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Author Topic: Lich PrC  (Read 1553 times)

Xandor Loriland

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Lich PrC
« on: April 11, 2005, 07:09:00 pm »
I saw something in a thread for a character submission that sounded like there was an option to play a Lich PrC.  Is that something that is available?


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    RE: Lich PrC
    « Reply #1 on: April 11, 2005, 07:45:00 pm »
    Liches as a PrC? they're undead magic using kick booty evil guys...if they're a PrC, thats some SERIOUS overkill...


    RE: Lich PrC
    « Reply #2 on: April 11, 2005, 07:46:00 pm »

    Xandor Loriland

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    RE: Lich PrC
    « Reply #3 on: April 11, 2005, 08:44:00 pm »
    Aragon - 11/30/2004  6:17 AM

    If your planning on following the Dark Sun I would suggest either Palemaster or Champion of Corath or Lich.  But that is just my two cents.  The Cult of Corath is always looking for worthy members to aid in our fight.

    This was from a while ago but it intrigued me.

    D Blaze

    RE: Lich PrC
    « Reply #4 on: April 11, 2005, 09:27:00 pm »
    I think a Lich is bad enough as an enemy, seeing as how i just met one.....among other things....
    If your character finds some way to RP turning into a Lich, that's grounds for auto-NPCing, cuz all they care about is themselves and power (Chaotic Evil).
    You can have a Cleric Necromancer, Wizard Necro-Specialist, and the Palemaster PrC, that should be enough.

    Marius Falconhand

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      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #5 on: April 11, 2005, 10:51:00 pm »
      Not all Liches would be chaotic evil. Some are former wizards who spent maybe their entire life learning the secrets of necromancy to one day harness it's power and turn themselves into a Lich. And with that being known, they would be rather intelligent probably, not some normal zombie or ghoul. They could tend towards the area of Lawful Evil. Bending the rules to make what they want. That would be far more evil and awful to deal with because they would take time to calculate every move before they made it. But with all this said, I think a Lich PrC would be great and would have to be restricted to epic lvl characters. The player would have to prove that they are able to play in this world without having PvP. It would be great in a while, but now is not the time.


      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #6 on: April 11, 2005, 11:00:00 pm »
      I remember the original Forgotten relms box set for PnP ADD 1st ed. had a Module in the source book.Their was a Lich in the Ruins of Myth Drannor who thought he was still alive and the party were students.I dont think his alignment was Evil.


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      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #7 on: April 11, 2005, 11:04:00 pm »
      Hey I remember that!  I think I still have it in fact.  That was a fun module.  I loved the pit with the dead adventurer and continual light cast on a stick.


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      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #8 on: April 12, 2005, 08:08:00 am »
      In Forgotten Realms, there were good aligned elven liches (although they were called something else) that voluntarily became liches to be eternal protectors of their families relics and such.  There are these good liches in Myth Drannor because they are still bound to protect their noble families estates and stuff.

      In Ebberron, the elves are more like great warriors and are led by an "undying court" of ancient elven lich types that are animated with positive energy.  As a consequence, elves in this setting look down on necromancy and other magics involving negative energy.  They also worship the spirits of their ancestors.

      I think it would be cool if a PC could attain lichdom. Of course the lich would still have to follow all the standard rules of the server (and the rules for becoming a lich).  I think to become a lich, a person has to be of a minimum of level 29 and the process of becoming a lich (bonding with a philactery) incurrs a high failure chance that can result in all sorts of bad things happing to the person, like becoming a greater shadow and the like (if not utterly destroyed).

      I think it would be cool, the Rufus would become an NPC lich if AR7 every retired Rufus.  Rufus has made such a large contribution to Layonara, it would be nice that a necromancer like him not just fade away.

      Just my opinion.


      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #9 on: April 12, 2005, 08:27:00 am »
      Gilrod - 4/12/2005  8:08 AM

      I think it would be cool, the Rufus would become an NPC lich if AR7 every retired Rufus.  Rufus has made such a large contribution to Layonara, it would be nice that a necromancer like him not just fade away.

      Just my opinion.

      Thank you for such kind words.

      Perhaps we should bring back lich Nathan Birche *looks at Leanthar*


      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #10 on: April 12, 2005, 09:26:00 am »
      What kind of loot would the Rufulich carry?

