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Author Topic: Epic Feats and Access to Epic Feats  (Read 42 times)


Epic Feats and Access to Epic Feats
« on: May 18, 2006, 01:28:30 am »
I was browsing lore looking at the epic feats, doing some character planning.

What is the level requirement to have epic feats?  Is it a total of 20 levels?  Or 20 levels in the class you want to have access in?

For example when would a 15/5 figher wizard get access to epic feats?  
At level total level 21?
At level 20 in fighter to gain access to the fighter feats?

Are would the 21 figher / 5 wizard have access to the wizard epic feats when taking fighter levels?  Or does he need to take a wizard level?  Or does he have to have at least 20 wizard levels.

The reason I am asking is that my plan for my character was to have an even 20/20 split if/when he goes epic.  But I have a feeling that this means the character would never get any epic feats.  Or if he does get epic feats, he will never get the class-specific epic feats.


Talan Va'lash

Re: Epic Feats and Access to Epic Feats
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2006, 01:39:03 am »
You will get epic feats ever 3 lvls starting at 21 (regular progression continued from lvl 18.)

You will never get epic bonus feats (every class gets an epic bonus feat from their class' list every 2, 3, 4 or 5 levels.)

You can never take a feat that is specific to a class while taking a level in a different class (same with skillpoints.)

a fighter who was 15ftr/5wiz at 20 will get an epic feat at 21.  if he continues taking ftr he will get his first ftr epic bonus feat at level 27 (22/5, ftrs get epic bonus feats every 2 levels)  I am not sure if he would have to be an epic fighter to take say epic wepaon spec which is an epic, fighter feat, as I don't know if its coded to require "Epic Fighter" or "epic character" and "fighter"  either way you could only take it on a fighter level.


Re: Epic Feats and Access to Epic Feats
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2006, 01:46:45 am »
A fighter (21) / wizard (5) would have acces to most of the epic wizard feats like automatic still/silent spell, epic spell focus and spell penetration. Other feats like epic energy resistance and such only look at the total level.

However, epic spells require the caster to be able to cast level 9 spells, so those are unavailable.

But then again, those epic spells aren't worth a feat in my opinion, except for epic warding perhaps.

EDIT: Bah, must have really typed slow. Yeah, what Talan said


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Re: Epic Feats and Access to Epic Feats
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2006, 06:27:05 am »
The Automatic * Spell feats also require ability to cast level 9 spells.

As well as a whole lotta spellcraft


Re: Epic Feats and Access to Epic Feats
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2006, 06:44:59 am »
Rayenoir - 5/18/2006  3:27 PM

The Automatic * Spell feats also require ability to cast level 9 spells.

As well as a whole lotta spellcraft

You can get that spellcraft if you save skillpoints and make sure one of the last levels is wizard.

And I believe you only need to know up to level 3 spells for Automatic spell I. A bit like eschew.


Re: Epic Feats and Access to Epic Feats
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2006, 12:47:09 pm »
Talan Va'lash - 5/18/2006  2:39 AM

You will never get epic bonus feats (every class gets an epic bonus feat from their class' list every 2, 3, 4 or 5 levels.)

a fighter who was 15ftr/5wiz at 20 will get an epic feat at 21.  if he continues taking ftr he will get his first ftr epic bonus feat at level 27 (22/5, ftrs get epic bonus feats every 2 levels)  I am not sure if he would have to be an epic fighter to take say epic wepaon spec which is an epic, fighter feat, as I don't know if its coded to require "Epic Fighter" or "epic character" and "fighter"  either way you could only take it on a fighter level.

CoTs and fighters get the full class selection of epic bonus feats even if they start at level 1 on level 21.  Unless Layonara has changed that... which thinking about the work involved I'm doubting based on bang for buck.  That's why you see so many CoTs multiclassed starting at level 21 on the power servers, especially coupled with monks, druids, or clerics for 5 extra great wisdom points.  A mage still pre-20 may get an extra epic bonus feat every 4 levels, though the selection would obviously be limited, great intelligence only I think.  However, I'm pretty sure all other classes don't start getting their 'bonus' epic feats until they are epic in that class.

Everything I just said could be wrong.  But I think it's right.  ;)

Live the dream.  Go 40 fighter.


Re: Epic Feats and Access to Epic Feats
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2006, 01:14:07 pm »
Filatus - 5/18/2006  6:44 AM
And I believe you only need to know up to level 3 spells for Automatic spell I. A bit like eschew.

Fairly sure that while the first automatic metamagic feat only applies to spells up to the third circle, it has as a prerequisite the ability to cast level 9 spells.


Re: Epic Feats and Access to Epic Feats
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2006, 01:59:08 pm »
Acacea - 5/18/2006  10:14 PM

Filatus - 5/18/2006  6:44 AM
And I believe you only need to know up to level 3 spells for Automatic spell I. A bit like eschew.

Fairly sure that while the first automatic metamagic feat only applies to spells up to the third circle, it has as a prerequisite the ability to cast level 9 spells.

I stand corrected. :)

