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Author Topic: Yo ho, YO HO! A Private life for me!  (Read 495 times)


Yo ho, YO HO! A Private life for me!
« on: January 28, 2007, 01:41:24 pm »
*you find an rather large old leather sack on a beach on Dregar, seemingly discarded by a ship far off shore recently.  Inside you find a sealed box, about the size of an apple crate, stuffed with paper.  Initially you rummage through hoping to find some sort of treasure, but all the chest contains is the paper.  Seeing as you have nothing better to do at the time, and it happens to be a rather lovely day, you take a seat in the sand and start reading a page dated Mulnari, Oclar 22, 1411*[INDENT]What a day I had today.  I arrived on Mistone, odd little continent it be.  Port Hempstead be an odd place to get off.  No where near anything, so I leave for this town called Hlint, seems thats were everyone goes once off the boat.  So, I get there, and the first thing I see is this odd little elf, seemly covered in black sot and white hair.  Seems the lad was drunk, cause he was ramblin' on about Banana's and askin silly questions about 'coins in pockets'.  Had a bit of a chat with him, but then left him for more entertaining things.
[/INDENT][INDENT]So what I find is this lass in the local pub.  She seemed a sweet sort, and was nice enough to buy be a few drinks.  Said if I got her drunk she'd dance around in her bloomers.  HA!  Too bad her ale was watered down.  At any rate she invites me on some kinda hunt in the woods slaying beasties and ogres.  What a blast it was.  Hadn't had that much fun since I got into that bar fight in Vandery in 1407 when I was working for a spice merchant outta Dunslow and used a bench for a battering ram.
[/INDENT][INDENT]Oh, I ran into this Islander in Hlint too.  Seems like some kinda smithy.  I paid him to hammer out a sword for me that was a bit more on the intimidating side.  All in all Hlint seems like a good enough place for now.  Seems like there are plenty a fights to get into and enough fine lasses to get this old pirate by.  Well till next time.


RE: Yo ho, YO HO! A normal Life for me... (I hope)
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2007, 01:38:15 pm »
*Rummaging through the box you notice a a few pieces of paper stuck together.  Oddly enough they are all seemingly related.  The first two pieces you see seem to have been an ad requesting some sort of training.*[INDENT]Who:  Shiff Dragonheart

What:  One Master Swordsman, or someone who knows a lot about swords and how to fight wit'em

Why:  Hoping to learn as much as I can about sword fightin.

When:  As soon as possible, but not all at once.

Where: In Hlint... Where else?

If there is anyone interested in earning some extra True or some other valuable stuff that knows how to raise hell with a Blade send a reply care of the Post Master in town.  He knows where to find me.  I'm open to negotation as to payment type, but I'm a bit strapped for coin at the moment so understand if I can't pay right away.  I just arrived on Mistone and Merchants don't pay much for guarding their ships.

"That Damned Mercenary"

P.S.  I prefer to meet at the Tavern, in case I need an ale to swallow me pride when I hear the price
[/INDENT]*This is nailed right below the other piece of paper*[INDENT]I can offer at least 700 True for the services of said Swordsman at the moment. Gimme a break, pirates and Mercenaries are not in great demand on the mainland, and its not easy finding work.


P.S. I've checked with the Post Master and he hasn't had anyone approach him about my offer.  Its OK people...  I don't bite.
[/INDENT]*this is scribbled on the bottom*
[INDENT]I don't smell bad either.
[/INDENT]*the last piece of paper is larger then the other two, as if the others were added as reminders or extra info to any would-be reader.  This one is dated Sunra, Novlar 22, 1411*[INDENT]It's been almost three weeks since I nailed that ad on the wall at the Wild Surge, but today I got a response from some lad named Pyyran.  When I met his he seemed alright, looked like a smart lad, but he was not what I expected.  He was... not that strong lookin'.... looked like one a them pansy nobles that think they're all that.  What can I do, ya can't pick yer teacher eh?  He is doin it for free though...
[/INDENT]*the next part seems to have been written later*[INDENT]That dastardly Blue Buttocks.  He wants me to go run errands for him...  Oh... yeah sure... infront of everyone he's like, "Ok, lets see if you can dodge things and hit me.."  But as soon as everyone is gone he's tellin me to find him Fire Agates...  ALONE...  Ya know where Fire Agate comes from?  The Spirit Dunes.  Theres more beasties in that ¤¤¤¤ place than in the Pranzis Circus and I know....  I've been to both.  This pansy better have something worth learn after all this or he's not gonna have any head...
[/INDENT][INDENT]Eh, guess its what ah get for puttin out an ad instead ah looking for a teacher meself.  Oh well...  no to figure out how to get them stones without dyin...[/INDENT][INDENT]S.D. Out.
[/INDENT]*you are intrigued by this and start looking for anything that mentions whether or not he was successful*


RE: Yo ho, YO HO! A normal Life for me... (I hope)
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2007, 02:29:26 pm »
*you find this small scrap of parchment covered in a fine layer of orangey mineral dust. Its not dated, but you can tell at a glance that it has something to do with the training the author is apparently undergoing. You start reading*
[INDENT]I finely found them silly stones Pyyran wanted. Wasn't easy, almost got killed, but it was worth it, I guess. I hadn't had an ale in a while and I wasn't feelin to good, but I found a group going toward the Desert and I tagged along. I convinced into leading me to where these stones where, since I woulda been wandering the desert fer days. Anyway when we got there, some horde a ogres er what not was hording the stones, so we killed'em. Then I minded meself a piece a the stone like I was told. Hopefully Pyyran will have something worth while for me tah do when I find'em again. He's supposed to be schoolin me in sword swingin, only thing I learned so far was how to throw knives and dodge... Seems kinda odd fer a swordsman tah do, but 'ey, beggers can't be choosers right? Oh well. Hopefully I'll learn somethin...

