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Author Topic: Balance caster/none caster  (Read 1152 times)


Re: Balance caster/none caster
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2009, 06:41:09 am »
Sorry, when I said across the board... what I meant was for all "Mithril Armours" to have the /-10 Damage resistance to Piercing, Bludgeoning and Slashing.

Not the Mithril clothing.

Full Plate and Half Plate, Scale and Chainmail, Chainshirt... basically all your Heavy and Medium Armours.

Mithril Clothing already has /- 5 to all the damage types ... and some rare Epic Drop clothing offers the same, so a +5 extra for the sake of balancing the fighter's won't make a great amount of difference to those mages with Mithril Clothing.

Sure... throw a stoneskin on someone wearing such heavy armour with that DR .. and yes... they're going to have a nice Damage Reduction of 20 for as long as the stoneskin lasts, and then drop down to their 10 that the armour provides.

But lets face it, by the time a character is high enough level to wear these Mithril armours, that stoneskin is going to get whacked off them pretty quickly in usual Epic style battles.
A lot of Epic creatures will totally ignore the Stoneskin damage reduction anyway, their weapons being of the +5 or higher enchantment.
Its at that point the Melee build will hug and kiss his /-10 Damage reduction set of massive, heavy armour with its half decent armour class and his superior amount of hitpoints.... and the mage will sulk and hide in the back with his flimsy /-5 set of clothing and his feeble health and throw spells from a distance.

As it should be.

It's only an extra + /-5 to the resistances, but I'm sure Melee builds will certainly feel the benefit.


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Re: Balance caster/none caster
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2009, 07:19:08 am »
I agree in having 10 damage reduction armour. Its having 10 resistance armour I think is to good/high.

Anyways this is only one way to make it a little better for non casters. Shields, weapons and other gears could all be needing som upgrades. One quite upgrade have been made but scince the playerbase is getting to higher lvls one more would not hurt :)

But as Chongo stated earlier the thing that realy would make any difference here is changing the spawns/adding areas with smaller spawns. It will always be difficoult for non-casters to solo aslong the spawns are huge. Spellcasters with area effects spells can controll huge mobs, mele fighters cannot.


Re: Balance caster/none caster
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2009, 09:17:59 am »
Quote from: Frelinder
I get what you are saying now. It is so that the fighter classes in general have no tools realy to keep mobs occupied as you say. Thats the same for all mele classes. And the way it should be.

I think the main focus here was to find ways in making fighter classes a little better when soloing and not in partys.

Making better armours for fightertypes will help. The "weakest" classes are the pure fighter and the little better fighter/rogue splitt. Armour that will help them take a little more damage would be nice. DD builds are a strong in DR as it is. The curve in how DR progress in the end is massive.

Lets take another class combo instead of DD so you don't think I'm just picking on your class sOulz ;)

Fighter/Duelist/wizard: With mithril clothing giving/-10 He will have 30 ponits of DR with Greater Stoneskin. Thats simply to high..

At lvl 33 He can have the feat Epic warding and have 60 in DR and thats crazy.. Only for 2 minutes though but still.. Thats one long battle. In Tensers form (+ 10 AB), fully buffed, 75% concealment, High AC, hasted and so forth he would be pretty much immortal. Right having 55% as it is now instead of 60% Isn't a huge different. Both are on the scale ridicolusly high :)

The classes with high DRed.. will benefit to much from items that also grant /-10 resistance. My opinion and i fully understand you think different.

Unfair that armours with high DRed.. instead of high Dres..wan't be any good for DR builds? Well having other types of armours that will grant extra con, str or higher AC +5 or so that will help DD builds will adress that issue :) DD builds will still be much stronger/better then pure fighter when soloing..


I guess it's all a matter of opinion and I'm sure that people who are a high level would agree with you, but in my opinion, having 2 minutes of extreme solo capability as a level 33 character is hardly overpowering. That's what you get with different builds - either you stack and optimize for a specific strength (in this case spells) or you can be average in everything (typical fighter build).

All in all, arguing between the power of DRed and DRes is rather moot and opinionate, but a character at level 30+ deserves to have power if built towards it. All builds can never be equal.


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Re: Balance caster/none caster
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2009, 09:52:23 am »
Quote from: s0ulz
but a character at level 30+ deserves to have power if built towards it. All builds can never be equal.

I totally agree about that!



Re: Balance caster/none caster
« Reply #24 on: November 24, 2009, 03:10:57 pm »
Lots of stuff hits for +50 points per hit when you get to high epic areas. Not to mention that many of them are on perma haste, have sneak attacks, and have weapons better then +5. Add to that the damage you take from point blank magic being spammed in your face by creature casters that put many PC casters to shame and your typical front liner takes a lot of damage. More DR (both DRed and DRes) would be great but dont think for a min that it is going to make any fighters invulnerable. It will reduce the amount of times they die though. And that is a good thing.


