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Author Topic: Do you have a question for Leanthar?  (Read 5075 times)


RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
« Reply #60 on: October 17, 2004, 11:51:00 pm »
The main thing that will help lag is to get rid of all of the storage, that is the main problem.
  Oxen would probably help quite a lot because they also use nwnx and the current version of nwnx and 1.64 are not working nicely together.  Acknowledged by Bioware even.  But they do not support nwnx so the creator needs to get a new version out.  But this is all volunteer work so if he doesn't then it is understandable.
  As to the stackables thing in inventory, no I don't think that will help.  I could be wrong but I don't think so.

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RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
« Reply #61 on: October 18, 2004, 06:54:00 am »
i was trying to create a ranger that while RP had dragon blood (i realize that there are no dragon subclasses as of yet with the exception of prestige classes) i simply wanted to give my character the depth of why is fights for the innacent and defends thoughs that would hunt down dragons for there own selfish reasons. but the DM that answerd my submission told me that there arnt any dragons left in the world but there has to be or else the dragon that summond us here would not exsiste as well as i have here of players going on quests to find dragons and have even read in this question page that you acknowledge that there are dragons. please explain


RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
« Reply #62 on: October 18, 2004, 07:52:00 am »
Oooo......I can answer this as I was schooled on it many many times.
  If you look at the time line you'll notice several dragon purges. Imagine thousands of dragons one day then the next half that. Dragons have been hunted by humanoids, have hunted each other, and have been killed off over the past several thousand years. According to my knowledge there are only five dragons left. Note: There are dragons. But only five. So the rare and the ultra powerful are all that's left.


RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
« Reply #63 on: October 18, 2004, 08:28:00 am »
What Zero stated.
  Yojoscomics, I don't want 1/2 dragon characters or such on the world as a PC right now, it does not fit with the campaign that is currently running.  1/2 dragons are also usually purely powerbuilding characters (but they are great RP as well if they are done right).  But pretty much that is why they are not allowed right now.

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RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
« Reply #64 on: October 18, 2004, 03:35:00 pm »
i dont understand why my character who will never gain from a draconic liniage and whos goal in life is to protect those dragons that are left would be restricted

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RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
« Reply #65 on: October 18, 2004, 03:37:00 pm »
please do not think that i mean this as an act of rebelian. i have been a dm in both pnp and nwn for a long time and simply wont a through expanation


RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
« Reply #66 on: October 18, 2004, 03:48:00 pm »
As it's been said, it's not the abilities (or lack there of) it's the RP value. There are 5, dragons left. That's a hands worth of dragons. They are ultra powerful like near godlyness. Most if not all of them are in hiding and don't go on daily flies around the world. They are so rare infact that you may not see on for half a year (literally half or more of a RL year, maybe never.) The chances of your father being a dragon is slim to none.
  Edit: Sorry about answering another question. I know this should be left strictly up to L so that the topic does not become confusing and a player obtain misinformation. Won't happen again. Scout's Honor. :)


RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
« Reply #67 on: October 18, 2004, 04:00:00 pm »
Yojoscomics, I have already answered the question as to why.  *shrugs*  Only so much I can do/say.  That character (more specifically) that race will not be allowed it for a long time.

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RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
« Reply #68 on: October 19, 2004, 04:17:00 am »
i have a character that has been aproved but has not been moved over to the aproved list. also can you give me a color for the dragons that are left in the world.


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    RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
    « Reply #69 on: October 19, 2004, 04:34:00 am »
    As far as the characters being moved over to the approval list that is because I haven't done it yet.  I prpmise if your character is approved then it does not matter what forum it is in whether it be the submissions or approval section.

    I will get this done as soon as I can.  Its very time consuming.  Sorry..

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    RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
    « Reply #70 on: October 19, 2004, 04:50:00 am »
    no problem!!! :)  :)

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    RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
    « Reply #71 on: October 20, 2004, 04:40:00 am »
    This is a bit of a code tangent:

      If I understand correctly, one of the problems with oxen is that every time the bag is opened there's a DB hit. Have you considered reimplementing oxen?