, "Mercenary Pain in the A--"
*the last part of that sentence has been apparently burned, and you can read no more of the letter.*


RE: Yo ho, YO HO! A normal Life for me... (I hope)
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2007, 11:31:44 am »
*you find a letter that has nothing to do with his training, but you never the less start reading*
[INDENT]  I never saw such a commotion before. I was walking through the woods just wandering about and I find this large group of adventurers just sitting around by the swamps. I tried to give him them stones but I musta done something wrong cause he wouldn't take'em. Any way he invites me to join this huge band and we go into the mountains fighting these huge stone beasts and giants. It was immensely cold up on them hills, but we managed. Seemed odd though...
  Well we go out there, up on them hills and beat down some beasties.  Learned a lot actually. Never seen rock beasts before but they sure are tough. My sword just bounced off. --NOTE TO SELF: GET A NEW SWORD-- Well when we got back to Hlint I went off to tinker with some armor I found, but I hope to join another group on there adventurers.


RE: Yo ho, YO HO! A normal Life for me... (I hope)
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2007, 12:38:04 pm »
*you find another letter like the last, this one seems a bit more thought through then the other*
[INDENT]  Had another interesting couple a days. I ended up with another group a' adventurers that I found in Krandor. Went into some crypt fer a little girl and had myself a ball. Never knew the undead could be so much fun. We did so much its hard to remember what. With the help of a magician, who I think was a priest, we took on a horde of Ogres, and even some Trolls. Unfortunately we also had some bad luck. Over the course of the entire adventure I perished four times. And I must say I hope I don't have to experience that again.
  Speaking ah dying, we had a rather interesting encounter up in the Mountains. First, we leave Hlint tah find this half-lion, half-man critter called Aziz looking fer some help. Well two hunters in our group starts chirpin wit it and it starts followin us. Now I don't know what that thing was, but he was weird. He didn't talk at all, he just mae noises like animals. Well he came with us to hunt some giants up in the mountains which didn't go to well (well all died). Didn't see him after that...
  Seeing how I had just recently perished in a rather pathetic fashion (running away), when I managed to get back up there, I found a the rest of me group huddled around a fire with this HUGE wolf nearby... Being me I was kinda wondering why they hadn't killed it, but it was just sitting there looking at us. Then all of a sudden it starts speakin' in growls and barks to two hunters we had in our group and I'm all confused... They're speakin dog to the wolf and I'm just lost... Well eventually one of them hunters says this wolf named Snowmane wants tah learn about the Soul Mother.  I'm thinking, "Who in their right mind wants tah know about her? She's mean and makes ya disappear..." Anyway we all head out to go to get the graves of a bunch ah us that died and We get tah mine first. Then all of a sudden the wolf starts sniffin' me... I think he liked the smell ah me feet... Then we go slay some giants in order to get around to them other graves and everyone is all fine in dandy. Then the wolf says I'm am amateur fighter... Oh.... That made me day...
  Anyway we get back to this cold little mountain town and the wolf starts smellin us again and I'm all mad cause I just got made fun of by a Wolf... Then all of a sudden everyone starts laughin at me... I'm all mad, this wolf starts barking at me... then all of a sudden one ah dah hunters says to me, "Snowmane likes ya Shiff. He thinks you'll be a great hunter some day." SO now I'm sitting there with a grin on me face and and Snowmane disappears back into the mountains woods... Turned out me dyin four times wasn't so bad...
  Well I go tah leave and wind up in Fort Llast when all of a sudden I find out me whole crew is a waitin tah get into some warehouse to buy gear, so I tag along and find some nice Chain mail fer meself, a new blade and a nice pair a rings. I think I drove the owner nuts cause I kept trying to barter the price down with some a me old gear... Well thats it fer me latest adventure... Maybe next time I'll get tah talk to the critters...
[/INDENT]  *its ends unsigned*


RE: Yo ho, YO HO! A normal Life for me... (I hope)
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2007, 11:49:11 am »
*This letter looks different then the others.  It written on a nice piece of parchment that looks to have been once rolled up like a scroll.  Now its open and flat from the weight of all the things that was on it.  This one is dated Wedlar, Mai 25, 1412*
[INDENT]  What an odd day.  I don't know how I did it but, for a while, I was in charge of a small group of people looking for some sort of adventure.  I thought it would be simple: take a small group of wet noses out tah bash things, get meself some gold, and have a ball.  It ends up wit me having no idea where tah go, everyone gettin rowdy, and two paladins (of all people) showing up tah take over.  So much fer me bein a leader...  Might explain why I was never Captain out at sea....
  Anyway... That was only the beginning of it.  We eventually end up in the Hammerbound Peaks Ogre Bashin and such.  Well, I've had more successful ventures going up against Orc Pirates off of Roldem...  I think we lost two people to the Ogres?  Well, that still isn't the whole of it.  We end up going into this cave called the Dungeon of the Eye.  Sounds like the name of some kind of novel I read once in the Temples in Pranzis...  Weird place, full of these huking beasts made ah stone...  Well when we are all set tah leave and start walking out...  I get jumped by some kinda Ganger...  I think someone called it a Doppleganger?  I walk up tah the thing thinkin its some guy that got lost then all of a sudden it poofs into this GIANT Orc and starts smashing my head it.  I turn and run (and I am not ashamed tah say it) back to the group, and we all eventually kick its hind quarters...  It was weird...  we had NO idea what was going on...
  The rest of the day was fairly straight forward.  We went up to this mountain village called Lyn and had some ale and a snow ball fight.  Hmm....  still haven't seen that Pyyran though...  I need tah get more training in....  
[/INDENT]  *it ends here*


