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Author Topic: Idea for a new craft  (Read 422 times)


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Idea for a new craft
« on: October 19, 2005, 03:58:00 pm »
I was wondering if farming should be a craft, now I dont want blueberries growing in Hlint, but if you make growing certain plants be harder and need certain soils, then that problem shouldn't happen. For example, rspberries would grow well in the soils near Krandor and require raspberry seeds, watering as the plant grows,   and weeding as it grows. YOu would have a percentage of success and failure with each task. (most likely dexterity and wisdom). So if you make blueberries only grow on certain area, with only a certain number per area, we should not have the mass farms.


RE: Idea for a new craft
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2005, 04:14:00 pm »
That would be a bit the same like getting eggs. You have to collect the corn, then grind it and then feed it to the chicken, which is very timeconsuming. If you first have to plant the seeds, then water the corn, then gather it, then grind it and then feed the chicken.... you would be in the year 2007.

Just think it makes it VERY timeconsuming, and it sounds like a lot of scriptwork.

I think the way it is now the amounts are already limited. If you really want to craft a lot of raspberry pies for example, you're already have to gather for quite a while.


RE: Idea for a new craft
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2005, 04:30:00 pm »
I like this idea and it is something we talked about quite a while ago and we put it to the side because of other things we had to get done.  But it would be one of those 'neat' factors that allows immersion in the world to be a little deeper.  It gives a way to RP in other ways and not just hack and slash.


RE: Idea for a new craft
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2005, 04:48:00 pm »
Ok, but please no corn.. please oh please.

EDIT: Typo's, if you're getting on the knees and beg, do it right. ;)

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RE: Idea for a new craft
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2005, 09:21:00 am »
Such an idea would allow druids to create their own sacred groves, if the craft for farming was created. Other crafts could be used in farming as well.
Woodworking-planks for fencing
Smithing-plows for grain

Other than the druids; brownies, elves, halflings, and gnomes are all races that use farming to a fair extent. brownies that cultivate nectars of plants they grow in moss(vanilla orchids comes to mind), elves and their cities in the trees, halflings for the cultivation of berries and grain, gnomes for their tubers and roots(mmmm, turnips, rootbeer and fungi) Not sure about dwarves if they do any farming, I think they eat what they mine, might explain why they are so abrasive at times (attempt at a funny)

One also has to remember that for most fruit bearing bushes its about a year before they have any berries worth harvesting (cultivated)
For fruit bearing trees, its 3-5 years
For seed bearing trees, 10-15 years

Walnut trees take I think take the longest, before producing walnuts that are worth harvesting, almost 30 years.

Do think its an excellent craft to add


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    Re: Idea for a new craft
    « Reply #5 on: June 25, 2006, 07:49:21 pm »
    Would there be specific limitations on what could grow where?  You wouldn't want 1000 people trying to grow yew.


    Re: Idea for a new craft
    « Reply #6 on: July 03, 2006, 10:31:55 pm »
    Actualy we could also do little production.  Idea here is to take a pot put the right soil and plant one grain.  Like this you could ahve a plant that grows at your house and produce a limited amount of fruit or other.  Would still require the same time and handling than large crop and same success chances.


    RE: Idea for a new craft
    « Reply #7 on: July 03, 2006, 11:52:29 pm »
    Farm products will be limited in both yield and types of things that can be farmed. You won't have to worry about yew farmers...that just won't happen for obvious reasons.
      Farming is primarily concerned with the production of food type CNR, so things like grains, livestock, fruits and whatever else we come up with.


    Re: Idea for a new craft
    « Reply #8 on: July 03, 2006, 11:58:29 pm »
    Aye but lets take for example garlic, would you be able to plant a seed and a pot and make it grow like that or would it be restricted to field of crops?


    RE: Idea for a new craft
    « Reply #9 on: July 04, 2006, 06:47:50 am »
    All farming/planting can only be done in designated farm areas and within designated plots/orchards/gardens within such areas.  You can't just plant stuff, say, outside your house and expect it to grow. Plots/corrales/gardens/orchards must be purchased before they can be used.


    Re: Idea for a new craft
    « Reply #10 on: July 04, 2006, 03:24:49 pm »
    Aye thats what I wanted to know.  So Rain will ahev to say to sonya, Sorry dear you cant grow the orchid in the house :p

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: Idea for a new craft
    « Reply #11 on: July 21, 2006, 07:22:59 pm »
    Hellblazer - 7/4/2006  4:24 PM  Aye thats what I wanted to know.  So Rain will ahev to say to sonya, Sorry dear you cant grow the orchid in the house :p
      If you want to grow an orchid you can buy a potted plant funiture deed and place it in your house and pretend its an orchid :)

