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Author Topic: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime  (Read 774 times)


In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« on: June 22, 2007, 12:36:08 pm »
Well, In light of recent events, I thought it would be nice to hear from people that interacted with Nepp/Hawklen, either in game or on IRC.  I'm hoping you all have some fond memories of him, and I hope those who have not will keep from turning this thread into a flame war.  Should it turn into such I'll ask the Mods to close it immediately.

So, that said, all those who have some kind of story about something Hawk did, whether it was funny, scary, romantic, disgusting...  deadly...  Insane!, I hope you will share them with us all in a respectable manner.  So share away.

Heres Mine:

Hawklen and I ended up going to the Forest of Fog after RPing with Kinai at their house.  Hawk, being Hawk and at the time 6 levels higher then me, just ran around slaying everything, with me getting the odd giant he left behind.  All along the way I was collecting gold and items from the giants, thinking "Wow!  Look at all this True!".  Well, we eventually get to the bottom, where the Fire Opals are.  I mine them, hawk watches my back (which is scarier then having the giants around) and after I mine them all, Hawk says this:
[INDENT]"I get to keep all the gold you collected, or I am gonna leave you down here and invis myself out."
[/INDENT]Now, right after that I get this tell:
[INDENT]"I'd fell really bad about doing it, but thats what hawk would do."
[/INDENT]I just grit my teeth and forked it over.  I still got to keep all the Opals, AND the items I looted were worth more then the gold I lost.  And in Hawks defense, he WAS keeping me alive with Heals and killing everything else that I didnt kill, so it wasn't like he didnt deserve a payment for the help.
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Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2007, 12:43:03 pm »
I can't get myself to write down a single memory because every roleplay I ever had with him was enjoyable, whether it was frustrating for Kinai or downright fun. From the constant treks through East in the later levels or the run throughs in Central, to being in Hempstead and roleplaying one on one or harassing a group of people. It's all memorable.

Currently though, I'd say the roleplay that the two had in Xora's Tower was really nice. The two of them up at the ledge together and talking about nothing and everything, destiny and judgment, realism and truth. Deep subjects for people like them, but provided insight in the characters that ended in lighthearted fun as they spent the rest of the time running through the Singing Woods with Kinai squeaking about how pretty things were.

It's a shame to have to see him go, but things are the way things are whether I agree or not, and I will continue Kinai's story as I have before and have her hold his memories and keep his story alive, whether she decides to heal and tell them or not.

The story will still go on :)


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2007, 01:07:03 pm »
Hawklen was Clarissa's nemesis.  No other character challenged her patience and control more than he did.  He's the only character that has ever gotten her mad.  I don't see much opportunity to explore that side of her except maybe in quests with an NPC now.


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2007, 01:10:29 pm »
I just liked that he trusted Rhynn, or Rhynnies as he called her, he never questioned her motives and would usually be willing to help her, even raise her without payment ;).

Rhynn and Hawk got along just fine most of the time. Sure he annoyed her a LOT, Rhynn isn't exactly known for her patience, but the funny thing is, Hawk also Listened to Rhynn and toned it down a bit when she asked nicely too. It was quite nice of him.

I do remember his first reaction to my character Xyrae though, that was funny.

I also liked the little comments he made such as

Acacea: I wonder what the soul mother really wants?
to which his dwarven character replied: Souls *nods sagely*

But the best memory was the first time Hawk was on belinara, we almost all died, but it was great RP.

Oh and let us not forget the moments before quests even when he wasn't on one. Say what you will, if a GM was there to punish him IC he'd take the punishment in full, as he did in Prantz at one time.

Oh and running through Hempstead naked in G-sanc screaming: IM A FIRE TRUCK had me rolling on the floor.


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2007, 01:17:11 pm »
Always had fun with hawk, never felt frustrated or anything alike. One time I remember was when we got Shiff's "sister" Ami drunk IG (Lino and Hawk) Then Hawk bailed and left Lino to take all the fault. It was a classic Shadonite move, praise him for it. I'll miss the guy a lot.


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2007, 01:37:40 pm »

Charged me 10000 Gold Pieces to raise me from the dead! Thus started the " Hawklen the bloody Graverobber" hate campaign.


Dragged Sall outside and beat him silly with a stick in PvP for dating Tegan!
Then told Val all about it....prompting an arguing spree by the fountain to which Sall got ear-bashed and to which Hawk and Rhynn sat and watched, thoroughly enjoying the show and eating PopCorn.