RE: Yo ho, YO HO! A normal Life for me... (I hope)
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2007, 10:42:52 am »
*the next thing you find is a piece of scrap parchment, covered in a hastily written hand*\\[INDENT]  It's official, I hate elves.  You wouldn't believe, but I was chased through Hlint and around a house by a freakin' ranger-type that was trying tah smack me wit a stick.  Not only that, but Hawk, a annoyin little elf priest in purple armor, blasts him wit all this magic and such so I can't even fight back.   them long ears...
[/INDENT]*this next part is written a bit more neatly, although still rather hastily*[INDENT]  Ok, maybe I don't hate elves, but them two sher are annoying.  On the other hand, I'm starting tah learn some things.   Pyyran (I wonder where he's disappeared to) needed me tah get him Fire Agates fer whatevah reason.  Lemme tell ya, it wasn't easy.  On the other hand, since I got'em, I been trying tah learn how tah cuts'em into nice shapes.  Now I don't have a clue what tah do wittem after I cuttem, but I did notice something.  Firstly, dem cuttin tools are wicked sharp.  I just dropped one on me leg cuttin a purple stone and it nearly bleed me.  It hurt.  Secondly, ya needs some finesse tah get them stones tah come out right.  Ya can't just hack at them, or they turn tah dust real fast.  Also, ya need tah relax the hand when cuttin, cause holdin the knife too hard messes ya up and ya can't feel if the gem is gonna crack er not.  Hmmm....  If this be Pyyran's way a teachin me how tah fight...  He be barmier then a wormless Canter, whatever that means.  I need tah find him...  Need tah get rid of dese stone baf'fore I mess'em up.


RE: Yo ho, YO HO! A normal Life for me... (I hope)
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2007, 09:40:43 am »
*find this written on the back of an old charter boat ticket, apparently from Port Hampshire*
 [INDENT]     I met an interesting lass in Port Hempstead.  She said her name was Peanut, which fit her well enough.  I'd ah thought she was but a little lass by the age of four if I didn't know she were a Half-ah-ling.  Funny little folk, they be.  This one rather funny herself.  She kept sayin she was a tree, when she can't even see over a bush.  Anyway, I finds out she be the student ah some lassy named Lillian, apparently she be some kind ah warrior too.  Then I finds out she be a master swordsman swordswoman, since there apparently is such a thing.  Then can yah believe dis?  I ask tah know about her teacher, and she demands I call her a tree.  A TREE!  She not even be four foot high and she makin' me call her a tree.  I did though, can't let me sense ah humor get in dah way ah learnin how tah fight.  I wonder what Pyyran would say though...  Maybe I can learn somethin from each ah dem....  Hope dey don't mind.    


Training Finally Begins
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2007, 12:03:46 pm »
*you find a small scroll rolled up on the bottom of the chest and start reading it.  There is nothing fancy about it, but it is dated Freas, Augra 27, 1412*
[INDENT]  What a day.  After a long night of gem cuttin and smashin, I get this letter from Pyrran.  He says he wants tah meet me in Vandery, at the Arena they gots there.  So when I show up, he finally says we gonna do some combat trainin, no more a them stupid tasks and runnin in cirlces.  So, whats the first thing he does?  Tells me tah try and hittem.  I'll tell ya that went well, never been hit so hard before.  He beats the tar outta me....  and I didn't even know there was tar tah beat out...  Well, after he picks me up of the floor and I rest up a bit, we start to REALLY train, cause I think he just wanted tah knock me head in first...  Anyway, so what he tells me tah do is try hittin him ahgain, so I do.  Now Pyyran aint got no blade draw or nothing, so I'm thinking he's nuts tah have be try smackinem wit me sword, but that guy musta had iron bracers on cause hes blocking me sword wit his arms.  Never seen that done before.  So I try tah hittem, swing wit all me might, tryin tah loose his jaw and such.  But he just keeps blockin away.  Eventually I hittem three times and he says tah stop.  Then he starts talking tah me about being a Striker.  Now I ain't never heard of a Striker bahfore, but apparently its what them labelin types call a Great Swordsman (Ah!  I made a pun).  A Great Greatswordsman...   Anyway...  Then he starts tellin me about Cole Norseman.  Now him i heard ah.  My Father used tah tell me tales ah him beatin in the heads a demons fer fun.  Now I donno if that be true, but if it is...  Anyway, I gonna try and be as good as him.  I got tah get Pyyran tah tell me more about them Strikers though.  If I'm gonna be the next Great-Swordsman I gotta learn everything.
  Well, I did learn some stuff from him today.  After he was tired a me trying tah knock him out, he had me pick on a dummy (a wooden one).  He just said tah keep hittin it, so I did, as he watched.  At first I was wonderin what the heck he was doin, but then he starts tellin me things I'm doin wrong. Like, apparently I lunge when I'm swingin me sword around, and he said I need tah be more balanced. If I aint balance, he said, I can't control my weapon and be as affective.  He also said I gots to keep me arms closer to me body, so as no tah leave meself open to attack.  I'm gonna have to work on it, but its going to take a while.  Hopefully I can find Pyyran again, and get some more learnin in.


