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Author Topic: Vespar Bloodborne  (Read 383 times)


Vespar Bloodborne
« on: October 05, 2006, 05:37:02 pm »
Full Name: Vespar Bloodborne
Age: 20
Class(es): Fighter/Sorcerer/Cleric
Race: Human
Subrace: Teifling
Alignment: CE
Deity: Himself (See Bio)
Domains (if cleric): Evil, Death
Biography and Description:

Xandrial occationally knew Human women during his rule of Xantril. Some of those women bore his children and some of those children bore children of their own. Vespar is a direct decendant of Xandrial and as such feels he not only has the right but is destined to become a diety in the Layonara pantheon. In getting to that point Vespar plans on conquering most of Layonara to gain worshipers and strength. Seeing Bloodstone fall in the recent wars, Vespar saw this as an opening and plans to take up where Bloodstone failed. In the darkages of Layonara he feels gathering an army under him should pose no trouble and expects to acend in 20 years. (I'd like to have the GMs start considering how this will best run as a WLDQ when the time comes and of course several CDQs will be needed during his rise to power as he systematically conquers different areas of the world.)

//OOC I plan on Leveling Vespar pretty quickly because he realistically needs to be more powerful to execute his plan, and really is since he is not that far removed from Xandrial himself. Also, Vespar should be a Fighter/Sorcerer/Cleric but to excel in that combo he needs better stats than even your average hero. I'd like to request an OOC item, perhaps a belt or cloak that would give Vespar a +6 bonus to all of the core stats.


Re: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2006, 06:53:28 pm »
Firstly, before approval, since Xandrial was a female, please give us a bit more upon how Vespar dealt with having two mothers.  Keep in mind that the more you write in his submission, the shorter your WLDQ and Character Dev thread will have to be.

And since Vespar is a tiefling, please elaborate more on that side of his heritage.  Also, please state what sort of physical deformities you would like him to have, tail, horns, flaming wings etc.  Also I noticed that he has no ears for languages (especially infernal, draconic, and celestial, which I think he *would* know), please add those to your bio, with supporting cause, keeping in mind that he should have at least a base 18 INT to support all the languages he is likely to know.

Also, after careful consideration, a belt to help boost his core stats (WIS, STR, and CHA) would be unfair, since he would need to be wearing it virtually all the time.  Please contact a member of the project team, (PM at least one member at least 25 times, that way they will fully understand the gravity of your situation) and they will happily recode a skin for you that will have the needed benefits.


RE: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2006, 07:33:19 pm »

I would suggest that in building the char, you take into account the creature skin. Wisdom and Charisma would definately have to be higher, considering the base stat will be used to see whether you can cast which levels of spells.

Perhaps it would be interesting to focus first on Roldem considering the lack of strong rulership.

If you want your own summons, you'll have to take it up with the GM-team to sort out what summons for which circle seem fitting.

Ohh.. and sorry, golems are spoken for. You'll have to be a bit more original if you expect personal summons.


Re: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2006, 07:38:49 pm »
I agree, we wouldn't want his power to be limited to inventory items and Roldem is definitely looking for some conquering love. He will of course be summoning his demonic underlings or the souls of the conquered. We expect multiple CDQs revolving around his pillages and look forward to his WLDQ in which he becomes the Supreme Ruler of Layonara.   Approved.  The server address is or you can find us listed in the Tyrannical Destroyers section of NWN Gamespy as Layonara Online - In Flames  The password is ULTIMATE POWER   (Thread moved to appropriate forum, suggest subject change to "vgn as himself")


Re: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2006, 07:58:31 pm »
*chuckles* :)

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2006, 02:44:30 am »


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Re: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2006, 06:57:22 am »
Acacea, I believe you forgot the "REAL" at the begnning of the password.  Clearly, this character wouldn't disregard ninja as a valuable aspect of his conquering might.


