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Author Topic: Coming back again  (Read 3425 times)


Coming back again
« on: August 21, 2015, 02:28:34 am »
Came back for a look in 09 but RL got in the way. It was a little sad to see how empty the world was compared to 06. It looks like some players are coming back? I'm going to try to get a new character underway this weekend. Nothing beats Layonara RP.Regards,Eltalstro
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


Hi there hope you can get in.
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2015, 03:35:26 am »

Hi there hope you can get in. Any old PCs you had will still be there. You generally speaking need to work a little harder to get people on server at the same time as you but otherwise the RP is still there.



Welcome back... If you need
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2015, 12:47:37 pm »

Welcome back... If you need any help give a shout.




Thanks,I'm having my usual
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2015, 12:50:28 am »


I'm having my usual issues installing the hak, tlk, heads and portraits. I've set them up in my NWN directory with their own folders and then extracted them in these folders but I really have no idea what I'm doing. Lost my discs so I'm using the COG downloads. The standard game runs fine but the heads pack and potraits pack don't appear to be working. I took a couple of screenshots which may or may not prompt you to laugh hysterically at my technological ineptitude.



"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


Just wanted to give a massive
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2015, 07:46:46 am »

Just wanted to give a massive thanks to the community. All of the players have been hugely supportive and the RP and adventuring has been great fun. In truth I told myself I'd never come back. If I'm being honest with myself, Layonara was a serious addiction for me and I've been putting in a few hours already since coming back. It just really is that enjoyable. I was disappointed originally when Leanther posted saying that Layo would not transition to NWN2 but I'm sure there were good reasons behind the scenes. It is sad to see so much of what people built lying idle but the game goes on. In the interim between finishing and coming back I have played NWN2 (which I thought was pretty good), Dragon Age (which seemed shallow as far as character development), Oblivion (I wish I hadn't wasted the time), Skyrim (classic but still missing something), Path of Exile (free online hack and slash made in NZ like me (not the hack and slash bit)), Icewind Dale (at last), and the Neverwinter MMO (cheesy, funpark hack and slash) and a few others not worth mentioning. Nothing had the soul of Layonara. Not even close. Single player modules just can't ever stack up. MMOs might as well be huge virtual paintball games. Anyway, thanks again to all of the players that have been so welcoming and patient. If you see Slag IG he will ask you where to find an anvil as he nearly tore the Center craft hall apart looking for one today.

"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


*johnny silently leans
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2015, 05:51:23 pm »

*johnny silently leans against the wall hiding in the shadows watching Slag go crazy, a slight chuckle can be heard from a corner amongst the clatter*

There can be only One.


Did you get this sorted?  I
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2015, 08:19:56 am »

Did you get this sorted?  I assume you did since I've seen you in game, but..Looking at your example it appears by the dates you still haven't actually extracted the hak contents to the appropriate folders using a utility yet, just copied the hak and tlk files to the hak and tlk directories.  That make sense to you?


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Yes I did thanks. It was as
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2015, 10:14:20 pm »

Yes I did thanks. It was as you said. I have done it three or four times now over the years but I'm not very computer savvy. I have learned a lot about character creation and building this time around too.



"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


And Again!
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2020, 04:13:02 am »
Hail and well met!

My laptop died and with it my time in Layonara. Finally got a new laptop and have started playing NWN again. I've mostly been playing Diamond Edition but have purchased EE and I'd like to get back into Layonara too. There is a chance that my PC may have owed a coin or two here or there. My apologies and if you still have the IOU lying around I'll be happy to pay it. Now to figure out how to get back in. Also, how many years would a dwarf have aged in 5 RL years?

Kind Regards,
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a
The following users thanked this post: orth, willhoff


Re: Coming back again
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2020, 04:35:06 pm »
Welcome back eltalstroneves!

The server is running on version 8193.16 of the enhanced edition, so your client should run on the same version as well. With the addition of nwsync, you no longer have to keep track of the various hak files there used to be, but your client will download all the required files you need to get started.

Your old characters should be still around, too! It is best to create a test character so orth can migrate your old characters to the server. If you do have additional questions, just let us know or you can also poke us on discord. You find the link to it on the sidebar. If not, here is the direct link:

Regarding the age, we have a useful time converter on our wiki:

5 RL years are equal to around 21 years IG (we slowed down time at some point). So as a dwarf, not that much time has passed to your character :)

The following users thanked this post: eltalstroneves, davidhoff