Drow Chasing & Training
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2007, 06:03:52 pm »
*you find another scroll, very similar to the last one.*
[INDENT]  What a day...  again...  I ran into a group of people out in the woods, one ah which was me mate Gruff and his friend Zergon along with some notables like Rhynn, Ferrit and Tegan, apparently tracking a Drow seen around Hlint (I think I saw Tath among them but I can't rightly remember).  Since I knew of only a few Drow that don't try tah knife me, I figured taggin along would lead to some worth while practice.  Well, cutting to the chase, we end up in the Brech Mountains.  After fightin off some Golems, which I must admit have gotten easier tah deal with lately.  Seems them big lummoxes can't move to well, and now that I am more balanced wit me fightin, I can take advantage of their size and hack at'em.  Now i can't say I'd have the same success again, but at the time them Golems were on the wrong end of my blade.  After smitin them all.  We climb up the peaks, and guess what we find...  Yeti...  They were no match fer us though.  Never seen a yeti before.
  Anyway, one of the group ends up finding a tunnel leading into some kind of Itthilid chamber, atleast thats what someone called it, filled with Drow...  Odd place...   Ended up trippin over a trap on the way down...  Everyone got mad at me but I didn't get hurt.  Anyway, we end up havin tah bash almost all the Drow..  I tried tah talk sense into them, tellin'em tah just tell us what we want, but they prefered tah die...  Oh well, I just got tah show them Drow that us humans can kick arse too.  In the end we find this huge brain in this pool with a Squiddy standing around in it, along with the ripped up bodies of three towns folk.  Seemed them Drow were feedin the brain the folks brains...  Weird...  Anyway Rhynn made everyone leave...  except me...  I don't listen much...  But I did manage to help her fend off a tentacle trying to get her...  In the end I threw a bag of gem dust at the Brain, and the cave starts to rumble.  Was an interesting night.  I set off to Vandery to practice at the Arena...  Need tah keep up with the trainin so I don't ferget anythin


« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2007, 07:01:25 pm »
*this is attached to the end of the last scroll you found*
[INDENT]  I met a fairly tough gal outside of Haven the other day... Seemed real uptight, but she was rather fine lookin, if I dare say. To bad she's so confrontational. Would make one hell of a wife, bein such a fighter as she is. Had quite a mouth on her too. Damn brainy lasses. They always try tah outwit me as soon as I open me mouth, but oh well. Perhaps I can bring her around. Yeah, thats it. What a headache that would be.


More Training
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2007, 02:17:53 pm »
*Yet another scroll is pulled from the old box, and this one looks a bit dirty. The scroll itself is normal, covered in the same hand as the others.* [INDENT]Training with Pyyran has gotten a bit tougher. I'm starting tah get the whole Balance business, and I've been hittin the mark more often now. Pyyran still can kick me arse, but I been gettin better. I can't quite stop Pyrran from taken advantage ah me chargin at him yet, but I'm gettin better. I finally managed tah figure out how tah properly hold me sword. I noticed how I hold the hilt and pommel affects how I swing. I figured out how to balance it though, so it feels right in me hands. Pyyran was proud too, he's happy tah know I know what I'm doin now. I still lack something though... I can't tell what though... Maybe its focus? A goal? Some kinda special... past? I dont know... But whatever it is... I need tah figger it out... There has tah be somethin more then just masterin a weapon... Any fool can spend his life being one wit his sword, but then what? You spend whats left trainin others how to do what you spent yer life tryin tah do alone. So they surpass you, and now yer useless. I won't let that happen tah me. I wanna be remembered as a hero tah SOMEONE... Hell, I'd be happy dyin fer Kinai er Valmara... Even Tath... Atleast I died fer somethin worthwhile... I can't be thinkin about this... Tegan would be mad at me fer talkin like I be worthless, but I need tah find me purpose beyond knockin heads...[/INDENT] [INDENT]I be focusin on me trainin fer know... Gotta keep it up. Pyyran may not be dah best blade in dah world, but he knows his Stuff...[/INDENT]
  • 1... If you don't know, ask. If you need help, ask. Never be too proud to request help.
  • 2... Know your enemy; knowledge will keep you alive. Location, strength, numbers, weaknesses.
  • 3... Never rush headlong into danger - a Striker is little better suited to taking an enemy charge than a mage.
  • 4... A Striker flanks, and cuts down the enemy. A Striker is like an archer who gets much closer, and hits much harder.
[INDENT]As long as I be rememberin that... Maybe I'll figger out what I'm supposed tah do... But I ain't got time fer thinkin now. Got lots a trainin tah do still before I can claim tah be the best...[/INDENT] [INDENT]And then I need tah prove it.. [/INDENT]


