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Author Topic: Just stopped by to say hello  (Read 284 times)

Max Sterling

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    Just stopped by to say hello
    « on: December 30, 2005, 01:48:00 pm »
    For those of you that remember me I wanted to stop in and say hello. Miss some of you guys and gals a TON.. few of you i dont miss as much   ;)

    Hows everything going? anyone miss the big burly paladin? or the fashion conscience dwarf?


    RE: Just stopped by to say hello
    « Reply #1 on: December 30, 2005, 01:52:00 pm »
    Max! Hi man. I hope things are going well for you.

    Max Sterling

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      RE: Just stopped by to say hello
      « Reply #2 on: December 30, 2005, 01:56:00 pm »
      Going very well. We purchased a home last february and miriya is pregnant with our first baby. Due May 15th

      Her, I, Githerzai and Lilya play World of Warcraft quite frequently on the Icecrown server


      RE: Just stopped by to say hello
      « Reply #3 on: December 30, 2005, 02:03:00 pm »
      Congrats on the first born! :)

      Guardian 452

      RE: Just stopped by to say hello
      « Reply #4 on: December 30, 2005, 02:26:00 pm »
      Hiya Max

      *waves hello to Miriya Githerzai and Lilya as well*

      Miss all you guys and gals!

      Grats on the baby on board!

      Come on back and see us some time!  :)




      RE: Just stopped by to say hello
      « Reply #5 on: December 30, 2005, 02:54:00 pm »
      I've missed Wolv - even though I've never met him, my Paladin has heard so much about him that he'd like to meet him in game.

      Max Sterling

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        RE: Just stopped by to say hello
        « Reply #6 on: December 30, 2005, 03:18:00 pm »
        He is most likely deleted by now.. but if he isnt i could probably dig up my discs and download the hak for a visit

        Its really nice to hear that i had some sort of lasting impression =)  maybe leanthar can make him an NPC =P


        RE: Just stopped by to say hello
        « Reply #7 on: December 30, 2005, 04:48:00 pm »
        heh, sure...these days (in game) Michaelis could use Wolv's help - The Toranites have a ton of issues to deal with.  Congrats on being a father and good luck with everything :)


        RE: Just stopped by to say hello
        « Reply #8 on: December 30, 2005, 05:00:00 pm »
        Hiya Max, I would love to see more of Wolv again!  Hope you are doing well!


        RE: Just stopped by to say hello
        « Reply #9 on: December 30, 2005, 05:09:00 pm »
        Max Sterling - 12/30/2005  6:18 PM

        He is most likely deleted by now.. but if he isnt i could probably dig up my discs and download the hak for a visit

        Its really nice to hear that i had some sort of lasting impression =)  maybe leanthar can make him an NPC =P

        A while ago we started archiving all the players instead of deleting them, Wolv is still there I'm sure, not positive about Percy.

        Talan Va'lash

        RE: Just stopped by to say hello
        « Reply #10 on: December 30, 2005, 06:09:00 pm »
        Max Sterling - 12/30/2005  4:18 PM

        Its really nice to hear that i had some sort of lasting impression =)

        He is still spoken of at times.  Acctually, I don't think I was even here before you left and I know of Wolv ;)


        Guardian 452

        RE: Just stopped by to say hello
        « Reply #11 on: December 30, 2005, 06:58:00 pm »

        Oh man I remember him from that dungeon crawl I ran in Beirun Crypts.... he was a riot!



        RE: Just stopped by to say hello
        « Reply #12 on: December 30, 2005, 08:23:00 pm »
        Talan Va'lash - 12/30/2005 9:09 PM
        Max Sterling - 12/30/2005 4:18 PM Its really nice to hear that i had some sort of lasting impression =)
        He is still spoken of at times. Acctually, I don't think I was even here before you left and I know of Wolv ;) -TV

            ya I wasn't even here before he left - seems we both missed out.


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        RE: Just stopped by to say hello
        « Reply #13 on: December 30, 2005, 08:32:00 pm »
        Heya Max!  Long time no see ^_^  Yup...lots of talk about the big guy sometimes when people tell old stories.  Congrats on the baby!  Hope your doing well, kinda sounds like it *grins*  I definately agree you should stop by sometime for a visit!


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          RE: Just stopped by to say hello
          « Reply #14 on: December 31, 2005, 07:55:00 am »
          Hey Max!  Glad to hear that things are going good with you and the family.  I am glad that you guys have a game that you enjoy.  I play the same game just a different server.  Congrats on the expected new arrival, I am sure the baby will be lots of love and joy into your life.
            Remember.. most of us are just a PM away.  Dont be a stranger!
            Your characters definetly made a mark on Layonara that some of us will never forget.  How could we ever forget Percy.. I never knew anyone more in love with themselves.. well maybe PoD but that is a different story ;-)

          Chrys Ellis

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            RE: Just stopped by to say hello
            « Reply #15 on: December 31, 2005, 03:27:00 pm »
            Heh...good to hear from you Max!  You never know; I took over a year off from Layo and I'm definitely back now, much to my wife's chagrin (who is due with OUR first in April, by the way).  Just maybe ol' Wolv and Xiao still have some butt kicking to do in the future!