Re: Balance caster/none caster
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2009, 09:16:02 am »
I'll try to keep this short and to the point, I started out by going though the thread and quoting statements and putting up counter arguments for them. Well... I ended up with a thread that would make most people fall asleep and at something that was more or less one long list  of complaints ;)
All points/arguments from me are made out from the current version of Layo's spawns (obviously I can't argue out from something I don't know what will be)
Spawn balance should always and only be viewed at in a mechanical and engine wise way. Spawn's are build to function without a dm behind them, meaning they depend on the script that is put on them and no offence that's script is more stupid than a hole in the ground.  The moment a dm is sitting behind it he/she is able to adjust it fitting a single player or a group regardless of class and level.

Spawn with brain (Dm controlling it)

Random epic level mage is running in xx location fitting his level, He got his shadow shield, greater stone, protecting from spells etc on. Runs in ready to fire off a wail... ups.. it's not working? Wait.. the epic npc mage decided to enter counter-mode. What a cheater. Wait wait wait, the second epic npc caster dared to disjunction me?

I don't have to say what would happen to the poor mage there do I?

There was a time when Dm's would do this to a large extend, not log on and kill a player/group as in my example, but log on and twig spawns so they matched the player/group and offered a challenge and a nice break from peoples routine run. Sadly this happens less and less. Why you ask? Lack of dm's, the dm's around having less time due to real life and so on, and...because of the player base in general, when a dm adjusted the spawns to provide a bigger challenge they were accused of ruining peoples fun and worse in some cases viewed to attack groups/person for personal reasons. I don't speak for anyone else but if someone inform me I in their view ruin their fun and are doing it for personal reasons than I try to avoid that person.
Maybe that's something to consider for all of us?

To me balance either means you look at it purely from a mechanical view, in this case you can't makes spawns that demands half the classes to group with a caster, when the caster don't need the non-caster and sorry but in Layo 90% of all spawns build for epic groups (21+) then not only don't the caster need a non-caster, he don't even need the group.  In my opinion that has nothing at all to do with dungeon and dragons where the basic idea is to have four players (cleric,fighter,mage,rogue) in order to survive they need to depend on the skills of each other.

Does that mean that Layonara should be build with that in mind?  

No of course not, you build a spawn so it reflects the player base, m
eaning your everyday spawn should offer a challenge to the majority of the player base. That will leave some either ahead (read stronger character than the average character) or behind (read weaker character than the average character) And it's the later group I'm trying to aid without disturbing the balance that is already there for the majority, on top of that I try to take into account that the nwn version of Layonara only has a fixed amount of time left and the people who need to do this are all busy working on the mmo.

Layonara is low magic world therefore magic should be powerful and special[/]

This is one of the statements I have heard most often the last few days.
Powerful yes, Special no, at least not how I understand special, to me special=rare

As long as you can't travel 5 area's without falling over a npc caster then magic is not rare.

As long as there is no restriction on Caster classes, then magic is not rare, the EPIC caster is however still rare, because I agree somewhat with Miltonyorkcastle but the amount of casters (high and low level) means magic isn't rare

Now that we established that you have a large amount of pc casters (check the server status) and you have a huge[/u] amount of npc caster, you can start to look at how that effect the spawn balance.

The large amount of pc casters means the majority of non-casters can get wards, that in turn forces the team to build spawn that take that into account, or accept that that the majority of players can run around without a care in the world because they're too powerful compared to the everyday spawn, that in return hit the people who don't have a caster to aid them and create a unhealthy relation between caster/non-caster. You can fix this in a number of ways

1 add items that lower the difference between people traveling with casters and people without (if you think this over then you'll notice, Ahhh.. the increase in healing and items that offer death ward protection is due to lack of pc clerics)

2 redo spawns

3 remove buffspells and npc casters (you can leave a few but they should be restricted to special places, and you will still need to redo all the none caster spawns because they have ab/ac/hp balanced for warded up pc's)
I still like option 1 most because it to me seems like the least amount of work, no it wont make your non-caster able to run in among a spawn and instant kill them like a epic caster build for high dc.

Suggested change

Enchantment rod weapon (you can come up with a fancy name if you wish)
Add +2 to enchantment to item of choice.

You can add it to all types of weapon as well as gloves so you're not leaving any class or weapon type out.

You made the distance between a buffed and unbuffed character ever so slightly smaller, and giving non-caster the heart blood of their trade back, allowing them Ic and mechanical wise to gain the weapon the spawns (the everyday spawn on the server and the spawns used by dm's on quest already assume you have, due to the large amount of pc casters in the world) and wouldn't it be nice just for once when you're standing on the current plot quest and about to be attacked by drach's, that your epic character wouldn't have to do go..

sorry queenie but I can't touch those drachs without a wizard enchanting my mithril blade I used hours to get, followed by tracking down a master weapon smith who could make it. But hey wait the level 25 mage standing over there can cast a level 3 spell on it... ahh there we go off to save the world

Quote from: Dorganath
I'm not going to comment on the idea itself, at least not right now, but it's important to point out that raising the enhancement on weapons and armors will also increase the level requirements for them as well.

