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Author Topic: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?  (Read 1491 times)


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Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2007, 11:14:29 am »
Dah, we still need fighters!

Who else is gonna be the meatshield that dosen't have a time limit (in comparison to summons)?


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #41 on: June 11, 2007, 12:02:27 pm »
*pulls out a dead horse and beats it*


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #42 on: June 11, 2007, 12:04:24 pm »
*takes her baseball bat and joins in*


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #43 on: June 11, 2007, 12:08:19 pm »
Quote from: hawklen
Played right, the rogue is a valuable class. Sneak attacks can change the tide of a fight.

Put a Rogue/Ranger together.....and eventually you get someone doing 6 Sneak Attacks per round.
Single classed I would think they'd be a bit weak....but tweak the classes a little and ooooohhhh *drools*

But....soloing. Heh.....foget it.  :)


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #44 on: June 11, 2007, 12:12:13 pm »
*takes out his fighter only equipment ( immune to death spells , immune to energy spells , immune to sneak attacks , immune to stunning blows and 90% spellresistand ) and goes hunting for solo-ing spellslinger *

Halfwit Genious

Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #45 on: June 11, 2007, 04:48:15 pm »
Not sure if this has been mentioned or not yet but just thought I'd add my two cents as I play a 17th lvl sorc. I would like to agree with Bumblebee on the fact that soloing is boring. There are more and more places when it is possible but by the time that it is possible you are usually not getting much xp or gold for how much time it takes to do it... especially from the "magician" point of view. It goes great for a while you slaughter everything your ready to take on the next challenge and you suddenly realize you have two magic missle spells and a shield spell... oops gotta wait 6 more min. to rest uugh. Gets really boring and way to time consuming so I think the fighter/mage relationship is very well designed and quite symbiotic. Fighters allow mages to only use their spells when most needed and when they are most effective whereas alone the mage may end up running out of spells and have to waste a whole "weird" on one monster.

Just my two cents. :)


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #46 on: June 11, 2007, 05:32:46 pm »
You know...

Technically a GM is both a combatant *and* a magician... which leads to the logical conclusion...



Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #47 on: June 11, 2007, 06:18:38 pm »
Quote from: Interia_Discordius
A rogue useless in a combat party? I'd like to see them continuously hit over 30-40 damage at level 10 or whatever those numbers are. I usually hit higher if you average it all out compared to a fighter, but I'm not taking account in levels 'cause I'm too lazy to do a LORE check on what I'm saying.

Flat out, sneak attacks are the best thing created for the so-called combat useless rogue.

I meant that for a rogue to solo, it's near impossible.
We can't hide in plain sight, can't front (for too long anyway) and we depend on a Use Magic Device roll and scrolls to be able to buff up decently. Don't even tell me there are items that buff you up cause they don't last enough, not at my level and what i can afford anyway.
I'm talking about Pure Rogue here, no fighter levels for feats and whatnot.

As for parties, it's just beautiful. I can closely do the damage some party members do when they get a Critical Hit or when they have real high STR, and  rarely even get hit.. Then again, there are times when you get a enemy with 3 attacks, 20-25 DMG each, Called Shot and everything, if you stay too close or get their attention on you, it's ugly and even so most of the times the other people will be aware you can't sustain much damage and get the foe's attention. So you have to smart up and keep moving around, looting (always!) and helping who has more bad guys on them with sneak attacks.

The thing is, as a rogue you -have- to be in a party to hunt. Or go get the 1xp stuff, it's fun but gets boring, especially when you realize they too can kill you!


Fighters and casters complement themselves really well here in Layonara as Kalin said and I think that's really good, I like the fact that you're encouraged to meet people and form groups..And the above obvious and dull statement is just to say I wasn't totally off-topic. See ya IG.


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #48 on: June 11, 2007, 06:27:51 pm »
Quote from: Force_of_Will_
*pulls out a dead horse and beats it*

I think we should be more mindful of how we treat Dark Elves!
Hold on, have I wandered into the wrong thread?


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #49 on: June 11, 2007, 08:34:02 pm »
too funny


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #50 on: June 18, 2007, 02:34:33 am »

The trick is empowering all classes, and the update you're going to see within the week goes miles in achieving the empowering of some of these red headed stepchildren we like to call melees. I consider it a massive advancement in giving melee's their shining moments and their playgrounds. And you're going to see a lot of roll reversal in what you've all gotten used to in groups. You'll be hearing a lot more on that soon.

Update? Oh my gosh cool!


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #51 on: June 18, 2007, 02:38:47 am »
Quote from: Chongo
...the update you're going to see within the week...

*Counts.* Um...


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #52 on: June 21, 2007, 03:37:16 am »
My Wizard is level 17 now and well she is not exackly the best soloer....
Granted she can hold her own while grouped & take out large amounts of giants...
However since she is specced more for rp reasons I.E she is focused on evocation magic & cannot use conjuration... I.E no summons for the most part.
Besides soloing is boring i barely do it & when i do its only when im close to a level like 20k.
I much prefer groups with nice solid rp for reasons being in places, so we can challenge some of the more unseen content lurking in this wonderful server.


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #53 on: June 22, 2007, 11:02:00 am »
Well in any case, it makes good sense to me that a masterful spellcaster, or venerate cleric (read: high-level) should have powers superior to a guy with a sword, even if s/he has trained to the point that the weapon is an extension of their own body. Mind over matter! The powers of faith! It's maaagic.

And well, so what if they can solo whereas a fighter couldn't, I doubt anyone joins a community such as this and builds their character for a year solely to solo (hah). As has been mentioned, it's not very much fun after the ego-rush the first time around - because we come here to roleplay, and you can't quite do that on your own!

But just as a point of interest, I have nearly always played either spellcasters or clerics. :B

Edit: But as long as we're talking about imbalanced classes.... high level monks? heh


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #54 on: June 22, 2007, 12:32:45 pm »
Quote from: MJZ
 Edit: But as long as we're talking about imbalanced classes.... high level monks? heh
 All you need is a spell that causes flat-footnedness, or something with a fortitude save..
 Heh ohh heres a good one, or any creature with a DR greater that -/+3
 I would recind that comment but for the fact that GMW cannot be cast on monk fists... witch would be cool, but thats NWN for you huh?
 So unless that monk takes two epic feats to get there it will NEVER be able to damage a DR -/+4 or -/+5 creature... Witch when youre soloing on east you run into all over the place....
 But thats why I go in parties, just cause I cant damage the thing, doesnt meen I cant knock it on its arse :D
 But there is one aspect where no other class will ever be able to touch the monk...
 And thats running away!
 EDITED:  Thank you stephen :D


Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« Reply #55 on: June 22, 2007, 12:41:29 pm »
ColtCommando: Firstly, I think you mean "n/+3" - that is, DR that's bypassed by a +3 weapon or better. It's a minor detail, but one that really affects the statement - 3/- is just three points of damage off of every attack, which monks can do quite a bit more than with each hit. ;) Secondly, Monks' saves are all Good - the Fort will only be lower than the Ref and Will if their Con is lower than Dex and Wis. But apart from my nitpicking, you're right that monks aren't the top of the class at VERY high levels.

On a side note, best wishes to Nibor, wherever he may be. Hope our Project Team Lead is safe and sound, and just really, really busy. No rush on the update.

People are more important.

