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Author Topic: V3 and the fast forwarding of time  (Read 82 times)


V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« on: February 28, 2007, 02:11:15 pm »
After some thoughts, discussions on ramifications and implementation, we have decided to not do the 3-5 year fastforwarding of time.
  The year, as you can see in the Time Converter  is at the moment 1413 and counting.


Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2007, 02:35:22 pm »
Okay, as your changing things as a day 1 we are all in hlint and day 2 we are split between Hamhawk and Vel. It is up to you to explane why as we no longer have a 3 to 5 years to kinda migrate.


Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2007, 02:45:32 pm »
we can just say it is so :) after we run around for a few days to find where everything is


Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2007, 03:09:05 pm »
So most likely, the best way to explain it is just the Dark Ages getting stronger for the stronger spawns, and just pretend the places were as they are? It's sort of hard to explain things now... Rawr :) Although I adore the changes. Good job on that.


RE: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2007, 03:14:30 pm »
Things just gradually changed over the last several just took some time to represent that in-game.

Witch Hunter

Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2007, 06:02:09 pm »
Oh drats - everyone was roleplaying it as if 3 years went by... it was quite fun >.>


Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2007, 07:59:11 am »
Ozy_Llewellyn - 2/28/2007  2:35 PM

Okay, as your changing things as a day 1 we are all in hlint and day 2 we are split between Hamhawk and Vel. It is up to you to explane why as we no longer have a 3 to 5 years to kinda migrate.

Illithid alien abduction for experimentation in subspecies geographical preference.  The mothership just floated overhead, put us all in stasis with their dread psionics and dropped us off in random locations just to gauge our reactions in a psychosocial study.  They theorize that by seperating the two factions of morality, that war will eventually break out and consume the surface yet again.

Either that or there was some big landgrabbing scandal with the real estate industry.  The Court of Rofirien ruled that the corporation had to offer comparable living conditions and relocate all of their former clients affected.

Or maybe Ozy was bored while walking to Hamhawk and decided to play his violin.  Rolling a natural 20, he did not anticipate the effect that his song would have on the populace of Hlint... they found themselves magically compelled to follow him and remain within earshot of the music.  When Ozy finally arrived to his destination, he stopped playng to buy himself a drink, sat at the bar and looked behind himself on the stool... to find 14,000 Hlintite heroes rubbing their eyes, waking up from their subconscious slumber.


Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2007, 08:11:00 am »
lonnarin - 3/1/2007  3:59 PM

Ozy_Llewellyn - 2/28/2007  2:35 PM

Okay, as your changing things as a day 1 we are all in hlint and day 2 we are split between Hamhawk and Vel. It is up to you to explane why as we no longer have a 3 to 5 years to kinda migrate.

Illithid alien abduction for experimentation in subspecies geographical preference.  The mothership just floated overhead, put us all in stasis with their dread psionics and dropped us off in random locations just to gauge our reactions in a psychosocial study.  They theorize that by seperating the two factions of morality, that war will eventually break out and consume the surface yet again.

*points up*

Actually.....that would explain a lot for me  :)


Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2007, 09:07:26 am »
lonnarin - 3/1/2007  7:59 AM

by seperating the two factions of morality, that war will eventually break out and consume the surface yet again.

Just to clarify...because I would be against something that assumed my alignment meant I belonged somewhere that didn't fit my character...

It's not like the script checks your alignment and forces you to start somewhere, as if being evil means you like slums and being knifed in the back. You are offered a choice of which is more appropriate, with a description so that you can decide. Monster races probably HAVE to start in Vehl, but that is not based on alignment, but of being welcomed there where you are most definitely not welcomed could be an aristocratically LE human rogue that started in Hempstead...why not? You'd just have to be much more subtle.

It's not really a 'good''s a trade port, a lot of neutral and some goody goodies thrown in the mix. The major differences are in the kinds of people there and the atmospheres surrounding them. Vehl is seedy and corrupted and kind of an outcast pit, just like it always has been. Hempstead is the City of Gold, has money flowing in and out of the city constantly and is a major port of the world, thus attracting many mercenaries as well as anyone at all looking for a place where feet set off.

It's not scrubbed free of the bad guys either, no place is, no matter how 'good' they claim to be...and Hempstead doesn't claim to be good, despite the free-spirited and good-hearted Deliarites among them. They also have the drunken Shadonites as a main feature, after all, who are decidedly neutral to 'them morals n stuff.' However, they and the Scamp are certainly a lot more fun loving than the kind of rowdy you would likely find in Vehl.

I think of the inn in Vehl to be the kind that everybody kind of ignores you in for the most part,  because they want to be ignored as well, except for the ones that pick fights or whatever...and that when fights are picked, someone probably ends up dead. Not everyone is evil, perhaps some are even good, but it's a completely different place appropriate for different types of characters.

In the Scamp, well everyone knows the Scamp is the kind of place you walk in, duck a flying beer mug, get shocked by an unexpected kiss from a sailor in a dress who promptly passes out on you, and generally an over-abundance of revelry. When fights are picked in the Scamp, someone swings, misses, hits the other guy, the other guy hits the other guy, someone falls down and finds a free beer and forgets all about what he was doing and life goes on.

It's not so much a difference in morality, though...just environment and acceptance.


Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2007, 09:18:21 am »
Acacea - 3/1/2007  9:07 AM

get shocked by an unexpected kiss from a sailor in a dress who promptly passes out on you

Still having flashbacks of Earl in the strapless ball gown at the bar from that one quest? heheh

That was in the Scamp too I believe.


Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2007, 09:25:20 am »
Ozy_Llewellyn - 2/28/2007  11:35 PM  Okay, as your changing things as a day 1 we are all in hlint and day 2 we are split between Hamhawk and Vel. It is up to you to explane why as we no longer have a 3 to 5 years to kinda migrate.
 Not really. You can still hang in Hlint all you want even though the starting towns have changed.
  The only people who've actually moved are the ones who had houses in East Hlint, and they've been "compensated" by getting a house in Port Hempstead.


Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2007, 09:45:13 am »
EdTheKet - 3/1/2007  12:25 PM  The only people who've actually moved are the ones who had houses in East Hlint, and they've been "compensated" by getting a house in Port Hempstead.
And if they're unhappy living there, I'm sure Zug will take one of those houses off their hands, cheap.


Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2007, 10:15:40 am »
Faldred - 3/1/2007  9:45 AM  
EdTheKet - 3/1/2007  12:25 PM  The only people who've actually moved are the ones who had houses in East Hlint, and they've been "compensated" by getting a house in Port Hempstead.
And if they're unhappy living there, I'm sure Zug will take one of those houses off their hands, cheap.
 LOL..You can say that again. Imagine the property deprciation for the home owners in Haven. =P


Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2007, 01:04:52 pm »
Yeah, now Haven's in the middle of nowhere. Yowzers. *chuckles.*


Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2007, 02:43:31 pm »
Which is somewhat of a drawback if you bought the property for its prime location. ;)