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Author Topic: Technical Difficulties?  (Read 1365 times)


Technical Difficulties?
« on: April 04, 2017, 12:24:45 pm »
Hey there everyone!As has probably been noticed, I took a bit of a haitus from the game to deal with school and such. However, I am returning and planning to run a quest on Wednesday the 12th!Unfortunately, upon attempting to log back into the game I encountered a bit of an issue. NWN runs really smoothly all through the menus, but upon entering Layo I get hit with the most horrific lag of all time. Its about one frame per 5 seconds, although audio still plays fine. Upon logging out of Layo, the menus of NWN are suddenly faced with the same lag-like effect, until I completely close the program and reopen it.It is worth noting that I've tried the single-player modules to test if those are any better. They do run smoothly while I am in the game, but upon exiting the game the menus still become very laggy.Thanks for any help anyone can offer!~ Teo


Hi Teo,Can you provide some
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2017, 12:40:19 pm »

Hi Teo,

Can you provide some basic info about your computer and OS? Also, have you verified that all of your video extras are off (shiny water etc)? Lastly, have you made any changes lately to your machine? I.E. updated video drivers or something along those lines?

Thanks in advance,




I'm currently using about a
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2017, 10:32:00 pm »

I'm currently using about a four-year-old Samsung Laptop. I'm not a big computer guy so I'm not sure what gear it's loaded out with, although I assume its nothing fancy. I picked it up for about 250 dollars so its not great. It's running Windows 10, and I know there was some issues with Windows 10 and NWN before, but I never encountered any of those problems. 

I've tried turning all effects off, if it helped at all I couldn't tell. The game is unplayable at this point so any improvement would have been very minor. 

And no major changes to my computer since I've bought it. 






Have you tried logging in as
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2017, 01:16:04 pm »

Have you tried logging in as GM to see if the situation is the same? Sometimes the issues are in the player platform only.

I'm thinking we could be looking at a few things to start with. Video drivers might be good to check and make sure they are up to date. If they are, figure out if they were recently updated. They might need to be rolled back to a previous version. (I know, wibble wabbly about that but it's a thing that could be causing the issue). If it previously ran NWN fine we're looking for what changed between now and then, basically. The other thing I'm wondering is how full is your HDD? Does the program have enough room to run? Also do you play any other games on this machine? Even FB games? Do they also have similar issues?




Do you have a model number
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2017, 01:24:41 pm »

Do you have a model number for this laptop?  It would help narrow down the possible issues.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


This could be a display
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2017, 01:44:35 pm »

This could be a display driver side issue, or display driver overriding display settings over NWN's own settings.

Try entering Options -> Video Options -> Advanced Video Options. Helps a lot for me, I don't get awful display lag but there's definately some for me each time I enter the game.

Ain't sure if this is the real issue, of course.



Hi, I've dug around a bit. It
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2017, 01:38:00 pm »

Hi, I've dug around a bit. It is likely that this is from a recent Windows Update. I haven't used Windows 10, so I don't know if opting out of automatic driver updates is possible or desirable, or if uninstalling KB4013429* at Windows Update>Update History> (or is it Control Panel>View Installed Updates ? The internet gives me mixed messages :) ) is best for your larger environment, but rolling back for the purpose of testing should be fine... (please sign this waiver). If it is improved by doing this, you can grab the troubleshooter from Microsoft's support site and use it to prevent the specific one from being updated until ... it stops being a problem. Or there are more better updates. Hope this helps.

*I have also read KB4015438, but I'm not sure of their contents without looking them up. If you identify which (if any) is the problem, you can use the linked tool to block this particular one. Also if there are more recent updates after these, you should probably be rolling back in the proper order. Not sure, that's what the waiver is for :)



I haven't gotten a chance to
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2017, 09:17:49 pm »

I haven't gotten a chance to test the offered fixes, I've got SAT testing tomorrow. Tomorrow evening I'll update with if the window's update fix worked, and if not some more info on my laptop and the issue!


Thanks All,
