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Author Topic: Names, Where Do They Come From?  (Read 2651 times)


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    RE: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #40 on: July 28, 2005, 12:19:00 pm »
    I just use nwn char creation screen, Generatename... generate name...generate name ooooo that looks good, not to find a good matching last name... generate name... O:-)


    Re: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #41 on: February 27, 2007, 10:40:55 am »

    Well, Caelte is a transliteration of "Caoilte," who was a warrior in Finn's band, in Irish pagan mythology. The last name Amargein is a junction of words meaning "song" and "birth." :)


    Re: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #42 on: February 27, 2007, 10:52:26 am »
    Forum Name: Faldred -- just a name I've used for years, typically for Elvish characters (one day I will make and submit an Elven character, likely a Bard, with the name Faldred E'Tai

    Character Names: Zug -- actually started out in my mind as Rug (pronounced "roog" -- that's supposed to have a carat over the u, but I'm not sure how to do that on the boards), but I was afraid that people would pronounce it like "rug", i.e., the thing on the floor.  Variations like "Rhug" and "Ruug" were discared for the same reasons.  "Z" was just a random substitute, and I left it as an "ugh" sound.

    Aeoleth Ellyn -- made up name from one of my NWN single-player characters, a rogue/wizard/AA

    Ruh Zraht-hatubnot -- Orcish, roughly translated as "adopted child of the wolf"



    Re: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #43 on: February 27, 2007, 10:53:20 am »
    Hmm , Sounds fun.

    Lynn Juniper -- Middle name, Street name

    Kailyn Eleishion -- First character, taken from the greek/latin choir songs we always did. basically: Kyrie Eleison (lord have mercy)Well, and Kailyn was the name of my first boyfriend.

    Rhynn Saebhel -- Rhynn - Lynn -L +Rh. (I like Rs) Saebhel:
    Well, I was in school making the name, so it came out as
    *scribbled on a piece of paper* Shay...Say...Sae..Sae..Sae...*bell rings for next class* Saebel. And, because I shove Hs into places they don't belong, and wanted to eventually allude to the fact that this guy made Rhynn's life a living hell,  it became Saebhel.

    The rest just were made up randomly.


    Re: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #44 on: February 27, 2007, 01:12:11 pm »
    Stephen Zuckerman is my name. Ayup. That simple. I got tired of going by usernames that doubled as character names, etc. etc... So, I started using something much more separate from any of my characters.

    And yes, I'm checking LORE to find all of my characters. XD

    Pyyran Rahth: Well, I started off with Perrin, the name of a character from Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, and... Well, this way WAY back when I started playing PnP. I had used the name Perrin for lots of my characters before, and decided I didn't want to just blatantly rip the name. So I altered it, and, loving odd consonant/vowels, and doubled letters, it became Pyyran. Rahth I liked because it sounded neat, and had an unnecessary h in there.

    Cynn Reyer: I started making noises, and this popped out.

    Tyeaan: This is actually the in-game Elvish for Poet.

    Lora Fearshield: Lora was from making noises, and spelling it funny, as I like to do. Fearshield I thought sounded nice and strong.

    Bjosef Bourne: Another of those fun noises and love of unnecessary consonants.

    Barret Glib: I started thinking about Ballistae, which became Barrister, which I found out means lawyer. So I shortened it to Barret. Glib just because he's a bloody sneak. Or was.

    Ceviren Lightstaff: I'm not actually sure what Ceviren means in in-game elvish any more. I think Light? Glow? Something. Lightstaff... It was an Aeridinite thing.

    Grok: GROK SMASH!!!

    Merry Lark: Originally, the character's name was Robyn Derakin, whose sister I played on Narc's 3.5 server... Her name was Lark Derakin. Merideth is a name I saw elsewhere and liked (perhaps from Laurell K. Hamilton's fey series), and Lark seemed fitting.

    Lin Xu: It sounds kinda oriental. It might mean something naughty, but I wouldn't know. I don't speak anything not rooted in Latin or Germanic.

    Joshua Byrne: I like names with Js. I also like ys, and unnecessary letters. Thus was born Joshua Byrne.


    Re: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #45 on: February 27, 2007, 01:18:14 pm »
    *shrugs and starts writing*

    Sallaron Tempest - The anti-hero of dozens of short...long....and unfinished stories I've wrote from wee little toddler till now. Although not exactly RP'd how I wrote him, it's bloody close enough.

