *laughs with a nod* dat dont seem fitting loike bot oi give dat a go
Argali Trueaxe: You would push herr out of the way.
Argali Trueaxe: Zo, what does she do?
Argali Trueaxe: *motions forr Dan to push her backwards*
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly* Roight , um *tries to think* dunno
Dan Hardhammer: Trio te push dem back loike? ye showed me last toime we meet?
Argali Trueaxe: You push Argali back like you arre the big giant coming to squash herr.
Dan Hardhammer: *moves to tawrds argali doing just as she said*
Argali Trueaxe: Zo, the giant would normally push the defender back, because he is strongerr, no?
Dan Hardhammer: *nods stenrly* dat makes sense loike , stronger survive loike
Argali Trueaxe: But, to hold herr ground, she zteps a little to the zide, and let's the giant push by,
Gravas Hrendhamer: *waves*
Argali Trueaxe: *she sidesteps, dragging Dan past and behind her, before turning to face him*
Dan Hardhammer: *grins* ye be more agile dan dem den loike?
Argali Trueaxe: Exactly!
Dan Hardhammer: Dat shud be easy tee learn loike ond practise oi tink
Argali Trueaxe: The defenderr iz also light of foot at the zame time he iz firrmly grrounded.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly*
Argali Trueaxe: See, Argali has only moved the small distance frrom herr ztanding place.
Argali Trueaxe: *indicates the point to her left*
Argali Trueaxe: It iz only the small ztep back to the standing place*
Argali Trueaxe: When you begin, you will take the big motion away, and have the big ztep back.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods stenrly* Aye , bot ye move jost enuff te avoid dere oncoming advance loike
Argali Trueaxe: As you become morre practised, you take the zmallerr and zmaller zteps away, and only have the zmall ztep back. *grins*
Argali Trueaxe: *nods to Dan's remark*
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz the starting point. Zis will be refined even furrther laterr.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly* Oi tink oi get it loiike lass bot oi av te do som practoise
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* Zis time Argali iz the giant, and you arre the valiant defenderr.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* And ye be coming dis toime loike
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* Ready?
Dan Hardhammer: **nods* Of course oime ready lass
Argali Trueaxe: *grins, and slowly advances*
Dan Hardhammer: *moves as quickly as posibles a pace to the left*
Dan Hardhammer: *reflex check* *dex check*
Dan Hardhammer: Reflex Check: 15 + 3 = 18
Dan Hardhammer: Dexterity Check: 17 + 1 = 18
Argali Trueaxe: *she slowly steps past*
Dan Hardhammer: *smiles as he moves out of the way turning to face her once again*
Argali Trueaxe: *turns and smiles*
Argali Trueaxe: ZIs time, you help the giant move past you, deflecting him with your zhield.
Argali Trueaxe: *again, she slowly advances*
Dan Hardhammer: *he steps to the side making sure she passes him shield side of himself trying to glance her past* *reflex check* *dex check*
Dan Hardhammer: *reflex check *dex check*
Dan Hardhammer: Reflex Check: 16 + 3 = 19
Dan Hardhammer: *dex check*
Dan Hardhammer: Dexterity Check: 4 + 1 = 5
Dan Hardhammer: *he takes a larger step than usual not really judging it well*
Argali Trueaxe: *turns and smiles again*
Argali Trueaxe: You arre getting the idea, no?
Dan Hardhammer: i get der idea loike bot oi tink oil av te work on it loike
Argali Trueaxe: If you arre not guiding them past you, they will zimply follow you when you ztep to the zide.
Argali Trueaxe: Like zis...
Argali Trueaxe: *she steps towards Dan again*
Argali Trueaxe: *grins* And you get pushed all overr the places.
Dan Hardhammer: *nods sternly* ye need te get dem where ye want dem loike
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* Exactly!
Dan Hardhammer: So ye be in controll oi get it loike lass *nods sternly*
Argali Trueaxe: Do not worry, when you firrst do zis, you will be pushed out of position.
Argali Trueaxe: It iz only by the prractise that you will hold yourr position.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods * Oil poractise it till oi get der hang of it lass
Argali Trueaxe: *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: And dat be der two parts loike lass?
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz the firrst parrt.
Dan Hardhammer: Ell oi best perefct dis fiorst oi tink *smiles*
Argali Trueaxe: Afterr you have learrnt zis, the zecond parrt iz how to dodge the blows while ztaying in the place.
Dan Hardhammer: Ow do you tink oime progressing den lass?
Dan Hardhammer: Do ye tink master fenrir will approve loike?
Argali Trueaxe: Masterr Fenrrir has the crritcal eye.
Argali Trueaxe: Argali cannot zpeak forr him.
Argali Trueaxe: He will find yourr faults, and point them out forr you.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* Ell oil jost have te keep pracxtosing loike
Argali Trueaxe: Argali would like to see you in combat zome time as well.
Dan Hardhammer: before oi practise dis or after loike?