More Woman.... Well.... Really just one...
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2007, 12:53:47 am »
*this next scroll is undated, but there is something different about it.  Its written on a very nice piece of Parchment, and also seems to be written neatly, as if the author took time writing it down.  Its in Red ink, and is actually fairly well written from what you can tell.  It is titled "The Pure of Heart,"  Although by just glancing at the text you cannot fathom why.*  
The Pure of Heart
[INDENT]Believe it or not, I have come to find something I thought I would never find on the dismull shores of Mistone.  I have found probably the most nicest people in the world in Valmara Dormin.  She's about six foot high, musclular, and (even though she will not admit it) cute.  Now for the life of me, I cannot recall where it was I first met her, and I also cannot remember what it was that brought about these feelings but for the past few days, nay weeks, I find it hard not to think about her.  Now me being me, I never thought I would fall for any one person, seeing as I am, or was, a pirate, but this lass just bowls me over.  She always seems to want to help me, always seems to want to talk to me, and is was the only person I've met since running into the walls of Hlint that actually wanted to know more about me.  The other day we sitting in the Inn in Hempstead putting down a few ales, and she asks me why I stopped being a pirate.  So I tell her how I hood-winked a Sun Elf and stole his ship, only to sail to Hurm and sell it, and how that got me into the business of Hi-jacking the ships of nasty, dishonest merchant vessel captains and selling the cargo, and of course how that got me chased across the sea by pirates that the Sun Elf was friends with, and how all that caused me to run headlong into Hlint.  Still have a bruise from all that.  But what struck me as the oddest was that she always smiles when I am around.  As if I flipped on the happy switch when I look into her eyes.  The funny thing is, is that the more I am with her, the more I tend to think about her.  Like just the other day I was traveling with Val, Talia, and some crazy Elf monk named Finnigan or something outside of Hlint (which has gotten very dangerous), and I had to run back to Fort Llast for something.  Well when I get back Val is standing in this cute Gold and Green dress talking to Talia.  Now as long as I have know Val she has never worn a dress, but there she was.  Unfortunately at the time I was mad at her, so I kept my mouth shut and did not tell her how nice I thought she looked, but when she ran into Hlint close to tears I had to go talk to her.  She is so nice and all, I have to be heartless not to be nice to her too.  I just hope she likes me too.  Me and her make a great team, us both being Swords people.  She knocks them down like she was the Norseman, and I cannot say that I do not love watching her beat the arses of BugBears with her "Big Honking Sword."  She even helped me name my sword.  Well, in a way.  I cannot say that Vicious is that much better of a name for a sword then "Big Honking Sword," but it least it is one word.  Would be funny if me and her got hitched, any kids that might come of that would be born swinging a Great sword.  Today got me thinking about some other stuff though, which was odd, since I like thinking about Val.  I meet these two Halfling in Vehl the other day, just walking through.  They go by the names Ariel and Cederic, who I have affectionately named Blossom and Twiggy respectively.  They a decent pair.  The girl seems to be in charge though.  She seems to go somewheres, and Twiggy just nods his head and follows after her.  I swear Blossom could want to go visit the Soul Mother for tea and Twiggy would still follow her.  But enough about them.  We went up to Black Ice Isle in the north, and I had to make sure those two didn't die.  Made me feel important, having to take care of something.  Val would never let me do that.  She is to strong to let little old Shiff do all the fighting for her.  But these two did not have a chance without me.  We did quite a bit of mining while we were there.  Found Sapphires and Alexandrites in a cave.  Sad part though happened when Ariel fell behind and so Kobolds got her.  I felt so bad.  I told her I would not let anything happen to her and I failed.  Almost cried I did, holding her broken little body in me arms.  She would call me Mr. Shiff when she talked to me, only one to ever do that.  She is like a daughter, being she is so small.  Whenever we go out to hunt I cannot stop worrying about her getting hurt.  Make me wonder how I would feel if Val fell in battle with me.  I do not think I could take it.

 Training it seems has gotten mixed into all this mess.  I meet Pyyran at the Arena in Vehl only once a week now.  He cannot teach me much more since he does not use a Great Sword like I do.  But I try to practice my stance and such for a little while each day.  Maybe Val would want to help me.  She seems to know at least as much as me, and training with her could teach her too.  Almost forgot to say how me and her did up our armor this week.  Spent a whole day in the Hempstead Crafting Hall trying out new pieces of armor, trying to make ourselves a nice unique piece of mail.  I even had to put on Val's huge suit of armor to teach her how.  Was nice though.  Whenever I can be with her I feel like I spent that time well.  Like there is no way I did anything wrong.  I hope she feels the same way.  I did not get to see her today, and I felt bad.  I hope I get to see her again soon.  Be safe Val.  And save some Gobolins for me.[/INDENT]


Dear Lady, Fair Lady...
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2007, 03:36:40 pm »
*You grow tired after reading so many of the papers and scrolls the chest contains, and you decide to lay down on the sands for a moment to relax.  You look up into the sky, the sun peaking through holes in the clouds that now cover the sky.  You turn to look at the chest and you notice something stuck in the underside of the lid.  On close inspection you notice that it is a piece of paper, covered in writing like all the others.  You gently pull it out, and begin to read it as you lay there.*[INDENT]If I didn't already know it, I'd say I was the luckiest Pirate tah ever set foot on land.  The other day, Val gave me the sweetest gift.  No, it wasn't gold or a sword or a rare gem (I be the one givin them out), it was a scroll case.  Infact, as soon as I'm done writing this, I'm gonna be stickin this to the underside of the lid so everyone knows who gave it tah me.

About Val though...  She's got me all nuts.  We was talking at the Inn in Wayfare, and she mentioned she was wanting a new sword, but not a "new" sword.  She says she wants one that looks.... differnt, and that matches her.  I don't know what that means but it be driven me crazy tryin tah figger it out.  I'm gonna see if I can get her tah let me borrow her sword fer a day, maybe let her use mine fer a bit so I can sneak off and make something from it...  But I gots no idea what tah make of it....

Val told me something kinda upsettin though.  She told me how she became an adventurer...  She said some guy, can't remember his name, took her under his wing when she was just startin out.  Taught her things, how tah fight and such, but he also used her, and I don't mean in the good way.  You know...  "THAT" way...  the "wined up woman and song" way...  She seemed upset, and a bit broken hearted...  She wouldnt tell me much more then that...  But I gotta try tah get some more outta her...

Oh!  I wrote a song about, well, Val...  I took an old sea shanty and rewrote it, and I sang it to her after she told me about the guy...  I hope she like it.

[/INDENT]*it ends here, but behind the first piece of paper is another, and it has the aforementioned song on it*

Come all ye young fellows that follow the sea,
With a way, hey, blow the man down,
And please pay attention and listen to me,
Give me some time to blow the man down.

For those who don't know me a Pirate I be,
And away, hey, blow the man down,
A salty old sea dog that lived out at sea,
Give me some time to blow the man down

To come onto land was no choice ah me own,
And away, hey, blow the man down,
And came to find Hlint Hlint to be my new home,
Give me some time to blow the man down

A Half Elf, a Drow, a Ziambii I know,
And away, hey, blow the man down,
A bet-ter group o' friends there never will show,
Give me some time to blow the man down

'Til one day in Haven a lass I did meet,
And away, hey, blow the man down,
From head to her foots she was clearly six feet,
Give me some time to blow the man down

With Great sword in hand it was easy to see,
And away, hey, blow the man down,
This mighty fine lass was much stronger then me,
Give me some time to blow the man down

A good heart, a good arm, a good sword she had,
And away, hey, blow the man down,
I'm proud tah be saying its me heart she has,
Give me some time to blow the man down

Fair Lady, Fair Lady, Don't leave me oh no,
And away, hey, blow the man down,
There’s so many place we have yet to go,
Give me some time to blow the man down

On Dregar, on Ralar', on Mistone and more,
And away, hey, blow the man down,
And all the fair places that lay just off shore,
Give me some time to blow the man down

So Lady, Fair Lady, I say onto thee,
And away, hey, blow the man down,
Will you come along to these places with me?
Give me some time to blow the man down,
Oh give me some time to blow the man down!


