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Author Topic: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown  (Read 192 times)


BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« on: September 19, 2007, 06:57:30 am »
Description: The class [LORE]BattleRager[/LORE] does not receive improved knockdown at level 4.  

    * Level 1
          o Battle Rage 1x/day
          o Resist Poison
          o Skill Focus: Intimidate
    * Level 2
          o Aura of Courage
          o Knockdown
    * Level 3
          o Battle Rage 2x/day
          o Improved Unarmed Strike
    * Level 4
          o Great Cleave
          o Improved Knockdown
    * Level 5
          o Armor Skin
          o Battle Rage 3x/day

Location: Layonara

Verified: Yes.  Problem exists on [LORE]Jacrum Shieldbreaker[/LORE] and [LORE]Varka Cleaveson[/LORE].

Reproducable: Yes.  I added to the layo hacks to another module and deleveled Jacrum then releveled him.  The result was the same.  Only GreatCleave and not Improved Knockdown was received at level 4.  I also checked what feats Jacrum received at later levels.  At battle rager level 5 Jacrum received AmourSkin, and a feat named 'Samurai'.  Samurai appears to function as BattleRage x3 per day.

Related Bugs: This may be related to the Battle Rage bug.


Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2007, 08:13:10 am »
We get improved knockdown? I dont have it.

Samurai functions as BattleRage. I guess they simply copy/pasted it and gave it a new name.


Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2007, 08:29:50 am »
Can it be because an int of 13 is needed ;)

Varka has xx int *coughs*

Stragen can you try to level Jacrum in that other module and take points in int? And please report your results here.


Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2007, 09:51:12 am »

According to how classes normally work if the feat is a class feat then the character receives it regardless of the other usual prerequisites.   For example all monks get improved knockdown at level 6, even if their INT is too low to take improved knockdown as a bonus (non-class) feat.

Jacrum has INT 14 so he is eligable to take it as a bonus.  I most likely will take improved knockdown if this bug isn't fixed.

If anyone has ever made a class, and knows where there is information on building your own NWN PrC, I am willing to learn this skill to try to fix this bug.  




Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2007, 10:34:07 am »
We'll check into it.  There may be a minor HAK update coming (and yes, this would require a HAK update to fix), so if that happens AND there's an easy fix, then we'll get it in at that time.

In the mean time, though, since you created a test character in a local module, could you make one that has the requisite intelligence for Improved Knockdown and see if it comes along?

While you are definitely correct about regular classes and how these free feats get applied, there may well be a difference in how NWN handles PrCs.  If that's the case, I strongly doubt we will do much to try and fix this.


Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2007, 11:45:43 am »
Hi Dorg,

Sorry for not being clear.  The test character used in the Layo module had INT 14.  So he was eligible to receive improved knockdown.  

I also did a bit of hunting around on PrCs in particular BattleRager.  I managed to find the CODI PrC pack.  This pack includes battlerager and samurai.  

CODI Prestige Class Pack I ver 1.3 -- Neverwinter Nights 2 Vault

I'm not sure but this might be where the BattleRager class used in Layo came from.

I created a module using the CODI PrC Hak and created a test Battle Rager character.  Using the CODI PrC the test Battlerager correctly received improved knockdown at level 4.  Also using the CODI PrC Hak the feat 'BattleRage 3x/day' was correctly labeled, and not labeled 'Samurai'.  

I suspect there may be a bug in the Layo version of Battlerager.  There may also be remnants of the Samurai class in the Layo hakpack.

If I am able to locate the exact bug I'll let you know.  I'm having to learn fast!




Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2007, 11:52:03 am »
Alright, good to know.  

In that case it may just be an oversight in the relevant 2da file.


Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2007, 11:52:11 am »
I wasn't here when Layo put in the PrC's, so I don't know for certain...

But I'm going to go out on a limb and say I'm 99.9% positive that the custom Layo PrC's did not come from the Player Resource Consortium (PRC) scripts.  PRC haks/scripts do not play nicely with any other module customizations, and in my experience are an all or nothing sort of thing.

I'm guessing the custom PrC's here were built from scratch modifying the haks, tlk, and 2da haks.


Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2007, 12:47:51 pm »

Dorg was right.  I had a look in the LayoV2_2da_V27.hak.  I found  cls_feat_brage.2da.

Which I compared to the CODI cls_feat_breage.2da, the layo version was missing improved knockdown.  

I'm not sure where the labels to the feats are stored, but I suspect the layo version for the BattleRage1, BattleRage2, and BattleRage3 are pointing to the wrong places.  This may be why in game, you see BattleRage2xDay, BattleRage3xDay, and Samurai for each of the levels of the BattleRage feat.

I've attached the files for your comparison.




Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2007, 01:15:51 pm »
Thanks for the foot-work Stragen.  That'll help.  :)

Sorry to ask so many questions. I'm at work and can't really check anything from here.


Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2007, 01:52:06 pm »
No problem.  I'm on a rest day while traveling.  It gave me something to do and I learnt a lot.  It's the first time I had a look at the NWN tools.   Jet lag is setting in, going to lie down and read a book.

Script Wrecked

Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2007, 10:25:16 pm »
Quote from: stragen
I'm not sure where the labels to the feats are stored, but I suspect the layo version for the BattleRage1, BattleRage2, and BattleRage3 are pointing to the wrong places.  This may be why in game, you see BattleRage2xDay, BattleRage3xDay, and Samurai for each of the levels of the BattleRage feat.

Looking inside "cls_feat_brage.2da":

0   BattleRage1                                    2543      3    1              1      
6   BattleRage2                                    2544      3    3              1      
8   BattleRage3                                    2545      3    5              1      

Looking inside "feat.2da":

2543 BtlRage1                                       16789534
2544 BtlRage2                                       16789535
2545 BtlRage3                                       16789536

Applying the 16777216 custom TLK offset to the "feat.2da":

2543 BtlRage1                                       12318
2544 BtlRage2                                       12319
2545 BtlRage3                                       12320

Looking inside the "layonara_v19.tlk" file:

12317 Battle Rage (1x per day)
12318 Battle Rage (2x per day)
12319 Battle Rage (3x per day)
12320 Samurai

you can see the values are offset by one.

It appears the values in the third column of the "feat.2da" need to be decremented by one.

2543 BtlRage1                                       16789533
2544 BtlRage2                                       16789534
2545 BtlRage3                                       16789535

Hope this helps.


Script Wrecked.


Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2007, 01:28:57 am »
Woot! Now this is dwarven power.


Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2007, 02:40:12 pm »

I added improved knockdown to cls_feat_brage.2da a single line to the bottom of the file.

Code: [Select]
161 ImpKnock 17 3 4 0
Following Script Wrecked instructions I made changes to feat.2da

I then imported both these files into LayoV2_2da_V27a.hak and created a test module with the updated layo haks.

By de-leveling Jacrum Shieldbreaker and then re-leveling him, he gained the the correct feats at Battlerager level 4, and level 5.  Also the labels for the BattleRage feats now have the correct description.  I also tested the fix with a new character (from level 1), this character also worked.  In the test module I couldn't find any new bugs introduced by this fix.  The only issue is that characters will need to be de-leveled and re-leveled to receive the fix.

I have attached my updated versions of these two files.  [ATTACH]5982[/ATTACH]



PS: Script Wrecked, do you have any idea how to fix the other BattleRage bug?


Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2007, 04:23:27 pm »
Oh great!  Thanks!

We'll get this worked into the next HAK update (probably with the next module patch).

And the nice thing is if it doesn't work, we can blame the HAK...yeah, that's it. ;)

Seriously, thanks all for doing the footwork and investigation. :)


Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2007, 05:16:12 pm »
A big thanks to Script Wrecked for providing the fix for the labels.

Dorax Windsmith

Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2007, 08:16:09 am »
Now this is great to see, community teamwork. Great job Stagen and Script Wrecked.


Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2008, 06:32:20 pm »
This is now fixed and can be moved to Fixed Bugs.

Battleragers you will see the correct icon labels if you download the latest control hak layo_controlV3r3.rar

If you don't see the correct icons labels at the moment then you will need to download the above file.



