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Author Topic: Rift question / possible bug  (Read 369 times)


Rift question / possible bug
« on: July 13, 2008, 04:25:20 am »
In the upper lvl's off the Rift , there are " drow warriors " that are easily dispatch with a good fighter .
Deeper into the Rift you meet " drow warriors of the Rift " that are much harder to overcome .
When you pass those and the golems guarding the cobalt , you meet other drow called " drow warriors " ( they guard the adamantium ) but these are just as tough as the ones called " drow warriors of the Rift " .

Do they have a wrong name ? or are these too strong for the place they are in ?

I know we are not supposed to read the floating texts , but preparing for the weaker drow that they seem to be can prove deadly to characters that travel there as it is now .


Re: Rift question / possible bug
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 10:18:42 am »
We're not generally going to discuss the relative difficulty of creatures in a place over those in another.   You're right, you shouldn't read the labels but rather prepare for the challenge of the region itself.


Re: Rift question / possible bug
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2008, 11:32:07 am »
Even-though i agree , rp wise it gets difficult when creatures are labeled the same but are very different in strength .
A scout will see them the same as those you encounter in the first level and will tell the party that the trouble ahead isn't life-threatening ( in comparison to those near the city ).
This is not d&d where you as GM can say that their gear looks better then those they share a name with .
The argument that we need to prepare for the challenge off the region goes limp , since there are more creatures in the same area that are similar to those in the first level that leads to the loop .


Re: Rift question / possible bug
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2008, 12:58:54 pm »
But they are labelled differently even, aren't they? I mean, look at the desert giants or forest giants. Only difference the player sees is what tribe they belong to. Duneleaper from this or that tribe.

You went past the deep swim so you knew you were getting into more dangerous terrain, with larger gains, but also bigger challenges. It's no secret that adamantium is well protected.

So.. they're labelled differently, in my opinion in a quite obvious manner. And the two area's are distinctively different. If you decide to swim through, you accept you're entering an area with a bigger challenge because of the CNR found there. If a player makes a wrong ooc assumption about the challenge of a creature, he really dug his own hole in my opinion.


Re: Rift question / possible bug
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2008, 01:23:48 pm »
No, it's a valid argument to prepare for the region.  You can't tell simply by appearance how difficult a creature would be.  Sure, maybe some look more menacing, but if I labeled them all "Sea gull" or "Woodchuck" would you assume them easy to kill, even though they were visually dark elves that were armed to the teeth?  What if I labeled them "Balor Prince"?  What if I labeled them "Christopher"?

What you're probably seeing there (and I haven't had a chance to check the toolset) is that we do in fact have, in some cases, multiple creatures in the palette with the same label.


Re: Rift question / possible bug
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2008, 02:21:39 pm »
Default Drow Warriors from the NWN palette Dorg.  There are at most two different default warriors in the spawn triggers, and all it means is that the harder one was pulled in one instance and not the other.  Not unusual given what I'm guessing was a very variable group in regard to the level spread.
 A lot of my creatures have vague descriptions for the very reason of negating OOC influence.  And while I do the following as well... I find it silly a lot of the time when we label the creature so well that it basically becomes "I'm the mage, kill me first and quickly!" floating over their head.  Giants should be labelled giants.  A drow warrior is a drow warrior.  Level 17 or level 21... I don't think this is a valid complaint.


Re: Rift question / possible bug
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2008, 02:27:00 pm »
Though... Drow should be labeled Dark Elf... ;)


Re: Rift question / possible bug
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2008, 02:31:14 pm »
sorry to have wasted every-body's time then :(
I figured that giving them another label in one area earlier was to let people know they are harder and that not using the same label for a similar group was an oversight , guess i was wrong .
And no Filatus , they aren't named different , the drow guarding the diamonds are labeled the same as those guarding the adamantium but different then those guarding the town ( to whom i guess they are similar ) , else i wouldn't have posted .