Me One and Only Val...
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2007, 03:21:19 am »
*you smile to yourself after reading the song, amused in your own way by the words.  You start to rifle through the box looking for another letter, hoping to find one written not long after the one you just read.  After a few minutes, you happen across a piece of paper of a similar type and age.  This one is dotted with dripped ink marks, but it is surprisingly legible.  The also is an old and dried up red rose bud pinned to the bottom*[INDENT]Seems as if the past few days were my days to give gifts.  A few nights ago, me and Val went tah the Inn in Port Hempstead tah talk.  I had just gotten back from a job at sea and we wanted tah spend some time together.  Well, I gave her a bouquet of roses.  She seemed really happy, and that made me happy.  We sat and talked and cuddled a bit, but I think she drank too much ale cause she passed out almost.  I had tah carry her intah a room so she could rest.  Oh!  Did dah demons come fer me that night.  I was standing over Val as she was sleepin and all manner a bad things popped intah me head, but I couldn't do that tah Val, not after what she told me about Jackson, that dirty adventurer she once courted.  I just shook out dah bad thoughts and left her dere tah sleep.  I ended up sleeping outside, just tah keep from bein tempted.

I think I'm falling fer Val, hard.  Never thought it would happen tah me though.  I been to so many ports and seen so many girls that I figgered I was bound tah end up just looking fer ladies-of-dah-night fer the rest ah me days.  But Val...  She just does something tah me.  She's real sweet, smart too, and she loves tah fight just as much as me, maybe even more.  I need tah stop worrying about her though.  Been getting soft, freaking out when she gets hurt and such.  She don't like that much, wants me tah let her be.  I'm gonna try tah do that fer her.  Maybe even charge in along side her.  I think she would like that, having me fight against dah odds with her, instead ah runnin like a babe when the hordes decend upon us.  Can't believe a Lass is becomin braver den me, but then again I only do it fer her...  She just, well..... she's just special, and I hope she thinks the same of me.

Speaking ah special, I gave Val a really special gift dah udder night.  I was travelling about wit Blossom and Twiggy near Hlint, bashin beasties and such until all but Blossom runs off.  Me and her took a seat by dah fire outside ah town, and we start talking about Val.  I love talking about her, although sometimes I aint sher of how I really feel...  Anyways, I show Blossom dis nice big sword I made fer Val.  Well before Val passed out the night before I took her Great sword, saying I wanted tah look at it.  Well I reforged it tah look like.... errr....  Well I reforged it to look like a sword I thought would match Val perfectly.  I reforged the blade wit some magic stuffs in Hempstead and got the blade to come out slenderer and with a dark colorin tah it.  I then made a new cross guard and plated it with some bronze fer a nice golden color (couldn't find any gold tah use...).  Did the same fer the pommel, but I made it fancy.  I rounded off the edge tah resemble a half-moon kinda thing, and hollowed it out.  In there I stuck a nice Phenalope I cut tah fit, but it ended up being kinda small so I don't know if she noticed.  I hope she did.

Well while me and Blossom was sitting by the fire chattin, Talia and Val showed up.  They was outta breath from running, but I jumped up tah see Val.  I was all excited about givin Val tah sword, I was almost bouncing....  Actually when I gave it tah her she smiled so big.  I was so happy she liked it.

We then went around bashing things, but when we got to the desert...  Bad....  Val feel fighting a horde of scorpions...  It was horrible.  I had to run...  I felt so bad...  But Talia managed tah bring her back and I was so happy.

That night Me and Val had a talk though.  I wanted tah rest wit her in a bed, and just be close tah her, but she said she wasn't ready fer anythin like that...  I understood...

The next day I end up getting hired by Millan, a sneaky lass I met a while back in Haven, tah help her with some business in Katherian.  She had a couple others with her too, and Val ended up meetin us in Katherian tah join us.  Millan ended up meeting wit some shifty types, and went hiding in an alley, and me and her three friends stood guard tah make sure no one interrupted them.  I saw some strange things though.  I coulda swore I saw a shadow walking about behind Millan with its own pair a eyes.  Freakyest thing I ever saw.  I had to go find a pub after that, needed a drink tah calm meself.

After spending a bit a time drinking a glass a Black Night, I went back out intah the alley and I found Val waiting there wondering what was goin on.  As always we greeted each other and stood together, holding hands, and I convinced her tah come wit me.

We end up having tah break intah some mages house, not exactly me strong suit, so Val and I waited by the door for the sneakers broke in and opened dah door fer us.  Well, not long after we go in, I trip a trap and make a lot ah noise and a fight insews.  Was a tough one too, almost lost everyone.  But we managed to fend of the guards fairly easy like.

Then we go upstairs...  Not exactly something I would have found to be a good idear.  Millan and her fellow sneakers sneak into this mages library and manage to sneak away from a clay golem with whatever it was Millan went into that place for.  We then all sneak out, just barely missing being discovered by the mage.

Well on our way back "home," which for me at least has become Port Hempstead, we found some apples and walked all the way from Katherian to Mariner's Hold.  There Val found it necessary to point out tah me the "nightly lasses" hangin around the slums.  Not to say I didn't enjoy the sight, but I don't know why she bothered tah point them out.

