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Author Topic: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....  (Read 1226 times)


Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
« on: March 05, 2007, 11:38:19 pm »
Welp, its been fun everyone, I really hoped Czukay would make it to Count my seventh death token today and am level 19.
Im not making any new characters and would not dare try to get to this high a level awesome server!

I am an artist and musician as some of you know in real life, and I got to get back to my roots and what my purpose in life is.

As my journal said " I leave all of my possesions to my squire skabot....both the haven house and the prantz house.  " And everything contained therein....(most of the stuff on those shelves wasnt mine, it was others with keys so please dont delete the chests)

I had a really good time playing this game, but simply can't do it anymore, its interfering with my real life to much.

Please delete my characters and my account ASAP


~The Evil Lorde Count Czukay

ps if any of you want to keep in touch, i can keep you updated on the art and electronic music from hell
aol: theeunthuziast

Witch Hunter

Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2007, 11:52:23 pm »
Heh, even though we stopped getting along at the end of the road i'll still miss 'ya.

Cheers mate.


Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2007, 12:27:42 am »
Wow nice, wicked drawings! ;) I think you should keep yer Characters you never know when the itchin to play gets too much. *winks* Hope to see ye around but take care and good goings in yer career, matey.



Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2007, 01:38:27 am »

Sure you wanna delete? You may regret it later mate

Good luck  *waves*


Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2007, 02:56:59 am »
Best of luck to you, wish you were staying though!


Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2007, 04:24:34 am »
Wow, that's a bummer to hear, Matt :( I know we'll still keep in touch, but like the others say, are you sure you want to delete? Either way, sorry to hear about the loss of another strand...Anyhow, I'll talk to you over e-mail or something. It's a bummer to hear you're leaving still!


Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2007, 05:17:38 am »
Well, that just stinks. Best of luck to ya. Redhawk


Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2007, 09:09:36 am »
Dude that stinks. Im sorry to hear your leaving.
Keep your account and characters don't delete them.Somewhere down the road you will come back.



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    RE: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
    « Reply #8 on: March 06, 2007, 09:30:07 am »
    I'll never forget ya... *waves*


    Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
    « Reply #9 on: March 06, 2007, 09:56:18 am »
    Sorry to see you go... And I agree with the above...don't delete. You'll be back down the road. :-)


    Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
    « Reply #10 on: March 06, 2007, 10:11:44 am »
    Czu, keep your berk around in case you ever feel the itch. come on, you know you want to play long enough to understand what Dur'Thak is saying :)


    Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
    « Reply #11 on: March 06, 2007, 11:29:56 am »
    argh,  I am doing this for my own health really....this game is like a heroin needle.  if you look at my log times you will see how much I have been playing day in and day out....there is no play just for an hour a day with me.  Im an addict and its cold turkey time....i probably would stay if i didnt get that death token, but like I said im not making another character or playing younger ones, Czukay screwed up. Seriously though, its been fun. I guess don't delete the account, i will just uninstall the game. (maybe once I get situated with a full time job I might be able to play on the weekends still far down the line) I had a really good interview today for a graphic design position and it went really well and was called back for a second interview! wish me luck!

    Do i need to make an official post somewhere else to ensure Skabot Redwolf offically gets the house and the mansion?
    Lemme know. Thanks.

    By the way leanthar, your team is awesome and you all are bound for greatness! This server is the best of the best in the whole world.
    take care,



    Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
    « Reply #12 on: March 06, 2007, 11:35:54 am »
    I guess Shiff and Czukay will never have that epic battle...  :'(  Bye bye Dude, I will (I cant believe I'm saying this)  Miss you too.  Goodluck in the real world.

    Can I have the Skull? ;)


    Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
    « Reply #13 on: March 06, 2007, 11:37:31 am »
    Good luck!  :D

    I'll miss you and the Count - it's not everyday you meet someon that tries to convince you to give them your first born and scoops up blood for their flaming skull.

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
    « Reply #14 on: March 06, 2007, 11:38:18 am »
    Good luck man.

    Real life comes first.


    Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
    « Reply #15 on: March 06, 2007, 11:49:09 am »
    man, crazy seeing you go. take care.


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      Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
      « Reply #16 on: March 06, 2007, 12:37:31 pm »
      Wish you the best mate. Wish I had the nads to quit cold turkey.. this game is more addicting that cigarettes.

      I hope you make it far. Sorry we never got to meet =/


      Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
      « Reply #17 on: March 06, 2007, 01:15:46 pm »
      :( All the best for the future then! And yeah, don't delete, you never know when you'll want to come back


      RE: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
      « Reply #18 on: March 06, 2007, 02:52:44 pm »
      Geesh to log on and not see the sickness that is Czukay...... it's not going to be the same. He is disgusting and I love it, you made him so real. I will miss billy also (the skull, seems I remember Celith calling it billy). I wish you had stayed long enough for me to remember to call you Count instead of Baron lol. I do give you Kudos though for knowing it is time to walk away, take care of yourself. Pop into irc occasionally and let us all know how its going for you. Good luck with the job.


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        Re: Czukay and Pelordaes7 signing out....
        « Reply #19 on: March 06, 2007, 03:12:09 pm »
        cuzukay yes please do keep the account , let me explain why i have that view. I too am a gaming addict. I had to quit an online game  i played called everquest due to rl things. I had a char with 6 years invested and i gave the account away. a year later i wanted it back merely to log on to say hi to some friends and maybe go kill a few thing and i could not. the loss still eats at me to this day. Luckily i had a 2nd lesser account , but still i lost 5 years of my life by foolishy giving away my account. deleating is the same thing......... its a loss you can never get back. the 2nd time i quit EQ i did what you sggested i unistalled the game (( 20 + hhours to do all the eq patchs btw )) which made it extreamly difficult for me to choose to play but yt in the back of my mind i knew my chars were "" alive and well "" so to speak and that i had the choice , should  choose to , to go back. the choice to go back ironicly set me more free then when i gave the one accout away. I dont miss the game or the chars i had because i know in my heart they are still mine and around to use so they still exist so hence my time there wasnt gone or erased so tp speak.

        will miss meating up with you in game you were an awesome player. and i thank you much for helping me get of that other server i wandered onto that one day :)