To a million and one insult hurling matches and sly remarks and constant ego batterings over the year and a half Ive been here! Was great!


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2007, 01:39:27 pm »
Quote from: darkwulf365
Let it be known that the following person is wanted for crimes against the City of Prantz.

*What follows is an extremely unflattering and highly accurate description of Hawklen Ancalimë*

His crimes against the city are as follows:
  - Defacing public property
  - Slandering the person of Lord Broegar
  - Indecent exposure in public
  - Commiting an unsanitary act in public.  Said unsanitary act being one which would endanger the health of the citizenry

If this person is sighted within the City walls, he is to be handled with extreme caution and apprehended immediately.  Any citizens are advised to notifiy the City guard if this person is seen in public.  Lord Broegar authorizes the City guard to use any means necessary, up to and even exceeding deadly force to ensure his safe capture and incarceration.  The term of said incarceration not to be less then one year.  

Any who may know the whereabouts of this heinous criminal are asked to report to the nearest City guard barracks.

And this.


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2007, 01:42:21 pm »
OMG I remember on MY CDQ, Hawklen was dressed up as a Lucindite...  SOO funny..
"By Lucinda's Blue Bra!"
Even the guards where all over Hawk.  SO funny...  the most Aggrivating thing to have happen on MY pcs CDQ, but I loved it..


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2007, 01:45:19 pm »
I really haven't known Nepp for very long, despite him playing here for a while and me playing here for even longer. And really, I think I've had more OOC verbal interaction with him through tells than IC stuff, because, let's face it, Steel isn't much of a talker. :P

I've appreciated his commentary and his general desire to just have a good time.

I remember walking up on Shiff's little craziness with Hawk. I had to just laugh, and Nepp and I discussed OOC the many ways mercenaries have charged for service.


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2007, 02:00:48 pm »
I remember a lot of Jaldaric too, his dwarf.
Oh man it was hilarious to see him charging 500 gp just to take the new players to the kobold stick or sewers pipe clogger. I actually read that on some player's CDQ.
And when I met him he didn't play Hawk at all anymore, it was Jald and his mate G'ork doing massive damage around, and I was lucky if they let Mitchel tag along, I didn't play Lino much back then.
Jald was a really cool character, G'ork still is.
Anyway I think he should be remembered for all of his characters and not only Hawklen, but maybe people remember Hawklen the most because he had the coolest girl around, haha.
Wish I had been in Layonara for longer before this unfortunate event.
Got some real good tips and countless "Go west, then south, then follow the road and you won't be lost anymore. Watch the Griffon/[insert monster name here]!!!" Tells. Fun memories.


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2007, 03:10:04 pm »
I'm going to miss that guy, he had a great sense of humor.  He was hard to get along with though.  I remember one time he was our party tank and just decided to turn himself invisible and leave on the second floor of the dungeon...  Needless to say I stopped grouping with Hawklen after that, though did still play with his other characters which weren't so crazy.  I still talked to him through tells and such, so there weren't any hard feelings OOC, but IC I wouldn't trust Hawklen as far as Acacea could throw Bjornigar.

Interestingly enough, while CN Farros and Hawklen never really got along together very well adventuring, LN Bjornigar and he mixed very well when we were on East.  I guess it's because Bjorn's so set in his ways, nothing Hawk could do or say would ever really effect him.  

I remember Rhynn went through all the trouble of arranging that trip and the parties split into two factions and went seperate ways... Those who could stand Hawk and those who couldn't.  He was certainly controversial.


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2007, 03:56:55 pm »
Lets see stories of Hawk.

Well when I first made Malor. I played him as a naive innocent young man who was sheltered his whole life.Hawk showed Malor Xeen books all the time pointing out pages.Which disturbed Malor but helped him.

Then there was the Time I said something bad about Hawk's god and a DM overheard.Well as a reward I was poisoned.Hawk Told Malor that the only way to be forgiven by his god was to Drink alot of beer and run nude around the watch tower in Hlint.Which Malor did and Nepp took screenies of.

There are many other times but those are the ones that stand out.

Ill miss Hawk/Nepp had a blast with him.

Peace out.


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2007, 04:08:10 pm »
I really have had way too many good RP sessions to recount just one. He was playfully mean but never cruel. Whatever he dished out he took as much back and with god humor. Hawk teased Wren non-stop and it was always funny.
Nepp as a player has become my friend over the years we have played together. He has always been helpful and that is the best thing I can say.