When we got tah Port Hempstead though, I did something stupid...  I tried tah convince Val of sharing a room wit me again... She didn't
seem bothered by it, but I just didn't see it.  I kept pushing, kept teasin, kept trying tah get my way...  I made her cry, and I feel horrible.  I care about Val more den I ever carried about anything.  She don't have any idear the things I'd do tah keep her in me life, tah get tah see her face and hold her hand everyday, and at night tah hold her as I told her...  how I feel....  She just....  gives me something I ain't had before....  

She said she loved me before she ran off crying....
[INDENT]I only wish I told her...[INDENT][INDENT]How much I love her...


Re: Yo ho, YO HO! A Private life for me!
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2007, 01:07:54 pm »
*The next piece of parchment you find is more of a note then a letter, and much shorter then the last*
[INDENT]Well, I am plannin tah go intah Haven finally.  I spread word about it to a bunch of Taverns all around and I'm hoping to be able to get some good fellers tah help me.  I'm hoping Val can come wit us, but I haven't talk tah her about it.  I did however meet dis lil gnome named Starr Sapphire who told me something inter'sting...
He told me about Beryl, Her Perfection as Starr put it.  Says she be dah god of Gems and such.  Thats ironic dat dere be a god of jewels, but I aint so sher I'm ready tah be followin a god.  The last one I followed wasn't exactly reliable, and although so far I been luck wit gems (I won Val's heart wit them didn't I?) maybe I'll look intah Beryl a bit.


Re: Yo ho, YO HO! A Private life for me!
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2007, 04:28:21 pm »
*the next piece of parchment is nothing to write home about. It's undated, like most of the letters you've read recently, and it's written in a scratchy hand.*
 [INDENT]I ain't never met someone like Emwonk before, but I sher hope Emwonk is the only one I meet. He seems tah have some connection wit magic, as he always be having little lightnin bolts jumping around his clothes. He seems tah like Blossom a lot, as he seems tah always follow her around. [/INDENT]
 [INDENT]But I had tah do somethin I never thought I'd have tah do.[/INDENT]
 [INDENT]I accidently slew a lion in sight ah Emwonk, fergetin his fixation wit cats. He says Cats be protectors of dah the Current, whatever that is... Anyway I killed one, and he got real mad.... he even took a hand axe out and looked like he was gonna attack me... Til Blossom came by wit Seidahn (who is a nut in his own right) and explained tah me that I was tah kneel infront ah Emwonk and apologize. By the Divine, did I have tah hold me tongue on that one... Kneeling down to ah Halfling... I did it though... Made me feel like a fool though...[/INDENT]
 [INDENT]On a better note, I gots a room at the Leringard Inn fer me and Val, even though Val wasn't really ready fer that. I just told her she could use the dah room when need be, and since dere was two beds I let her take one. Maybe one day me and Val will be sharing the room like a regular couple... Boy, does I love her...[/INDENT]
 [INDENT]I saw Cole though... Finally... In the Inn, there be a statue of the Norseman... I couldn't even focus on Kali, the lass that owns the Inn and who I was talkin to when I saw the Statue, cause I couldn't believe it. There it be... The Statue of the Norseman, holding the Mighty Wicked... I felt like I was in dah presence of a god looking at dat statue, being face tah face wit the stoney image of my Hero. I wanted tah touch Wicked, but I aint worthy...[/INDENT]
 [INDENT]Seeing the Statue made me think of me own goals. I haven't trained wit me sword in months, outside of the usual beast bashings me and Val go on. And Pyyran ain't had anything tah teach me in just as long. Tah be honest Val has been the only thing I been thinking about lately... Val actually said I looked like Cole when she say the Statue... Said I looked just like'em... Nah.... No way.... I ain't... I ain't done nothing great like him yet... But its nice that Val said it... [/INDENT]
 [INDENT]I told Val that one day I wanted tah be a Statue when my time came. That I wanted tah be put next tah Cole, and be remembered as a great fighter... Val too, the three best great swordsman, Strikers, ever.... Know what Val said? She said she didn't wanna be a Statue. She said she wanted us tah be two Gnomish Blade machines, forever whirling and moving like we do in life wit our swords, two of dem one beside another so people remember just how we fought... I thought that was a better memorial....[/INDENT]
 [INDENT] I got tah get back to training.... I'm getting outta practice... I can't be slacking so much these days... Maybe I can get Val tah help me... I don't wanna hurt her though.... But I should ask her... I need tah be as good as Cole... I gots tah... Or maybe even better then Cole... Imagine that... Me being able tah tell me kids that me and Val became more famous then the Norseman... That ol' Shiff Dragonheart managed tah surpass a legend... and that he did it with the help of dah best girl in dah world... Their mom....  
 Eh who am I kidding....  What chance do I have ah bein famous.....  I did be happy being just as good as Cole....  I'd be happy if only Val thought I was as good as Cole, then atleast someone would wanna remember me...


Wined and Weary: Gnolls! Val! Dolls! By the Hells!
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2007, 04:54:57 pm »
*the next letter you find is rather tarnished.  The edges are ripped and frayed, the parchment itself is crumbled and warped, and dark red blotches exist all across the page.  You can barely make out the date of Satari, Mai 28, 1414 in a corner, and the lettering is scratchy and untidy.  The writer must have been either hurt or angry, or both, when he wrote this.*[INDENT]To hell with Gnolls!

I just got back from me mining trip in Haven...  A success....  Val....

The trip was a success...  I got the gems I wanted, no one got
that hurt, we made it out in one piece.

But those Gnolls!  Murderous beasts!  For as long as I carry a sword I will always hunt gnolls...  The fiends...