Argali Trueaxe: Eitherr.
Argali Trueaxe: Both. *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: Ell wen ye want te see me in action loike lass ye jost say oi be ready
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Argali Trueaxe: Perrhaps the next time. Chose the enemy you would like to face.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* Gud dat will give me sum toime te work on wat ye showed me teday loike
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Argali Trueaxe: *claps Dan on the shoulder* You prrogrress well, Dan of the Harrdhammerrs.
Dan Hardhammer: Ell if dats be oll for teday lass oi moight go take a nap loike
Argali Trueaxe: *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: *smiles slightly* ye aint doing te bad teaching te loike
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Vorax guide your axe, Dan.
Argali Trueaxe: Gurhazq k'ata our'h azqa, Tazr.
Dan Hardhammer: may Dornad be wiff ye te lass
Argali Trueaxe: *smiles politely* Keep zafe.
Dan Hardhammer: ye te *wanders off*


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2008, 12:19:34 pm »
Oi wos asked te go te som moines teday colled Haven loike boi Double , he wos oging in wiff a large group te trio and deffeat dere leader . Grand trip it turned out te be te loike , Argali decided te come wiff us te and quite a few ioters loike , Argali wonted te see ow my training has been coming , boot der lass said she wonted te see me in der comtion of battle loike .
Oll went ell , we made it te dere bottom foine , everytiome oi looked over moi shoulder dere Argalki wos watching me loike a hawk , ooking at moi feet , moi techniques , giving me a few pointers e elp me improve .
After a spot of moining we eaded out quiote an uneventfull triop loike , but der best traing oive ad yet oime glad Argali was dere te see how moch oime improving , maybe soon oi av her blessing te become a grand Deffender . Jost loike der Lass herself .


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2008, 03:21:36 am »
Argali Trueaxe: *spots Dan*
Dan Hardhammer says in Dwarven: hello Argali ,noice te see ye lass
Dan Hardhammer: 'annur Azhkazna ,rurazia ka thaa oa nazthth
Argali Trueaxe: 'Annurr, Dan.
Dan Hardhammer: Tanks lass *grins* tink oil need dem loike
Argali Trueaxe: **nods and smiles**
Argali Trueaxe: *nods politely to Chakar*
Dan Hardhammer: Ello lad **nods sternnly* ow ye been Loike?
Argali Trueaxe: *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: Gud gud
Dan Hardhammer: //brb back dwarvem ear aint working pooh
Argali Trueaxe: **shakes head**
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: oive been working on wat ye showed me lass guiding der enimy wiff moi shield even taking smoller steps loike now
Dan Hardhammer: uraga poaar zhurhgark urr zhazk oa th'urzhat la nazthth k'atark tah aralo zhawawa lura th'aant agar kazgark thlurnnah thkarhth nuraga rurzh
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: *nods to Dan* This is good.
Argali Trueaxe: *nods to Dan* K'ath ath kururt.
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: ond oi seem te end op back in dere same place loike and dem roight were oi want dem loike
Dan Hardhammer: urrt ura thaal ka art urrh poazzig ar taha thazla rhnazzia nuraga azrt tal hurak'k zhaha ura zhazrk tal nuraga
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: This is harder against the bigger opponents. *grins*
Argali Trueaxe: K'ath ath 'azhtah azkazarthk k'a poakkah urrhrhurrarkth. *grins*
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: oive been using dat tatic on large ogers loike really strong dey be bit slow bot strong lass
Dan Hardhammer: uraga poaar 'thark tazk kazkazi urr nazhka urkahth nuraga haaznno thkhurrk tao poa poak thnurzh pourk thkhurrk nazthth
Argali Trueaxe: *nods to Dan*
Dan Hardhammer: *hears everyone prepearing and he slides his helm on taping the top making sure its secure*
Dan Hardhammer: Tanks lad* nods aprrovingly*
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: dis will be a challange loike doh lass oive ered it be real tough down in dese moines loike
Dan Hardhammer: tath zhann poa az zi'aznnazrka nuraga tur' nazthth uraga ahat ak poa haazn kur'k' turzhr ar tatha lurarath nuraga
Argali Trueaxe: Zurre.
Dan Hardhammer: *chcukles*
Argali Trueaxe: Thank you.
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: yel be watching closly oi guess lass
Dan Hardhammer: oan poa zhazkzi'ark zinurthno ura k'athth nazthth
Argali Trueaxe: *nods to Dan*
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Fight your natural style.
Argali Trueaxe: Waak'k our'h razk'hazn thkona.
Dan Hardhammer: *wanders at a slop pace keeping his witts about him not charging , measured at all times*
Dan Hardhammer: *slow
Dan Hardhammer: **keeps to his own paces carfull noting the lay of the land*
Argali Trueaxe: Argali has the rearr.