RE: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2006, 08:02:16 am »
darkwulf - To address your concerns...First if you'll read my submission you'll see Xandrial was not one of Vespar's parents. That would make Vespar a half-fiend or some such thing. No, Xandrial was a grandparent making Vespar a Tiefling. As for Xandrial being female, Vespar only knows what he was told by his parents, before they were slain when he was five of course. Also, he does of course have horns and a tail and that should have been self-evident and I was going to create the character like that in game and didn't see a need to mention it in the submission. Also, yes, he will have at least an 18 int (after adjustments) and does know many languages. Again I just assumed a GM would furnish him with the ears as needed in game due to his unique background. If nothing was given within an hour of creation I would of course file a report in the grievances section requesting the ears. But to be more specific, Vespar knows Common of course as everyone else. He also knows infernal which his parents taught him before they were killed by a band of adventurers traveling on Xantril. Triba killed his father and he's not sure who killed his mother as he was hiding and only five at the time. After his parents' death, he basically grew up on his own. One of the places he stayed was a nice cave not far from an entrance to the underdark. A drow name Xunrae met Vespar one day and seeing no reason not to was at first going to kill him. Once he realized Vespar's nature though and his heritage he thought he might be able to mold Vespar into a useful tool and took him under his wing. Xunrae taught Vespar Drow and Elven and since he was a highly intelligent wizard, he had also studied Draconic which he taught Vespar as well. The drow also had several svirfneblin slaves and as such both he and Vespar picked up Gnomish. Xunrae's house has a loose aliance with a band of Druegar and one of the Druegar raiding party leaders took a liking to Vespar and taught him dwarven though he speaks it with an accent of the Underdark. When Vespar was old enough, he decided he needed to adventure on his own which upset Xunrae's plans of using him. Vespar slit Xunrae's throat in the night and took off with his equipment and gold. (Note: He has a mitril sword with a level IV acid enchantment. Obviously he can't use it at level 1 but he'll want to use it later, so if he could have it to start or at least make a note he should have it once he is high enough level.)

I like your idea about the adjusted skin and I've sent several PMs to Dorganath and orth requesting them to get started right away modifying the Tiefling skin for Vespar.

I am glad to see that unlike darkwulf, Acacea understood all of what I wrote above was implied in my submission and she approved my character. There's just one thing. I tried logging into the server with information she gave and it wouldn't work. Should I just log into West like usual? It would probably make more sense to start on East, but I'll let you guys make that call.


RE: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2006, 08:16:37 am »
Our most sincere apologies on the delay here. We're taking extra time to make sure your character has all the feats and abilities that would be appropriate for a character of your unique lineage. Also, when your skin is ready, it will set your start point to your private fortress on Xantril, where you'll have access to nearly unlimited stores of healing, armors and weapons, not to mention rare and unique magical devices. I say "nearly unlimited" because we're running up against Bioware limitations, sadly.
  Per your 15th PM, your skin will cause you to gain XP at 10 times the rate of other characters, and your ECL has been set to -3 for these purposes as well. You'll have Regeneration +15 and 20/+5 DR, per your 9th and 14th PM.
  I ask that you have some patience as we implement this to ensure your rapid and complete domination of Layonara. In the mean time, I do believe my inbox can still support several dozen more messages, and I'll also PM you my home phone number so you can make more rapid requests.
  Have a nice day!


RE: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2006, 08:49:06 am »
Oh, sure... THIS gets approved while my submission for a third incarnation of Sinithar Bloodstone just languishes.  (And, by the way, can I please, please get this approved without all of that pesky "blood pool" nonsense this time?)

Bloody typical DM favoritism, if you ask me...


RE: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2006, 09:34:34 am »
Faldred - 10/6/2006  5:49 PM

Oh, sure... THIS gets approved while my submission for a third incarnation of Sinithar Bloodstone just languishes.  (And, by the way, can I please, please get this approved without all of that pesky "blood pool" nonsense this time?)

Bloody typical DM favoritism, if you ask me...

Faldred, please do not post in other people's char submissions.


Re: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2006, 10:05:48 am »
I'm going to have to reverse this approval.  Nice try vgn, but you and I both know Vespar Bloodborne is just an anagram for Bold Porno Beavers.

This is a family server. Denied

Thank you,


Re: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2006, 08:39:19 pm »
Well there goes my idea for a sentiant golem...


RE: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2006, 04:25:37 am »
Filatus - 10/6/2006  12:34 PM

Faldred, please do not post in other people's char submissions.

Yeah, right, change the subject.  Look, I don't care what you guys say, the handbook for the "evil overlord" class clearly says I can pick any two favored enemies.  Well, "Dragons" clearly works for the character bio, as does "Epic Level Bards".


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Re: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2006, 09:52:09 am »
Even though he was denied can I make a character who worships Vespar? I would like him to start in that fortress you were talking about.

Talan Va'lash

Re: Vespar Bloodborne
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2007, 08:32:41 pm »
Oh man, I just saw this for the first time... totally spit all over my screen *goes to get a paper towel.*