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Author Topic: It has come to my attention  (Read 160 times)


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    It has come to my attention
    « on: March 10, 2008, 06:36:30 pm »
    I have looked and looked, and ALL i sem to see anymore on the claendar... Seems to be .."By invitation only"... HOW are we supposed to be involved and help in the world if it is all invitation only  this does not seem fair to me. but I may be wrong, so chastise me accordingly, but give us level 10's and such a break we want to join kwests too.. is this not a fair thing?...i ama sorry but i had to vent i always want to join quests but  they all seem to be invite only. please let me know what you all think this is the only post i will do on this i had to speak my peace ...Thank you all bye for now.:)


    Re: It has come to my attention
    « Reply #1 on: March 10, 2008, 06:44:14 pm »
    fair point, sometimes trying to accomodate stories saturates the calendar. Hopefully we will have something suits yuor time, feel free to ask if you are still having trouble finding a game in your time zone


    Re: It has come to my attention
    « Reply #2 on: March 10, 2008, 07:02:26 pm »
    I did a quick count and we have 17 quests between today and the end of the month - of those quests :
     Character developement quests  == 4
     Long standing series                 == 3
     RP to join                                == 1
     Open (level restrictions etc)       == 8
     So in fact only 1/2 of the quests are "invite" only and one of those "long standing series is my Innocent Investigations series which is temporarily closed due to being stuck in a dungeon at the moment.
     If you want to get involved in plot related things then try this :
     and with a big of digging and question asking perhaps your character can intiate something.
     There is also this :  that has by accounts not had much attention.
     Sometimes quests come at you as impromptu events too.  A GM pops in and sees a group of players in one spot role playing and adventuring and starts something.
     As in life sometime you have to make your own destiny and not wait for it to happen.
     Hope this helps


    Re: It has come to my attention
    « Reply #3 on: March 10, 2008, 11:15:39 pm »
    There's somewhat of a balancing act that DMs have to do to accommodate we players, especially with quest series. Too open, and it gets overrun by players who lust after quest xp and don't care about the rp; too closed, and it feels exclusive and cliqueish. Too wide level range allowed, and players feel either intimidated by, or bored by the challenges; too narrow, and everyone outside that range feels put off. Too short sessions, and there's a higher likelihood for stopping in the middle of a cave, meaning the next session will be closed; too long sessions and people won't come because they can't commit that large an amount of time.

    It took me a few months before I was able to go on my first quest, so I understand your frustration, but there have also been a few times I've gone on three in a week.

    I agree with you, it can be frustrating to look at the calendar and get excited when there are events that math your schedule, only to realize that they are all closed sessions, but I can hardly begrudge those involved. I personally prefer to go on quests with a smaller cast and a narrower level range, so I enjoy them when they include my characters, and I can't complain when quests are limited to exclude me.
    After well over a year here, I still have attended very few of the longer series, because my schedule is erratic, and I don't feel I should be a part of them when I can't commit to be there semi-regularly. So mostly, I play in some of the one-shots that people run, which I highly recommend, especially if you are new to layo quests. Although longer series offer a certain scope and impact that shorter quests and one-shots can't manage as well, the shorter quests tend to be much more accessible. a few DM's run regular one-shots, in various timezones, so you might want to check those out.


    Re: It has come to my attention
    « Reply #4 on: March 11, 2008, 05:05:38 am »
    Also GMs are always watching and like to have some interesting encounters and RP when we get the time. :)


    Re: It has come to my attention
    « Reply #5 on: March 12, 2008, 03:08:41 pm »
    Quote from: Tanman
    Also GMs are always watching and like to have some interesting encounters and RP when we get the time. :)

    Aye!  Makashi, Orth, Mixafix, Darkstorme and Pseudonymn have been doing some wicked improv uests lately.  Sometimes the trick is to get them interested during the slow nonquest periods with wicked RP conversations and such.  It's usually during the really memorable exchanges between earl & cass or the gobbos that something happens.  *wink*


    Re: It has come to my attention
    « Reply #6 on: March 12, 2008, 03:16:35 pm »
    either that or you havent taken the target off your cloak yet lon


    Re: It has come to my attention
    « Reply #7 on: March 13, 2008, 03:40:54 pm »
    Check out the calendar now!  It looks like a few GMs got you your xmas gift early this year. ;)