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Author Topic: Dicebag PvP  (Read 80 times)


Dicebag PvP
« on: September 17, 2006, 08:45:04 pm »
So, it came up a little earlier that players can't orchestrate RP PvP with the Dicebag anymore.

It went something like this:

Player 1:[Tell] Up for some dicebag work?
Player 2:[Tell] Sure.
Player 1:[Tell] Dex roll +5 AB, alright?
Player 2:[Tell] Okay.
Player 1: *Fires his crossbow at the Player 2*
Player 1: *Dex Check* 6+4=10
Player 1:[Tell] AC 15 or lower?
Player 2:[Tell] 13
Player 1: *The bolt hits Player 2*
WL: //Woah! Wait a sec, PvP's not allowed without DM or WL authorization The bolt flies off wildly into the side of a house.
Player 1: //Er... I thought dicebag stuff was allowed. Has this changed?

*Insert peacable (among players etc) ending with Player 1's character running in fear.*

Well, last I heard, it was alright to RP small combats through Dicebag and Tells, so long as no real damage was dealt (i.e. Radial Attack or offensive spells). I went and took a look at the rules, and nothing is really mentioned about the Dicebag. I seem to be working off of an older version of them in my memory; what's the current ruling on Dicebag-orchestrated RP combat?

Just looking for a second opinion; the ruling that was given in-game stands, of course.


Re: Dicebag PvP
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2006, 11:27:17 pm »
Dicebag PvP is more or less allowed...

BUT... As with emotes and pretty much everything else, both parties has to agree on that. If that's not a rule, well... Think of it as a politness to the other player. :)

Edit: Just noticed another typo...


Re: Dicebag PvP
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2006, 03:48:11 am »
Aye, that's what I had been thinking... However, with all respect meant, Weebs, you're not a DM or WL. I was told by the WL who made the ruling last night that (and I'll paraphrase here) "while the players might think that's okay, the Big Man says No PvP, and until he says otherwise, ix-nay without Ee-em-day."


Re: Dicebag PvP
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2006, 04:06:42 am »
I've seen some nice swordwork done this way, and was also unaware that this was considered pvp since there is actually nothing being done...  with thrusts *miss* etc. etc... then someone *bleeding on the floor* without any real damage being done...  but yup, its agreed by both parties... kinda hard not to. when thier both facing off and both using dicebag for rolls.


Re: Dicebag PvP
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2006, 05:01:32 am »
Hmm. Okay. I will go update the PvP rules.

PvP can indeed happen with dicebags without GM or WL oversight. Since there is not physical attacking, no bleeding, no death, both are actively in dice combat and can end it at any time I don't think we need to oversee this sort of thing. needs to be in character and not forced on to a player, if a player does not want to do it then they do not need to do it.

Guardian 452

Re: Dicebag PvP
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2006, 07:55:33 am »
Enzo had a rather interesting dual once when someone felt they needed a better price on an item.... and they proposed a dual. I rather enjoyed it... it was all pary rolls and tumbles and RP'd.


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    Re: Dicebag PvP
    « Reply #6 on: September 18, 2006, 09:45:48 am »
    During the instance, the WL reacted toward the casting of offensive Area Effect Spells. The spells get very annoying, especially when fired off in the middle of hlint with 6 people having a conversation... Ther have been many times where I have wanted to Fireball the people who think its commical to cast darkness over a group of people.


    Re: Dicebag PvP
    « Reply #7 on: September 18, 2006, 11:04:04 am »
    "...During the instance, the WL reacted toward the casting of offensive Area Effect Spells...."

    Yep, that is indeed wrong and is not allowed. And it is likely the players knew it as it is a well known rule. Sadly though a few players like to claim innocence (again and again) with the rules that they don't happen to agree with or they think they can/should question no matter what.

