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Author Topic: Druids and such..  (Read 265 times)


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    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #20 on: November 18, 2006, 06:23:41 am »
    Yeah can vouche for this. I have a druid myself and I quit playing him becuase players just sucked the fun factor right out of him. And it seems as well that players are killing animals for that small shard of xp they deliver which is just plain, pure, ignorrance. Most people should view it as any smart member of a party, warned about the sensless killing of such animals, would avoid it in the loss a valuable party member over somthing that could be eluded. Druids do control a great power withen Layo and this should be somewhat respected Icly if your charcter is aware of this in my opinion(Matters the charcter of course). Most clerics are looked upon as warriors of the gods yet druids are brainless forest prancers with no valuable opions at all, not true .It's hard enough for druids on layo with thier item restrictions and gear selections, why ruin it for them completly by ignoring thier rp? I've partied with Kyoro several times and have witnessed such events and my Cn is even getting tired of it cuase it occurs so often. It's just ridiculous. Oh and by the way, check your alignments folks.


    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #21 on: November 18, 2006, 07:34:15 am »
    Again I'll make clear the fact that some are not seeing the other side to the story. Some people just don't care. Some people like to see others suffer, some have their own ideas about the whole situation. I've even seen other -druids- that don't abide by the whole "don't hurt the precious animals" standard. To me those are some of the best played Druids out there.

    Don't be so quick to assume those who attack animals aren't thinking.

    But to those that do: Make sure you have a reason behind it or else its just plain stuipid. If you're a Kitharianite on the hunt and need the food and skin that's good rp. If you're a CN Drowess who just wants to break someone's mind and upset someone under her deity's statement: "Destroy the weak" That's fine too. What I am saying is if you're going to do something that upsets another player, don't just do it. Make a whole rp out of it or else you've done it for a stupid reason rendering everything said here correct.

    My 2 cents ;)


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      Re: Druids and such..
      « Reply #22 on: November 18, 2006, 08:21:58 am »
      We shouldnt see many "Destroy the weak" viewed characters since that is one of the oh so many traits that defines the CE alignment. Also any self respecting druid shouldnt affiliate with such. Those type of characters like I said should be scarce and outweighed in most parties, should they show any signs of that they would get kicked to the curb rather quickly. Those character types never make it very far in most any fable, fiction, or movie often.  Yet agian I say check your alignment folks cuase many lately seem heedless to what they represent.

      Har! a Small Fisher, they are weak! lets chop 'em up and show 'em what true power I have attained!


      Re: Druids and such..
      « Reply #23 on: November 18, 2006, 08:38:19 am »
      There's no need for Sarcasm Lord Of Aeons, but indeed you prove the point that the whole party should have more or less gotten mad at my character for that if they were good aligned. If Neutral I don't see why they would care much. My character is CN not CE , and the only one I know of on server to follow the goddess she does. Sure sometimes rp should take over, but sometimes people just don't care. An example from my other character is the Drow Daralith who is very much a "True Drow" Yet people associate and even find what he does amusing. That's just the nature of each individual. You can not blame bad rp for people who actually rp their character's nature.


      Re: Druids and such..
      « Reply #24 on: November 19, 2006, 12:50:47 am »
      the whole issue that comes to point is this

      people who have a druid in their party that dont pay attention are doing such knowing there is no way for the druid to have retribution for their careless ways

      in the perfect situation when your travelling with or acknowledge the druid standing by  and then go within sight and harm nature be in animal or whatnot would wake up after having been shown the fury of nature at its finest
      but at this time the druids are hamstrung by rules and the others know it

      now yes we choose to play druids
      but no you shouldnt use the server rules to do something that in another situation would have you surrounded in fire and lightning cascading down from the sky onto your heads

      i have had issues with this before and was sat down because of it
      i made a promise to abide by the server rules and i have
      but the others who dont realize should think before their pc acts
      if a druid is right beside you and you go out of the way to kill or harm something would the druid smite me

      if the answer is yes then you should rethink your strategy

      everyone who plays certain chars do so for a reason
       the reason is fun
      but when you use the rules to serve your purpose but exasparate the other char where is there fun
      we are here to rp in this world L and the team have created
      but complete your immersion and think about your actions and if you would really act as such
      if you would then so be it
      but dont holler foul when the situation warrants getting smacked in rp by the other person being his or her char in return


      Re: Druids and such..
      « Reply #25 on: November 19, 2006, 01:18:20 am »
      Ask in the DM channel for PvP...


      Maybe just leave the party?

      That's the two ways to handle it that I can pick out on top of my mind-garbage-heap. :)

      The later is surely not a very good way in a RP-point-of-view but it's at least better than getting OOC upset by it. Besides, by leaving the party, you'll maybe be able to catch the people at the Hlint bindstone later. Nature's revenge and so on! And, if not... Well... It's not all that uncommon for people to... erh... fall in the stairs... with a little bit help, that is... :D


      Re: Druids and such..
      « Reply #26 on: November 19, 2006, 01:18:56 am »
      The Druids Rhizome, Brisbane and Falon do a good job when rp this type of situation, despite the fact that you are stuck behind the non PvP rule.
      I don't think one can expect everybody to play nice with druids or anyone or have a goodie goodie RP all the time. There are going to be conflicts. There are going to be let downs or not getting what your character wants. Its part of the fun

      Having said that I think it is in a Drow's pysche to do something like this. The challenge is for you to respond appropriately in proper RP fashion. Some of my characters such as my woodland elf and like have had encounters with Daralith, and even though IG its nasty....its very amusing to watch and RP. OOC, we ewere having a ball. I do not think that it is my mind that LynnJuniper was taking away the fun. She was adding to it by adding  a bit of conflict.

