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Author Topic: Having Fun?  (Read 800 times)


Having Fun?
« on: May 16, 2009, 09:51:24 pm »
I hope everyone is having fun exploring and adventuring together with friends this weekend. One of the things I hope to see from this weekend is that players (you) find new friends to adventure with in Layonara, or that some players return to regain the enjoyment of the world. I challenge each of you to go find new players or encourage players to return and enjoy the world. Layonara is built for you, the player/gamer--something we never forget.
 We really do have a fantastic GM team that dedicates a whole heck of a lot of time (for 7!! years now folks) to the community.
 Not to mention all of the "lowly" programmers and module builders that dedicate their time to grow the world and community *ducks for cover behind the content team....then realizes his mistake...* :)  I really do enjoy dogging on them the very few times I get the chance!!
 Hope all are having a good time.


Re: Having Fun?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2009, 02:55:36 am »
Definitely having a blast this weekend Leanthar!  Having only been here 5 years, I only got in during the  "Gold Ages of Layo" starting with V2, V1 being the Silver and Tabletop being the Copper.  V3 brought us into the Platinum, but it was still trumped by these latest awesome updates and overhauls to the game system.  Now I can safely say this game world has ascended into the ADAMANTIUM AGES! :D

I never cease to be amazed at what you and the team have accomplished.  You took a game thats now around 7 years old and made it fresher and more entertaining than a gazillion new releases out there which cost millions of dollars in production value, and stretched it out, nay I daresay RE-INVENTED Neverwinter Nights into this glorious incarnation.  I don't even bother with NWN2 or most the games I own anymore.  Layo just has me so hooked I can't tear myself away.

Expect massive donations once I get a new job ;)  Until then, thanks for making the recession unemployment interesting!  I can't wait to see what you guys have cooked up for the MMORPG when we enter the Mithral Ages!  Then we'll probably have to go by the gem standard with each update there, having run out of precious metals to title the incarnations!


Re: Having Fun?
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2009, 02:41:20 am »
Ok, I have a confession... when I first saw the announcement, my first thought was "*groan* its going to be a crazy bash-fest with massive parties." I didn't have a lot of fun the last time this happened, because it seemed like everyone just put RP on the shelf...

I was very pleasantly surprised.

I saw tons of great RP, I don't think I was in a party bigger than five people the whole weekend, and I had a ton of fun. I even got a few hits from DMs granting xp for role-playing... Not once during the weekend did I feel pressured to lay aside RP for the sake of xp gathering while there was still time left in the weekend. Everyone seemed to be relaxed, and just have fun. It really was a great time. Now, next time I'd really love to see an RP only double xp... sign up the DMs for a time slot so there's one on each server the whole weekend hitting people with the xp wand for sitting around RPing :-)

So thanks L for having this, and thanks to everyone I RPed or bashed with for making it a great weekend.


Re: Having Fun?
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2009, 02:45:22 am »
My timing couldnt be better! :)

Had a blast with everyone and seeing everyone again. New friends, old friends. It was great!

Thanks to everyone i traveled with a and saw for putting up with my antics. ;)


Re: Having Fun?
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2009, 08:54:39 am »
I personally had a blast, from delving too deep :D ;) to a relaxed rp exploration session.  It was nice to get hit with rp wand after making a real effort to the see world anew. :)  Thank you L and team!
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Having Fun?
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2009, 10:10:28 am »
Agreed...This weekend was awesome! Thanks...


Re: Having Fun?
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2009, 10:36:49 am »
Yup, I agree. I have had more fun, met more people (like scifibarbie) and done more RP than I have for ages, so a huge thanks to everyone in the team for setting this up.

I also want to take this space to thank Mixafix and Funnypseudoym for their series of short (and at times ad-hoc) quests they hav ebeen running recently. Different approaches from both,sure, but they both allow us to RP to hearts' content and provide a framework to do it in: such as Pseud's latest game where a bunch of relatively 'good' characters almost talked themselves into taking treasure from an old man they found in a marsh, by cutting a deal with him.  Great fun.


Re: Having Fun?
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2009, 04:12:46 pm »
Let me just say this, as I think we all owe everything to the fellow who first coined an eight-letter word that means so much to us all.

Dan's the man.


Re: Having Fun?
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2009, 01:47:39 pm »
most definately

ive even been dropping in on old servers and slapping old faces with screenies of what is still possible with a little finger grease

i had never anytime, not even with krynn when playing there instead of faerun, took the time to put so much lore to memory just so when im in the middle of something i dont have to look it up

the teams in a nutshell rock
 but we do miss playing with you too you guys maybe a let the teams come play weekend can be planned too