    Gak - Klingon kind of wormy food

    Sara Sezane - Totally made up....but sounds kinda cool I think. a bonus....she's cute


    Re: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #46 on: February 27, 2007, 01:23:15 pm »
    darkstorme - it sounded cool when I was in Grade six.  What?

    Kell Ereptor - I was re-reading the Wraith Squadron series of books, so the first name was probably lifted from that, and "Ereptor" means thief.  (I'm not creative, so sue me.)

    Therise Silverstar - Therise rhymes neatly with things, and, when combined with Silverstar, had the right number of syllables.  (Yes, I basically wrote her for her ballad.)


    Re: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #47 on: February 27, 2007, 01:27:16 pm »
    Shiff Dragonheart:  
    [INDENT]Shiff Is actually my real name (first middle last etc) chopped up and mixed together based on some Old "Make your own Jedi name" I found in a Lego Magazine. Dragonheart... Got that from the Movie... Gotten Love Draco and Bowen.[/INDENT]  Latherian Leefwalker:
    [INDENT]  Latherian was me trying to make a cool sounding name that MIGHT have been common in The Lord of the Rings. I basically took Lothlorein and kept saying it in different ways until Latherian Came out. Leefwalker... Well it was LEAFwalker, made sense for a Elf Ranger...
    [/INDENT]  Yukimura Hyoujin:
    [INDENT]  Yukimura is the name of a legendary Japanese Samurai (because there are other kinds  :p). Hyoujin means "Glistening Sword" in Japanese. I thought that was cool, so I put them together.  


    RE: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #48 on: February 28, 2007, 09:05:33 am »
    Desicardo: Printed on the shield of Ivanhoe said to mean "disinherited one"

    Armolas: Play off Legolas

    Tadashi: Name of an old friend from my SCA days who was actually very much like Tadashi in game.

    Hanibal: name of a mage I played in college for D&D and Fantasy Trip campaigns.  Nothing to do with Hanibal Lechter from the books.  Lots of attitude and penashe so I brought him back to life here.


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    RE: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #49 on: February 28, 2007, 06:14:34 pm »
    Larissa: My best friend in kindergarten. She always acts halflingish.

    Ash Willo: I watched a movie called Dream's Ashes when I was creating her. Willo cause I wanted her to be foresty. No 'w' cause I needed some oddity with her.

    Oh, and Zelda: Speaks for itself. A kick but girl with blonde hair that isnt sleazy at the same time.


    Re: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #50 on: February 28, 2007, 08:40:51 pm »
    Serissa is the name of a small tropical tree used for bonsai.  It has tiny white flowers, stinks when you cut it, and dies if you look at it cross-eyed. Seemed appropriate for me.

    Ferrit is because I have a ferret named Penny who rules the house.

    Sala was just a short easy sound byte.

    Black Cat

    Re: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #51 on: February 28, 2007, 10:52:21 pm »
    Xandrian - he's the son of XANa and aDRIAN
    Allean D'oremm- same thing but ALLia and AshEAN, D'oremm is an anagram of another name *grins*
    Grohin -  name is an adaptation of a dwarven name of Tolkien stories... written GrĂ²in (if I remember correctly)


    RE: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #52 on: March 01, 2007, 02:56:26 am »
    Kindo - It is a shortened form of Kindoffer, which basically is a made-up word meaning 'cheek-victim'. The current form, in turn, means 'cheek-o', I suppose. It stems back many a-years, when I was in sixth or seventh grade. I had big cheeks, okay?! In any case, I use it everywhere on the Internet.


    RE: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #53 on: March 01, 2007, 08:44:29 am »
    tubasolo was a word a friend and I put at the bottoms of our letters. Just for whatever heh.

    Sammas Gondo comes from "Samas" my very first D&D character back in 1975, he was a fighter as well. Gondo comes from "Gondol", a name I used for my favorite Middle Earth Role Play scout. Gondol means rock head in sindarin.


    Re: Names, Where Do They Come From?
    « Reply #54 on: March 01, 2007, 09:09:49 am »
    My forum name is a misspelling of Nyralathotep for two reasons, one being that on most boards the name was taken already and two I have always liked HP Lovecraft's books.

    My character names have no real significance since I made most of them up with a random name generator.  

    But Zup is the funniest one I came up with that way and I try and make him live up to it.