    Thoughts that occur to my fevered brain (passingly familiar with NWNscript, but no experience in PW coding):

      * recode this thing to use a delaycommand so that the rest of NWN doesn't stall waiting for the database (depends on just how much SQL support there is in NWNX)
      * only hit the DB when the bag is taken off of/loaded on to the ox (I'm quietly hoping I misunderstood some of the posts and this is already what happens)
      * only hit the DB for the ox when the *character* is saved

    As it's implemented now there's a dup bug; since the oxen can't store enchanted items this isn't a big problem, but if I know when a server crash is coming I can duplicate my hides.

    Moving some other databasey things (chest, gold bank balance) to be stored in local variables and written out (even to the NWNX DB) when the character is saved should avoid some of the other loss/dup bugs that we're seeing reported on the boards recently.

    If you need coding help, I'd be happy to spend moderate amounts of time reading over the code and suggesting/attempting fixes now, or probably 40+ hours during December. I'm a twisted enough person that it'd be almost as much fun as playing. :)

    Gaius, who once cleverly put his copper armor on his ox


    RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
    « Reply #72 on: October 20, 2004, 11:03:00 am »
    Is there any chance that the more bestial sub-races of Layonara could be coded to be able to eat their food raw?  Ogres Orcs, Goblins and Giant-kin love to feel it bleed and wiggle on the way down.  I also want to be able to eat grubworms.  I've done so in real life, and boy are they filling.

    Also, do larger beastlike subraces have a higher metabolism that causes them to need to eat more often?  An elf could have a quarter of a loaf of bread in a day, while an ogre would eat maybe 3 or 4 wolves or maybe a full moose for dinner.  Halflings would eat about half a cow though... ;)


    RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
    « Reply #73 on: October 21, 2004, 04:26:00 am »
      We can put that on our list of things to do but it is a huge list and this would be at the bottom probably.  So, yes possible, any time soon?  Not likely.


    RE: those blasted oxen!
    « Reply #74 on: October 23, 2004, 07:39:00 am »
    I recently purchased an ox. I thought it was for storage of the many items we find. I had alot of books and raw materials. it all disappeared when I (stacked it) on the ox. I found some heavy armor laying by the road,and not wanting to carry it around with the other set of armor I was already carrying I put it on the ox,they all disappeared. I was wanting to fing a place to sell the armor. But it's gone now. I have searched the forums on oxen and found a little information, and there was nothing in the manual.
     Have I missed something somewhere on the use of an oxen? Also I read about the chests in the banks how do they work?

    Is there a vendor in hlint to buy potions of healing? I could of swore I purchased one there,I asked other players in game but no on knows.
    thanks so much
    There can be only One.


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    RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
    « Reply #75 on: October 23, 2004, 07:42:00 am »
    How do you feel?

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    RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
    « Reply #76 on: October 23, 2004, 08:01:00 am »
    Potions of Healing can be purchased at any temple.  Like the temple of Ilsare in Hlint.

    And it's been stated numerous times that oxen are for CNR ingredients only.  Not finished product like scrolls, armor, weapons, etc.  And the ox even states to not put stackable items on it.

    Fian Bearsark

    RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
    « Reply #77 on: October 30, 2004, 11:29:00 am »
    As a new player to Layonara, I attempted to integrate my character into the "geography" of the land i.e. use actual town names in my bio (Lakeside, North Fort). I was wondering if there is or could be an index of sorts for major/ minor towns that could give a brief economic/social/racial profile so players could have a better idea of urban areas and what goes on there.


    RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
    « Reply #78 on: October 30, 2004, 11:35:00 am »
    Go to Downloads, there is a Layonara Handbook there.


    RE: Do you have a question for Leanthar?
    « Reply #79 on: October 30, 2004, 11:36:00 am »
    Fian Bearsark - 10/30/2004  2:29 PM

    As a new player to Layonara, I attempted to integrate my character into the "geography" of the land i.e. use actual town names in my bio (Lakeside, North Fort). I was wondering if there is or could be an index of sorts for major/ minor towns that could give a brief economic/social/racial profile so players could have a better idea of urban areas and what goes on there.

    The handbook has quite a detailed entry for many towns and cities and areas(pages 69-123).  You can get it from the Downloads section.


