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Author Topic: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)  (Read 383 times)


NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« on: July 12, 2009, 05:34:12 pm »
I came across this while browsing Sourceforge the other day, and I've employed Cleave to some success on my logs - Clobber is less useful, since I have the GLR.

Anyway, the link: NWStory.  Basically, it formats and filters chat logs to facilitate things like CDT writing.

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Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2009, 10:00:36 pm »
What does it do exactly?


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2009, 01:50:32 am »
From the site:

Cleave is a simple GUI application for viewing NWN chat logs colour coded by chat mode, similar to how text is displayed in the NWN chat window. Cleave also supports filtering chat lines by player name and/or chat mode. The tool can also export a filtered log back to plain text, or to HTML with all colours preserved.

Also from the site, there's this:

As you can see from the sidebar, you can choose to display whichever chat modes you want, squelching the others, and can select which characters' messages you want to display, as well.  This is particularly useful if you were in a situation where you were RPing with one group of people and engaged in Tells or had access to the Party chat of a different group.  It also can make pretty coloured HTML representations of a log, and generally can make them significantly more readable.

Edit: Also, as you can see, Layonara is so very much better in terms of RP-consistency than whatever server this was originally written for. ;)


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2009, 04:49:23 am »
"Edit: Also, as you can see, Layonara is so very much better in terms of RP-consistency than whatever server this was originally written for."

GM: The adventurers make their way to the crossroads, surrounded by ominous woods which could hold anything.  You notice that for some reason, the birds have grown mysteriously silent, and the wind has all but died down to a sudden stop.  *Listen Checks everyone*


Ah yes, one of the main reasons I play on Layo! ;)


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2009, 08:47:03 pm »
So that's in RT.. interesting. I guess that can be useful for those that have trouble with lots of people writing at the same time.


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2009, 11:01:41 pm »
It's not in real time; it's an after-the-fact tool.


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2009, 11:12:53 pm »
ah to bad, having that in RT would have been useful. Still seems to be though


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2009, 10:38:05 pm »
Okay...  I'm trying to use Cleave and It's not working...

Some help maybe?


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2009, 10:44:23 pm »
Well, as I'd say to a client, we need a little more information than "not working" to be able to reproduce the problem.  Not working in what respect?  Does it not start?  Not load logs?


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2009, 11:02:10 pm »
Well I load a log and it's blank...

Under Player Name I got [Malformed Line] and thats it, the rest is blank, or only the crafting dialogues...


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2009, 01:59:19 am »
Same here, my copy acts like Shiff's.

On the front page of NWStory it says that Cleave 1.1 has problems with the
nwnplayer.ini 's line of ClientEntireChatWindowLogging=1.

But as to the minimal info given from the site, I came to the conclusion this should be fixed in 1.1. *shrugs*


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2009, 02:05:20 am »

I think its funny Shiff loaded a log.



Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2009, 01:59:40 pm »
I got the same thing and then got to wondering, so I opened the file in Word and did a global replace of [CHAT WINDOW TEXT] (and included the trailing space) and resaved the file.

When I opened it in Cleave, it worked as Darkstorme suggested it does.

P.S. I think this is a change to NWN and is not a Windows XP or Vista as I got the same file structure on the two different OSs.

P.P.S. You could also do the same by opening it in Excel or presumably some other spreadsheet and tell it where the delineations are and then delete the column with [CHAT WINDOW TEXT] in it.


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2009, 02:02:08 pm »
I also played with the line ClientEntireChatWindowLogging=1 in the .ini file.

If you make it ClientEntireChatWindowLogging=0, the file is blank. In other words, it doesn't save anything.

Didn't try ClientEntireChatWindowLogging=2 or anything else as I presume it's an on/off switch.

Oh, and I am using Cleave 1.1 too.


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2009, 04:53:07 pm »
Just a point of interest...

If you set ClientEntireChatWindowLogging=0, you will probably lose a lot of stuff, like combat text, translated language text and a bunch of other things.


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2009, 11:33:55 am »
I noticed that Cleave 1.1 comes with two dll files (msvcp71.dll & msvcr71.dll)... but there aren't any installation instructions that say where those files should be placed in order to get Cleave to work properly.  In fact, there's pretty much no support information available for Cleave that I could find at all.
 Think you could offer us a little help about how to use Cleave, Darkstorme?
 I think I might enjoy using it if I could get it to work properly, but as the others have stated, when I try to open a chat-log using Cleave, all I get is a blank screen.


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2009, 09:13:15 pm »
As with most Windows programs, if the DLL is in the same folder as the executable, it is the one used first.

As for making Cleave work - I had success with ClientEntireChatWindowLogging=0.  I'm poking at the source now, looking for the issue that makes it fail when that value is set to 1, but the project itself appears to have  been abandoned.


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2009, 10:22:41 pm »
First of all, I am not a user of Cleave. I have tried it but I am unable to use it correctly.
 So following Xaltotun and Darkstorme comment about removing any leading "[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] " (and trailing space), I have create a little java application that parse a given text file and remove the "[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] ".
 I named it RemoveStringFromFile.jar.
 I also have created a batch file to call the application.
 To be able to run it you need the following:
  • Sun Java SE Runtime must be installed. I choose Java because it is free and it runs on all plateforms. You may download it here.
  • Unzip in NWN folder the content of attached It contains a folder named "RemoveStringFromFile" that contains a jar (the application) and a batch file to call the jar. There is also a shortcut to the batch file.
Note that the batch file (and its shortcut) are for Windows. Unfortunately I am not 'fluent' in Mac nor Linux.
 Please give me your comments.


Re: NWStory - A Useful Tool (YMMV)
« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2009, 03:59:44 pm »
Look at the picture from darkstorme, the log entries should follow a format like this:
 Character_Name: [communication_Mode] Message
 Such as
 Phobo Magnius: [Talk] Hello World!
 The communication mode is always between bracket []
 [Talk], [Tell], [Shout], [Whisper]...
 Actually, the logs are looking like this
 [CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Fri Aug 14 15:54:14] Phobo Magnius: He Ho !!!
 [CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Fri Aug 14 15:54:32] Phobo Magnius: [Whisper] I whisper now
 [CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Fri Aug 14 15:54:48] Phobo Magnius: No, no ! I talk !
 [CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Fri Aug 14 15:54:49] Your soul is bound at Town of Hlint, Bindstone in Hlint.
 [CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Fri Aug 14 15:54:49] Your character has been automatically saved.
 [CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Fri Aug 14 15:55:02] Phobo Magnius: [Party] Is there anyone in my party?
 Where message sent to DM is not showing and talk mode is not specified with [Talk].
 Before going further with this... And I should have asked this question before, are you using cleave often? Would a solution be needed?