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Author Topic: Character indecision  (Read 170 times)


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    Character indecision
    « on: March 02, 2006, 10:16:40 am »
    I was looking at most of the people who post on Layo, and almost ALL have multiple characters. I am torn between "fun" characters and characters I like to play. I don't know which one to put more time into growing...I like both it's just hard to decide which to play.

    Anyoen else have this problem?


    Re: Character indecision
    « Reply #1 on: March 02, 2006, 10:23:52 am »
    A good way, I think, is to try and set aside specific times for each, though generally playing the one you like to more, and the one that is just "fun" to get a break from your primary.  That is, develop your primary, and use the "fun" ones to get a break and to remind you of why you really like that primary.


    Re: Character indecision
    « Reply #2 on: March 02, 2006, 10:28:33 am »
    Milton makes a good point about setting a primary.  For example, my primary character is Caldiir and he is my highest level character and by far my favorite to play.  However, sometimes I am just not in the mood to play him, so I made my other characters to have "fun" with while also having a good chance to have interesting opportunities to RP with others.  Above all, as long as you are having fun, advancement really doesn't matter so much (eve without the long break I took from Layo, it took me 6 months to get Caldiir to level 8 and I wouldn't have wanted him to develop very much faster than that).


    RE: Character indecision
    « Reply #3 on: March 02, 2006, 10:28:49 am »
    nope i only play one character, and for the reasons you said. i could make one more but would find it very hard not to mix them together and that would in the end ruin my fun in here ;)


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      RE: Character indecision
      « Reply #4 on: March 02, 2006, 10:29:08 am »
      Aren't fun characters the ones you like to play?  Personally, I only have the one character now and she is immensely fun to play and suits my style.  Sometimes, we have multiple characters while trying to find what's right.

      But generally, people who have multiple characters have 1 main character that is fun and they enjoy playing them.  It is the character they will spends majority of their time building and developing.  They will have another character (or two) for RP purposes.  One they can just RP, with no pressure of levelling or xp-ing.  Usually something completely different from what your main character is .. you might have a Druid as a main char, with a suicidal barbarian maniac as a fun interlude and a retiring gnome wizard for rp-ing around town with.


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        RE: Character indecision
        « Reply #5 on: March 02, 2006, 10:39:19 am »
        blinds21 - 3/2/2006  6:16 PM

        I was looking at most of the people who post on Layo, and almost ALL have multiple characters. I am torn between "fun" characters and characters I like to play. I don't know which one to put more time into growing...I like both it's just hard to decide which to play.

        Anyoen else have this problem?

        Been there...

        I had a half Orc,
        Then i made a Sorcerer,
        then i made a fighter,

        all of these were active at the same time, yet i found that if you give each one a chance you'll find one that best suits, my style is smash and run.
        I always played a half orc at first but could never really have an in depth conversation, so i created the sorc.

        It turns out that for me the sorc is a much deeper and more involving character, and in the end i couldn't justify having the other two chars.

        The poor fighter didn't get palyed much at all really, but thats the way it goes.

        I found a character i really enjoy and have decided to concentrate on that one character. not everyone is the same.


        RE: Character indecision
        « Reply #6 on: March 02, 2006, 12:53:26 pm »
        I've got only one character, played him for over two years now. I have tried starting other characters, but there is no progress with them. I guess I am a one character only type of player.

        There is a problem when you start your first character. If you make a wizard you realise that you want to melee in a couple of days, then you think that having a sneak attack is good, then you think about all the possibilities a druid could have and so on, in an endless loop.

        The above usually stops when your character develops a background and relations to others, then focus is drawn from his abilities to his character, history and so on. Right now I can not imagine playing somebody else besides Rufus, I have tried it many times, but each time I feel I am playing a very empty character, even if I spent a long time developping his submission. There is simply a feeling of emptyness. A character wipe is my nightmare *shudders*

        Anyway, what I wanted to say is, spend a few days thinking about the character you would want to play. Think about everything, the class, the abilities, what you wish him to become, how you seem him act in everyday life, what's his goals are, how he views the world. Then submit and play him, continue even after the initial "I want to play class X" thought. It usually passes and in a few months you have a single, favourite character to play.

        That's how it worked for me :)


        Re: Character indecision
        « Reply #7 on: March 02, 2006, 12:54:40 pm »
        oh, and it's often good to use new characters to push your RP experience.  Specifically, to try new things, be something you've never played before, if only to discover how better to play your primary.


        Re: Character indecision
        « Reply #8 on: March 02, 2006, 01:15:16 pm »
        Heh, character indescion is something I suffer from. I play one character for awhile, then I get bored with him and want to try something new. In the end, I usually go through the entire submision process, play my new character for a few days, then lose interest and find myself back with Jet. Of course, there is always the chance I may find someone whom I like to play better than Jet, but with the history and relationships Jet has developed, doing so just wouldn't feel right.

        I've played Jet for about 6 months now, and have had about 7 other characters that I played for a certain amount of time, and even more ideas I have forming. No two of them are identical in personality, and while some were the same class, they were so very different. However, I think Jet has the best story and is just one of the reasons why I always end up coming back to him :)

        So my advice is to create a character with a story in mind, not a class or alignment. Watch the character develop, and if you aren't satisfied with it, abandon him and start anew. Also if you get a new idea, don't be afraid to try something out for a little bit. Who knows? You may find that you love the new character more than all the other ones.