      Hey Gloin, want to get some folks together and go lich hunting?




      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #11 on: April 12, 2005, 03:52:00 pm »
      I Had an evil plan of letting Celgar become the next bad guy when he hits level 40. It kind of follows the PNP Celgar that i have but in less dramatic way. What happened is the PNP Celgar finally killed the red dragon that mrdered his ancestors. Well this dragon was also bound to a very powerful lich.., and well the fight didn't end very well and Celgar being so fearful of death called out to his god for a Divine favor.. Well that favor was to be turned into a lich... the bad problems was I fallied all the will and fort rolls.. So now This lich Celgar is well... Wtisted in a very very evil way.. Hes out to kill all of faerun dragons (both good and evil as oppsed to killing evil ones)..

      As for the layo Celgar I was gonna have some thing go very bad soon as he hit uber epic (level 40) and maybe if blood stone was well and dead. Retire him. Drop to my knees and beg Big L to have him go... Evil and thus we got a former Cleric of Lucinda Lich running loose.

      But seeing that would be far from possible I'm gonna let that idea sit at the curb side and wait till the bus comes along heheh.


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      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #12 on: July 22, 2005, 08:11:00 am »
       There are good liches, look at Libris Mortis page 156. There was no need to make that, though, because someone could want to become a Lich just to live forever. I don't think that's evil. In a PnP campaign I once made a Lich like that, he didn't care that much about power and wealth, he turned into a Lich just to be the director of the magic school he created forever, and he wouldn't activate the fear aura. Never understood why liches had to be evil.


      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #13 on: July 22, 2005, 08:18:00 am »

      I belive there are two kinds of liches for human spellcasters. The regular lich that is often evil and in some cases neutral and the Archlich. The archlich is a good aligned lich and I believe there is a difference in how to become it. One nice ability of the Archlich is sarificing his eternal life to kill one foe.


      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #14 on: July 22, 2005, 08:35:00 am »
      Filatus, there are indeed two types of liches (well three really--but I will talk about the two).
        1)  A lich.  A creature becomes a lich through a long (and usually deadly--ie perma dead) process that involves much sacrifice and the seperation of their soul from their body to a phylactery.  After (I think) seven-ten days and if there is a body neary by to where they "died" the lich takes the form of that new body... But they are still extremlly weak and easily defeated for the next 30+ days.
        2) An Archlich.  An Archlich is a creature that was a lich for 100's if not 1000's of years and has once again gone through another major ritual (with an extremelly high chance of perma death) to where they body becomes astral and their soul becomes...hmm, not real sure what becomes of it--I think it is lost forever though... Once the lich is an Archlich they travel the planes and continue to do what they want (why they became a lich) but at such a level of "non existence" that they can move between planes and such with powerful magic.  So in essence, an Archlich is an epic Lich--and pretty much nearly an immortal.
        Then you have the good liches (but they are pretty much the same process) and of course the dracoliches.


      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #15 on: July 22, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
      Ah, thanks for clearing that up Leanther. All those types of undeath can get confusing, wraiths and specters and such.

      As for a player controlled lich. Well, I wouldn't want to do it. Because if I'd roleplay it properly I probably would log in on Layo, appear in my dungeon and.... well remain there.
      Of course I'm thinkin about some plan (worlddomination or some potion to polish the bones), but the problem is these often are very, very longterm plans.

      I'm undead, I don't need to set the alarmclock, I can do tomorrow what I won´t do today. So I'd never get out of my dungeon, nobody wants to talk with me anyway and I wouldn't want to talk with them.

      Except for when conversing with my imaginary friend Bo, a squirl that reached lichdom at the same time as me, I wouldn't have a lot of dialogue.

      Talan Va'lash

      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #16 on: July 22, 2005, 11:56:00 am »
      There are also Demi-lichs.. which i dont believe are true lichs (hence demi, i suppose.)

      Baelnorns are the good (read non-evil) elven lichs


      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #17 on: July 22, 2005, 11:59:00 am »
      *smacks head*  Opps.  Instead of Arch Lich I mean Demi-Lich.  Thanks Talen!


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      RE: Lich PrC
      « Reply #18 on: July 22, 2005, 12:13:00 pm »
      Arch-liches, according to the 2nd Ed monster manual, are good liches, usually clerics who allow themselves to be immortal to protect something or to continue to serve in the name of good.