Dan Hardhammer: *readies himself shield foot infront , well banalnce as usual*
Dan Hardhammer: Nay lad *seriously* oi be foine
Argali Trueaxe: **casts an attentive eye as Dan fights**
Dan Hardhammer: *use his strengh and sjield to push against the dogmen , trying to hold the spot*
Argali Trueaxe: **appraises Dan's technique**
Dan Hardhammer: *smiles patting double onm the back* ye doing ell lad
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Doors can be used defensively by you.
Argali Trueaxe: Tururhth ziazr poa 'that tawaarthagano poo our'.
Dan Hardhammer: /dm[ ow am oi doing den lass]
Dan Hardhammer: //grr dam ears
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: So far, so good.
Argali Trueaxe: Thur waazh, thur kururt.
Dan Hardhammer: //down the stairs next floor is safe if no wanders off
Dan Hardhammer: *smiles at Argali*
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: dey be charging loike headless chickens lass
Dan Hardhammer: tao poa zi'azhkark nuraga 'aaztnathth zi'azigarth nazthth
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Dan Hardhammer: nay composure loike
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: This can dagerous it itself.
Argali Trueaxe: K'ath ziazr tazkahur'th ak akthanwa.
Argali Trueaxe: *makes a small adjustment to how Dan holds his shield*
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Try this.
Argali Trueaxe: Kho k'ath.
Dan Hardhammer: *looks down taking note nodding to argali*
Dan Hardhammer: tanks lass
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: ond moi stance dey look ollroight te ye lass
Dan Hardhammer: urrt lura thkazrzia tao nururg urnnhurak'k ka oa nazthth
Dan Hardhammer: *uses his shield to glance the foe past him*
Dan Hardhammer: Oid loike som lad
Dan Hardhammer: if dere be toime loike#
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: *clips the back to Dan's boot with her own* Keep the rear foot no so turned out.
Argali Trueaxe: *clips the back to Dan's boot with her own* Gaarh k'a haazh waururk rur thur k'hrat ur'k.
Dan Hardhammer: *makes a mental note nodding* dat ill make iot easier loike
Argali Trueaxe: *peers intot eh cauldron*
Argali Trueaxe: Forrm up.
Dan Hardhammer: *adjust his stance again practising and getting use to the adjustment*
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: dat lass be woild loike
Dan Hardhammer: tazk nazthth poa zhurant nuraga
Dan Hardhammer: *shaking his head*
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Keep your head clear at all times.
Argali Trueaxe: Gaarh our'h 'aazt zinaazh azk aznn kalath.
Dan Hardhammer: *walks at a measured pace keeping aware*
Dan Hardhammer: *takes his stance in the doorway pushing his weight forard against the dogmen*
Argali Trueaxe: **watches Dan closely again**
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Two entrances to keep eye on.
Argali Trueaxe: Kzhur arkhazrziath kur gaarh aoa urr.
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: ye av te pick were ye want te hold te loike lass now ye surroundings no?
Dan Hardhammer: oa azg ka rhazig zhaha oa zhazrk ka 'urnt ka nuraga nazthth rurzh oa th'hhur'rtarkth rur?
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Exactly. The cavern walls form the defense for you.
Argali Trueaxe: Aqazzikno. K'a ziazgahr zhaznnth waurhl k'a tawaartha waurh our'.
Dan Hardhammer: **noddding sternly*
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: They hold your flank.
Argali Trueaxe: K'ao 'urnt our'h wanazrg.
Dan Hardhammer: *readies himself well balance moving forawrd to strike returning to where he started*
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: This is very important when you are few, or only one.
Argali Trueaxe: K'ath ath gaho alrhurhkazrk zh'ar our' azha waazh, urh urrno urra.
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: When you are many, they guard your flank.
Argali Trueaxe: Zh'ar our' azha lazro, k'ao k'azht our'h wanazrg.
Argali Trueaxe: **drinks from canteen**
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: These are two good spots to hold your flanks.
Argali Trueaxe: K'atha azha kzhur kururt thrhurkth kur 'urnt our'h wanazrgth.
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: go on lass
Dan Hardhammer: kur urr nazthth


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2008, 03:22:37 am »
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: go on lass
Dan Hardhammer: kur urr nazthth
Dan Hardhammer: **listening to her*
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: They are narrow, restricting the attacker to your front, and possibly, to your rear.
Argali Trueaxe: K'ao azha razhhurzh, hathkhazikark k'a azkkazzigah kur our'h wahurrk, azrt rhurththapono, kur our'h haazh.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly*
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Also, when everyone is looking on one direction, make sure you are keeping an eye out behind.
Argali Trueaxe: Aznthur, zh'ar agahourra ath nururgark urr urra tahazikaurr, lazga th'ha our' azha gaarhark azr aoa ur'k poa'art.
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: They leave their backs exposed.
Argali Trueaxe: K'ao naazga k'aah poazzigth aqrhurthat.
