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Author Topic: Lagging the server through bad inventory management  (Read 2608 times)

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #80 on: December 02, 2006, 08:29:45 am »
Car'l O'mek made an interesting comment about the always breaking tools and Dorg, I understand the reasoning behind your reply.  Which leads me to a question . . . are the crafted tools (ones characters make) designed to last longer than the tools the merchants sell?

~ Jil


Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #81 on: December 02, 2006, 09:02:52 am »
But what about my 17 boxes of bat guano..  Who will give the orphans Voraxmas presents this year if they are thrown out? *cries* Think about the children, man! Everything MUST be stockpiled!  *runs around frantically picking up everything that isn't nailed down and stuffing them into mystical, inter-dimensional pockets*

Where do people PUT all this random stuff anyhow?

As a diehard crafter, I understand the compulsive need to stockpile however, and add that the more crafting is convoluted with measures to slow its progress to the point of being  full-time, 40 hour a week, real life JOB, the more inventories will bulge for the purpose of binging.  When spools of thread, molds, gears, feathers and about a thousand other minutia were added to normalize the crafting xp, then yes, inventories increased accordingly.  If traffic is bad, yelling at the drivers has no effect.  Fixing the road is the best measure.  The very fact that people gather base grains for things like flour, go out and painstakingly mil every cow in order to procure butter, and face a field of orcs every time they are in need of textiles shows a very illogical economy.  When one can ransom a king for 10 boxes of eggs, one begins to wonder why none of the NPC merchants ever decided to sell eggs.  Such a man would quickly ascend into the uppermost echelon of wealth, nobles would quake and he would be as a king above kings... with but a single coop of 20 chickens.


Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #82 on: December 02, 2006, 09:31:29 am »
Hehehe... This sounds like the reality we get when the Farming system is used. ;)


Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #83 on: November 01, 2007, 10:01:17 pm »
This issue has reared its ugly head again. When I am on the server, I can really feel when somebody comes in with a whole lot of items in their inventory and in their boxes. Sometimes the lag can last for 12 seconds or more. This has happened on one or more occasion.

Now thats fine and dandy when one is just Roleplaying and people are talking in places like Port Hempstead. But think about if people were fighting a nasty and tough creature/s and there was a 12 second lag because of bad inventory management? I don't think people would be very appreciative about that.

So please be considerate to your fellow players in regards to inventory management. Thank you.


Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #84 on: November 01, 2007, 11:28:00 pm »
You know, I never knew it was the inventories that caused lag. Not being a coder, or builder or anything I always figured it was mostly due to player load on the server. The more players, the worse the lag. And maybe some scripting issues here and there ( I got that from a scripter who told me the more lines to a code the more lag).

Having heard people think up so many reasons for bad lag, from running around with your inventory screen open to having your map on. I just kinda went with whatever was the prevailing opinion of the time. Especially since I really had no idea. And being the random chaotic person that i am would offer up something completely insane, but not so much so that it couldnt be believed. ;)

Hearing this from the DMs,GMs, and coders will help alot I think. Cause now people will know whats causing such bad lag and will make them think about if they are part of the problem or not.

So before griping about lag, check your inventories. Then maybe you too can help prevent server lag. ;)


Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #85 on: November 02, 2007, 12:06:58 am »
Until very recently, Ceviren Lightstaff contributed to this, and I wasn't very happy with it. But now, his inventory is nice and light again.

Donate your useless junk to temples. :)


Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #86 on: November 02, 2007, 12:49:26 am »
**looks through Steel's inventory** ... oh boy...


Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #87 on: November 02, 2007, 12:20:56 pm »
does the check of journal updates cause some lag as well, i notice sometimes it takes a bit to update everything a char has done when they log in?


Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #88 on: November 02, 2007, 12:52:05 pm »
Well, to be honest, I add some too...  M inventory has 2 empty pages, but the others are filled with boxes >.>  Some are empty!  but....  thats like 2 out 15....  And most of what I carry is what shiff makes and sells, or food.  So like, 3-5 bags of gems, molds, jewelry and food.  the rest is crafting tools, and items I use....

Someone wanna help?


Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #89 on: November 02, 2007, 12:53:07 pm »
Inventory -on- the character is the only stuff that counts when you log in.  

For my part I normally try and do all my crafting and gathering and stuff in succession while I'm on and I've gotten in the habbit of tossing stuff I can identify by sight, like rations and minor things, even though Caighd can't.


Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #90 on: November 02, 2007, 01:22:32 pm »
Quote from: Falonthas
does the check of journal updates cause some lag as well, i notice sometimes it takes a bit to update everything a char has done when they log in?

No, that's actually a delayed process that is minimally impacting.  In fact it rebuilds the journal from what is stored in the database.


Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #91 on: November 02, 2007, 03:06:04 pm »
I hope when I log in as Godim, the lagspike ain't very horrible, he has a bunch of stuff on him though.. so let me know if there is problems from me logging in.

EDIT: Dumped much junk to chests, hopefully this helps in the long run :)



Re: Lagging the server through bad inventory management
« Reply #92 on: November 04, 2007, 05:09:49 pm »
Sorry Ladies and Gents.  Psuedo eloquently influenced me last night to do some spring cleaning, "LOL...i swear when ALandric logged it lagged the server a good 5-6 seconds."

So i spent a good 2 hours biting the bullet and trashing most of my stuff.  God I didn't realise how much I had.  It's a bad habit when you're a crafter.  You run past something and think "I'll grab that for later".  Well I was lucky to have one page free.  Also Every container I had was full.

Anyway I've done my part now.  I hope it aids speeding it up.