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        RE: Lich PrC
        « Reply #19 on: July 22, 2005, 12:30:00 pm »
        Just a FYI the NWN Lich class is below it was converted in the PRC pack from the source book.
        ANd if I remember right Elven liches are Norn and they were LG or NG and guarded special areas such as the library as Myth-drannor.

        Feared by mortal beings for their malign magic, their intelligence, and their willingness to embrace undeath for a chance to live forever, Liches are evil beings of great power.

        This template class is the evolution of an Arcane or Divine caster of level 11 or greater into the feared Lich. The progression of un-death is not to be taken lightly, and it may completely destroy the one who seeks it. The Lich does not gain any spells or caster levels, yet they gain heavy defenses.

        - Hit Die: d4
        - Proficiencies: A Lich does not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
        - Skill points: 0 + Int Modifier.
        As a template class:
        - No BAB increase.
        - No Save increase.


        Class: 11 caster levels. (*Note due to a Bioware bug only the base classes increase in caster level)
        Alignment: Any non good.
        Feat: Craft Wondrous Item.

        To gain lich powers:
        Creation of first stage of phylactery. (First level up in the Lich class, then create your phylactery to gain your Lich powers. Each level, this phylactery must be upgraded. Costs 40,000 gold and 1,600 XP.)


        1: Lich Properties +2 - Gain bonuses to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Persuade, and Spot.
        Lich Touch - Touch attack causes 1d6+5 damage and possible paralyzation for 1d4 rounds.
        Increased Defense - Gain Damage Resistance 5 to cold and electricity.
        Intelligence +2
        2: Lich Properties +4 - Bonuses increase.
        Lich Touch - Increases damage and duration of paralyzation.
        Increased Defense - Gain Damage Reduction 5/+1, Natural Armor +3, and Damage Resistance 10 to cold and electricity.
        Fear Aura
        3: Lich Properties +6 - Bonuses increase.
        Lich Touch - Increases duration of paralyzation.
        Increased Defense - Gain Damage Reduction 10/+1, Natural Armor +4, and Damage Resistance 20 to cold and electricity.
        Wisdom +2
        4: Lich Properties +8 - Bonuses increase.
        Lich Touch - Increases duration of paralyzation to permanent.
        Increased Defense - Gain Damage Reduction 15/+1, Natural Armor +5, immunity to cold and electricity, and Turn Resistance +4.
        Charisma +2
        Constitution +12

        In order to become a Demilich you must be a level 21 Sorcerer, Wizard, or Cleric.
        Each level, you must create one soul gem in order to gain the powers for that level. You must also upgrade your phylactery. To gain the final level, you must have 8 soul gems.
        Soul gems cost 120,000 gold and 4,800 exp each gem. (Use the Craft Wondrous item feat to create them)

        5: Lich Properties +10 - Bonuses increase.
        Increased Defense - Damage Reduction 5/+5; Damage Resistance 5 to acid, fire, and sonic; Turn Resistance +5; and Immunity to Level 1 spells.
        Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma +3
        6: Lich Properties +12 - Bonuses increase.
        Increased Defense - Damage Reduction 10/+8; Damage Resistance 10 to acid, fire, and sonic; Turn Resistance +8; and Immunity to Level 3 spells and below.
        Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma +4
        7: Lich Properties +14 - Bonuses increase.
        Increased Defense - Damage Reduction 15/+11, Turn Resistance +11, Immunity to Level 5 spells and below.
        Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma +6
        8: Lich Properties +16 - Bonuses increase.
        Increased Defense - Damage Reduction 10/+14; Damage Resistance 15 to acid, fire, and sonic; Turn Resistance +14; and Immunity to Level 7 spells and below.
        Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma +7
        9: Lich Properties +18 - Bonuses increase.
        Increased Defense - Damage Reduction 25/+17, Turn Resistance +17, and Immunity to Level 8 spells and below.
        Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma +8
        10: Lich Properties +20 - Bonuses increase.
        Increased Defense - Damage Reduction 30/+20; Damage Resistance 20 to acid, fire, and sonic; Turn Resistance +20; and Immunity to Level 9 spells and below.
        Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma +10

        LvL  BAB  Fort  Ref  Will  
        1 0 0 0 0
        2 0 0 0 0
        3 0 0 0 0
        4 0 0 0 0

        Just for the curious