        Re: Character indecision
        « Reply #9 on: March 02, 2006, 01:46:35 pm »
        If there were not character slot limits, I would have already filled up the server vault by myself.  On Lands of Acheron I had around 20 something characters, with half of them over lvl 12 and 3 of them went epic.


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        Re: Character indecision
        « Reply #10 on: March 02, 2006, 02:28:12 pm »
        I have the same problem as yourself and definately have the same problem as Ne'er. When I first got here I made a whole wedge of interesting types Jonas Waynus The Paladin of Toran, Edgar Waynus the old crusty Sean Connery type Sorc looking for his nephew, Some Elf Fighter / Mage scyther i dropped like after playing it once lol, A Dwarf Monk, Gnome Illusionist, Half Orc Female Cleric (I miss Moragg) etc etc I can't even remember them all arrrrg lol
        When I returned this time from my 12 month sojurn I had one goal in mind, Stick to Dimmy my Half Giant Mentally Disabled lad and develop him.....The plan was good but the goal changed when I found it more fun to Play My dwarvern Cleric Geddrin. So Now Geddrin is my main guy, Dimmy a sentimental all time favorite and general purveyor of chaos and fun for all. This seems to be working for me so far so good.
        I just love the creation process and to see what sort of unique charachters i can create. I think one charachter I made was a powergaming build (the Scyther) and he was dropped after one nights play, but all the rest have been built around a single idea that I hoped would make them uniquely quirky. Well it turned out I eventually found my clique with Geddrin and when times get tough and tedious I change to Dimmy and randomly hug folks, give them directions, get them lost, play hidey, play tag, play races, chase cats, go exploring and get lost (Dimmy lost), play Darts and all sorts of whacky things. This seems to be working okay for me and I hope you can get something much the same going because once you start to build your charachter you find that your level of enjoyment rises too.\\


        Re: Character indecision
        « Reply #11 on: March 02, 2006, 04:59:58 pm »
        I go through cycles when I want to play different characters and classes.  I like sometimes the simplicity of playing a rogue or the more complex role of a cleric.  But I tend to play one or two more than the other ones I have and keep a few around for sentimental reasons.  Also easc character has their own set of friends that are usually different from my other characters.  *shrugs*  that's just me though.  Of course we have had a player here before that like to make new characters all the time, so to each their own.


        Re: Character indecision
        « Reply #12 on: March 02, 2006, 05:07:44 pm »
        sometimes you miss level 8.  Sometimes it's fun to be afraid of an ogre still...


        Re: Character indecision
        « Reply #13 on: March 02, 2006, 05:43:11 pm »
        Very true.


        Re: Character indecision
        « Reply #14 on: March 02, 2006, 06:27:11 pm »
        Oh, oh, I want to weigh in... *clears his throat and puts on his scholarly spectacles* ...

        During my stay at the FABULOUS, Layonara Online Persistent World, I have most likely had a couple dozen characters. I can tell you right away that I only ever had a great deal of fun playing TWO of them. The reason for that is because they both meant something, had their own little "plot" that was unfolding before me that kept me interested. I found that the others were simply characters I wanted to play to test out a class or race or simply play a low level character again.

        I've also found that the reason I like playing low level characters so much is well... there's two reasons. First, when you play a level 1, you have the world to look forward to conquering! By the time you hit 20, you've seen most of it, and although Leanthar and the Team do AMAZING jobs of keeping it evolving and growing, it's impossible for it to happen fast enough to instill the excitement that one feels as a level 1. And the second reason is because when you're a level 1, although working to get to that next level and seeing that next place is important, you can't do it on your own, it FORCES you to be around other characters and interact. Meaning RP, development, evolution!

        And through all this I've learned that if you keep your character evolving, growing, developing, it will never get boring. But it's up to you to do it. So play the "interesting" character, play the "powerful" character, play the "unique" character, just make sure you really want to keep it going or the fire will go out, and no matter what class, level, or race, it will cease to be fun to play.



        Re: Character indecision
        « Reply #15 on: March 03, 2006, 04:36:31 am »
        My n00b opinion...

        I'm still thinking about creating another character but I really enjoy Freldo, so much so that I just keep putting off submitting a new guy - I'll probably put it off for a LONG time, mostly because I keep saying "after I level, I'll start a new guy" yet it's been 3 level-ups since then first time I said it.

        Single characters are good, more focus, but as mentioned above, it opens the possibility of a different style of play.

        I'd like to play another character because Freldo's limited - especially when you're a dumbarse like me that spends 10 skill points on a useless skill (damn, I HATE myself for that) -  in what he can do without a good sized party but it's not every day where I have a chance to adventure in a group.

        Anyway, the new character would be different and less played, to explore a different style of play, a more self conscious guy that's tough on his own - Freldo's opposite.  I prototyped him and his story but I need to sandbox him to see how well he can develop - something I should have done with Freldo which would have spared my only grief, which is pretty big, with him.

