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Author Topic: Blown Away by Bioshock  (Read 326 times)


Blown Away by Bioshock
« on: September 17, 2007, 03:30:35 am »
This game is just incredible.  It takes the cheesy 40s aspects of Fallout and slaps them into a wild sci-fi plotline I haven't seen the likes of which in awhile.  When you read all those reviews out there averaging 9/10, they're not kidding.  This engine is the most innovative FPS jump since quake.  You get to combine zany mad scientist weaponry and inject yourself with dna splicing plasmids to evolve your genome into magic casting capability.  You literally walk around freezing or frying people with your mind, using telekinesis to thwart throw their grenades right back at them, shoot lightning into a puddle and zap all foes within it, the works.  I'm now fully addicted.  Mad science rules.



Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2007, 06:58:15 am »
I can't tell you how many copies of that game I've sold


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    Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
    « Reply #2 on: September 17, 2007, 12:35:30 pm »
    Bioshock is a great FPS, but there's a problem... not playable online. But anyway, still good, awesome graphics/gameplay. If you've got a 360, you better buy it :)


    Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
    « Reply #3 on: September 17, 2007, 12:45:51 pm »
    osmy geforce 3 is to slow and doesnt even suppport DirectX 9... my Radeon 9600xt said goodbye about a month ago :/


    Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
    « Reply #4 on: September 17, 2007, 03:27:17 pm »
    Quote from: Xirion
    osmy geforce 3 is to slow and doesnt even suppport DirectX 9... my Radeon 9600xt said goodbye about a month ago :/

    My condolences.  The 9600xt would have been able to play it, but a geforce 3 is an ancient technology.  I wouldn't recommend playing this game with less than 2.4ghz, 2gb ram and a 256mb video card w/ ddr2 type vram.  The minimum specs say 1gb ram and 128mb vram, but I'd expect heavy chopping with that setup.  The lighting and environmental effects are pretty intense.

    It's sad that there's no multiplayer for this as well.  The story takes place in 1960 on a mad scientist's secret lab/utopian commune beneath the ocean, so I could see how multiplayer might not have made sense per the setting.  I hope the sequel winds up in space on some massive mothership with some intergalactic arenas to deathmatch in.


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      Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
      « Reply #5 on: September 17, 2007, 03:46:22 pm »
      Quote from: lonnarin
      My condolences.  The 9600xt would have been able to play it, but a geforce 3 is an ancient technology.  I wouldn't recommend playing this game with less than 2.4ghz, 2gb ram and a 256mb video card w/ ddr2 type vram.  The minimum specs say 1gb ram and 128mb vram, but I'd expect heavy chopping with that setup.  The lighting and environmental effects are pretty intense.

      It's sad that there's no multiplayer for this as well.  The story takes place in 1960 on a mad scientist's secret lab/utopian commune beneath the ocean, so I could see how multiplayer might not have made sense per the setting.  I hope the sequel winds up in space on some massive mothership with some intergalactic arenas to deathmatch in.

       I think it's so much cheaper to play Bioshock on Xbox 360 than a computer, you'll get amazing graphics for less... 360 has 3 processors (3,2Ghz each), 512Mb of ram (with this you can also listen music when playing... it's not low for a video game console) and a powerful ATI video card (which i don't remember exactly about it). It allows you to play in a 1920x1080 (up to) Resolution, progressive scan, widescreen and decent anti-aliasing.
       "Only" for US$ 350.00 (premium version, with HDMI output), a GOOD video card may cost more than that (you'll also need  a good processor, good ram).
       PS: there's Gears of War too, another amazing game (third person shooter, online mode), and Halo 3 is coming 09/25.


      Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
      « Reply #6 on: September 17, 2007, 03:55:30 pm »
      Quote from: vitor
      I think it's so much cheaper to play Bioshock on Xbox 360 than a computer, you'll get amazing graphics for less... 360 has 3 processors (3,2Ghz each), 512Mb of ram (with this you can also listen music when playing... it's not low for a video game console) and a powerful ATI video card (which i don't remember exactly about it). It allows you to play in a 1920x1080 (up to) Resolution, progressive scan, widescreen and decent anti-aliasing.
       "Only" for US$ 350.00 (premium version, with HDMI output), a GOOD video card may cost more than that (you'll also need  a good processor, good ram).
       PS: there's Gears of War too, another amazing game (third person shooter, online mode), and Halo 3 is coming 09/25.

      Hm... maybe, but I have neither the money for buying a XBox nor for upgrading my Computer :(

      Quote from: Xirion

      Er... still wondering what I intented to point out with that oO


      Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
      « Reply #7 on: May 02, 2008, 05:16:24 pm »
      Wow.  I finally found Bioshock on sale ($29) and bought it for the PC.  This game is graphics intense to say the least, but I can still play it in wide screen with everything turned up at just under 40FPS.

      The story is excellent so far and the 'Big Daddies' in the diving suits are defintely some of the scariest boss characters I have seen in a game in a long time.... when you hear them breathing and the footsteps coming... your heart literally stops.

      I wouldn't say this is set in the 60's... it is 1930's art deco style... but you crashed in a modern jet... it's just plain weird... timeless even!  =)

      This game is highly recommended for those who need breaks from RPG's with an in-depth storyline first-person shooter.

      Lord of the Forest

      Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
      « Reply #8 on: May 02, 2008, 05:22:29 pm »
      Dunno but I played it on the X-Box 360 and I have to admit I don't really like it. Prolly like the only one here ;)


      Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
      « Reply #9 on: May 02, 2008, 05:46:45 pm »
      I've played it a little, and was reminded of the System Shock series.  I wonder if they're related?  I'm pretty sure System Shock was done by Looking Glass Studios... anyone know the answer?


      Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
      « Reply #10 on: May 02, 2008, 05:46:49 pm »
      I've been trying to get my hands on a copy, but one thing that makes me very hesitant to spend the money is the fact that the number of activations is extremely limited - and it's not just a some-levels-are-limited restriction that you face without internet activation. It's you-can't-run-this-game-at-all if you A) have more than two or three computer you want to install it on (even if you're just upgrading and killing the old one), or B) don't have an internet connection.

      Admittedly, it's an absolutely solid way to limit piracy of the game (which, considering the quality of the game, I think is a good thing), but it can make things akward for valid users, as well.

      All that said, though, I'm still very seriously considering spending the money - even without having played it first. Everything I have seen and heard has been purely positive.


      Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
      « Reply #11 on: May 02, 2008, 06:53:29 pm »
      Well, you can still activate the game after your activations are up.. you just have to talk to a real support person and convince them you're not trying to scam them.  Most companies are understanding - I can't see 2k being less so.

      And yes, Bioshock is amazing.  I just wish I had a computer with PixelShader 3.0.  And the ability to support a PCI-E graphics card. :S


      Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
      « Reply #12 on: May 02, 2008, 07:15:46 pm »
      My biggest qualm with the game is that it's TOO SHORT!  Still, I'd much rather a game feel too short and make you wanting more than have it feel like an eternity to get past plotpoint X.

      As for online activation, I bought it through which already has a similar system on all their titles.  It's not too much of a hassle to get the license reinstated for your game, just takes 24 hours of downtime though, and as Stephen said, it sucks when your internet's down for the day.

      I got the Orange Box collection through Steam, and that whole "you must be online 24/7 to play our single player game" thing got pretty old.  Usually my singleplayer games are specifically to be played when the cable goes out.

      I think the best part of Bioshock is that Quark (Armin Shimmerman) does such a phenomenal job in his voiceovers as Andrew Ryan.  His main intro monologue for that game is among the best in the business.

      YouTube - Bioshock Intro & City entry


      Re: Blown Away by Bioshock
      « Reply #13 on: May 02, 2008, 07:29:28 pm »
      I've been seriously meaning to pick up Portal. Even the Flash version's seriously addictive.