Dan Hardhammer: *turns keeping a watchfull eye on the way they came nodding to Argali*
Argali Trueaxe: *adjusts Dan's shield again*
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: dey be more interested in der wealth ond pebbles dan keeping aware loike
Dan Hardhammer: tao poa lurha arkahathkat ar tah zhaaznk' urrt rhapoponath tazr gaarhark azzhazha nuraga
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: This is the danger. *nods to Dan*
Argali Trueaxe: K'ath ath k'a tazrkah. *nods to Dan*
Dan Hardhammer: *holds the doorway pushing against the enermy*
Dan Hardhammer: *shakes his head at himself*
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: need te be more aware loike one got a part of me den
Dan Hardhammer: raat ka poa lurha azzhazha nuraga urra kurk az rhazhk urwa la tar
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: This is in the next lessons. *grins*
Argali Trueaxe: K'ath ath ar k'a raqk naththurrth. *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: *makes sure hes on the end so they cant be flanksed*
Dan Hardhammer: //brb making coffeee then
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Sometime we need to move quickly, but beware of hurrying.
Argali Trueaxe: Thurlakala zha raat kur lurga k'azigno, po'k poazhazha urwa ''hhoark.
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: its bes oll abouts keeping ye witts bout ye lass
Dan Hardhammer: akth poath urnn azpour'kth gaarhark oa zhakkth pour'k oa nazthth
Argali Trueaxe: *nods to Dan's remark*
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternnly* please loike
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: *calls to Dan* Keep that back foot turned in.
Argali Trueaxe: *calls to Dan* Gaarh k'azk poazzig waururk k'hrat ar.
Dan Hardhammer: *pushes against them using his strengh , but keeping agile*
Dan Hardhammer: tanks lass
Dan Hardhammer: *hums as he mines*
Argali Trueaxe: **keeps an eye out**
Argali Trueaxe: Zurre.
Dan Hardhammer: *with his witts about he makes a mental note of the area keeping an eye on the direction they cam, from for reinforcements*
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Argali Trueaxe: *smiles*
Argali Trueaxe: Argali iz happy to help.
Dan Hardhammer: //lol need to log for 2 mins missus wants to make a bid on Ebay great timming il be back in two mins
Dan Hardhammer: //thanks and sorry wont be long but she wants to catch it before it ends
Argali Trueaxe: *takes the time to make a few adjustments to Dan's posture, reiterating points she has made earlier*
Argali Trueaxe: **keeps an eye out**
Dan Hardhammer: //sorry bout that lol
Argali Trueaxe: Ready.
Dan Hardhammer: Aye alss *nods sternly*
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Walk into combat. *grins*
Argali Trueaxe: Zhazng arkur ziurlpoazk. *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly to argali*
Argali Trueaxe: *keeps an eye out behind the group*
Argali Trueaxe: **nods and smiles**
Dan Hardhammer: *hold s the door pushing forward with his stengh but feet well balanced*
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Remember to keep an eye to the looter. Something they are forgotten, and get left behind.
Argali Trueaxe: Halalpoah kur gaarh azr aoa kur k'a nururkah. Thurlak'ark k'ao azha waurhkurkkar, azrt kak nawak poa'art.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods looking at Argali*
Dan Hardhammer: **keps an eye on the backc as they walk on*
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: ow am oi doing den lass?
Dan Hardhammer: urzh azl ura turark tar nazthth?
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: You arre progressing well, Dan of the Hardhammers. Just more practise. *grins*
Argali Trueaxe: Our' azhha rhhurkhaththark zhann, Tazr urwa k'a 'azht'azllahth. Dr'thk lurha rhhazzikatha. *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly as he wander a delberate pace keeping his witss about himself*
Dan Hardhammer: *keep a close eye on wats going on as the chaos breaks out*
Dan Hardhammer: Roight we heading op now loike
Dan Hardhammer: nah need te slaughter now than we av te loike
Dan Hardhammer: **keeps watchfull eye on the corridoor they cam from*
Argali Trueaxe: **takes a defensive posture**
Argali Trueaxe: *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: *glances at Argali watc=hing as he keeps his witts and copies*
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Always beware the ambush.
Argali Trueaxe: Aznzhazoth poazhazha k'a azlpo'th'.
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: oi wos lass , oi was roight boi yerside dere
Dan Hardhammer: ura zhurth nazthth , ura zhazth hurak'k poura oahthata taha
Argali Trueaxe: **nods and smiles**
Dan Hardhammer: *pushing against the dogmen using his strengh*
Dan Hardhammer: *taking his helm off and strapping his shield and axe top his side he smiles at Argali*
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: *grins* Well done Dan. You are coming along nicely.
Argali Trueaxe: *grins* Zhann turra Tazr. Our' azha ziurlark aznurrk raziano.
Argali Trueaxe: Zurre.
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: aye oive been traing hord loike lass
Dan Hardhammer: azoa uraga poaar khazark 'urht nuraga nazthth
Dan Hardhammer: Tanks lass
Argali Trueaxe: *dusts off her hands*
Argali Trueaxe: Thank you.
