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Author Topic: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread  (Read 989 times)


A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« on: November 05, 2007, 04:33:16 am »
// If you were not involved in Ouroboros' A Call to Arms event last Thursday, please do not post to this thread, as it is meant to be an IC discussion between the members of that party.

// To that party: sorry for taking so long to get this up.  I dithered about which forum to put it in, and then decided to sleep on it.. and then forgot about it... you know how it goes.  Anyway, discuss away, folks!

*the group gathers at the Inn at Fort Wayfare to discuss the goings-on of the last week or so*

Script Wrecked

Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2007, 05:18:12 am »
Argali: "Zo, had we agrreed to go back to the Spellgard to clear ourr names?"

Dorax Windsmith

Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2007, 07:51:42 am »
Vladimir: "We will have to face the Tribunal eventually.  Do we have enough evidence to prove the involvement of the Dopplegangers and is it enough to clear our names?"


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2007, 12:05:09 pm »
Galan shakes his head, motioning Vladimir and Argali to keep their voices down.  "The evidence we left at the Toranite temple in Fort Llast is likely enough to help us, if the Spellgard tribunal is honorable and not completely infiltrated with shape-shifters.  My concern is that if we return to Spellgard right now, we'll be isolated and killed by the shape-shifters before we've even had a chance to present the evidence we have."

Script Wrecked

Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2007, 08:30:30 pm »
Argali bobs up to look around the other people in the inn, bobs down and lowers her voice. "Verry shrewd, Masterr Galen. Zis iz quite the conundrum, no? 'Ow would we establish zuch a thing? Do we know anyone in the Spellgarrd who would be able to 'elp us?"

Dorax Windsmith

Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2007, 08:43:57 pm »
*Vladimir appears annoyed at Galan's suggestion that his voice would attract undue attention*  

Isn't there an adventurer of some standing within the community of Spellguard that we could contact to help us ensure fair trial?


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2007, 11:49:17 pm »
Drexia: *to Vlad* I know a Protector of the Weave whose word is certainly above reproach, if you all think it wise I can ask him to intercede on our behalf.
*to the group*
A few things I think we should consider: one, when we reenter the city, we should ensure that we have a few people knowledgeable in the weave with us, to be able to spot these shifters for us. In the absolute worst case scenario, we may have to defend ourselves with force, and others seeing a shifter's form upon it's death is probably the best way to forestall other violence, in addition to being evidence of our veracity. But to do that, we need to know who they are ahead of time.
Two, I think we should send a letter to as many people of standing in Spellguard as possible, explaining exactly what happened, and listing what evidence we will be presenting, and stating that we intend to return peaceably. Besides taking the high ground of honesty, this will prevent us from immediately being on the defensive trying to explain our story, will make the shifters know they cannot surprise us and take us without public scrutiny, because if nothing else, people's curiosity at "criminals" returning of their own accord, with a preposterous-sounding tale will make people curious enough to listen to us.
Finally, we should move as quickly as possible, but we should be very cautious and not make any assumptions about what they will have done in the interim. For all we know, they have been using our images to commit other crimes, and we may be charged with more than we currently are. Their power is potent if only because everyone else believes what they see. We should not underestimate this.


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2007, 12:52:18 am »
*A decent lore check or any gossip or research gleaned on the justice system in Spellgard would quickly inform you that cases are usually heard by a High Protector and only truly unusual cases are overseen by the Lord High Protector or ranking members of the clergy. There would be, however, no Tribunal ... though perhaps one might call such a hearing a tribunal, as I did in game. Just wanted to clear up any potential confusion. Continue!*


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2007, 10:40:51 am »
//How are we dealing with time through this whole thing?


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2007, 11:02:04 am »
"This Protector of the Weave you mention," Galan asks Drexia, "I assume this is Storold Doesscha?"  At her nod, he looks satisfied and continues.  "He's an honorable man, and a reasonable man.  If he intercedes on our behalf, that should be most helpful.
 "While I agree with Drexia that having mages present to keep watch for these shape-shifters is wise, I would like to have some representatives of my own church involved."  He looks a little uncomfortable, but forges on.  "Given the...strained relations which sometimes exist between Toranites and Lucindites,..."  He sighs.  "Well, I just don't want to let that sort of thing get in the way of our getting a fair hearing."  He looks around at the others at the table.  "Does anyone object to clerics of Toran being part of our parlay?  I wouldn't suggest bringing anymore paladins -- that could too easily be taken as a show of force, which isn't what we want to convey."


