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Author Topic: Tal  (Read 187 times)


« on: April 12, 2010, 04:18:14 pm »

Fort Vehl is where I find myself.

I've seen few towns on my way here from Belinara, but this is certainly one of the worst.
My experiences on route here has taught me I have to hide my face and skin.
I hate doing this.
Truly hate it.
My first aim, is to find somewhere I can be me. Without the hood. Without the mask and these ridiculous long clothes.

In the back alley's of Vehl I found a gathering. Fighters, attacking each other with their bare fists, fighting for money.
I'd hoped my little training might have given me an edge , a chance to win and earn some money.
It didn't.
I fast faster.. yes... but I couldn't harm the hulking brute I was pitted against. In the end he slammed me against a wall and a I blacked out, waking up in a mud pool where they'd thrown me.

I don't know what I was thinking. My tiny little hands against that hulk of a man? I need a blade, something small, sharp, something that will let me keep my speed and nimbleness, but do a little more harm than some soft knuckles.

Regardless, now isn't the time for it.
The town stinks. Its noisy. People come and go.
I hate it.
I long to be back in the woods. The feel of the grass and leaves beneath my feet, the birds chirping in the trees, the sunlight ebbing through the branches.
I miss it all so much.


Re: Tal
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2010, 12:49:21 pm »

Morrison's Rangers.
It was a chance meeting of them outside of a small town of Echo whilst I was exploring, but it turned out fruitful. For me at least.

They were suspicious of me, of course, but I saw them with skills I could use myself, and so played into their preference, being polite and kind and considerate.
They had a way about them, just being able to look at the floor, markings in the undergrowth, and they could tell what had passed by recently, how many had passed, and which way they had gone.
This intrigued me... and little by little... I began to press them for explanations on how they knew this, learning as much as I could for them.

Eventually they caught the trail of a small group of Orcs, and intent on ambushing them, I followed them to the group.
It was much larger than they thought.
I think I was supposed to guard their flanks to stop them getting surrounded. But it seemed far too dangerous for me to risk my neck to save theirs.
Despite their outraged cries, I slunk off and hid in the forest and watched as the Orc's did indeed surround them and eventually slaughter them.

Stupid fools. They had some tracking skills... for certain, and I learned quite a bit from them. But as for knowing how much to bite off... obviously not.

Eventually I made my way to the Orc's Rift encampment, where a group had gathered to defend from the surging amount of orcs.
There I stayed. More out of curiosity to see what happened.
A group managed to keep the Orc's at bay and put down a large number of them, from which I managed to help myself to a few coins.
Plus... I noticed a rather interesting halfling. She seemed rather skilled in scouting and reading tracks, much more so than the buffoon Rangers I was with before.

I think I'll keep track of this little one. Watch her. See what I can get out of her.


Re: Tal
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2010, 01:24:38 pm »

After a few days of burying our dead... or... at least... of others burying their head, the group were about to press on to find the bandits.
I kept close to the Morrison Rangers. Some were weary, but after some consistent prodding and well-placed insults, some relented and began showing me the little tricks of their trade along the way.

Eventually, some druids arrived, telling us we could strike a deal with the Orcs to get the Bandits they harboured handed over.
To me... it was the stupidest thing I had ever heard. Only the dwarf made any sense, and though I was loathe to agree with him automatically, he was right.
We should have just killed them all. Orcs and Bandits alike.

But.. the fools in the group seemed to think it wiser to go the other way.
So we played right into the Orcs hands, and performed a slight boon for them, taking out the Legendary Giant for them in exchange for the bandits.
Thankfully, and at last, the group began to yield to my superior scouting skills, learnt mainly from my time with the Morrison's...
.. so I slinked infront... warning of traps and openings, keeping hidden to every shadow I could find, and examining the ground for scuffs and tracks and marks, any tell tale sign that might tell me what I might expect.
Have to admit... I was doing better than I thought. A few times I thought I even put some of the Morrison Rangers to shame.