I don't have a lot of knowledge on scripts so I asked around instead; you can by reducing the value enchantments are set to give in the 2da file reduce the level reg. my suggestion would go like this

Bronze level reg 0
Iron level reg 5
Adamantium level reg 10
Mithril level reg 15
Enchantment rod +10 level reg

If you looks this over then now your weapon follows the gmw spell and in return the + spawns take into account you have.

But gmw is a spell and this is permanent:

Looks at resting and GMW you'll notice the duration of the spell follow the resting so engine wise there is no difference.

Mithril shouldn't be for level 15 characters!!!!!!

Well it's not, the location is still down in the deep hidden behind a spawn build for a group of level 25 characters.

Players will harvest these and sell iron weapons with a +2 rod on:

I guess I forgot post the properties of the Rod

Enchantment weapon rod
Plot marked. Can't be trade or sold, now the actual rod are can't be sold in its item form
when activated fires of script doing the following.
Add +2 to current enchantment (important to note it should add not overwrite)
Check for previous adds (this one I'm not too sure of but the idea is to remove the ability to stack)
Add plot marking to item. Your no longer able to trade or sell the item. So no you can't open up a show with 1000 +3 iron weapons.

So should this be a drop or craftable item?

Permanent drop with a respawn time on x hours, placed in the misty village (aimed for level 20ish?), there is already a nice pile of gold there with nothing in it, it's a magic dead area. Wheee my non-caster can get it without having to depend on casters and I can even make a trip out of it with friends.
To summon up, the item isn't going to disrupt the ic balance there is between bronze, iron, adamantium and mithril. Yes engine wise you can make a +3 weapon but with the overflow of casters the majority have that whenever they're playing anyhow, and with the level reg iron+rod=15 your character might be better off with an adamantium blade with an element rod on.  

You can make the same for the armor/shield

Except in this regard it's to add a tiny drop of power to non-casters, as it have already been pointed out it won't matter all that much, you get either +2 or +4 to ac depending on if your shield user, in a balance view that means you remove 1 attack per non-caster critter. Since natural 20 ignore ac you're only giving people a few seconds longer to live, but hey maybe if I can get 2-3 more non-casters with me then we can now survive?

Advantage of adding the items

Non-casters get the bread of butter of their classes back, and they get a small + in gear, shifting the balance slightly back and trust me it's a small shift.

To put this into perspective, how many would believe it's fair if the team added a script that checked to see if casters were grouped and in the same area as a non-caster, if you are you can cast spell from lvl 1-9 if you're not from 1-7 that is my opinion on balance between caster and non-caster under the current spawn.

Yes a epic level non-caster can be the hero of the day, but only[/u] if he can find a caster to ward him up, that is not encouraging grouping that is enforcing it.

So why make it a permanent drop?

Like the revamp to spells, that was done to aid casters to function in groups then this is the same, its something that should have been added when the server went from ECDQ system to WLCDQ system. So no people shouldn't have to send hours trying to get it from the epic drop list or hour's collection xx amount of cnr. In all fairness then wizards past level 25 prior to the revamp wasn't asked to relearn their spells. By placing it in a area build for lvl 20 your giving non-casters an easy way to get the mechanical advantage they need anyhow without disrupting the uniqueness of the difference weapon types. And the opportunity  for the epic fighter to say:

Yes Queenie, I'll protect you from the horrible drach :D

Heh okay I promised it wouldn't be a rant I guess I got a little carried away..


Re: Balance caster/none caster
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2009, 01:22:15 pm »
To add another idea, you can make the enchantment weapon/armor/shield rods specific to melee builds only. So if you have caster levels you cant use it. This does not have to be done by code it can be done by a OOC statement saying the above.


Re: Balance caster/none caster
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2009, 09:20:04 pm »
Quote from: jrizz
To add another idea, you can make the enchantment weapon/armor/shield rods specific to melee builds only. So if you have caster levels you cant use it. This does not have to be done by code it can be done by a OOC statement saying the above.

That would be fair, and that is coming from a mage. Perhaps it should be one of those craftable items requiring a spell to be memorized so spellcasters are the ones required to craft it though... ;)

I think the OOC idea part wouldn't work. You would have too many players ignoring it and it seems too labor intensive an issue to continually police. :\


Re: Balance caster/none caster
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2009, 10:53:51 pm »
I hve seen the OOC statement method used on another server and it was not abused. I have to think we with our small tight community can follow this kind of rule. We have had only a small group of rule brakers,

Script Wrecked

Re: Balance caster/none caster
« Reply #29 on: November 25, 2009, 11:24:05 pm »
If its really an issue, usage limitation by class can be added by the enchantment rod at the same time.