Dan Hardhammer: Roight oi moined ten lumps of iron loike
Dan Hardhammer says in Ear for Dwarven Language: so oime coming along ollreoight den lass
Dan Hardhammer: thur urala ziurlark aznurrk urnnhaurak'k tar nazthth
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Indeed. *smiles to Dan*
Argali Trueaxe: Artaat. *smiles to Dan*
Dan Hardhammer: ye moind if we share der iron out loike bout toim oi ad a nap
Argali Trueaxe: Thank you everryone. Argali goes forr the ale now.
Dan Hardhammer: Tankye lass for coming loike it wos an honour
Argali Trueaxe: Argali's pleasurre.
Argali Trueaxe: Keep up the good worrk.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* oil meet op wiff ye again soon den lass
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* Keep zafe, Dan of the Harrdhammerrs.
Dan Hardhammer: Ye te lass
Argali Trueaxe: *wanders off to the Stars tavern for an ale or two...*
Dan Hardhammer: Roight who need iron loike?


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2008, 02:47:46 am »
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* Ello lass
Argali Trueaxe: 'Annurr, Dan. *smiles*
Argali Trueaxe: Zo, how has the zideztepping been worrking forr you?
Dan Hardhammer: Gud gud lass
Argali Trueaxe: You arre making the zmall ztepping cirrcles, no?
Dan Hardhammer: Oive been training hord loike , trying te get perfect *nods sternly*
Argali Trueaxe: Good to hearr. Now we take the next ztep. *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: Toiny *grins* jost enuff te avoid dem and oime getting gud at glancing dem enermy , guiding dem te were oi wont dem loike
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: *Iz naturral prrogrression, and the key to the arrt of the* dwarven defender.
Argali Trueaxe: *Iz naturral prrogrression, and the key to the arrt of the* tzhazhgar tawaartah.
Argali Trueaxe: Now you learrn to defend in place...
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* So dis next step loike ye spoke of?
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* to dodge the blow of the enemy without moving away...
Argali Trueaxe: To yield and hold the grround at the zame time.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly once again* oil relish der chance te troi dis lass oind learn loike
Argali Trueaxe: It ztems frrom what you just learrnt, taking the zmall zide steps.
Argali Trueaxe: Now, you make the small movements of your body to aciheve the zame thing.
Dan Hardhammer: Wiff actually moving ye feet lass loike?
Argali Trueaxe: **shakes head**
Dan Hardhammer: *wiff out
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Argali Trueaxe: Exactly.
Argali Trueaxe: Argali zhows.
Argali Trueaxe: **takes a defensive posture**
Argali Trueaxe: Now punch Argali.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly watching what stance she takes*
Dan Hardhammer: *taking a pace forward he thrusts his fist towrds her left hand side of her plate mil*
Dan Hardhammer: *strengh check*
Dan Hardhammer: Strength Check: 5 + 4 = 9
Argali Trueaxe: *as he lands the blow, she makes a small turning movement, turning her body to deflect the blow*
Argali Trueaxe: It iz all about defending in place.
Dan Hardhammer: *noids sternly*
Argali Trueaxe: Using yourr arrmor to maximum benefit.
Argali Trueaxe: Punch again.
Dan Hardhammer: Aye lass oi tink oi understand loike
Dan Hardhammer: *thrust his fist at the opersite side of Argali*
Argali Trueaxe: *this time, anticipating the blow, she turns her body to meet the blow, deflecting it before it reaches full strength*
Dan Hardhammer: *nods* as hesee Argali coming to meet the blow* Dese two toime be different loike lass , not moch but different loike
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* The starrt with, you will learrn to turn away from the blow. Zis iz the easiest.
Dan Hardhammer: Can oi trio te av a go now loike lass see if oi can get it loike?
Argali Trueaxe: Then, you will learrn to anticipate the strrike, and to spoil it, reducing its effectness.
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Dan Hardhammer: *takes up his deffensive stand well balanced*
Dan Hardhammer: *stance
Argali Trueaxe: *she slowly and deliberrately punches forward with her right fist*
Dan Hardhammer: *standing in the same blace he tries to adjust his body in his plate armour glancing the blow* *reflex save*
Dan Hardhammer: Reflex Check: 2 + 3 = 5
Dan Hardhammer: *dex cechk*
Dan Hardhammer: *dex check*
Dan Hardhammer: Dexterity Check: 15 + 1 = 16
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz hit!
