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Author Topic: NWN2 single player Campaign starring: You  (Read 287 times)


Re: NWN2 single player Campaign starring: You
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2006, 03:47:37 pm »
Weston's on there now, lets see if they'll accept.



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    Re: NWN2 single player Campaign starring: You
    « Reply #21 on: September 29, 2006, 03:49:08 pm »
    Hey guys, thank's a lot for the response, we're really glad to have you all aboard with our project.

    While not all of the applications will be made into party NPCs, we feel it is entirely plausible to give most if not all of the characters a role somewhere along the road- we have three games planned, and we're going to need a lot of characters to move our story foward. We feel that some of the smaller, but still vital roles in the quest, will be made very memorable by the inclusion of dynamic, well thought out characters- characters that were created with care and thought. That's why we looked at the best NWN PW's and tried to find a way to utilize communities like this, to elevate our project.

    We will respect your characters, and will contact you for information and input on your characters role, to remain as true as possible to your visions. Thanks again for the wonderful response!




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    Re: NWN2 single player Campaign starring: You
    « Reply #22 on: September 29, 2006, 09:46:18 pm »
    What an overall great project.  Also, I think I'm going to be assisting with the music, so uh, I need some suggestions for some Windows compatible sequencers and music writing programs/tools.

    I have the talent, just not the tools  :(


    Re: NWN2 single player Campaign starring: You
    « Reply #23 on: September 30, 2006, 12:02:40 am »
    Well since this is my fields..
        Protools which I highly recomend, then there is cubase and nuendo which are exactly the same for having used both. Sound fourge for the easy editing.  But if you can Protools will offer you the best Audio and a good midi environment with the best real time pluggins and fully compatible vst instruments out there.  After that there is all the hardware stuff you need like nearfields monitors, if your working at home you will probably have a static balancing for you mixing room ( which means, that instead of spendig multyplyes tenth of thousands of dollars on having your room balance to giv out the best frequency responce. You will have some pannel that somewhat changes the accoustic and gives insonorisation and a minimum of a 32 1/3 octave stereo graphical eq, to balance it out coupled with a spectral analyser.)  For the nearfields I recomend the mackie hr824.  For a good hom studio and if you can spend it I would recomend you get the digi02 which after the defunt Mackie hui is, to my personal view, the best home studio or portable sutio digital audio workstation that is available for a more than reasonable price.    
      And  which tells me that if you do need help with music production, I am interested in putting work into it.


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      Re: NWN2 single player Campaign starring: You
      « Reply #24 on: September 30, 2006, 03:59:51 am »
      We are certainly interested in your talents, I'll have Monty (the boss) contact you directly.



      Re: NWN2 single player Campaign starring: You
      « Reply #25 on: October 25, 2006, 06:26:22 am »
      Just a bump and a note...

      In addition to the NPC character submission, I've joined the Rogue Dao team to do some voice acting.  While there appears to have been a good response to the call for voice actors, the team is still looking for additional folks to add diversity to the voice sets... especially female voices, as most of the current volunteers are men.

      Also, some of the composers have expressed interest in using vocals on some tracks, so anyone who'd like to add a singing voice, even if they don't think they can do voice acting, should apply if interested.


      Re: NWN2 single player Campaign starring: You
      « Reply #26 on: October 25, 2006, 08:20:09 am »
      Whoah What!? Voice Actors!? Where do I sign up!? *giggles and is reminded of the nights her and her best friend stayed up voice acting parts of the other's stories at 3AM*

      WAIT WAIT: Double Whoah!


      *giggles frantically going off to look into this*


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      Re: NWN2 single player Campaign starring: You
      « Reply #27 on: October 26, 2006, 12:15:58 am »
      I really hope I will see an Ozy in this. :-)