They killed a little girl....   Such a sweet one, lil rosey cheeks, a nice smiles...  Just killed her!  No remorse, no nothing!  they cut her down as she was talking tah us about a doll she lost....

For as long as my blade is bright and my soul burns I will kill Gnolls....  They thought they could scare me...  I slew everyone I could see when that girl died...  It took the entire party to get me back tah the surface...

I found the doll though...  And Hawklen, that barmy priest, managed tah restore the girl tah life...  The Gnolls were lucky fer that...  I woulda just kept going....

What has happened tah me...  I can't think anymore...  All I think about is the blood!  The pour girl laying limp in her own blood!

I carry the Gnoll chiefs head with me everywhere now...  My trophy...  My vengeance for the girls life...

And then theres Val...  
[/INDENT]By the Gods I love her...  Shes the best thing tah ever happen tah me....  Thats why can't I let her be...  I know how good she fights...  I know how tough she be...  I know how she HATES me babyin her...  But I can't stop...

She Yelled at me before the trip....  I couldn't even think ah anything tah say back to her...  I've grown soft...  I need tah talk tah her...  Maybe just get her tah understand why I always baby her...  But I won't no more...  

Is it her or me...  what happen...  I can't lose her...  I'd lose it fer sher....  But are we drifting apart now?  I can't tell.....  Or is everything fine and dandy....  Am I too caught up in the feeling tah even know what I'm doin anymore?  I dont even remember the last time I cracked a good joke....  Does she even still think about me...  Or the Phenalope....

Beryl....  Help me...  you gave me the gift that won her heart....   let me make it shine again fer Val, so we can keep eachudder fer ever....  


Wined and Weary: Boiling Blood and Swinging Swords
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2007, 01:58:11 pm »
*the next letter is just as tarnished as the last, and the red blotches are just as present.  This letter, however, has the faint smell of alcohol, and upon closer inspection you can tell whatever the author was drinking was very strong, even after so many years.  The writing is slanted and tends to trail off, as if the author couldn't keep his hand from drifting as he wrote.*[INDENT]All the blood....

I see it every night.  An endless field, grassy and rocky, soaked in the blood of the fallen.  

I wander through it every night.  Cold and alone, with no memory of having done so just the night before.

I see the dead every night.  The cold and limp bodies of so many innocent lives brought to an end by evil.

I see my friends every night.  Val, Talia, Blossom, Kinai, bloodied and broken against the rocks, gazing up at me with pleading eyes, begging me to save them...  Just like my mother...  Just like that little girl....

*there are a number of warped spots below this, as if water, or tears, had struck the parchment*


I can't sleep anymore... Each night I wake up screaming, clinging to my sword in hopes of scaring away the demons that haunt me...  But each night they come back, forcing me to once again wallow in the blood of my friends.

Wine is the only thing that saves me from it...  Kinai's Xeenite wine...  I keep some on me no matter where I go, drinking here and there to keep the blood from my eyes.  And at night, I sit in the taverns drinking until I can't walk.  It lets me sleep...

I prefer the headaches...  Anything but those dreams...  Anything but the sight of my friends dying as I stand helpless to save them....  I drink more and more, whatever it takes to sleep.  Val seems to have noticed...  She keeps glaring at me as I drink behind her back.  I know she loves me and that I love her...  But I Need Sleep...

Val's the only one who can make me sleep without the wine...   The blood is still there, but her presence keeps my mind at ease...  I don't see the bodies, I don't see my friends.   Just the endless field of blood...
[INDENT]That I can stand.  Thanks Val...
[/INDENT]Blossom told me that I almost killed her and Emwonk today...  They found me drunk at the Scamp's Mug in Hempstead, and dragged me to a room to sleep....  But it wasn't enough...

Blossom said I jumped outta bed like a springing cat, swinging Vicious around like a mad man.  Then bust out the room and marched to Haven without a word...  She even said I knocked out Emwonk in the process...

All I remember is waking up in Haven.... Staring down the cave... Wanting only to kill everything living thing inside it...  
[INDENT]Every last Gnoll...
[INDENT]Every last one....
[/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]All by myself...


Wined and Weary: A Lucid Moment, One of Few
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2007, 08:41:16 pm »
*this next letter is in better condition then the last few, bit it still looks crumpled and worn.  The this parchment has purple dots all over it instead of red, and smells a bit like fruit.*[INDENT]Well I actually got some sleep, or what counts as sleep.  This priest named Sol happened to cast some weird spell on me that woke me up and made me feel better, but I wish he didn't.  I can't accept these sorts of solutions.  I won't subject myself to being a slave to magic for the rest of my life.  I won't.

Kinai took my wine away...   woman....  Made me promise not to drink anymore, and gave me grape juice instead.  Grape Juice...  Of all things.

I haven't seen Val...  She's still the only sure thing to help me sleep peaceful.  But its not so bad.  If Sol didn't "restore" me though, I'd be in over my head.

The Blood is still there at night.  Same visions, same people.  I can't take it.  Some nights I see them all die in horrible ways, other nights I kill them myself.  I can't understand why!

Why me!?  What did I do...  Why can't I dream of Val anymore, of us together, instead of just watching as she dies in one of an infinitum of horrible ways...

I don't know how many more days I can go on this juice...  I keep eye Kalin as he walks by...  Thinking of getting my Wine back from him...  Or maybe just buy more...

I can't live the rest of my life in fear of sleep...  I want to be able to stay awake again, not stumble around half the time in a daze.  I want to be able to enjoy my Time with Val instead of forcing her to put me out...  I want to be able dream about her again...

I'll do what I can with the energy Sol gave me.  Hopefully this will keep me on my feet for a few days, maybe even keep the blood at bay so I can get one good nights sleep before the tide turns and I am drowned by it all again...