Argali Trueaxe: //*it
Dan Hardhammer: **noid sternly* dis gives me somting te practoise lass
Argali Trueaxe: *she launches a series to blows, fairly slow and quite telegraphed, at Dan*
Dan Hardhammer: *spot check*
Dan Hardhammer: Spot Check: 13 + -1 = 12
Dan Hardhammer: *as he sees the first one coming he tries to meet it and glance it away* *reflex check* *dex check*
Dan Hardhammer: Reflex Check: 1 + 3 = 4
Dan Hardhammer: Dexterity Check: 18 + 1 = 19
Dan Hardhammer: *then trying to twist his body to glance the other fist using the opersite side of his body* *reflex dex check*
Dan Hardhammer: Reflex Check: 11 + 3 = 14
Dan Hardhammer: *dex check*
Dan Hardhammer: Dexterity Check: 1 + 1 = 2
Argali Trueaxe: *grins a little as he was a bit slow on the first blow, but has picked up for the second*
Argali Trueaxe: THerre. Zmall movements.
Dan Hardhammer: Oil av te practois dat oi tink lass , get used to moving moi opper body loike oi tink
Argali Trueaxe: Yourr stance iz now limited to shield stance, with the shield leg forward, squarre stance wherre the feet arre parrallel, and strrike stance, wherre the weapon leg is forrward.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly as heglances at his own stance* Roight
Argali Trueaxe: *she demonstrates each one, stepping through them repeatedly, but remaining over the same spot*
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz all the movement you have.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly watching the differnt stances once again*
Argali Trueaxe: Togetherr with the small defllections, iz the key to the defenderr's arrt.
Argali Trueaxe: *they spend an hour or so going through the "twist away" movement*
Dan Hardhammer: *practise with Argali*Ond if oi practose dis lass ye tink oime ready te meet wiff Marster Fenrir
Argali Trueaxe: *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: Or will oi never be ready in his eyes *chcukles*
Argali Trueaxe: Except Masterr Fenrrir would be berating Argali forr not teaching you the defensive awarreness.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* Ell we dont want dat loike
Argali Trueaxe: *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: Deffensive awareness wats dat den lass ?
Argali Trueaxe: That iz forr the next lesson. Firrst she has to teach you the spoiling movement, wherre you anticipate the blow of the enemy.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly*
Argali Trueaxe: The spoiling movement iz wherre you turn into the blow of the enemy.
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz wherre you have anticipated the blow of the enemy.
Argali Trueaxe: As such, it iz harrderr to learrn. *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: **nods* not just be quick wiff yer body , bot wiff ye mind te , te antipate loike
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* Exactly. Zo, we do the zame now, except zis time, instead of turrning away, you turn into Argali's blow.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly as he takes his stance once again*
Argali Trueaxe: *again, she launched a series of slow but deliberate strikes at Dan, though clearly telegraphed*
Argali Trueaxe: *as she does* You alzo have to learrn yourr arrmor, wherre its strrengths arre, and weaknesses.
Dan Hardhammer: * as he sees the blows coming he turns his body trying to meet the blows to glance them away trying to take the force from the blows as he meets them* *reflex check**con check*
Argali Trueaxe: It becomes yourr second skin. *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: *reflex check*
Dan Hardhammer: Reflex Check: 13 + 3 = 16
Dan Hardhammer: *con check*
Dan Hardhammer: Constitution Check: 2 + 4 = 6
Argali Trueaxe: *she smiles as he tunrs into her attack, deflecting her blows away*
Dan Hardhammer: *as one of the blows hit you can see it hurt a little but still he continues* oi see woi oi need te work out where the strengh of moi armour is loike
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* Therre iz no substitute forr good arrmor and zhield.
Dan Hardhammer: Oi av der best oi can make at dere moment loike oi made it moiself in Dorands honour loike
Argali Trueaxe: *again, they practise this for a good hour or so*
Dan Hardhammer: *practise with determination as they spar for a while*
Argali Trueaxe: *finally, they cease* Therre, we arre done. *smiles as she puffs her fallen fringe up*
Dan Hardhammer: Oil work on dis wiff der enermy loike , work on it a lot loike
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Dan Hardhammer: //afk bio
Dan Hardhammer: Ell las soi guess were done for teday loike
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* You prrgress well, Dan of the Harrdhammerrs.
Dan Hardhammer: *smiles faintly still seriouse* oi av stoff te practoise now
Argali Trueaxe: Keep prractising. *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: Aye *grins*
Dan Hardhammer: Ond wel meet again soon oi hope te lass
Argali Trueaxe: Prractise, then do, prractise, then do. THen it becomes automatic forr you.
Argali Trueaxe: Keep zafe.
Dan Hardhammer: And ye lass
Dan Hardhammer: May Dorand watch over ye as you do is work loike
Argali Trueaxe says in Dwarven: Voarx guide your axe.
Argali Trueaxe: Gurazhq k'ata our'h azqa.


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2008, 04:42:56 am »
Argali Trueaxe: 'Annurr, Dan.
Dan Hardhammer: Ello lass
Dan Hardhammer: *proudly shows her his new axee* oi made dis lass in dorands name wiff moi own hands loike iron it be , hord metal te work
Argali Trueaxe: Iz new axe?
Argali Trueaxe: *examines the axe* Oh, zis iz verry good worrk.