Praylor Falcus

Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2007, 04:53:48 pm »
Love him or hate him , tis a loss to us all. I personally shall miss the Neppisim's

  As far as my favorite and fondest memory, Getting Him down to Badly Wounded in the arena and him casting some death spell on me and it failing, to see him scurry away, casting spells to stop me was the closest I ever saw him to being rattled, and the Tell from him stating "whew you almost had me that time" still brings a smile to my face


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2007, 08:57:49 pm »
I never had a whole lot to do with Hawk in game, completely opposite timezones, but the couple of times I have been up really late or him up really early it  generally resulted in an encounter that made me laugh out loud.

One of my favourites was when Ark and Muireann were talking in Hlint and Jal was standing in the background writing notes, David Attenborough-style, in his journal about human courting rituals. Every time Ark said something, 10 seconds later there would be a scribbled cynical analysis/notation made that sent me into hysterics.


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2007, 02:47:55 pm »
For the sake of a theme song for Hawklen, and my own amusement.
Oh and, I don't recall the title of the song. Anyone who can tell me gets 10 points.

You're so wonderful.
Apple of everyone's eye.
You're so clever.
Multi-million dollar smile.
The world is your oyster and pearls are fun.
Share them with everyone that you love...
And you love everyone, always, all of the time.
Missing link, you eat your own,
Bird of prey you can't control...
In your world perception.
Hazy, hazy, hazy.
Connection precise.
Cave in.
Bow to the other side.
You're a superhero.
No one anywhere, anytime, any which way but you.
If the mirror speaks the truth, we must aspire and work harder to be like you.
'cause anything goes when you're a star.
Regal elegant.
You are bewitching and wild.
Fifteen minutes, a lifetime, they just don't apply.
Shudder to think that it could ever be true...
That anyone else is as lovely as you.
You bear the name and lineage that we desire.
You're a superhero.
No one anywhere, anytime, any which way but you.
If the mirror speaks the truth, we must aspire and work harder to be like you.
'cause anything goes when you're a star.
In the shutterbug flash, you look fabulous.
With your made to order plastic mask.
You look so divine!
You're a superhero.
No one anywhere, anytime, any which way but you.
If the mirror speaks the truth, we must aspire and work harder to be like you.
'cause anything goes when you're a star.
You're a star.
You look so divine.


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2007, 03:33:42 pm »
I hope everyone that was on IRC that day remembers this...

Jessica: You rolled 1
neppakyo: You rolled 1
bytor: You rolled 2
kill him Jess!
neppakyo: You rolled 1
D_Blaze: You rolled 2
* Akata has quit ("Leaving")
ShiffDrgnhrt: You rolled 2
*glares at aragen
* ShiffDrgnhrt laughs at Neppakyo
neppakyo: You rolled 1
D_Blaze: You rolled 2
neppakyo: You rolled 1
I see a pattern here...
Shiff, roll
ShiffDrgnhrt: You rolled 2
D_Blaze: You rolled 2
Btw, I tell you how much I hate you?
There is no pattern, Aragen just hates hawk
~8ball You are messing with Nepp, aren't you?
D_Blaze: In answer to "You are messing with Nepp, aren't you?", The Magic 8 Ball States: Yes
neppakyo: You rolled 1
Sounds like a pattern to me..
* bytor shrugs
this would be a funny thing to quote, though it is rather long
This nis great...
D_Blaze: You rolled 2
neppakyo: You rolled 1
* ShiffDrgnhrt laughs histerically


Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2007, 07:07:56 pm »
That's Kmfdm - Superhero, Kinai.
Great band. From the album "Attak", 2002.

Halfwit Genious

Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2007, 01:16:46 am »
Thought I might add something however small... I'l never forget the time when we were coming out of the Nameless Dungeon with some cool items and it came time to split the loot. We rolled for an amulet that hawk wanted and I won. He promptly said "Lets make a deal. You give me the amulet and I won't kill you." At first I was like O.o... and I started to buff... (back then I was a lot weaker than him char wise) all the sudden I thought "why am I buffing? I can't win" I cast haste and ran for my life. Was a good bit of fun. He will be missed.

Tialle Dianesis

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    Re: In Memory of the Demi-God, Hawklen Ancalime
    « Reply #19 on: June 24, 2007, 06:13:57 am »
    Quote from: Odranoela
    That's Kmfdm - Superhero, Kinai.
    Great band. From the album "Attak", 2002.

    OMG I love you!