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2007, 11:03:44 am »
// I'm assuming this is the same night as our quest ended, only shortly later -- a single evening of discussion about how we're going to proceed.  I'm also assuming that (even though the player is not fluent with Spellgard politics) that perhaps Galan, as a paladin, would know at least basically what the court system there is like?  Darkstorme can correct me if I'm wrong.


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2007, 11:50:52 am »
// Correct.  The denouement is effectively time-bubbled, so in-game you can treat the whole thing as a fait accompli... while, of course, being vague about how it all ended up. :)


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2007, 12:37:43 pm »
*to Galan*
I think it would be perfectly appropriate to have some representatives from your church joining us, although I think you are right to be wary of seeming to have too much force... We should try a seek a balance between showing enough force that the shifters will not want to try any tricks, while at the same time not appearing overly threatening to those not involved.

Dorax Windsmith

Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2007, 02:54:34 pm »
Perhaps we should first contact Mr. Doesscha and make our petition and request about when and with whom we should make our return to Spellguard.  I think having him on our behalf is vitally important and I don't want to risk that by making assumptions prior to getting his input.  It's understandable that you would want representation from the Toranite Clergy Galan, but that may or may not be the wisest course of action.


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2007, 05:59:04 pm »
Galan nods, thoughtful.  "Drexia, you seem on close terms with Storold.  Will you speak to him on our behalf?"


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2007, 07:03:56 pm »
*nods to Galan, pulling out a piece of parchment from her pack, and begins to write, looking up to listen to others' opinions as she writes*


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2007, 01:41:51 am »
Galan pulls a neat bundle of writing materials from his own pack.  "I have a good friend who might also prove helpful, especially in the area of spells to identifying these shape-shifters."  He smooths out a bit of paper and carefully uncaps a vial of ink.  "He also has a tendency to be around and available just when you need him most.  So let's see if a messenger bird can't roust him to us."  He starts to write.

Script Wrecked

Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2007, 02:17:10 am »
Argali is looking much more relieved as she follows the discourse of the others.


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2007, 03:21:10 pm »
Well I would really like to help you, however I see some issues. I can't put in a good word for you but I can make sure you get a fair trial. As for the Toranite, well he is in a very bad situation both for himself and his church. Accusations of murder of Lucindites in Spellgard isn't something that should be taken lightly especially not if you are a Toranite so I would think that surrendering himself to a trial might be the best option before someone decides to knock on a toranite church door and demand him brought to justice.
But I think it will be relatively safe to return if I can accompany you there, but the sooner the better, especially regarding the toranite. I look forward to seeing you in Spellgard when ever you find the time for this trip.

*Signed*Storold Doesscha, Protector of the weave


Re: A Call to Arms Discussion Thread
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2007, 11:20:15 pm »
Galan frowns over Storold's response when Drexia hands to him across the table.  "This is precisely what I feared," he sighs.  "The tensions between Lucinda and Toran run deep when even a man as honorable as Storold doesn't feel he can speak on our behlaf."  He pushes the note back to her through the small forest of mugs that has collected on the table over the last few hours of their discussion.  "I can't stop the people of Spellguard from using a hatred of Toranites to blame us for what those shape-shifters did, but I can demonstrate that a Toranite paladin will face the judgment of any lawful authority, even one that distrusts him."
 Standing, he pulls his pack from under the table and digs out the crumpled letters they retrieved from the shape-shifter body earlier that evening.  "Show these to Storold, and anyone else you think might help you.  And don't forget the corpse we hid behind the stables.  The mages in Spellguard should be able to get some kind of information from it."  He hands the dirty bundle to Drexia, then laces up his pack again.  "If my friend Timulty comes here, tell him I've gone to surrender to the Spellguard authorities.  Tell him that if he needs to be sure he's speaking to the real me, make me tell him what he did to defeat me in the Vehl arena."  Then he sweeps the blue and gold cloak of his order across his shoulders, and heads for the door.