Dan Hardhammer: oi dont tink oi be using iron again for a woile loike te difficult te use
Argali Trueaxe: *grins* The crraft skill arre the challenge to masterr, no?
Dan Hardhammer: Ond te hard te moine loike
Argali Trueaxe: Zometimes the brreak does us good, no?
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* aye bot oime getting better loike
Dan Hardhammer: Ye busy lass loike , maybe we can train a wee bit loike? if ye av toime?
Argali Trueaxe: *nods* How goes yourr prractise?
Argali Trueaxe: You arre making the small deflecting movements.
Argali Trueaxe: ?
Dan Hardhammer: Gud lass oive been working on wat ye taught me last toime **nods sternly* aye te blunten der blows , soften dem loike
Argali Trueaxe: The defensive away motion, the spoliing forrward movement? *she demonstrates both in turn*
Argali Trueaxe: Zo, now we come to the awarreness in combat.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* der spoiling forword movment loike las ye showed me last toime been working on it a lot loike wen der toiming is rioght te use it
Argali Trueaxe: *nods to Dan*
Dan Hardhammer: Awareness **nods* ye mentioned dat last toime
Argali Trueaxe: THe defenderr iz the wall, and zometime he iz finding himzelf aszailed frrom many zides.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly* Swamped oi foind ye get *laughs*
Argali Trueaxe: *grins* Come, we go to Vehl forr zis trraining. Argali cannot teach it alone.
Dan Hardhammer: wats ins vhell lass
Argali Trueaxe: The arrena. Iz wherrre Argali did herr prractsing.
Dan Hardhammer: roight lass ye ready?
Argali Trueaxe: **nods**
Merisa - Arena Hostess: Is it quitting time yet? I mean...Hello!
Argali Trueaxe: Argali will be the moment.
Dan Hardhammer: Roight **nods*
Argali Trueaxe: *she speaks to Merisa for a while*
Argali Trueaxe: *there is an exchange of coin, and Merisa heads off to the back of the arena*
Argali Trueaxe: *looks around*
Dan Hardhammer: ye oll set den lass?
Argali Trueaxe: Zhese arre new *to Merisa, perhaps, indicating the pillars*
Argali Trueaxe: Zo, the next ztep is the awarreness in combat.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly*
Argali Trueaxe: The defenderr learrns to keep trrack of all of his opponents, even the ones behind him.
Dan Hardhammer: Dis be hord at toimes?
Argali Trueaxe: By doing zis, he prrevents them frrom flanking him, and making the sneaky attacks against him.
Argali Trueaxe: *grins to Dan* Zis iz verry difficult in the heat of combat.
Dan Hardhammer: Ye Tink oime ready for it lass?
Argali Trueaxe: You arre busy fighting the enemy in frrom of you...
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly listening*
Argali Trueaxe: Avoiding his blows and making yourr own...
Argali Trueaxe: At the zame time, you must keep in mind the enemies attacking you frrom behind, who you cannot see all the time!
Argali Trueaxe: Do you have the non arrmorr to wearr?
Dan Hardhammer: **shakes his head*
Argali Trueaxe: Hmm. Put zis on.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods as he starts to unstrap his full plate slipping on the tunic*
Argali Trueaxe: We do the training out of the arrmor, zo you learrn the zensitivity.
Argali Trueaxe: And we do not have to hit you thrrough yourr arrmor.
Argali Trueaxe: Come.
Dan Hardhammer: we using weapons lass?
Argali Trueaxe: You will be defending.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods as he takes his stand shield leg forward , axe leg behind well balanced between both weight spread*
Argali Trueaxe: *she goes over to the weapon racks, and after rummaging a while, brins back some wooden "training" weapons, and a large round shield*
Argali Trueaxe: *she slides the shield on the ground to Dan* Herre, you ztand on zis.
Argali Trueaxe: *she looks up as two surly looking men come over*
Dan Hardhammer: *moves forard moving into the center of the shield taking up the same stance*
Argali Trueaxe: Oh, hello! *she smiles to them*
Argali Trueaxe: Dan, zhese to gentle men will be helping us to trrain.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly with a grin*
Argali Trueaxe: They will be attacking you frrom the front.
Argali Trueaxe: Argali will be attacking you frrom behind.
Argali Trueaxe: Zis iz why we arre using the training weapons. *she hands each a wooden weapon*
Dan Hardhammer: Roight*nods once again* o i be ready oi tink lass
Argali Trueaxe: *she keeps a staff for her self*
Argali Trueaxe: *she speaks to the two "gentlemen"* You arre remeberring how you used to trrain with Argali? *she smiles to them*
Argali Trueaxe: Now we do the zame forr Dan. *nods*
Dan Hardhammer: *keeps an eye on the front glancing between the men and there wooden weapion watching for the first flurry of attacks*
Argali Trueaxe: Zo, while to are sparring with the men in front, you arre alzo listening to what iz happeneing behind you.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly to argali*
Argali Trueaxe: *se takes up position behind Dan, and motions to the two gentlemen, signaling only one to engage Dan from the front for the moment*
Argali Trueaxe: *she motins to the first man to start sparring with Dan* Now begin.