      Maybe might i suggest that if you do find that if it is not fun....that you flick them a tell to say politely that you feel slightly uncomfortable with this kind of play. And see what people have to say. I am sure you will find that most are nice people behind the character and they only seek to add a bit of spice in the gaming mix.


      in the perfect situation when your travelling with or acknowledge the druid standing by and then go within sight and harm nature be in animal or whatnot would wake up after having been shown the fury of nature at its finest
      but at this time the druids are hamstrung by rules and the others know it

      now yes we choose to play druids
      but no you shouldnt use the server rules to do something that in another situation would have you surrounded in fire and lightning cascading down from the sky onto your heads



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      Re: Druids and such..
      « Reply #27 on: November 19, 2006, 03:34:10 am »
      people who have a druid in their party that dont pay attention are doing such knowing there is no way for the druid to have retribution for their careless ways

      in the perfect situation when your travelling with or acknowledge the druid standing by and then go within sight and harm nature be in animal or whatnot would wake up after having been shown the fury of nature at its finest
      but at this time the druids are hamstrung by rules and the others know it

      And that is what bothers me, the fact I can do nothing to anyone about them killing animals just to spite me.  Roleplay wont work if the player has no interest in having his/character changed.  And buffing up animals can only go so far.  I try to rp the situations as they come up but seriously, it happens so many times a day that it is becoming very repetative.  First lions, then bats, then deer, then bears, then whatever animal is next on the path.

      I will acknowledge that there are PCs that do care or at least -try- to comply with Kyoro's wishes.  I love travelling with them, unfortunately there is often someone in the group that -will- not care, regardless of the wishes of Kyoro and/or the entire party.

      On a side note, having the Ents not attack druids would be very very nice :)

      Pen N Popper

      RE: Druids and such..
      « Reply #28 on: November 19, 2006, 07:12:32 am »
      Clearly there's some frustration on the part of some druids and how they perceive there roles.
        The animals often attack or are in the way of required travel. In this case they often must be killed when travelling without animal empathy class. It's hard to even give this a second thought. In fact, I suspect many of us OOCly wish we didn't have to. It's such a common thing that I, for one, chalk it up to game mechanics and forget about it. How often can one RP shooing the ravens off the corn?
        Now throw a druid into the mix. Some, I suspect, don't even know of their abilities to calm all animals as they approach. As mentioned earlier, some education of the PCs (and the players behind them) at the start of the journey may be warranted. You will, of course, have to stay in front of the group and be ready to shout, "Hold!" or some-such.
        Still, though, there are going to be many instances of blatant wasteful slaying. Those players that kill the badgers every time they go into the forest to feed their xp cravings. Those that ignore you ICly and slaughter a herd of deer. What to do then to keep your enjoyment in the class high?
        Here are some quick thoughts:

        • Party gets attacked by bats and quickly dispatches them. Druid could...
          • recover pelts indicating they'll be put to good use.
          • emote looking for signs of disease to indicate why they attacked.
          • spot check the newborn bats and leave some fruit for the remaining (unseen) protective parent bats.
          • Party goes out of way to kill animals, leaving skins and meat behind. Druid could...
            • take note of PC names and write a letter to the head of their druid order.
            • question the wastefulness and question the PC's morals. (This is IC conflict, so be prepared to accept IC consequences of the other PCs being derisive, etc.)
            • find ways to "guilt trip" the PCs based upon moral fiber. (Dishonorable, wasteful, blood thirsty and evil, etc.)
            [/list]  Personally I like the writing of a letter to the head of your druid order (and putting text of it in your char dev thread so GMs can see your efforts).
              The class is challenging in this way but perhaps some creative solutions will let you OOCly feel like you are playing the class honestly while still travelling with groups.
              Good luck!


      Re: Druids and such..
      « Reply #29 on: November 19, 2006, 10:08:53 am »
      Well I don't have much to say mostly because I feel the problems Chnmmr has can be solved via RP.  Though, there is one thing that the people playing Druids never seem to remember.  Even the mindless killing of animals benefits nature in many ways.  My own Druid doesn't like it when the party she travels with doesn't listen to her and kills everything in their path.  Her dislike isn't exclusive just to the killing of animals either (which is why my Druid doesn't join parties and go adventuring all that much).  

      In nature there are things that feed off of the dead, and the dead nurture the soil.  So when she with a party and they kill everything in their path she will express her disapproval, and if she feels like there has been too much killing just flat out leave the party if she can't talk some sense into it, and take comfort that even in death these things that were killed will help nature flourish.


      RE: Druids and such..
      « Reply #30 on: November 19, 2006, 10:25:14 am »
      I think everyone needs to read this thread again before making any more comments on what is and is not a druid on Layonara.
        The fact is, they're an incredibly diverse group, even with a diverse set of methods, but all of them hold to a common goal.