Argali Trueaxe: *the first one is using a wodden sheild and sword*
Dan Hardhammer: *he starts to sparr with the first genleman holding him at bay*
Argali Trueaxe: Zo, now you arrre in combat.
Argali Trueaxe: Zomeone comes up behind.
Dan Hardhammer: **nods sternly*
Argali Trueaxe: *she starts prodding Dan with the end of the staff*
Dan Hardhammer: Ouch *concentrates on continuing sparring with the fellow in front*
Argali Trueaxe: Wherre iz he? *she steps heavily and noisily behind Dan, from side to side*
Argali Trueaxe: You arre fighting the one in frront.
Dan Hardhammer: *listen check* *he tries to determine wheres shes going*
Dan Hardhammer: Listen Check: 6 + -1 = 5
Argali Trueaxe: And listening forr the one behind.


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2008, 04:44:32 am »
Argali Trueaxe: And listening forr the one behind.
Dan Hardhammer: *just hearing the footsteps though he cant make out which side there coming from*
Argali Trueaxe: As you learrn to trrack the one behind you...
Argali Trueaxe: You will learrn to make the small defensive motions against him as well.
Dan Hardhammer: *he continues to spar with the man infront still trying to listen*
Argali Trueaxe: Turning yourr arrmor against him.
Argali Trueaxe: *she continues to prod Dan with the staff.
Argali Trueaxe: *seeping from one side to another*
Argali Trueaxe: //*stepping
Argali Trueaxe: *stepping into and out of his view*
Dan Hardhammer: *as the staff prods he sures himself up listen once agin to determine where Argali is moving* *listen check*
Dan Hardhammer: Listen Check: 12 + -1


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2008, 04:47:41 am »
Moi traing be coming te der end with Argali , she tink oime ready te call moiself a deffend der last lession dat we planned has com te an end ond now shes has told me te just keep working on der basics shes as taught me loike.
Wiff der basics onder moi belt oi plan one training hord loike till oime one of der best deffender bout loike , deffend moi clan ond Dorands name loike .

*as he sets off out of the inn to start training again in a combat situation*


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2008, 12:39:29 pm »
Over dere last few weeks oive been training ord working on oll moi stances , soon oile meet wiff fenrir ond he will opefully give me dere nod loike . in Dere mean toime woilst oi wait for his letter te arrive saying were te meet him oive decided te start te equpe moiself better , oi planb on digging sand gathering berries for older adventurous as moi coins be limited ond oi spend a lot on ale *grins as he writes*
it will be better if oi spend some toime  working for wat oi need loike , oive ollready started loike comfrey roots dey sell well , for alcemists te make dere potions wiffs easy te pick te , not really der work for a training deffender loike but it will make moi training easier oi tink using better equipment loike .


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2008, 12:48:24 am »
Oi elped a new littol lass teday , she had jost arrived in hemp as oi wos passing through ond after we got talking oi decided te elp ere out as she didnt av a clue . Oi can remembe ow dat feels loike hord te startw iff te ye get ur bearings loike ond ye feet solidly on der deck .

Oi felt quiet generous , oi gave ere som of moi meat and a tew canteens loike te get her started showed her der shops were te buy a bow loike ond some arrows , den i helped ere take care of dere rat problem in dere sewers , sweet littol lass but nay gud wen dem rats got te her bot she be lucky loike oi wos der te watch over her .
Aye we made it te dere bottom of der sewers her aim wiff a bow aint te bad loike she ppicked of quiote a few from behin did a grand job loike we even took care of der problem , why dem sewers keep blockimng loike.

Oi tink she even got paid for elping wiff the problem , though i jost elped te take moi moind off oter tings which occupie moi moind really a break ,
See oll moi training ond oi seem te not be getting closer  .
Moi minds made op , oi will som day be a deffender , it be weat Dorand wants of me his greater picture oi can feel it ond der Honour it ill give moi clan , ell der be no greater honour a lad can have . Roight ell toime oi got on oi av work te do .....


Re: Hardhammer Clan
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2008, 08:23:29 pm »
Its been som long months on the road , oive been to many place , der bloody gate , ullgrids bot der long road has taken me home te der people oi love ond wud do anyting for . Dorand ond moi kin be all dat matter in der bigger picture loike .
Oive com home te speak te moi elder te ask der advice , dey be wioser than oil ever be ond oi ope dey can  stear me roight ond elp me foind  moi feet back on der roight path of being a deffender . Oi know oi can be thick ead ond stubborn bot oime determind te suceed .
Ove got te devote more toime ere te moi people on moi clan ,loike oi said dey be wat really matters to me . And wiff der wisdom oi know oi can continue moi path .

